path: root/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-11-01 15:41:37 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-11-11 11:55:00 -0500
commitdb9921705a8038507335117ecaaeace1f3ac0b80 (patch)
treef053b4b931c3203d623d22beb195e3f01388c47f /src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v
parent56c498de53c503222806dfc2399a117802d1b290 (diff)
Update the post-bounds rewrite rules
They are all proven, and they work! To make this possible, we had to make casting commute with negation. After | File Name | Before || Change | % Change -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32m30.13s | Total | 32m17.70s || +0m12.42s | +0.64% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1m38.96s | Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesGood.vo | 1m23.70s || +0m15.26s | +18.23% 4m44.45s | Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.vo | 4m58.41s || -0m13.95s | -4.67% 2m08.47s | Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.vo | 1m56.27s || +0m12.19s | +10.49% 6m36.50s | p384_32.c | 6m42.34s || -0m05.84s | -1.45% 6m19.09s | Experiments/NewPipeline/SlowPrimeSynthesisExamples.vo | 6m15.11s || +0m03.97s | +1.06% 1m24.28s | Experiments/NewPipeline/Rewriter.vo | 1m20.87s || +0m03.40s | +4.21% 0m40.26s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m43.07s || -0m02.81s | -6.52% 1m57.38s | Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterWf2.vo | 1m59.36s || -0m01.98s | -1.65% 1m40.57s | Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.vo | 1m41.68s || -0m01.11s | -1.09% 0m42.80s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m41.59s || +0m01.20s | +2.90% 0m25.06s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas | 0m26.26s || -0m01.20s | -4.56% 0m18.78s | p256_32.c | 0m17.12s || +0m01.66s | +9.69% 0m18.49s | secp256k1_32.c | 0m17.05s || +0m01.43s | +8.44% 0m15.98s | Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterWf1.vo | 0m17.00s || -0m01.01s | -5.99% 0m08.04s | p224_32.c | 0m07.03s || +0m01.00s | +14.36% 0m39.70s | p521_32.c | 0m40.46s || -0m00.75s | -1.87% 0m33.03s | p521_64.c | 0m33.98s || -0m00.94s | -2.79% 0m23.34s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas | 0m22.79s || +0m00.55s | +2.41% 0m18.64s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas | 0m17.70s || +0m00.94s | +5.31% 0m14.98s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas | 0m14.20s || +0m00.78s | +5.49% 0m11.58s | p384_64.c | 0m11.49s || +0m00.08s | +0.78% 0m09.16s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery.ml | 0m09.29s || -0m00.12s | -1.39% 0m06.04s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas.ml | 0m06.01s || +0m00.03s | +0.49% 0m05.80s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery.hs | 0m05.85s || -0m00.04s | -0.85% 0m04.74s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas.hs | 0m04.36s || +0m00.37s | +8.71% 0m04.57s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas.ml | 0m04.91s || -0m00.33s | -6.92% 0m03.66s | Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas.hs | 0m03.55s || +0m00.11s | +3.09% 0m02.24s | curve25519_32.c | 0m02.29s || -0m00.04s | -2.18% 0m02.04s | p224_64.c | 0m01.86s || +0m00.17s | +9.67% 0m01.98s | secp256k1_64.c | 0m02.45s || -0m00.47s | -19.18% 0m01.97s | p256_64.c | 0m01.88s || +0m00.09s | +4.78% 0m01.49s | curve25519_64.c | 0m01.55s || -0m00.06s | -3.87% 0m01.40s | Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI.vo | 0m01.49s || -0m00.09s | -6.04% 0m01.30s | Experiments/NewPipeline/StandaloneHaskellMain.vo | 0m01.34s || -0m00.04s | -2.98% 0m01.26s | Experiments/NewPipeline/StandaloneOCamlMain.vo | 0m01.31s || -0m00.05s | -3.81% 0m01.10s | Experiments/NewPipeline/CompilersTestCases.vo | 0m01.12s || -0m00.02s | -1.78% 0m01.00s | Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterProofs.vo | 0m00.97s || +0m00.03s | +3.09%
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v
index b205acec1..e5d0e040f 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterRulesInterpGood.v
@@ -172,9 +172,28 @@ Module Compilers.
