path: root/src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-08 04:21:38 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-09 22:49:02 -0500
commit3ca227f1137e6a3b65bc33f5689e1c230d591595 (patch)
treee1e5a2dd2a2f34f239d3276227ddbdc69eeeb667 /src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v
parent3ec21c64b3682465ca8e159a187689b207c71de4 (diff)
remove old pipeline
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v b/src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc739dcb..000000000
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/Syntax.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-(** * PHOAS Syntax for expression trees on ℤ *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import bbv.WordScope.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartMap.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.TypeUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.IdfunWithAlt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil. (* for nat_beq for equality schemes *)
-Export Syntax.Notations.
-Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
-Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
-Inductive base_type := TZ | TWord (logsz : nat).
-Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ).
-Local Notation tWord logsz := (Tbase (TWord logsz)).
-Inductive op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Type :=
-| OpConst {T} (z : Z) : op Unit (Tbase T)
-| Add T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Sub T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Mul T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Shl T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Shr T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Land T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Lor T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Opp T Tout : op (Tbase T) (Tbase Tout)
-| IdWithAlt T1 T2 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout)
-| Zselect T1 T2 T3 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2 * Tbase T3) (Tbase Tout)
-| MulSplit (bitwidth : Z) T1 T2 Tout1 Tout2 : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2) (Tbase Tout1 * Tbase Tout2)
-| AddWithCarry T1 T2 T3 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2 * Tbase T3) (Tbase Tout)
-| AddWithGetCarry (bitwidth : Z) T1 T2 T3 Tout1 Tout2 : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2 * Tbase T3) (Tbase Tout1 * Tbase Tout2)
-| SubWithBorrow T1 T2 T3 Tout : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2 * Tbase T3) (Tbase Tout)
-| SubWithGetBorrow (bitwidth : Z) T1 T2 T3 Tout1 Tout2 : op (Tbase T1 * Tbase T2 * Tbase T3) (Tbase Tout1 * Tbase Tout2)
-Definition interp_base_type (v : base_type) : Type :=
- match v with
- | TZ => Z
- | TWord logsz => wordT logsz
- end.
-Definition interpToZ {t} : interp_base_type t -> Z
- := match t with
- | TZ => fun x => x
- | TWord _ => wordToZ
- end.
-Definition ZToInterp {t} : Z -> interp_base_type t
- := match t return Z -> interp_base_type t with
- | TZ => fun x => x
- | TWord _ => ZToWord
- end.
-Definition cast_const {t1 t2} (v : interp_base_type t1) : interp_base_type t2
- := ZToInterp (interpToZ v).
-Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
-Local Notation eta3 x := (eta (fst x), snd x).
-Local Notation eta4 x := (eta3 (fst x), snd x).
-Definition lift_op {src dst}
- (srcv:=SmartValf (fun _ => base_type) (fun t => t) src)
- (dstv:=SmartValf (fun _ => base_type) (fun t => t) dst)
- (ff:=fun t0 (v : interp_flat_type _ t0) t => SmartFlatTypeMap (var':=fun _ => base_type) (fun _ _ => t) v)
- (srcf:=ff src srcv) (dstf:=ff dst dstv)
- (srcZ:=srcf TZ) (dstZ:=dstf TZ)
- (opZ : interp_flat_type interp_base_type srcZ -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dstZ)
- : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src
- -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
- := fun xy
- => SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp
- (fun _ _ => cast_const)
- (opZ (SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 (fun _ _ => cast_const) _ xy)).
-Definition Zinterp_op src dst (f : op src dst)
- (asZ := fun t0 => SmartFlatTypeMap (var':=fun _ => base_type) (fun _ _ => TZ) (SmartValf (fun _ => base_type) (fun t => t) t0))
- : interp_flat_type interp_base_type (asZ src) -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type (asZ dst)
- := match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type (asZ src) -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type (asZ dst) with
- | OpConst _ v => fun _ => cast_const (t1:=TZ) v
- | Add _ _ _ => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy
- | Sub _ _ _ => fun xy => fst xy - snd xy
- | Mul _ _ _ => fun xy => fst xy * snd xy
- | Shl _ _ _ => fun xy => Z.shiftl (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Shr _ _ _ => fun xy => Z.shiftr (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Land _ _ _ => fun xy => Z.land (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Lor _ _ _ => fun xy => Z.lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Opp _ _ => fun x => Z.opp x
- | IdWithAlt _ _ _ => fun xy => id_with_alt (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Zselect _ _ _ _ => fun ctf => let '(c, t, f) := eta3 ctf in Z.zselect c t f
- | MulSplit bitwidth _ _ _ _ => fun xy => Z.mul_split_at_bitwidth bitwidth (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | AddWithCarry _ _ _ _ => fun cxy => let '(c, x, y) := eta3 cxy in Z.add_with_carry c x y
- | AddWithGetCarry bitwidth _ _ _ _ _ => fun cxy => let '(c, x, y) := eta3 cxy in Z.add_with_get_carry bitwidth c x y
- | SubWithBorrow _ _ _ _ => fun cxy => let '(c, x, y) := eta3 cxy in Z.sub_with_borrow c x y
- | SubWithGetBorrow bitwidth _ _ _ _ _ => fun cxy => let '(c, x, y) := eta3 cxy in Z.sub_with_get_borrow bitwidth c x y
- end%Z.
-Definition interp_op src dst (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
- := lift_op (Zinterp_op src dst f).
-Notation Expr := (Expr base_type op).
-Notation Interp := (Interp interp_op).