path: root/src/Assembly
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authorGravatar Robert Sloan <varomodt@gmail.com>2016-06-04 20:54:39 -0400
committerGravatar Robert Sloan <varomodt@gmail.com>2016-06-22 13:43:38 -0400
commit8f2241042d26d94b138a6f2a51287dae413b7ec2 (patch)
treef4a1de6b540bae2f211479eb2955b660a10db994 /src/Assembly
parent2dc6b1def9685b8b1deb69a02715ae2ac21383c2 (diff)
Huge Language / Conversion refactors
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Assembly')
13 files changed, 375 insertions, 816 deletions
diff --git a/src/Assembly/AlmostQhasm.v b/src/Assembly/AlmostQhasm.v
index e33186bea..5a3f1beea 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/AlmostQhasm.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/AlmostQhasm.v
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Module AlmostQhasm <: Language.
Import QhasmEval.
(* Program Types *)
- Definition State := State.
+ Definition Params := unit.
+ Definition State := fun (_: Params) => State.
Inductive AlmostProgram: Set :=
| ASkip: AlmostProgram
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ Module AlmostQhasm <: Language.
Hint Constructors AlmostProgram.
- Definition Program := AlmostProgram.
+ Definition Program := fun (_: Params) => AlmostProgram.
Fixpoint inline (l: nat) (f prog: AlmostProgram) :=
match prog with
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ Module AlmostQhasm <: Language.
| _ => prog
- Inductive AlmostEval: AlmostProgram -> State -> State -> Prop :=
+ Inductive AlmostEval {x: Params}: Program x -> State x -> State x -> Prop :=
| AESkip: forall s, AlmostEval ASkip s s
| AESeq: forall p p' s s' s'',
AlmostEval p s s'
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ Module AlmostQhasm <: Language.
AlmostEval (inline l f p) s s'
-> AlmostEval (ADef l f p) s s'.
- Definition evaluatesTo := AlmostEval.
+ Definition evaluatesTo := @AlmostEval.
(* world peace *)
End AlmostQhasm.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Conversion.v b/src/Assembly/Conversion.v
index 9811d5f43..239bd6b71 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Conversion.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Conversion.v
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ Require Export Language.
Module Type Conversion (A B: Language).
- Parameter convertProgram: A.Program -> option B.Program.
- Parameter convertState: B.State -> option A.State.
+ Parameter convertProgram: forall (x: A.Params) (y: B.Params),
+ A.Program x -> option (B.Program y).
+ Parameter convertState: forall (x: A.Params) (y: B.Params),
+ B.State y -> option (A.State x).
- Axiom convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog',
- convertProgram prog = Some prog' ->
- convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' ->
- B.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> A.evaluatesTo prog a' b'.
+ Axiom convert_spec: forall pa pb a a' b b' prog prog',
+ convertProgram pa pb prog = Some prog' ->
+ convertState pa pb a = Some a' ->
+ convertState pa pb b = Some b' ->
+ B.evaluatesTo pb prog' a b <-> A.evaluatesTo pa prog a' b'.
End Conversion.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Language.v b/src/Assembly/Language.v
index 35338b48b..460aff5fe 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Language.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Language.v
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Module Type Language.
- Parameter Program: Type.
- Parameter State: Type.
+ Parameter Params: Type.
+ Parameter Program: Params -> Type.
+ Parameter State: Params -> Type.
- Parameter evaluatesTo: Program -> State -> State -> Prop.
+ Parameter evaluatesTo: forall x: Params, Program x -> State x -> State x -> Prop.
End Language.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Medial.v b/src/Assembly/Medial.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f082aa12..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/Medial.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Require Import QhasmEvalCommon Pseudo.
-Require Import Language.
-Require Import List.
-Module Medial (Arch: PseudoMachine) <: Language.
- Import MedState EvalUtil Arch.
- Definition W := word width.
- (* Program Types *)
- Definition State := MedState width.
- Transparent State.
- Inductive MAssignment : Type :=
- | MAVar: nat -> nat -> MAssignment
- | MAMem: forall m, nat -> nat -> Index m -> MAssignment
- | MAConst: nat -> W -> MAssignment.
- Inductive MOperation :=
- | MIOpConst: IntOp -> nat -> W -> MOperation
- | MIOpReg: IntOp -> nat -> nat -> MOperation
- | MCOpReg: CarryOp -> nat -> nat -> MOperation
- | MDOpReg: DualOp -> nat -> nat -> option nat -> MOperation
- | MOpRot: RotOp -> nat -> Index width -> MOperation.
- Inductive MConditional :=
- | MZ: nat -> MConditional
- | MCReg: TestOp -> nat -> nat -> MConditional
- | MCConst: TestOp -> nat -> W -> MConditional.
- Inductive Medial: Set :=
- | MSkip: Medial
- | MSeq: Medial -> Medial -> Medial
- | MAssign: MAssignment -> Medial
- | MOp: MOperation -> Medial
- | MCond: MConditional -> Medial -> Medial -> Medial
- | MFunexp: nat -> Medial -> Medial
- | MDef: nat -> Medial -> Medial -> Medial
- | MCall: nat -> Medial.
- Definition Program := Medial.
- Fixpoint inline (l: nat) (f p: Medial) :=
- match p with
- | MSeq a b => MSeq (inline l f a) (inline l f b)
- | MCond c a b => MCond c (inline l f a) (inline l f b)
- | MFunexp e a => MFunexp e (inline l f a)
- | MDef l' f' p' =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec l l')
- then p
- else MDef l' (inline l f f') (inline l f p')
- | MCall l' =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec l l')
- then f
- else p
- | _ => p
- end.
- Fixpoint inlineAll (p: Medial) :=
- match p with
- | MSeq a b => MSeq (inlineAll a) (inlineAll b)
- | MCond c a b => MCond c (inlineAll a) (inlineAll b)
- | MFunexp e a => MFunexp e (inlineAll a)
- | MDef l' f' p' => inline l' f' (inlineAll p')
- | _ => p
- end.