=> rewrite ident.cast_normalize
| [ H : context[ident.cast (ZRange.normalize ?r)] |- _ ]
=> rewrite ident.cast_normalize in H
+ | [ H : ?T, H' : ?T |- _ ] => clear H'
+ | [ H : context[is_bounded_by_bool _ (ZRange.normalize (-_))] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool_move_opp_normalize in H
+ | [ |- context[is_bounded_by_bool _ (ZRange.normalize (-_))] ]
+ => rewrite ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool_move_opp_normalize
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool ?v (ZRange.normalize ?r) = true |- context[ident.cast _ ?r ?v] ]
+ => rewrite (@ident.cast_in_normalized_bounds _ r v) by exact H
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool ?v (ZRange.normalize ?r) = true |- context[ident.cast _ (-?r) (-?v)] ]
+ => rewrite (@ident.cast_in_normalized_bounds _ (-r) (-v));
+ [ | clear -H ]
+ | [ |- context[ident.cast _ ?r (-ident.cast _ (-?r) ?v)] ]
+ => rewrite (ident.cast_in_normalized_bounds r (-ident.cast _ (-r) v))
+ by (rewrite <- ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool_move_opp_normalize; apply ident.cast_always_bounded)
+ | [ |- context[ident.cast _ ?r (ident.cast _ ?r _)] ]
+ => rewrite (@ident.cast_idempotent _ _ r)
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool _ ?r = true |- _]
+ => is_var r; unique pose proof (ZRange.is_bounded_by_normalize _ _ H)
+ | [ H : zrange * zrange |- _ ] => destruct H
| progress intros
| progress subst
+ | assumption
| progress inversion_option
| progress destruct_head'_and
| progress Z.ltb_to_lt
@@ -294,6 +313,7 @@ Module Compilers.
| break_innermost_match_hyps_step
| progress destruct_head'_or
| match goal with
+ | [ |- context[-ident.cast _ (-?r) (-?v)] ] => rewrite (ident.cast_opp' r v)
| [ |- context[ident.cast ?coor ?r ?v] ]
=> is_var v;
pose proof (@ident.cast_always_bounded coor r v);
@@ -304,6 +324,18 @@ Module Compilers.
generalize dependent (ident.cast coor r v); intros
| [ H : is_bounded_by_bool ?v ?r = true, H' : is_tighter_than_bool ?r ?r' = true |- _ ]
=> unique assert (is_bounded_by_bool v r' = true) by (eauto 2 using ZRange.is_bounded_by_of_is_tighter_than)
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool (-?v) ?r = true, H' : (-?r <=? ?r')%zrange = true |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (is_bounded_by_bool v r' = true)
+ by (apply (@ZRange.is_bounded_by_of_is_tighter_than _ _ H');
+ rewrite <- ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool_opp, ZRange.opp_involutive; exact H)
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool ?v (-?r) = true |- _ ]
+ => is_var v;
+ unique assert (is_bounded_by_bool (-v) r = true)
+ by now rewrite <- ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool_move_opp_normalize, ZRange.normalize_opp
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by_bool ?x r[0~>?v-1] = true |- _ ]
+ => progress (try unique assert (0 <= x); try unique assert (x <= v - 1));
+ [ clear -H; cbv [is_bounded_by_bool] in H; cbn [lower upper] in H; Bool.split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt; lia..
+ | ]
| match goal with
| [ H : context[expr.interp _ (UnderLets.interp _ (?f _ _ _))]
@@ -312,6 +344,7 @@ Module Compilers.
| [ |- context[Z.shiftl] ] => rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by auto with zarith
| [ |- context[Z.shiftr] ] => rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by auto with zarith
| [ |- context[Z.shiftl _ (-_)] ] => rewrite Z.shiftl_opp_r
+ | [ |- context[- - _] ] => rewrite Z.opp_involutive
| [ H : ?x = 2^Z.log2 ?x |- context[2^Z.log2 ?x] ] => rewrite <- H
| [ H : ?x = 2^?n |- context[Z.land _ (?x - 1)] ]
=> rewrite !Z.sub_1_r, H, <- Z.ones_equiv, Z.land_ones by auto with zarith
@@ -323,11 +356,33 @@ Module Compilers.
| [ |- _ = _ :> BinInt.Z ] => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_const
| [ |- ?f (?g (nat_rect _ _ _ ?n ?v)) = nat_rect _ _ _ ?n _ ]
=> revert v; is_var n; induction n; intro v; cbn [nat_rect]
+ | [ H : 0 <= ?x, H' : ?x <= ?r - 1 |- context[?x mod ?r] ]
+ => rewrite (Z.mod_small x r) by (clear -H H'; lia)
+ | [ H : 0 <= ?x, H' : ?x <= ?y - 1 |- context[?x / ?y] ]
+ => rewrite (Z.div_small x y) by (clear -H H'; lia)
| [ |- _ mod ?x = _ mod ?x ]
=> progress (push_Zmod; pull_Zmod)
| [ |- _ mod ?x = _ mod ?x ]
=> apply f_equal2; (lia + nia)
+ | [ |- context[-?x + ?y] ] => rewrite !Z.add_opp_l
+ | [ |- context[?n + - ?m] ] => rewrite !Z.add_opp_r
+ | [ |- context[?n - - ?m] ] => rewrite !Z.sub_opp_r
+ | [ |- ?f (?a mod ?r) = ?f (?b mod ?r) ] => apply f_equal; apply f_equal2; lia
+ | [ |- context[-?a - ?b + ?c] ] => replace (-a - b + c) with (c - a - b) by (clear; lia)
+ | [ |- context[?x - ?y + ?z] ]
+ => lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[z - y + x] ]
+ => progress replace (z - y + x) with (x - y + z) by (clear; lia)
+ end
+ | [ |- context[?x - ?y - ?z] ]
+ => lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[x - z - y] ]
+ => progress replace (x - z - y) with (x - y - z) by (clear; lia)
+ end
+ | [ |- - ident.cast _ (-?r) (- (?x / ?y)) = ident.cast _ ?r (?x' / ?y) ]
+ => tryif constr_eq x x' then fail else replace x with x' by lia
| [ |- _ = _ :> BinInt.Z ] => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_fast
+ | [ |- ident.cast _ ?r _ = ident.cast _ ?r _ ] => apply f_equal; Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; nia
end ].
