path: root/src/Assembly
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authorGravatar Robert Sloan <varomodt@gmail.com>2016-04-04 02:06:52 -0400
committerGravatar Robert Sloan <varomodt@gmail.com>2016-04-04 02:06:52 -0400
commit93a9680db76c6fd37951df9975bce993b32e8b1c (patch)
tree5177fac427dca53f3c1e7d8cf283becb16501bec /src/Assembly
parente3211f7ab0bb90baee5086c31b949491f34dfd55 (diff)
very unstable, but interesting commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Assembly')
2 files changed, 408 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v b/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
index 2d3567a44..4c8fe8b9b 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
@@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
-Require Export String List.
+Require Export String List Logic.
Require Export Bedrock.Word.
Require Import ZArith NArith NPeano.
Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx.
Require Import FMapAVL FMapList.
+Require Import JMeq.
Require Import QhasmUtil.
+Import ListNotations.
Module NatM := FMapAVL.Make(Nat_as_OT).
Definition DefMap: Type := NatM.t N.
Definition StateMap: Type := NatM.t DefMap.
Definition LabelMap: Type := NatM.t nat.
+(* Sugar *)
+Definition W := word 32.
+Definition convert {A B: Type} (x: A) (H: A = B): B :=
+ eq_rect A (fun B0 : Type => B0) x B H.
+Ltac create X Y :=
+ let H := fresh in (
+ assert (exists X, X = Y) as H
+ by (exists Y; abstract intuition);
+ destruct H).
+Local Obligation Tactic := abstract (Tactics.program_simpl; intuition).
(* A formalization of x86 qhasm *)
(* A constant upper-bound on the number of operations we run *)
@@ -32,7 +50,9 @@ Inductive Reg: nat -> Set :=
Inductive Stack: nat -> Set :=
| stack32: nat -> Stack 32
| stack64: nat -> Stack 64
- | stack128: nat -> Stack 128.
+ | stack128: nat -> Stack 128
+ | stack256: nat -> Stack 256
+ | stack512: nat -> Stack 512.
(* Assignments *)
Inductive Assignment : Set :=
@@ -114,44 +134,200 @@ Hint Constructors Conditional.
(* Machine State *)
Inductive State :=
-| fullState (regState: StateMap) (stackState: StateMap): State.
+| fullState (regState: StateMap) (stackState: DefMap): State.
+(* Reg, Stack, Const Utilities *)
+Definition getRegWords {n} (x: Reg n) :=
+ match x with
+ | reg32 loc => 1
+ | reg3232 loc => 2
+ | reg6464 loc => 4
+ | reg80 loc => 2
+ end.
+Definition getStackWords {n} (x: Stack n) :=
+ match x with
+ | stack32 loc => 1
+ | stack64 loc => 2
+ | stack128 loc => 4
+ | stack256 loc => 8
+ | stack512 loc => 16
+ end.
+Definition getRegIndex {n} (x: Reg n): nat :=
+ match x with
+ | reg32 loc => loc
+ | reg3232 loc => loc
+ | reg6464 loc => loc
+ | reg80 loc => loc
+ end.
+Definition getStackIndex {n} (x: Stack n): nat :=
+ match x with
+ | stack32 loc => loc
+ | stack64 loc => loc
+ | stack128 loc => loc
+ | stack256 loc => loc
+ | stack512 loc => loc
+ end.
+(* State Manipulations *)
+Definition getReg {n} (reg: Reg n) (state: State): option (word n) :=
+ match state with
+ | fullState regState stackState =>
+ match (NatM.find n regState) with
+ | Some map =>
+ match (NatM.find (getRegIndex reg) map) with
+ | Some m => Some (NToWord n m)
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end.
+Definition setReg {n} (reg: Reg n) (value: word n) (state: State): option State :=
+ match state with
+ | fullState regState stackState =>
+ match (NatM.find n regState) with
+ | Some map =>
+ Some (fullState
+ (NatM.add n (NatM.add (getRegIndex reg) (wordToN value) map)
+ regState) stackState)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end.
