path: root/src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v
diff options
authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-04-06 22:53:07 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-04-06 22:53:07 -0400
commitc9fc5a3cdf1f5ea2d104c150c30d1b1a6ac64239 (patch)
treedb7187f6984acff324ca468e7b33d9285806a1eb /src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v
parent21198245dab432d3c0ba2bb8a02254e7d0594382 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v b/src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd8a2e720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Compilers/Named/MapCastWf.v
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+Require Import Coq.Bool.Sumbool.
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartMap.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Relations.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextDefinitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextProperties.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextProperties.SmartMap.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Wf.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.MapCast.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.PointedProp.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
+Local Open Scope nexpr_scope.
+Section language.
+ Context {base_type_code : Type}
+ {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}
+ {Name : Type}
+ {interp_base_type_bounds : base_type_code -> Type}
+ (interp_op_bounds : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds dst)
+ (pick_typeb : forall t, interp_base_type_bounds t -> base_type_code).
+ Local Notation pick_type t v := (SmartFlatTypeMap pick_typeb (t:=t) v).
+ Context (cast_op : forall t tR (opc : op t tR) args_bs,
+ op (pick_type _ args_bs) (pick_type _ (interp_op_bounds t tR opc args_bs)))
+ {BoundsContext : Context Name interp_base_type_bounds}
+ (BoundsContextOk : ContextOk BoundsContext)
+ {interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type}
+ (interp_op : forall src dst,
+ op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst)
+ {FullContext : Context Name (fun t => { b : interp_base_type_bounds t & interp_base_type (pick_typeb t b) }%type)}
+ (FullContextOk : ContextOk FullContext)
+ {Context : Context Name interp_base_type}
+ (ContextOk : ContextOk Context)
+ (base_type_dec : DecidableRel (@eq base_type_code))
+ (Name_dec : DecidableRel (@eq Name)).
+ Local Notation mapf_cast := (@mapf_cast _ op Name _ interp_op_bounds pick_typeb cast_op BoundsContext).
+ Local Notation map_cast := (@map_cast _ op Name _ interp_op_bounds pick_typeb cast_op BoundsContext).
+ Local Ltac handle_options_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | _ => progress inversion_option
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _ |- context[?x] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : ?x = None |- context[?x] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ | [ H : ?x = None, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ | [ H : Some _ <> None \/ _ |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : Some ?x <> Some ?y |- _ ] => assert (x <> y) by congruence; clear H
+ | [ H : None <> Some _ |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : Some _ <> None |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : ?x <> ?x \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H; [ exfalso; apply H; reflexivity | ]
+ | [ H : _ \/ None = Some _ |- _ ] => destruct H; [ | exfalso; clear -H; congruence ]
+ | [ H : _ \/ Some _ = None |- _ ] => destruct H; [ | exfalso; clear -H; congruence ]
+ | [ H : ?x = Some ?y, H' : ?x = Some ?y' |- _ ]
+ => assert (y = y') by congruence; (subst y' || subst y)
+ | _ => progress simpl @option_map
+ | _ => progress unfold option_map in *
+ end.
+ Local Ltac handle_lookupb_step_extra := fail.
+ Local Ltac handle_lookupb_step :=
+ let do_eq_dec dec t t' :=
+ first [ constr_eq t t'; fail 1
+ | lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : t = t' |- _ ] => fail 1
+ | [ H : t <> t' |- _ ] => fail 1
+ | [ H : t = t' -> False |- _ ] => fail 1
+ | _ => destruct (dec t t')
+ end ] in
+ let do_type_dec := do_eq_dec base_type_dec in
+ match goal with
+ | _ => progress unfold dec in *
+ | _ => handle_options_step
+ (* preprocess *)
+ | [ H : context[lookupb (extend _ _ _) _] |- _ ]
+ => first [ rewrite (fun C => lookupb_extend C base_type_dec Name_dec) in H by assumption
+ | setoid_rewrite (fun C => lookupb_extend C base_type_dec Name_dec) in H; [ | assumption.. ] ]
+ | [ |- context[lookupb (extend _ _ _) _] ]
+ => first [ rewrite (fun C => lookupb_extend C base_type_dec Name_dec) by assumption
+ | setoid_rewrite (fun C => lookupb_extend C base_type_dec Name_dec); [ | assumption.. ] ]
+ | _ => progress subst
+ (* handle multiple hypotheses *)
+ | [ H : find_Name _ ?n ?N = Some ?t', H'' : context[find_Name_and_val _ _ ?t ?n ?N ?x ?default] |- _ ]
+ => do_type_dec t t'
+ (* clear the default value *)
+ | [ H : context[find_Name_and_val ?tdec ?ndec ?t ?n (T:=?T) ?N ?V ?default] |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch default with None => fail | _ => idtac end;
+ rewrite find_Name_and_val_split in H
+ (* generic handlers *)
+ | [ H : find_Name _ ?n ?N = Some ?t', H' : ?t <> ?t', H'' : context[find_Name_and_val _ _ ?t ?n ?N ?x ?default] |- _ ]
+ => erewrite find_Name_and_val_wrong_type in H'' by eassumption
+ | [ H : context[find_Name _ _ (SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 _ _ _)] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite find_Name_SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 with (base_type_code_dec:=base_type_dec) in H
+ | [ H : find_Name_and_val _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = None |- _ ]
+ => apply find_Name_and_val_None_iff in H
+ | _ => progress handle_lookupb_step_extra
+ (* destructers *)
+ | [ |- context[find_Name_and_val ?tdec ?ndec ?t ?n ?N ?V ?default] ]
+ => destruct (find_Name_and_val tdec ndec t n N V default) eqn:?
