path: root/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-04 14:35:43 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2017-04-04 16:05:55 -0400
commit331fe3fcfb27d87dcfb0585ced3c051f19aaedf2 (patch)
treea9af1a7f8bba3fb1f6e7d1610ca1553f5e5f23c2 /src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
parent6cba3c4e0572e9d917d3578c39f4f85cd3799b54 (diff)
Add [Proof using] to most proofs
This closes #146 and makes `make quick` faster. The changes were generated by adding [Global Set Suggest Proof Using.] to GlobalSettings.v, and then following [the instructions for a script I wrote](https://github.com/JasonGross/coq-tools#proof-using-helper).
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v b/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
index 76d9cfa4f..033ed9363 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Module F.
Global Instance Proper_div :
Proper (_==_ ==> _==_ ==> _==_) div.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
unfold div; repeat intro.
repeat match goal with
| [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; clear H
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Module F.
Global Instance Proper_pow_pos : Proper (_==_==>eq==>_==_) pow_pos.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Rr.
cut (forall n (y x : F), x == y -> pow_pos x n == pow_pos y n);
[repeat intro; subst; eauto|].
induction n; simpl; intros; trivial;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Module F.
Global Instance Propper_powZ : Proper (_==_==>eq==>_==_) powZ.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
repeat intro; subst; unfold powZ.
match goal with |- context[match ?x with _ => _ end] => destruct x end;
repeat (eapply Proper_pow_pos || f_equiv; trivial).
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ Module F.
Import Coq.setoid_ring.Field_theory Coq.setoid_ring.Field_tac.
Lemma field_theory_for_tactic : field_theory 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _/_ inv _==_.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
split; repeat constructor; repeat intro; gen_rewrite; try cring;
eauto using field_one_neq_zero, field_inv_def. Qed.
Import Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_theory Coq.setoid_ring.NArithRing.
Lemma power_theory_for_tactic : power_theory 1 _*_ _==_ NtoZ power.
- Proof. constructor; destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Proof using Rr. constructor; destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
Create HintDb field_nonzero discriminated.
Hint Resolve field_one_neq_zero : field_nonzero.
@@ -107,10 +107,12 @@ Module F.
power_tac power_theory_for_tactic [field_power_isconst]).
Lemma div_mul_idemp_l : forall a b, (a==0 -> False) -> a*b/a == b.
- Proof. intros. field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros. field. Qed.
Context {eq_dec:forall x y : F, {x==y}+{x==y->False}}.
Lemma mul_zero_why : forall a b, a*b == 0 -> a == 0 \/ b == 0.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros; destruct (eq_dec a 0); intuition.
assert (a * b / a == 0) by
(match goal with [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; field end).
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ Module F.
Import Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
Global Instance Integral_domain_Field : Integral_domain (R:=F).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
constructor; intros; eauto using mul_zero_why, field_one_neq_zero.
@@ -150,12 +152,12 @@ Module F.
Hint Extern 5 (_ == _) => field_nsatz : field.
Hint Extern 5 (_ <-> _) => split.
- Lemma mul_inv_l : forall x, not (x == 0) -> inv x * x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_inv_l : forall x, not (x == 0) -> inv x * x == 1. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma mul_inv_r : forall x, not (x == 0) -> x * inv x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_inv_r : forall x, not (x == 0) -> x * inv x == 1. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma mul_cancel_r' (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> x * z == y * z -> x == y.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
assert (x * z * inv z == y * z * inv z) by
(match goal with [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; auto with field end).
@@ -165,28 +167,28 @@ Module F.
Lemma mul_cancel_r (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (x * z == y * z <-> x == y).
- Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r' in Heq; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r' in Heq; eauto with field. Qed.
Lemma mul_cancel_l (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (z * x == z * y <-> x == y).
- Proof. intros;split;intros; try eapply mul_cancel_r; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros;split;intros; try eapply mul_cancel_r; eauto with field. Qed.
Lemma mul_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (x*z == z <-> x == 1).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros;split;intros Heq; [|nsatz].
pose proof ring_mul_1_l z as Hz; rewrite <- Hz in Heq at 2; rewrite mul_cancel_r in Heq; eauto.
Lemma mul_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (z*x == z <-> x == 1).
- Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r_eq; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r_eq; eauto with field. Qed.
- Lemma inv_unique (a:F) : forall x y, x * a == 1 -> y * a == 1 -> x == y. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_unique (a:F) : forall x y, x * a == 1 -> y * a == 1 -> x == y. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma mul_nonzero_nonzero (a b:F) : not (a == 0) -> not (b == 0) -> not (a*b == 0).
- Proof. intros; intro Hab. destruct (mul_zero_why _ _ Hab); auto. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros; intro Hab. destruct (mul_zero_why _ _ Hab); auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve mul_nonzero_nonzero : field_nonzero.
Lemma inv_nonzero (x:F) : not(x == 0) -> not(inv x==0).
- Proof.
+ Proof using H.
intros Hx Hi.
assert (Hc:not (inv x*x==0)) by (rewrite field_inv_def; eauto with field_nonzero); contradict Hc.
ring [Hi].
@@ -194,32 +196,32 @@ Module F.
Hint Resolve inv_nonzero : field_nonzero.
Lemma div_nonzero (x y:F) : not(x==0) -> not(y==0) -> not(x/y==0).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
unfold division, div_notation, div; auto with field_nonzero.