- Fixpoint meval (m: Medial) (st: State): option State :=
- let omap := fun {A B} (x: option A) (f: A -> option B) =>
- match x with | Some y => f y | _ => None end in
- match m with
- | MSkip => Some st
- | MSeq a b => omap (meval a st) (fun s => meval b s)
- | MAssign a =>
- match a with
- | MAVar x y =>
- match (getVar y st) with
- | Some v => Some (setVar x v st)
- | _ => None
- end
- | MAMem _ x y i =>
- match (getMem y i st) with
- | Some v => Some (setVar x v st)
- | _ => None
- end
- | MAConst x c => Some (setVar x c st)
- end
- | MOp o =>
- match o with
- | MIOpConst io a c =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun v =>
- let (res, c') := evalIntOp io v c in
- Some (setVar a res (setCarryOpt c' st)))
- | MIOpReg io a b =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun va =>
- omap (getVar b st) (fun vb =>
- let (res, c') := evalIntOp io va vb in
- Some (setVar a res (setCarryOpt c' st))))
- | MCOpReg o a b =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun va =>
- omap (getVar b st) (fun vb =>
- let c := match (snd st) with | Some b => b | _ => false end in
- let (res, c') := evalCarryOp o va vb c in
- Some (setVar a res (setCarry c' st))))
- | MDOpReg duo a b (Some x) =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun va =>
- omap (getVar b st) (fun vb =>
- let (low, high) := evalDualOp duo va vb in
- Some (setVar a low (setVar x high st))))
- | MDOpReg duo a b None =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun va =>
- omap (getVar b st) (fun vb =>
- let (low, high) := evalDualOp duo va vb in
- Some (setVar a low st)))
- | MOpRot ro a x =>
- omap (getVar a st) (fun v =>
- let res := evalRotOp ro v (proj1_sig x) in
- Some (setVar a res st))
- end
- | MCond c a b =>
- match c with
- | MCConst t x y =>
- omap (getVar x st) (fun vx =>
- if (evalTest t vx y)
- then meval a st
- else meval b st)
- | MCReg t x y =>
- omap (getVar x st) (fun vx =>
- (* TODO: why can't we infer width here? *)
- omap (@getVar width y st) (fun vy =>
- if (evalTest t vx vy)
- then meval a st
- else meval b st))
- | MZ x =>
- omap (getVar x st) (fun vx =>
- if (evalTest TEq vx (wzero width))
- then meval a st
- else meval b st)
- end
- | MFunexp n a =>
- (fix fexp (m: nat) (f: State -> option State) (s: State) :=
- match m with
- | O => Some s
- | S m' =>
- match f s with
- | None => None
- | Some s' => fexp m' f s'
- end
- end
- ) n (meval a) st
- | _ => None
- end.
- Definition evaluatesTo := fun m st0 st1 => meval (inlineAll m) st0 = Some st1.
- (* world peace *)
-End Medial.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Pipeline.v b/src/Assembly/Pipeline.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0cd4018e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Assembly/Pipeline.v
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Require Import QhasmCommon QhasmEvalCommon.
+Require Import Pseudo Qhasm AlmostQhasm Conversion Language.
+Require Import PseudoConversion AlmostConversion StringConversion.
+Module Pipeline.
+ Export Pseudo Util.
+ Definition toAlmost (p: Pseudo inVars outVars): option AlmostQhasm.Program :=
+ PseudoConversion.convertProgram p.
+ Definition toQhasm (p: Pseudo inVars outVars): option Qhasm.Program :=
+ omap (toAlmost p) AlmostConversion.convertProgram.
+ Definition toString (p: Pseudo inVars outVars): option string :=
+ omap (toQhasm p) StringConversion.convertProgram.
+End Pipeline.
+Module PipelineExample.
+ Import Pipeline.
+ Program Definition asdf: Program Unary32 := ($0 :+: $0)%p.
+ Definition exStr := Pipeline.toString ex.
+ | Some x => x
+ | None => EmptyString
+ end.
+ Defined.
+Open Scope string_scope.
+Print Result.
+Extraction "Result.ml" Result.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v b/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
index 1f127f665..c4249804d 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
@@ -2,42 +2,43 @@ Require Import QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil State.
Require Import Language.
Require Import List.
-Module Type PseudoMachine.
- Parameter width: nat.
- Parameter vars: nat.
- Parameter width_spec: Width width.
-End PseudoMachine.
+Module Pseudo <: Language.
+ Import EvalUtil ListState Util.
-Module Pseudo (M: PseudoMachine) <: Language.
- Import EvalUtil ListState Util M.
- Definition const: Type := word width.
- (* Program Types *)
- Inductive Pseudo: nat -> nat -> Type :=
- (* Some true for registers, false for stack, None for default *)
+ Inductive Pseudo {w: nat} {spec: Width w}: nat -> nat -> Type :=
| PVar: forall n, option bool -> Index n -> Pseudo n 1
| PMem: forall n m, Index n -> Index m -> Pseudo n 1
- | PConst: forall n, const -> Pseudo n 1
+ | PConst: forall n, word w -> Pseudo n 1
| PBin: forall n, IntOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 1
| PDual: forall n, DualOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 2
| PCarry: forall n, CarryOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 1
- | PShift: forall n, RotOp -> Index width -> Pseudo n 1 -> Pseudo n 1
+ | PShift: forall n, RotOp -> Index w -> Pseudo n 1 -> Pseudo n 1
| PIf: forall n m, TestOp -> Index n -> Index n -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m
| PFunExp: forall n, Pseudo n n -> nat -> Pseudo n n
| PLet: forall n k m, Pseudo n k -> Pseudo (n + k) m -> Pseudo n m
| PComb: forall n a b, Pseudo n a -> Pseudo n b -> Pseudo n (a + b)
| PCall: forall n m, Label -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m.
Hint Constructors Pseudo.
- Definition Program := Pseudo vars vars.
- Definition State := ListState width.
+ Record Params': Type := mkParams {
+ width: nat;
+ spec: Width width;
+ inputs: nat;
+ outputs: nat
+ }.
- Fixpoint pseudoEval {n m} (prog: Pseudo n m) (st: State): option State :=
+ Definition Params := Params'.
+ Definition State (p: Params): Type := ListState (width p).
+ Definition Program (p: Params): Type :=
+ @Pseudo (width p) (spec p) (inputs p) (outputs p).
+ Definition Unary32: Params := mkParams 32 W32 1 1.
+ Definition Unary64: Params := mkParams 64 W64 1 1.