+ | [ H : context[match find_Name_and_val ?tdec ?ndec ?t ?n ?N ?V ?default with _ => _ end] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (find_Name_and_val tdec ndec t n N V default) eqn:?
+ | [ H : context[match find_Name ?ndec ?n ?N with _ => _ end] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (find_Name ndec n N) eqn:?
+ | [ H : context[match base_type_dec ?x ?y with _ => _ end] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (base_type_dec x y)
+ | [ H : context[match Name_dec ?x ?y with _ => _ end] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (Name_dec x y)
+ end.
+ Local Ltac handle_exists_in_goal :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- exists v, Some ?k = Some v /\ @?B v ]
+ => exists k; split; [ reflexivity | ]
+ | [ |- exists v, Some ?k = Some v ]
+ => exists k; reflexivity
+ | [ |- (exists v, None = Some v /\ @?B v) ]
+ => exfalso
+ | [ |- ?A /\ (exists v, Some ?k = Some v /\ @?B v) ]
+ => cut (A /\ B k); [ clear; solve [ intuition eauto ] | cbv beta ]
+ | [ |- ?A /\ (exists v, None = Some v /\ @?B v) ]
+ => exfalso
+ end.
+ Local Ltac specializer_t_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : ?T, H' : ?T |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : forall x, Some _ = Some x -> _ |- _ ] => specialize (H _ eq_refl)
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _, IH : forall a b c, ?x = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (IH _ _ _ H)
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _, IH : forall a b, ?x = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (IH _ _ H)
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _, IH : forall a, ?x = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (IH _ H)
+ | [ H : forall t n x y z, lookupb ?ctx n = _ -> _, H' : lookupb ?ctx ?n' = _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ _ _ _ _ H')
+ | [ H : forall t n x y, lookupb ?ctx n = _ -> _, H' : lookupb ?ctx ?n' = _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ _ _ _ H')
+ | [ H : forall t n v, lookupb ?ctx n = _ -> _, H' : lookupb ?ctx ?n' = _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ _ _ H')
+ | _ => progress specialize_by auto
+ end.
+ Local Ltac break_t_step :=
+ first [ progress subst
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress inversion_prod
+ | progress inversion_sigma
+ | progress autorewrite with push_prop_of_option in *
+ | progress break_match_hyps ].
+ Local Ltac do_specialize_IHe_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ IH : context[mapf_cast _ ?e], H' : mapf_cast ?ctx ?e = _ |- _ ]
+ => let check_tac _ := (rewrite H' in IH) in
+ first [ specialize (IH ctx); check_tac ()
+ | specialize (fun a => IH a ctx); check_tac ()
+ | specialize (fun a b => IH a b ctx); check_tac () ]
+ | [ H : forall x y z w, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => first [ specialize (H _ _ _ _ eq_refl)
+ | specialize (fun x y => H x y _ _ eq_refl) ]
+ | [ H : forall x y z, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => first [ specialize (H _ _ _ eq_refl)
+ | specialize (fun x => H x _ _ eq_refl) ]
+ | [ H : forall x y, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => first [ specialize (H _ _ eq_refl)
+ | specialize (fun x => H x _ eq_refl) ]
+ | _ => progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | [ H : forall a b, prop_of_option (Named.wff a ?e) -> _, H' : prop_of_option (Named.wff _ ?e) |- _ ]
+ => specialize (fun b => H _ b H')
+ | [ H : forall b v, _ -> prop_of_option (Named.wff b ?e) |- prop_of_option (Named.wff ?ctx ?e) ]
+ => specialize (H ctx)
+ | [ H : forall b v, _ -> _ -> prop_of_option (Named.wff b ?e) |- prop_of_option (Named.wff ?ctx ?e) ]
+ => specialize (H ctx)
+ | [ H : forall a b, _ -> _ -> _ -> prop_of_option (Named.wff b ?e) |- prop_of_option (Named.wff ?ctx ?e) ]
+ => specialize (fun a => H a ctx)
+ | [ H : forall a b, prop_of_option (Named.wff a ?e) -> _, H' : forall v, prop_of_option (Named.wff _ ?e) |- _ ]
+ => specialize (fun b v => H _ b (H' v))
+ end.