+(* Per-word Stack Operations *)
+Definition getStack32 (entry: Stack 32) (state: State): option (word 32) :=
+ match state with
+ | fullState regState stackState =>
+ match entry with
+ | stack32 loc =>
+ match (NatM.find loc stackState) with
+ | Some n => Some (NToWord 32 n)
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ end
+ end.
-Definition getReg {n} (reg: Reg n) (state: State): option (word n).
- destruct state; inversion reg as [L H | L H | L H | L H];
- destruct (NatM.find n regState) as [map |];
- first [ destruct (NatM.find L map) as [n0 |] | exact None ];
- first [ rewrite H; exact (Some (NToWord n n0)) | exact None ].
+Definition setStack32 (entry: Stack 32) (value: word 32) (state: State): option State :=
+ match state with
+ | fullState regState stackState =>
+ match entry with
+ | stack32 loc =>
+ (Some (fullState regState
+ (NatM.add loc (wordToN value) stackState)))
+ end
+ end.
+Notation "'cast' e" := (convert e _) (at level 20).
+(* Iterating Stack Operations *)
+Lemma getStackWords_spec: forall {n} (x: Stack n), n = 32 * (getStackWords x).
+Proof. intros; destruct x; simpl; intuition. Qed.
+Definition segmentStackWord {n} (x: Stack n) (w: word n): word (32 * (getStackWords x)).
+ intros; destruct x; simpl; intuition.
+Definition desegmentStackWord {n} (x: Stack n) (w: word (32 * (getStackWords x))): word n.
+ intros; destruct x; simpl; intuition.
-Definition setReg {n} (reg: Reg n) (value: word n) (state: State): State.
- inversion state; inversion reg as [L H | L H | L H | L H];
- destruct (NatM.find n regState) as [map |];
- first [
- exact
- (fullState
- (NatM.add n
- (NatM.add L (wordToN value) map) regState)
- stackState)
- | exact state ].
+Definition getWords' {n} (st: (list (word 32)) * word (32 * n)) :
+ if (Nat.eq_dec n O)
+ then (list (word 32))
+ else (list (word 32)) * word (32 * (n - 1)).
+ destruct (Nat.eq_dec n 0) as [H | H];
+ destruct st as [lst w].
+ - refine lst.
+ - refine (cons (split1 32 (32 * (n - 1)) (cast w)) lst,
+ (split2 32 (32 * (n - 1)) (cast w))); intuition.
-Definition getStack {n} (entry: Stack n) (state: State): option (word n).
- destruct state; inversion entry as [L H | L H | L H];
- destruct (NatM.find n stackState) as [map |];
- first [ destruct (NatM.find L map) as [n0 |] | exact None ];
- first [ rewrite H; exact (Some (NToWord n n0)) | exact None ].
+Program Fixpoint getWords'_iter (n: nat) (st: (list (word 32)) * word (32 * n)): list (word 32) :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fst st
+ | (S m) => getWords'_iter m (cast (getWords' st))
+ end.
+Admit Obligations. (* TODO (rsloan): remove admit, shouldn't be hard *)
+Definition getWords {len} (wd: word (32 * len)): list (word 32) :=
+ getWords'_iter len ([], wd).
+Definition joinWordOpts_expandTerm {n} (w: word (32 + 32 * n)): word (32 * S n).
+ replace (32 * S n) with (32 + 32 * n) by abstract intuition; assumption.
-Definition setStack {n} (entry: Stack n) (value: word n) (state: State): State.
- inversion state; inversion entry as [L H | L H | L H];
- destruct (NatM.find n stackState) as [map |];
- first [
- exact
- (fullState regState
- (NatM.add n
- (NatM.add L (wordToN value) map) regState))
- | exact state ].
+Fixpoint joinWordOpts (wds: list (option (word 32))): option word :=
+ match wds with
+ | nil => None
+ | (cons wo wos) =>
+ match wo with
+ | None => None
+ | Some w =>
+ match (joinWordOpts wos) with
+ | None => None
+ | (Some joined) =>
+ match joined with
+ | anyWord joinedLen joinedWord =>
+ Some (anyWord (S joinedLen) (joinWordOpts_expandTerm (combine w joinedWord)))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+Definition setStack {n} (entry: Stack n) (value: word n) (state: State) : option State :=
+ (fix setStack_iter (wds: list (word 32)) (nextLoc: nat) (state: State) :=
+ match wds with
+ | [] => Some state
+ | w :: ws =>
+ match (setStack32 (stack32 nextLoc) w state) with
+ | Some st' => setStack_iter ws (S nextLoc) st'
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end) (getWords (segmentStackWord entry value)) (getStackIndex entry) state.