+ (* Evaluation *)
+ Fixpoint pseudoEval {n m w s} (prog: @Pseudo w s n m) (st: ListState w): option (ListState w) :=
match prog with
| PVar n _ i => omap (getVar i st) (fun x => Some (setList [x] st))
| PMem n m v i => omap (getMem v i st) (fun x => Some (setList [x] st))
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ Module Pseudo (M: PseudoMachine) <: Language.
else pseudoEval r st ))
| PFunExp n p e =>
- (fix funexpseudo (e': nat) (st': State) :=
+ (fix funexpseudo (e': nat) (st': ListState w) :=
match e' with
| O => Some st'
| S e'' =>
@@ -105,94 +106,74 @@ Module Pseudo (M: PseudoMachine) <: Language.
| PCall n m _ p => pseudoEval p st
- Definition evaluatesTo := fun (p: Program) (st st': State) => (pseudoEval p st = Some st').
- Module Notations.
- Delimit Scope pseudo_notations with p.
- Open Scope pseudo_notations.
- Definition indexize (n: nat) (p: (n > 0)%nat) (x: nat): Index n.
- intros; exists (x mod n);
- abstract (pose proof (mod_bound_pos x n); omega).
- Defined.
+ Definition evaluatesTo (p: Params) (prog: Program p) (st st': State p) :=
+ pseudoEval prog st = Some st'.
- Notation "% A" := (PVar _ (Some false) (indexize _ _ A))
- (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Delimit Scope pseudo_notations with p.
+ Open Scope pseudo_notations.
- Notation "$ A" := (PVar _ (Some true) (indexize _ _ A))
- (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Definition indexize (n: nat) (p: (n > 0)%nat) (x: nat): Index n.
+ intros; exists (x mod n);
+ abstract (pose proof (mod_bound_pos x n); omega).
+ Defined.
- Notation "'MEM' ( A , B )" := (PMem _ _ (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B))
- (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "% A" := (PVar _ (Some false) (indexize _ _ A))
+ (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "# A" := (PConst _ (natToWord _ A))
- (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "$ A" := (PVar _ (Some true) (indexize _ _ A))
+ (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :+: B" := (PBin _ Add (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "'MEM' ( A , B )" := (PMem _ _ (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B))
+ (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :+c: B" := (PCarry _ AddWithCarry (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "# A" := (PConst _ (natToWord _ A))
+ (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :-: B" := (PBin _ Sub (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :+: B" := (PBin _ Add (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :&: B" := (PBin _ And (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :+c: B" := (PCarry _ AddWithCarry (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :^: B" := (PBin _ Xor (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :-: B" := (PBin _ Sub (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :|: B" := (PBin _ Or (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :&: B" := (PBin _ And (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :>>: B" := (PShift _ Shr (indexize _ _ B) A)
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :^: B" := (PBin _ Xor (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :<<: B" := (PShift _ Shl (indexize _ _ B) A)
- (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :|: B" := (PBin _ Or (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A :**: B" := (PDual _ Mult (PComb _ _ _ A B))
- (at level 55, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :>>: B" := (PShift _ Shr (indexize _ _ B) A)
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "'IF' O ( A , B ) 'THEN' L 'ELSE' R" :=
- (PIf _ _ O (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B) L R)
- (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :<<: B" := (PShift _ Shl (indexize _ _ B) A)
+ (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "'EXP' ( e ) ( F )" :=
- (PFunExp _ F e)
- (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "A :**: B" := (PDual _ Mult (PComb _ _ _ A B))
+ (at level 55, right associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "'LET' E 'IN' F" :=
- (PLet _ _ _ E F)
- (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "'IF' O ( A , B ) 'THEN' L 'ELSE' R" :=
+ (PIf _ _ O (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B) L R)
+ (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "A | B" :=
- (PComb _ _ _ A B)
- (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "'EXP' ( e ) ( F )" :=
+ (PFunExp _ F e)
+ (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Notation "'CALL' n ::: A" :=
- (PCall _ _ n A)
- (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
+ Notation "'LET' E 'IN' F" :=
+ (PLet _ _ _ E F)
+ (at level 70, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- Definition p0: Pseudo 1 2.
- refine (CALL 0 ::: %0 :**: $0); intuition.
- Defined.
- End Notations.
+ Notation "A | B" :=
+ (PComb _ _ _ A B)
+ (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
- (* world peace *)
+ Notation "'CALL' n ::: A" :=
+ (PCall _ _ n A)
+ (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations.
End Pseudo.
-Module PseudoUnary32 <: PseudoMachine.
- Definition width := 32.
- Definition vars := 1.
- Definition width_spec := W32.
- Definition const: Type := word width.
-End PseudoUnary32.
-Module PseudoUnary64 <: PseudoMachine.
- Definition width := 64.
- Definition vars := 1.
- Definition width_spec := W64.
- Definition const: Type := word width.
-End PseudoUnary64. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Assembly/PseudoConversion.v b/src/Assembly/PseudoConversion.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39b655e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Assembly/PseudoConversion.v
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+Require Export Language Conversion QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil.
+Require Export Pseudo AlmostQhasm State.
+Require Export Bedrock.Word NArith NPeano Euclid.
+Require Export List Sumbool Vector.
+Module PseudoConversion <: Conversion Pseudo AlmostQhasm.
+ Import QhasmCommon AlmostQhasm EvalUtil Util Pseudo StateCommon.
+ Import ListNotations.
+ Definition MMap {w} := NatM.t (Mapping w).
+ Definition mempty {w} := NatM.empty (Mapping w).
+ Definition FMap {w} := NatM.t (AlmostProgram * (list (Mapping w))).
+ Definition fempty {w} := NatM.empty (AlmostProgram * (list (Mapping w))).
+ Definition getStart {w s n m} (prog: @Pseudo w s n m) :=
+ let ns := (fix getStart' {n' m'} (p': @Pseudo w s n' m') :=
+ match p' with
+ | PVar _ _ i => [proj1_sig i]
+ | PBin _ _ p => getStart' p
+ | PDual _ _ p => getStart' p
+ | PCarry _ _ p => getStart' p
+ | PShift _ _ _ p => getStart' p
+ | PIf _ _ _ _ _ l r => (getStart' l) ++ (getStart' r)
+ | PFunExp _ p _ => getStart' p
+ | PLet _ k _ a b => (n + k) :: (getStart' a) ++ (getStart' b)
+ | PComb _ _ _ a b => (getStart' a) ++ (getStart' b)
+ | PCall _ _ _ p => getStart' p
+ | _ => []
+ end) _ _ prog in
+ maxN (n :: m :: ns).