+ Ltac do_specialize_IHe := repeat do_specialize_IHe_step.
+ Definition make_fContext_value {t} {b : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds t}
+ (v : interp_flat_type interp_base_type (pick_type t b))
+ : interp_flat_type
+ (fun t => { b : interp_base_type_bounds t & interp_base_type (pick_typeb t b)})
+ t
+ := SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2
+ (fun t b (v : interp_flat_type _ (Tbase _))
+ => existT (fun b => interp_base_type (pick_typeb t b)) b v)
+ v.
+ Local Ltac t_step :=
+ first [ progress intros
+ | progress simpl in *
+ | break_t_step
+ | handle_lookupb_step
+ | handle_exists_in_goal
+ | apply conj
+ | solve [ auto | exfalso; auto ]
+ | specializer_t_step
+ | progress do_specialize_IHe
+ | match goal with
+ | [ IH : forall v, _ -> ?T, v' : interp_flat_type _ _ |- ?T ]
+ => apply (IH (make_fContext_value v')); clear IH
+ end ].
+ Local Ltac t := repeat t_step.
+ Lemma find_Name_and_val_make_fContext_value_Some {T}
+ {N : interp_flat_type (fun _ : base_type_code => Name) T}
+ {B : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds T}
+ {V : interp_flat_type interp_base_type (pick_type T B)}
+ {n : Name}
+ {t : base_type_code}
+ {v : { b : interp_base_type_bounds t & interp_base_type (pick_typeb t b)}}
+ {b}
+ (Hn : find_Name Name_dec n N = Some t)
+ (Hf : find_Name_and_val base_type_dec Name_dec t n N (make_fContext_value V) None = Some v)
+ (Hb : find_Name_and_val base_type_dec Name_dec t n N B None = Some b)
+ (N' := SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 (var'':=fun _ => Name) (f:=pick_typeb) (fun _ _ n => n) _ N)
+ : b = projT1 v /\ find_Name_and_val base_type_dec Name_dec (pick_typeb t (projT1 v)) n N' V None = Some (projT2 v).
+ Proof using Type.
+ eapply (find_Name_and_val_SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2_Some_Some base_type_dec Name_dec (h:=@projT1 _ _) (i:=@projT2 _ _) (f:=pick_typeb) (g:=fun _ => existT _));
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Local Ltac handle_lookupb_step_extra ::=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : find_Name _ ?n ?N = Some ?t,
+ H' : find_Name_and_val _ _ ?t ?n ?N (@make_fContext_value ?T ?B ?v) None = Some ?v',
+ H'' : find_Name_and_val _ _ ?t ?n ?N ?B None = Some _
+ |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (find_Name_and_val_make_fContext_value_Some H H' H''); clear H'
+ end.
+ Lemma wff_mapf_cast
+ {t} (e:exprf base_type_code op Name t)
+ : forall
+ (fValues:FullContext)
+ (newValues:Context)
+ (varBounds:BoundsContext)
+ {b} e' (He':mapf_cast varBounds e = Some (existT _ b e'))
+ (Hwf : prop_of_option (Named.wff fValues e))
+ (Hctx:forall {t} n v,
+ lookupb (t:=t) fValues n = Some v
+ -> lookupb (t:=t) varBounds n = Some (projT1 v)
+ /\ lookupb (t:=pick_typeb t (projT1 v)) newValues n = Some (projT2 v)),
+ prop_of_option (Named.wff newValues e').
+ Proof using BoundsContextOk ContextOk FullContextOk Name_dec base_type_dec. induction e; t. Qed.
+ Lemma wf_map_cast
+ {t} (e:expr base_type_code op Name t)
+ (input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds (domain t))
+ : forall
+ (fValues:FullContext)
+ (newValues:Context)
+ (varBounds:BoundsContext)
+ {b} e' (He':map_cast varBounds e input_bounds = Some (existT _ b e'))
+ (Hwf : Named.wf fValues e)
+ (Hctx:forall {t} n v,
+ lookupb (t:=t) fValues n = Some v
+ -> lookupb (t:=t) varBounds n = Some (projT1 v)
+ /\ lookupb (t:=pick_typeb t (projT1 v)) newValues n = Some (projT2 v)),
+ Named.wf newValues e'.
+ Proof using BoundsContextOk ContextOk FullContextOk Name_dec base_type_dec.
+ unfold Named.wf, map_cast, option_map, interp; simpl; intros.
+ repeat first [ progress subst
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress inversion_sigma
+ | progress break_match_hyps
+ | progress destruct_head' sigT
+ | progress simpl in * ].
+ match goal with v : _ |- _ => specialize (Hwf (make_fContext_value v)) end.
+ eapply wff_mapf_cast; eauto; [].
+ t.
+ Qed.
+End language.