Lemma nbe_rewrite_rules_interp_good
@@ -337,9 +392,6 @@ Module Compilers.
Time all: repeat interp_good_t_step.
- Axiom proof_admitted : False.
- Local Notation admit := (match proof_admitted with end).
Lemma arith_rewrite_rules_interp_good max_const
: rewrite_rules_interp_goodT (arith_rewrite_rules max_const).
Proof using Type.
@@ -351,119 +403,7 @@ Module Compilers.
: rewrite_rules_interp_goodT arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules.
Proof using Type.
Time start_interp_good.
- Time all: try solve [ repeat interp_good_t_step; (lia + nia) ].
- (* This is mainly for display *)
- all: repeat first [ progress cbn [Compile.value' Compile.reify] in *
- | progress subst
- | match goal with
- | [ H : context[expr.interp ?ii ?v] |- _ ]
- => is_var v; generalize dependent (expr.interp ii v); clear v; intro v; intros
- | [ |- context[expr.interp ?ii ?v] ]
- => is_var v; generalize dependent (expr.interp ii v); clear v; intro v; intros
- end ].
- (* 9 subgoals (ID 32915)
- cast_outside_of_range : zrange -> Z -> Z
- max_const, x, x0 : Z
- v1 : expr (type.base base.type.Z)
- ============================
- match
- (x1 <- rwhen (Some (v1, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x0 =? 1);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x1))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.mul_split x x0 (expr.interp ident_interp v1)
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 2 (ID 32967) is:
- match
- (x1 <- rwhen (Some (v1, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x0 =? 1);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x1))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.mul_split x (expr.interp ident_interp v1) x0
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 3 (ID 33019) is:
- match
- (x1 <- rwhen (Some ((- v1)%expr, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x0 =? -1);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x1))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.mul_split x x0 (expr.interp ident_interp v1)
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 4 (ID 33071) is:
- match
- (x1 <- rwhen (Some ((- v1)%expr, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x0 =? -1);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x1))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.mul_split x (expr.interp ident_interp v1) x0
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 5 (ID 33168) is:
- match
- (x0 <- rwhen (Some (v0, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x =? 0);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x0))%option
- with
- | Some v1 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v1) =
- Z.add_get_carry_full v2 x (expr.interp ident_interp v0)
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 6 (ID 33265) is:
- match
- (x0 <- rwhen (Some (v0, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) (x =? 0);
- Some (UnderLets.Base x0))%option
- with
- | Some v1 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v1) =
- Z.add_get_carry_full v2 (expr.interp ident_interp v0) x
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 7 (ID 33320) is:
- match
- (x2 <- rwhen (Some (v1, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) ((x0 =? 0) && (x1 =? 0));
- Some (UnderLets.Base x2))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.add_with_get_carry_full x x0 x1 (expr.interp ident_interp v1)
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 8 (ID 33376) is:
- match
- (x2 <- rwhen (Some (v1, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat) ((x0 =? 0) && (x1 =? 0));
- Some (UnderLets.Base x2))%option
- with
- | Some v0 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v0) =
- Z.add_with_get_carry_full x x0 (expr.interp ident_interp v1) x1
- | None => True
- end
-subgoal 9 (ID 33473) is:
- match
- rwhenl
- (Some
- (UnderLets.UnderLet
- (#(ident.Z_add_with_get_carry)%expr @ v1 @ v0 @ (##x)%expr @ (##x0)%expr)%expr_pat
- (fun vc : Z * Z =>
- UnderLets.Base (#(ident.fst)%expr @ ($vc)%expr, (##0)%expr)%expr_pat)))
- ((x =? 0) && (x0 =? 0))
- with
- | Some v2 =>
- expr.interp ident_interp (UnderLets.interp ident_interp v2) =
- Z.add_with_get_carry_full (expr.interp ident_interp v1) (expr.interp ident_interp v0) x x0
- | None => True
- end
- *)
- 1-9: exact admit.
+ Time all: try solve [ repeat interp_good_t_step; Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; (lia + nia) ].
Local Ltac fancy_local_t :=
@@ -473,6 +413,9 @@ subgoal 9 (ID 33473) is:
| progress autorewrite with zsimplify in * ].
+ Axiom proof_admitted : False.
+ Local Notation admit := (match proof_admitted with end).
Lemma fancy_rewrite_rules_interp_good
(invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
(Hlow : forall s v v', invert_low s v = Some v' -> v = Z.land v' (2^(s/2)-1))