+ Definition addMap {T} (a b: NatM.t T): NatM.t T :=
+ (fix add' (m: NatM.t T) (elts: list (nat * T)%type) :=
+ match elts with
+ | [] => m
+ | (k, v) :: elts' => add' (NatM.add k v m) elts'
+ end) a (NatM.elements b).
+ Fixpoint convertProgram' {n m} (prog: Pseudo n m) (start: nat) (M: MMap) (F: FMap):
+ option (AlmostProgram * (list (Mapping width)) * MMap * FMap) :=
+ let rM := fun (x: nat) => regM _ (reg width_spec x) in
+ let sM := fun (x: nat) => stackM _ (stack width_spec x) in
+ let reg' := reg width_spec in
+ let stack' := stack width_spec in
+ let const' := const width_spec in
+ let G := fun (k: nat) =>
+ match (NatM.find k M) with
+ | Some v => v
+ | _ => rM k (* TODO: more intelligent defaults *)
+ end in
+ let madd := fun (k: nat) (f: nat -> Mapping width) => NatM.add k (f k) in
+ let fadd := fun (k: nat) (f: AlmostProgram) (r: list (Mapping width)) => NatM.add k (f, r) in
+ match prog with
+ | PVar n (Some true) i => Some (ASkip, [rM i], madd i rM M, F)
+ | PVar n (Some false) i => Some (ASkip, [sM i], madd i sM M, F)
+ | PVar n None i => Some (ASkip, [G i], M, F)
+ | PConst n c => Some (AAssign (AConstInt (reg' start) (const' c)),
+ [rM start], madd start rM M, F)
+ | PMem n m v i => Some (AAssign (ARegMem (reg' start) (mem width_spec v) i),
+ [rM start], madd start rM M, F)
+ | PBin n o p =>
+ match (convertProgram' p start M F) with
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); regM (reg _ _ b)], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (IOpReg o (reg' a) (reg' b))),
+ [rM a], madd a rM (madd b rM M'), F')
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); constM c], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (IOpConst o (reg' a) c)),
+ [rM a], madd a rM M', F')
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); memM _ b i], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (IOpMem o (reg' a) b i)),
+ [rM a], madd a rM M', F')
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); stackM (stack _ _ b)], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (IOpStack o (reg' a) (stack' b))),
+ [rM a], madd a rM (madd b sM M'), F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | PCarry n o p =>
+ match (convertProgram' p start M F) with
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); regM (reg _ _ b)], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (COp o (reg' a) (reg' b))),
+ [rM a], madd a rM (madd b rM M'), F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | PDual n o p =>
+ match (convertProgram' p (S start) M F) with
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a); regM (reg _ _ b)], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (DOp o (reg' a) (reg' b) (Some (reg' start)))),
+ [rM a; rM start], madd a rM (madd b rM (madd start rM M')), F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | PShift n o x p =>
+ match (convertProgram' p start M F) with
+ | Some (p', [regM (reg _ _ a)], M', F') =>
+ Some (ASeq p' (AOp (ROp o (reg' a) x)),
+ [rM a], madd a rM M', F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | PLet n k m f g =>
+ match (convertProgram' f start M F) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (fp, fm, M', F') =>
+ match (convertProgram' g (start + (length fm)) M' F') with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (gp, gm, M'', F'') => Some (ASeq fp gp, gm, M'', F'')
+ end
+ end
+ | PComb n a b f g =>
+ match (convertProgram' f start M F) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (fp, fm, M', F') =>
+ match (convertProgram' g (start + (length fm)) M' F') with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (gp, gm, M'', F'') => Some (ASeq fp gp, fm ++ gm, M'', F'')
+ end
+ end
+ | PIf n m o i0 i1 l r =>
+ match (convertProgram' l start M F) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (lp, lr, lM, lF) =>
+ match (convertProgram' r start lM lF) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (rp, rr, M', F') =>
+ if (list_eq_dec mapping_dec lr rr)
+ then
+ match (G (proj1_sig i0), G (proj1_sig i1)) with
+ | (regM r0, regM r1) => Some (ACond (CReg _ o r0 r1) lp rp, lr, M', F')
+ | (regM r, constM c) => Some (ACond (CConst _ o r c) lp rp, lr, M', F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ else None
+ end
+ end
+ | PFunExp n f e =>
+ match (convertProgram' f (S start) M F) with
+ | Some (fp, fr, M', F') =>
+ let a := start in
+ Some (ASeq
+ (AAssign (AConstInt (reg' a) (const' (natToWord _ O))))
+ (AWhile (CConst _ TLt (reg' a) (const' (natToWord _ e)))
+ (ASeq fp (AOp (IOpConst Add (reg' a) (const' (natToWord _ 1)))))),
+ fr, madd a rM M', F')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | PCall n m lbl f =>
+ match (convertProgram' f start M F) with
+ | Some (fp, fr, M', F') =>
+ let F'' := NatM.add lbl (fp, fr) F' in
+ Some (ACall lbl, fr, M', F'')
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition convertProgram (prog: Pseudo inVars outVars): option AlmostProgram :=
+ match (convertProgram' prog (max inVars outVars) mempty fempty) with
+ | Some (prog', _, M, F) =>
+ Some (fold_left
+ (fun p0 t => match t with | (k, (v, _)) => ADef k v p0 end)
+ prog'
+ (of_list (NatM.elements F)))
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint convertState (st: AlmostQhasm.State): option State :=
+ let vars := max inVars outVars in
+ let try_cons := fun {T} (x: option T) (l: list T) =>
+ match x with | Some x' => x' :: l | _ => l end in
+ let get := fun i =>
+ match (FullState.getReg (reg width_spec i) st,
+ FullState.getStack (stack width_spec i) st) with
+ | (Some v, _) => Some v
+ | (_, Some v) => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end in
+ let varList := (fix cs' (n: nat) :=
+ try_cons (get (vars - n)) (match n with | O => [] | S m => cs' m end)) vars in
+ match st with
+ | FullState.fullState _ _ memState _ carry =>
+ if (Nat.eq_dec (length varList) vars)
+ then Some (varList, memState, carry)
+ else None
+ end.
+ Lemma convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog',
+ convertProgram prog = Some prog' ->
+ convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' ->
+ AlmostQhasm.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> evaluatesTo prog a' b'.
+ Admitted.
+End PseudoConversion.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v b/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a2ec6fe40..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-Require Export Language Conversion QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil.