Hint Resolve div_nonzero : field_nonzero.
Lemma pow_pos_nonzero (x:F) p : not(x==0) -> not(Ncring.pow_pos x p == 0).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros; induction p using Pos.peano_ind; try assumption; [].
rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; eauto using mul_nonzero_nonzero.
Hint Resolve pow_pos_nonzero : field_nonzero.
- Lemma sub_diag_iff (x y:F) : x - y == 0 <-> x == y. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma sub_diag_iff (x y:F) : x - y == 0 <-> x == y. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma mul_same (x:F) : x*x == x^2%Z. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_same (x:F) : x*x == x^2%Z. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma inv_mul (x y:F) : not(x==0) -> not (y==0) -> inv (x*y) == inv x * inv y.
- Proof. intros;field;intuition. Qed.
+ Proof using H. intros;field;intuition. Qed.
- Lemma pow_0_r (x:F) : x^0 == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma pow_1_r : forall x:F, x^1%Z == x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma pow_2_r : forall x:F, x^2%Z == x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma pow_3_r : forall x:F, x^3%Z == x*x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_0_r (x:F) : x^0 == 1. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_1_r : forall x:F, x^1%Z == x. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_2_r : forall x:F, x^2%Z == x*x. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_3_r : forall x:F, x^3%Z == x*x*x. Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma pow_succ_r (x:F) (n:Z) : not (x==0)\/(n>=0)%Z -> x^(n+1) == x * x^n.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros Hnz; unfold power, powZ, power_field, powZ; destruct n eqn:HSn.
- simpl; ring.
- setoid_rewrite <-Pos2Z.inj_succ; rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; ring.
@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ Module F.
Lemma pow_pred_r (x:F) (n:Z) : not (x==0) -> x^(n-1) == x^n/x.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros; unfold power, powZ, power_field, powZ; destruct n eqn:HSn.
- simpl. rewrite unfold_div; field.
- destruct (Z.pos p - 1) eqn:Hn.
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ Module F.
|| setoid_rewrite pow_pred_r).
Lemma pow_mul (x y:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0)/\not(y==0)\/(n>=0)%Z -> (x * y)^n == x^n * y^n.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end.
{ repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
- intros; cbv [power power_field powZ]; ring.
@@ -262,6 +264,8 @@ Module F.
Lemma pow_nonzero (x:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0) -> not(x^n==0).
+ Proof using Type*.
match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end; intros; pow_peano;
eauto with field_nonzero.
{ repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
@@ -269,6 +273,8 @@ Module F.
Hint Resolve pow_nonzero : field_nonzero.
Lemma pow_inv (x:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0) -> inv x^n == inv (x^n).
+ Proof using Type*.
match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end.
{ repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
- intros; cbv [power power_field powZ]. field; eauto with field_nonzero.
@@ -279,56 +285,58 @@ Module F.
Lemma pow_0_l : forall n, (n>0)%Z -> (0:F)^n==0.
+ Proof using Type*.
match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end; intros; try omega.
{ repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r; [auto with field|right;omega].
Lemma pow_div (x y:F) (n:Z) : not (y==0) -> not(x==0)\/(n >= 0)%Z -> (x/y)^n == x^n/y^n.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros Hy Hxn. unfold division, div_notation, div.
rewrite pow_mul, pow_inv; try field; destruct Hxn; auto with field_nonzero.
Hint Extern 3 (_ >= _)%Z => omega : field_nonzero.
Lemma issquare_mul (x y z:F) : not (y == 0) -> x^2%Z == z * y^2%Z -> (x/y)^2%Z == z.
- Proof. intros. rewrite pow_div by (auto with field_nonzero); auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. intros. rewrite pow_div by (auto with field_nonzero); auto with field. Qed.
Lemma issquare_mul_sub (x y z:F) : 0 == z*y^2%Z - x^2%Z -> (x/y)^2%Z == z \/ x == 0.
- Proof. destruct (eq_dec y 0); [right|left]; auto using issquare_mul with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. destruct (eq_dec y 0); [right|left]; auto using issquare_mul with field. Qed.
Lemma div_mul : forall x y z : F, not(y==0) -> (z == (x / y) <-> z * y == x).
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using H. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma div_1_r : forall x : F, x/1 == x.
- Proof. eauto with field field_nonzero. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. eauto with field field_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma div_1_l : forall x : F, not(x==0) -> 1/x == inv x.
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma div_opp_l : forall x y, not (y==0) -> (-_ x) / y == -_ (x / y).
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma div_opp_r : forall x y, not (y==0) -> x / (-_ y) == -_ (x / y).
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma eq_opp_zero : forall x : F, (~ 1 + 1 == (0:F)) -> (x == -_ x <-> x == 0).
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma add_cancel_l : forall x y z:F, z+x == z+y <-> x == y.
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma add_cancel_r : forall x y z:F, x+z == y+z <-> x == y.
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma add_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, x+z == z <-> x == 0.
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma add_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, z+x == z <-> x == 0.
- Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Proof using Type*. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma sqrt_solutions : forall x y:F, y ^ 2%Z == x ^ 2%Z -> y == x \/ y == -_ x.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type*.
intros ? ? squares_eq.
remember (y - x) as z eqn:Heqz.
assert (y == x + z) as Heqy by (subst; ring); rewrite Heqy in *; clear Heqy Heqz.