+Fixpoint getStack_iter (rem: nat) (loc: nat) (state: State): list (option (word 32)) :=
+ match rem with
+ | O => []
+ | (S rem') =>
+ (getStack32 (stack32 loc) state) ::
+ (getStack_iter rem' (loc + 32) state)
+ end.
+Obligation Tactic := abstract (unfold Datatypes.length; intuition).
+Fixpoint getStack {n} (entry: Stack n) (state: State) : option (word n).
+ refine (
+ let m := getStackWords entry in
+ let i := getStackIndex entry in
+ let wos := (getStack_iter m i state) in
+ let joined := (joinWordOpts wos) in
+ option_map (fun a => cast a) joined
+ ); intuition.
+ replace (Datatypes.length _) with (getStackWords entry); intuition.
+ unfold wds.
+ induction (getStackWords entry); simpl; intuition.
+ destruct entry.
+ simpl; intuition.
Definition emptyState: State :=
fullState (NatM.empty DefMap) (NatM.empty DefMap).
+(* For register allocation checking *)
+Definition regCount (base: nat): nat :=
+ match base with
+ | 32 => 7 | 64 => 8
+ | 128 => 8 | 80 => 8
+ | _ => 0
+ end.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v b/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
index 0504ed3a6..d1b273c98 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
-Require Export Qhasm Language Conversion.
-Require Export String.
+Require Export Language Conversion.
+Require Export Qhasm.
+Require Import QhasmCommon QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil.
+Require Export String Ascii.
+Require Import NArith NPeano.
+Require Export Bedrock.Word.
Module QhasmString <: Language.
Definition Program := string.
@@ -10,9 +14,202 @@ End QhasmString.
Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
+ (* The easy one *)
Definition convertState (st: QhasmString.State): option Qhasm.State := None.
- (* TODO (rsloan): Actually implement string conversion *)
+ (* Hexadecimal Primitives *)
+ Section Hex.
+ Local Open Scope string_scope.
+ Definition natToDigit (n : nat) : string :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3"
+ | 4 => "4" | 5 => "5" | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7"
+ | 8 => "8" | 9 => "9" | 10 => "A" | 11 => "B"
+ | 12 => "C" | 13 => "D" | 14 => "E" | _ => "F"
+ end.
+ Fixpoint nToHex' (n: N) (digitsLeft: nat): string :=
+ match digitsLeft with
+ | O => ""
+ | S nextLeft =>
+ match n with
+ | N0 => "0"
+ | _ => (nToHex' (N.shiftr_nat n 4) nextLeft) ++
+ (natToDigit (N.to_nat (N.land n 15%N)))
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition nToHex (n: N): string :=
+ let size := (N.size n) in
+ let div4 := fun x => (N.shiftr x 2%N) in
+ let size' := (size + 4 - (N.land size 3))%N in
+ nToHex' n (N.to_nat (div4 size')).
+ End Hex.
+ (* Conversion of elements *)
+ Section Elements.
+ Local Open Scope string_scope.
+ Definition nameSuffix (n: nat): string :=
+ (nToHex (N.of_nat n)).
+ Definition wordToString {n} (w: word n): string :=
+ "0x" ++ (nToHex (wordToN w)).
+ Coercion wordToString : word >-> string.
+ Definition constToString {n} (c: Const n): string :=
+ match c with
+ | const32 w => "0x" ++ w
+ | const64 w => "0x" ++ w
+ | const128 w => "0x" ++ w
+ end.
+ Coercion constToString : Const >-> string.
+ Definition indexToString {n} (i: Index n): string :=
+ "0x" ++ (nToHex (N.of_nat i)).
+ Coercion indexToString : Index >-> string.
+ Definition regToString {n} (r: Reg n): option string :=
+ Some match r with
+ | reg32 n => "ex" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ | reg3232 n => "mm" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ | reg6464 n => "xmm" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ | reg80 n => "st" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ end.