-Require Export Pseudo AlmostQhasm State.
-Require Export Bedrock.Word NArith NPeano Euclid.
-Require Export List Sumbool Vector.
-Module PseudoConversion (Arch: PseudoMachine).
- Import QhasmCommon AlmostQhasm EvalUtil Util.
- Import ListNotations.
- Module P := Pseudo Arch.
- (* Module M := Medial Arch. *)
- (****************** Material Conversions ************************)
- Module PseudoConversion <: Conversion P AlmostQhasm.
- Import P (* M *) Arch StateCommon.
- (* Fixpoint convertState (st: M.State): option P.State :=
- let try_cons := fun {T} (x: option T) (l: list T) =>
- match x with | Some x' => x' :: l | _ => l end in
- match st with
- | (v, m, c) =>
- let varList := (fix cs' (n: nat) :=
- try_cons (option_map (NToWord width) (NatM.find n v))
- (match n with | O => [] | S m => cs' m end)) vars in
- if (Nat.eq_dec (length varList) vars)
- then Some (varList, m, c)
- else None
- end. *)
- Fixpoint range (start len: nat): list nat :=
- match len with
- | O => []
- | S len' => start :: (range (S start) len')
- end.
- Fixpoint list_split {A} (n: nat) (lst: list A): (list A) * (list A) :=
- match n with
- | O => ([], lst)
- | S m =>
- match lst with
- | [] => ([], [])
- | l :: ls =>
- match list_split m ls with
- | (a, b) => (l :: a, b)
- end
- end
- end.
- Fixpoint maxN (lst: list nat): nat :=
- match lst with
- | x :: xs => max x (maxN xs)
- | [] => O
- end.
- Definition MMap := NatM.t (Mapping width).
- Definition mempty := NatM.empty (Mapping width).
- Fixpoint convertProgram' {n m} (prog: Pseudo n m) (start: nat) (M: MMap):
- option (AlmostProgram * (list (Mapping width)) * MMap) :=
- let rM := fun (x: nat) => regM _ (reg width_spec x) in
- let sM := fun (x: nat) => stackM _ (stack width_spec x) in
- let g := fun (k: nat) =>
- match (NatM.find k M) with
- | Some v => v
- | _ => rM k (* TODO: more intelligent defaults *)
- end in
- let madd := fun (k: nat) (f: nat -> Mapping width) => NatM.add k (f k) M in
- match prog with
- | PVar n (Some true) i => Some (ASkip, [rM i], madd i rM)
- | PVar n (Some false) i => Some (ASkip, [sM i], madd i sM)
- | PVar n None i => Some (ASkip, [g i], M)
- | PConst n c => Some (AAssign (AConstInt (rM start) c), [rM start], madd start rM)
- | PMem n m v i => Some (AAssign (ARegMem (rM start) v i), madd start rM)
- | _ => None
- end.
- | PBin n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MIOpReg o a b)), [a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PCarry n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MCOpReg o a b)), [a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PDual n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- let nextOpen := S (maxN [a; b]) in
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MDOpReg o a b (Some nextOpen))), [a; nextOpen])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PShift n o a x =>
- match (convertProgram' x start) with
- | Some (p', [r]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MOpRot o r a)), [proj1_sig a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PLet n k m f g =>
- ft <- convertProgram' f (start + k);
- gt <- convertProgram' g (S (maxN (snd ft)));
- match (ft, gt) with
- | ((fp, fr), (gp, gr)) => Some (MSeq fp gp, gr)
- end
- | PComb n a b f g =>
- ft <- convertProgram' f start;
- gt <- convertProgram' g (S (maxN (snd ft)));
- match (ft, gt) with
- | ((fp, fr), (gp, gr)) => Some (MSeq fp gp, fr ++ gr)
- end
- | PIf n m o i0 i1 l r =>
- lt <- convertProgram' l start;
- rt <- convertProgram' r start;
- match (lt, rt) with
- | ((lp, lr), (rp, rr)) => Some (MCond (MCReg o i0 i1) lp rp, lr)
- end
- (* TODO: prove that all (Pseudo n m) will return the same list *)
- | PFunExp n f e =>
- match (convertProgram' f start) with
- | Some (fp, fr) => Some (MFunexp e fp, fr)
- | _ => None
- end
- | PCall n m lbl _ => Some (MCall lbl, range n m)
- end.
- (* Results are in the locations described by the
- returned list. start is the next known open address *)
- Fixpoint convertProgram' {n m} (prog: Pseudo n m) (start: nat):
- option (Medial * (list nat)) :=
- match prog with
- | PVar n i => Some (MSkip, [start])
- | PConst n c => Some (MAssign (MAConst start c), [start])
- | PMem n m v i => Some (MAssign (MAMem _ start v i), [start])
- | PBin n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MIOpReg o a b)), [a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PCarry n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MCOpReg o a b)), [a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PDual n o p =>
- match (convertProgram' p start) with
- | Some (p', [a; b]) =>
- let nextOpen := S (maxN [a; b]) in
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MDOpReg o a b (Some nextOpen))), [a; nextOpen])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PShift n o a x =>
- match (convertProgram' x start) with
- | Some (p', [r]) =>
- Some (MSeq p' (MOp (MOpRot o r a)), [proj1_sig a])
- | _ => None
- end
- | PLet n k m f g =>
- ft <- convertProgram' f (start + k);
- gt <- convertProgram' g (S (maxN (snd ft)));
- match (ft, gt) with
- | ((fp, fr), (gp, gr)) => Some (MSeq fp gp, gr)
- end
- | PComb n a b f g =>
- ft <- convertProgram' f start;
- gt <- convertProgram' g (S (maxN (snd ft)));
- match (ft, gt) with
- | ((fp, fr), (gp, gr)) => Some (MSeq fp gp, fr ++ gr)
- end
- | PIf n m o i0 i1 l r =>
- lt <- convertProgram' l start;
- rt <- convertProgram' r start;
- match (lt, rt) with
- | ((lp, lr), (rp, rr)) => Some (MCond (MCReg o i0 i1) lp rp, lr)
- end
- (* TODO: prove that all (Pseudo n m) will return the same list *)
- | PFunExp n f e =>
- match (convertProgram' f start) with
- | Some (fp, fr) => Some (MFunexp e fp, fr)
- | _ => None
- end
- | PCall n m lbl _ => Some (MCall lbl, range n m)
- end.
- Definition addFunMap {T} (a b: TripleM.t T): TripleM.t T :=
- (fix add' (m: TripleM.t T) (elts: list ((nat * nat * nat) * T)%type) :=
- match elts with
- | [] => m
- | (k, v) :: elts' => add' (TripleM.add k v m) elts'
- end) a (TripleM.elements b).
- Definition convertProgram (prog: Pseudo vars vars): option M.Program :=
- let defs: TripleM.t M.Program :=
- (fix allDefs {n m: nat} (prog: Pseudo n m): TripleM.t M.Program :=
- match prog with
- | PBin n o p => allDefs p
- | PCarry n o p => allDefs p
- | PDual n o p => allDefs p
- | PShift n o a x => allDefs x
- | PLet n k m f g => addFunMap (allDefs f) (allDefs g)
- | PComb n a b f g => addFunMap (allDefs f) (allDefs g)
- | PIf n m t i0 i1 l r => addFunMap (allDefs l) (allDefs r)
- | PFunExp n p e => allDefs p
- | PCall n m l p =>
- match (convertProgram' p n) with
- | Some (mp, _) => TripleM.add (n, m, l) mp (allDefs p)
- | _ => allDefs p
- end
- | _ => TripleM.empty M.Program
- end) _ _ prog in
- let foldF := fun (p: M.Program) (t: (nat * nat * nat) * M.Program) =>
- match t with
- | ((n', m', lbl), p') => MDef lbl p' p
- end in
- let f: M.Program -> option M.Program := fun x =>
- Some (fold_left foldF x (of_list (TripleM.elements defs))) in
- match (convertProgram' prog vars) with
- | Some (p', _) => f p'
- | _ => None
- end.
- Lemma convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog',
- convertProgram prog = Some prog' ->
- convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' ->
- M.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> P.evaluatesTo prog a' b'.
- Admitted.
- End PseudoConversion.
- Module MedialConversion <: Conversion M AlmostQhasm.
- Import Arch M FullState.
- Definition ireg (x: nat): Reg width := reg width_spec x.
- Definition iconst (x: word width): Const width := const width_spec x.
- Definition istack (x: nat): Stack width := stack width_spec x.
- Definition tmpMap: nat -> Mapping width := (fun x => regM width (ireg x)).
- Definition getMapping (m: Mapping width) (st: AlmostQhasm.State): option (word width) :=
- match m with
- | regM r => getReg r st
- | stackM s => getStack s st
- | _ => None
- end.
- Definition convertState' (mapF: nat -> Mapping width) (st: AlmostQhasm.State): option M.State :=
- let tryAddVar := fun (k: nat) (x: option (word width)) (st: M.State) =>
- match x with | Some x' => MedState.setVar k x' st | _ => st end in
- Some ((fix cs' (n: nat) :=
- tryAddVar n (getMapping (mapF n) st)
- (match n with | O => MedState.emptyState | S m => cs' m end))
- vars).
- Definition convertState (st: AlmostQhasm.State): option M.State :=
- convertState' tmpMap st.
- Fixpoint convertProgram'
- (prog: M.Program)
- (mapF: nat -> Mapping width)
- (nextFree tmp: nat):
- option AlmostQhasm.Program :=
- let omap := fun {A B} (x: option A) (f: A -> option B) =>
- match x with | Some y => f y | _ => None end in
- match prog with
- | MSkip => Some ASkip
- | MSeq a b =>
- omap (convertProgram' a mapF nextFree tmp) (fun aprog =>
- omap (convertProgram' b mapF nextFree tmp) (fun bprog =>
- Some (ASeq aprog bprog)))
- | MAssign a =>
- match a with
- | MAVar x y =>
- match (mapF x, mapF y) with
- | (regM rx, regM ry) =>
- Some (AAssign (ARegReg rx ry))
- | (stackM sx, regM ry) =>
- Some (AAssign (AStackReg sx ry))
- | (regM rx, stackM sy) =>
- Some (AAssign (ARegStack rx sy))
- | (regM rx, constM cy) =>
- Some (AAssign (AConstInt rx cy))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MAConst x c =>
- match (mapF x) with
- | (regM rx) => Some (AAssign (AConstInt rx (iconst c)))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MAMem m x v i =>
- match (mapF x) with
- | (regM rx) => Some (AAssign (ARegMem rx (@mem _ m width_spec v) i))
- | _ => None
- end
- end
- | MOp o =>
- match o with
- | MIOpConst io a c =>
- match (mapF a) with
- | (regM ra) =>
- Some (AOp (IOpConst io ra (iconst c)))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MIOpReg io a b =>
- match (mapF a, mapF b) with
- | (regM ra, regM rb) =>
- Some (AOp (IOpReg io ra rb))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MCOpReg co a b =>
- match (mapF a, mapF b) with
- | (regM ra, regM rb) =>
- Some (AOp (COp co ra rb))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MDOpReg duo a b (Some x) =>
- match (mapF a, mapF b, mapF x) with
- | (regM ra, regM rb, regM rx) =>
- Some (AOp (DOp duo ra rb (Some rx)))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MDOpReg duo a b None =>
- match (mapF a, mapF b) with
- | (regM ra, regM rb) =>
- Some (AOp (DOp duo ra rb None))
- | _ => None
- end
- | MOpRot ro a c =>
- match (mapF a) with
- | (regM ra) =>
- Some (AOp (ROp ro ra c))
- | _ => None
- end
- end
- | MCond c a b =>
- let conv := (fun x => convertProgram' x mapF nextFree tmp) in
- omap (conv a) (fun aprog => omap (conv b) (fun bprog =>
- match c with
- | MCReg t x y =>
- match (mapF x, mapF y) with
- | (regM r0, regM r1) =>
- Some (ACond (CReg _ t r0 r1) aprog bprog)
- | _ => None
- end
- | MCConst t x y =>
- match (mapF x) with
- | (regM r) =>
- Some (ACond (CConst _ t r (iconst y)) aprog bprog)
- | _ => None
- end
- | MZ x =>
- match (mapF x) with
- | (regM r) =>
- Some (ACond (CZero _ r) aprog bprog)
- | _ => None
- end
- end))
- | MFunexp e a =>
- let conv := (fun x => convertProgram' x mapF (S nextFree) tmp) in
- omap (conv a) (fun aprog =>
- match (mapF nextFree, mapF tmp) with
- | (regM rf, regM rt) =>
- Some (ASeq (ASeq
- (AAssign (AConstInt rf (iconst (natToWord _ O))))
- (AAssign (AConstInt rt (iconst (natToWord _ e)))))
- (AWhile (CReg _ TLt rf rt)
- (ASeq aprog (ASeq
- (AOp (IOpConst Add rf (iconst (natToWord _ 1))))
- (AAssign (AConstInt rt (iconst (natToWord _ e))))))))
- | _ => None
- end)
- | MDef lbl f a =>
- omap (convertProgram' f mapF nextFree tmp) (fun fprog =>
- omap (convertProgram' a mapF (S nextFree) tmp) (fun aprog =>
- Some (ADef lbl fprog aprog)))
- | MCall lbl => Some (ACall lbl)
- end.