+ Definition stackToString {n} (s: Stack n): option string :=
+ Some match s with
+ | stack32 n => "word" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ | stack64 n => "double" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ | stack128 n => "quad" ++ (nameSuffix n)
+ end.
+ Definition stackLocation {n} (s: Stack n): word 32 :=
+ combine (natToWord 8 n) (natToWord 24 n).
+ Definition assignmentToString (a: Assignment): option string :=
+ match a with
+ | Assign32Stack32 r s =>
+ match (regToString r, stackToString s) with
+ | (Some s0, Some s1) => s0 ++ " = " ++ s1
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ | Assign32Stack16 r s i => r0 ++ " = " ++ r1
+ | Assign32Stack8 r s i =>
+ | Assign32Stack64 r s i =>
+ | Assign32Stack128 r s i =>
+ | Assign32Reg32 r0 r1 => r0 ++ " = " ++ r1
+ | Assign32Reg16 r0 r1 i =>
+ | Assign32Reg8 r0 r1 i =>
+ | Assign32Reg64 r0 r1 i =>
+ | Assign32Reg128 r0 r1 i =>
+ | Assign3232Stack32 r i s =>
+ | Assign3232Stack64 r s =>
+ | Assign3232Stack128 r s i =>
+ | Assign3232Reg32 r0 i r1 =>
+ | Assign3232Reg64 r0 r1 =>
+ | Assign3232Reg128 r0 r1 i =>
+ | Assign6464Reg32 r0 i r1 =>
+ | Assign6464Reg64 r0 i r1 =>
+ | Assign6464Reg128 r0 r1 =>
+ | AssignConstant r c =>
+ end.
+ Definition binOpToString (b: BinOp): string :=
+ match b with
+ | Plus => "+"
+ | Minus => "-"
+ | Mult => "*"
+ | Div => "/"
+ | Xor => "^"
+ | And => "&"
+ | Or => "|"
+ end.
+ Definition rotOpToString (r: RotOp): string :=
+ match r with
+ | Shl => "<<"
+ | Shr => ">>"
+ | Rotl => "<<<"
+ | Rotr => ">>>"
+ end.
+ Definition operationToString (o: Operation): string :=
+ match o with
+ | OpReg32Constant b r c =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString c)
+ | OpReg32Reg32 b r0 r1 =>
+ (regToString r0) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString r1)
+ | RotReg32 o r i =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (rotOpToString o) ++ "= " ++ (constToString i)
+ | OpReg64Constant b r c =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString c)
+ | OpReg64Reg64 b r0 r1 =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString c)
+ | OpReg128Constant b r c =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString c)
+ | OpReg128Reg128 b r0 r1 =>
+ (regToString r) ++ " " ++ (binOpToString b) ++ "= " ++ (constToString c)
+ end.
+ Definition testOpToString (t: TestOp): string :=
+ match t with
+ | TEq =>
+ | TLt =>
+ | TUnsignedLt =>
+ | TGt =>
+ | TUnsignedGt =>
+ end.
+ Definition conditionalToString (c: Conditional): string :=
+ match c with
+ | TestTrue =>
+ | TestFalse =>
+ | TestReg32Reg32 o i r0 r1 =>
+ | TestReg32Const o i r c =>
+ end.
+ End Elements.
+ Section Parsing.
+ Inductive Entry :=
+ | regEntry: forall n, Reg n => Entry
+ | stackEntry: forall n, Stack n => Entry
+ | constEntry: forall n, Const n => Entry.
+ Definition allRegs (prog: Qhasm.Program): list Entry := [(* TODO *)]
+ End Parsing.
+ (* Macroscopic Conversion Methods *)
+ Definition convertStatement (statement: Qhasm.QhasmStatement): string :=
+ match prog with
+ | QAssign a =>
+ | QOp o =>
+ | QJmp c l =>
+ | QLabel l =>
+ end.
+ Definition convertProgramPrologue (prog: Qhasm.Program): option string :=
+ Definition convertProgramEpilogue (prog: Qhasm.Program): option string :=
Definition convertProgram (prog: Qhasm.Program): option string :=
Some EmptyString.