- (* TODO (rsloan): make these into parameters *)
- Definition convertProgram (prog: M.Program): option AlmostQhasm.Program :=
- convertProgram' prog tmpMap 100 100.
- Lemma convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog',
- convertProgram prog = Some prog' ->
- convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' ->
- AlmostQhasm.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> M.evaluatesTo prog a' b'.
- Admitted.
- End MedialConversion.
-End PseudoMedialConversion.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Qhasm.v b/src/Assembly/Qhasm.v
index 9558f23ae..8dd2b9e78 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Qhasm.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Qhasm.v
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ Module Qhasm <: Language.
Import QhasmEval.
(* A constant upper-bound on the number of operations we run *)
- Definition State := State.
+ Definition Params := unit.
+ Definition State := fun (_: Params) => State.
+ Transparent Params.
(* Program Types *)
Inductive QhasmStatement :=
@@ -20,25 +23,25 @@ Module Qhasm <: Language.
Hint Constructors QhasmStatement.
- Definition Program := list QhasmStatement.
+ Definition Program := fun (_: Params) => list QhasmStatement.
(* Only execute while loops a fixed number of times.
TODO (rsloan): can we do any better? *)
- Fixpoint getLabelMap' (prog: Program) (cur: LabelMap) (index: nat): LabelMap :=
+ Fixpoint getLabelMap' {x} (prog: Program x) (cur: LabelMap) (index: nat): LabelMap :=
match prog with
| p :: ps =>
match p with
- | QLabel label => getLabelMap' ps (NatM.add label index cur) (S index)
- | _ => getLabelMap' ps cur (S index)
+ | QLabel label => @getLabelMap' x ps (NatM.add label index cur) (S index)
+ | _ => @getLabelMap' x ps cur (S index)
| [] => cur
- Definition getLabelMap (prog: Program): LabelMap :=
+ Definition getLabelMap {x} (prog: Program x): LabelMap :=
getLabelMap' prog (NatM.empty nat) O.
- Inductive QhasmEval: nat -> Program -> LabelMap -> State -> State -> Prop :=
+ Inductive QhasmEval {x}: nat -> Program x -> LabelMap -> State x -> State x -> Prop :=
| QEOver: forall p n m s, (n > (length p))%nat -> QhasmEval n p m s s
| QEZero: forall p s m, QhasmEval O p m s s
| QEAssign: forall n p m a s s' s'',
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ Module Qhasm <: Language.
-> QhasmEval (S n) p m s s'
-> QhasmEval n p m s s'.
- Definition evaluatesTo := fun p => QhasmEval O p (getLabelMap p).
+ Definition evaluatesTo := fun (x: Params) p => @QhasmEval x O p (getLabelMap p).
(* world peace *)
End Qhasm.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v b/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
index 8a9d0d51f..21f846cb5 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/QhasmCommon.v
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Inductive Conditional :=
Inductive Mapping (n: nat) :=
| regM: forall (r: Reg n), Mapping n
| stackM: forall (s: Stack n), Mapping n
- | memM: forall {m} (x: Mem n m), Mapping n
+ | memM: forall {m} (x: Mem n m) (i: Index m), Mapping n
| constM: forall (x: Const n), Mapping n.
(* Parameter Accessors *)
diff --git a/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v b/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
index 83ef5b701..b12e27e19 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Require Export QhasmCommon QhasmUtil State.
Require Export ZArith Sumbool.
Require Export Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec ProofIrrelevance.
Import Util.
@@ -116,12 +116,11 @@ Module EvalUtil.
then left _
else right _
- | (memM _ v, memM _ v') => fun _ =>
+ | (memM _ v i, memM _ v' i') => fun _ =>
if (Nat.eq_dec (memName v) (memName v'))
then if (Nat.eq_dec (memLength v) (memLength v'))
- then left _
- else right _
- else right _
+ then if (Nat.eq_dec (proj1_sig i) (proj1_sig i'))
+ then left _ else right _ else right _ else right _
| _ => fun _ => right _
end (eq_refl (a, b))); abstract (
@@ -137,6 +136,8 @@ Module EvalUtil.
rewrite _H0
| apply (inj_pair2_eq_dec _ Nat.eq_dec) in H3
| inversion H; subst; intuition
+ | destruct i, i'; simpl in _H2; subst;
+ replace l with l0 by apply proof_irrelevance
| intuition ]).
@@ -170,41 +171,6 @@ Module EvalUtil.
- (* Mapping Identifier-Triples *)
- Definition mappingId {n} (x: Mapping n): nat * nat * nat :=
- match x with
- | regM (reg n _ v) => (0, n, v)
- | stackM (stack n _ v) => (1, n, v)
- | constM (const n _ w) => (2, n, wordToNat w)
- | memM _ (mem n m _ v) => (3, m, v)
- end.
- Lemma id_equal: forall {n: nat} (x y: Mapping n),
- x = y <-> mappingId x = mappingId y.
- Proof.
- intros; split; intros; try abstract (rewrite H; intuition);
- destruct x as [x | x | x | x], y as [y | y | y | y];
- destruct x, y; unfold mappingId in H; simpl in H;
- repeat match goal with
- | [X: (_, _, _) = (_, _, _) |- _ ] =>
- apply Triple_as_OT.conv in X
- | [X: _ /\ _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct X
- | [X: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct X
- | [A: Width _, B: Width _ |- _ ] =>
- replace A with B by (apply width_eq)
- | [X: context[match ?a with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] =>
- destruct a
- end; try subst; try omega; intuition.
- rewrite <- (natToWord_wordToNat w0);
- rewrite <- (natToWord_wordToNat w2);
- rewrite H1; intuition.
- Qed.
- Definition id_dec := Triple_as_OT.eq_dec.
End EvalUtil.
Module QhasmEval.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/State.v b/src/Assembly/State.v
index 7d1edcf6b..9e96a0f31 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/State.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/State.v
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ End StateCommon.
Module ListState.
Export StateCommon.
- Definition ListState (n: nat) := ((list (word n)) * PairNMap * (option bool))%type.
+ Definition ListState (n: nat) := ((list (word n)) * TripleNMap * (option bool))%type.
- Definition emptyState {n}: ListState n := ([], PairM.empty N, None).
+ Definition emptyState {n}: ListState n := ([], TripleM.empty N, None).
Definition getVar {n: nat} (name: nat) (st: ListState n): option (word n) :=
nth_error (fst (fst st)) name.
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ Module ListState.
(lst, snd (fst st), snd st).
Definition getMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (st: ListState n): option (word n) :=
- omap (PairM.find (name, index) (snd (fst st))) (fun v => Some (NToWord n v)).
+ omap (TripleM.find (n, name, index) (snd (fst st))) (fun v => Some (NToWord n v)).
Definition setMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (v: word n) (st: ListState n): ListState n :=
- (fst (fst st), PairM.add (name, index) (wordToN v) (snd (fst st)), snd st).
+ (fst (fst st), TripleM.add (n, name, index) (wordToN v) (snd (fst st)), snd st).
Definition getCarry {n: nat} (st: ListState n): option bool := (snd st).
@@ -219,34 +219,6 @@ Module ListState.
End ListState.
-Module MedState.
- Export StateCommon.
- Definition MedState (n: nat) := (NatNMap * PairNMap * (option bool))%type.
- Definition emptyState {n}: MedState n := (NatM.empty N, PairM.empty N, None).
- Definition getVar {n: nat} (name: nat) (st: MedState n): option (word n) :=
- omap (NatM.find name (fst (fst st))) (fun v => Some (NToWord n v)).
- Definition setVar {n: nat} (name: nat) (v: word n) (st: MedState n): MedState n :=
- (NatM.add name (wordToN v) (fst (fst st)), snd (fst st), snd st).
- Definition getMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (st: MedState n): option (word n) :=
- omap (PairM.find (name, index) (snd (fst st))) (fun v => Some (NToWord n v)).
- Definition setMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (v: word n) (st: MedState n): MedState n :=
- (fst (fst st), PairM.add (name, index) (wordToN v) (snd (fst st)), snd st).
- Definition getCarry {n: nat} (st: MedState n): option bool := (snd st).
- Definition setCarry {n: nat} (v: bool) (st: MedState n): MedState n :=
- (fst st, Some v).
- Definition setCarryOpt {n: nat} (v: option bool) (st: MedState n): MedState n :=
- (fst st, v).
-End MedState.
Module FullState.
Export StateCommon.
@@ -351,5 +323,4 @@ Module FullState.
| Some c' => setCarry c' state
| _ => state
End FullState. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v b/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
index 46fce9b60..151eaa3f7 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/StringConversion.v
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
Arguments regM [n] r.
Arguments stackM [n] s.
- Arguments memM [n m] x.
+ Arguments memM [n m] x i.
Arguments constM [n] x.
Fixpoint entries (width: nat) (prog: Program): list (Mapping width) :=
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
match a with
| ARegStack n r s => convM [regM r; stackM s]
| AStackReg n s r => convM [regM r; stackM s]
- | ARegMem n m a b i => convM [regM a; memM b]
- | AMemReg n m a i b => convM [memM a; regM b]
+ | ARegMem n m a b i => convM [regM a; memM b i]
+ | AMemReg n m a i b => convM [memM a i; regM b]
| ARegReg n a b => convM [regM a; regM b]
| AConstInt n r c => convM [regM r; constM c]
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
| IOpConst _ o a c => convM [regM a; constM c]
| IOpReg _ o a b => convM [regM a; regM b]
| IOpStack _ o a b => convM [regM a; stackM b]
- | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => convM [regM a; memM b]
+ | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => convM [regM a; memM b i]
| DOp _ o a b (Some x) => convM [regM a; regM b; regM x]
| DOp _ o a b None => convM [regM a; regM b]
| ROp _ o a i => convM [regM a]
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
Definition getMemNames (n: nat) (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat :=
flatMapOpt (dedup lst) (fun e =>
- match e with | memM _ (mem _ _ _ x) => Some x | _ => None end).
+ match e with | memM _ (mem _ _ _ x) _ => Some x | _ => None end).
Fixpoint getInputs' (n: nat) (prog: list QhasmStatement) (init: list (Mapping n)): list (Mapping n) :=
let f := fun rs => filter (fun x =>
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
match a with
| ARegStack n r s => g ([stackM s], [regM r; stackM s])
| AStackReg n s r => g ([regM r], [regM r; stackM s])
- | ARegMem n m r x i => g ([memM x], [regM r; memM x])
- | AMemReg n m x i r => g ([regM r], [regM r; memM x])
+ | ARegMem n m r x i => g ([memM x i], [regM r; memM x i])
+ | AMemReg n m x i r => g ([regM r], [regM r; memM x i])
| ARegReg n a b => g ([regM b], [regM a; regM b])
| AConstInt n r c => g ([], [regM r])
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
| IOpConst _ o a c => g ([regM a], [regM a])
| IOpReg _ o a b => g ([regM a], [regM a; regM b])
| IOpStack _ o a b => g ([regM a], [regM a; stackM b])
- | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => g ([regM a], [regM a; memM b])
+ | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => g ([regM a], [regM a; memM b i])
| DOp _ o a b (Some x) => g ([regM a; regM b], [regM a; regM b; regM x])
| DOp _ o a b None => g ([regM a; regM b], [regM a; regM b])
| ROp _ o a i => g ([regM a], [regM a])
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
| W64 => Some ("stack64 " ++ (stack w x))%string
- | memM _ (mem _ m w x) =>
+ | memM _ (mem _ m w x) _ =>
match w with
| W32 => Some ("stack32 " ++ (@mem _ m w x))%string
| W64 => Some ("stack64 " ++ (@mem _ m w x))%string
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString.
match x with
| regM r => Some ("input " ++ r)%string
| stackM s => Some ("input " ++ s)%string
- | memM _ m => Some ("input " ++ m)%string
+ | memM _ m i => Some ("input " ++ m)%string
| _ => None