path: root/src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-04-06 22:53:07 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-04-06 22:53:07 -0400
commitc9fc5a3cdf1f5ea2d104c150c30d1b1a6ac64239 (patch)
treedb7187f6984acff324ca468e7b33d9285806a1eb /src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
parent21198245dab432d3c0ba2bb8a02254e7d0594382 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v b/src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
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+++ b/src/Arithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
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+Require Export Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
+Require Export Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
+Require Export Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_theory Coq.setoid_ring.Field_theory Coq.setoid_ring.Field_tac.
+Require Import Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticPre.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NumTheoryUtil.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.NArith.BinNat Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.NArith.NArith. (* import Zdiv before Znumtheory *)
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NumTheoryUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
+Require Crypto.Algebra.Hierarchy Crypto.Algebra.Field.
+Existing Class prime.
+Local Open Scope F_scope.
+Module F.
+ Section Field.
+ Context (q:positive) {prime_q:prime q}.
+ Lemma inv_spec : F.inv 0%F = (0%F : F q)
+ /\ (prime q -> forall x : F q, x <> 0%F -> (F.inv x * x)%F = 1%F).
+ Proof using Type. change (@F.inv q) with (proj1_sig (@F.inv_with_spec q)); destruct (@F.inv_with_spec q); eauto. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_0 : F.inv 0%F = F.of_Z q 0. Proof using Type. destruct inv_spec; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_nonzero (x:F q) : (x <> 0 -> F.inv x * x%F = 1)%F. Proof using Type*. destruct inv_spec; auto. Qed.
+ Global Instance field_modulo : @Algebra.Hierarchy.field (F q) Logic.eq 0%F 1%F F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv F.div.
+ Proof using Type*.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => solve [ solve_proper
+ | apply F.commutative_ring_modulo
+ | apply inv_nonzero
+ | cbv [not]; pose proof prime_ge_2 q prime_q;
+ rewrite F.eq_to_Z_iff, !F.to_Z_of_Z, !Zmod_small; omega ]
+ | _ => split
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ End Field.
+ Section NumberThoery.
+ Context {q:positive} {prime_q:prime q} {two_lt_q: 2 < q}.
+ (* TODO: move to PrimeFieldTheorems *)
+ Lemma to_Z_1 : @F.to_Z q 1 = 1%Z.
+ Proof using two_lt_q. simpl. rewrite Zmod_small; omega. Qed.
+ Lemma Fq_inv_fermat (x:F q) : F.inv x = x ^ Z.to_N (q - 2)%Z.
+ Proof using Type*.
+ destruct (dec (x = 0%F)) as [?|Hnz].
+ { subst x; rewrite inv_0, F.pow_0_l; trivial.
+ change (0%N) with (Z.to_N 0%Z); rewrite Z2N.inj_iff; omega. }
+ erewrite <-Algebra.Field.inv_unique; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite F.eq_to_Z_iff, F.to_Z_mul, F.to_Z_pow, Z2N.id, to_Z_1 by omega.
+ apply (fermat_inv q _ (F.to_Z x)); rewrite F.mod_to_Z; eapply F.to_Z_nonzero; trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma euler_criterion (a : F q) (a_nonzero : a <> 0) :
+ (a ^ (Z.to_N (q / 2)) = 1) <-> (exists b, b*b = a).
+ Proof using Type*.
+ pose proof F.to_Z_nonzero_range a; pose proof (odd_as_div q).
+ specialize_by (destruct (Z.prime_odd_or_2 _ prime_q); try omega; trivial).
+ rewrite F.eq_to_Z_iff, !F.to_Z_pow, !to_Z_1, !Z2N.id by omega.
+ rewrite F.square_iff, <-(euler_criterion (q/2)) by (trivial || omega); reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Decidable_square (x:F q) : Decidable (exists y, y*y = x).
+ Proof.
+ destruct (dec (x = 0)).
+ { left. abstract (exists 0; subst; apply Ring.mul_0_l). }
+ { eapply Decidable_iff_to_impl; [eapply euler_criterion; assumption | exact _]. }
+ Defined.
+ End NumberThoery.
+ Section SquareRootsPrime3Mod4.
+ Context {q:positive} {prime_q: prime q} {q_3mod4 : q mod 4 = 3}.
+ Add Field _field2 : (Algebra.Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic(T:=F q))
+ (morphism (F.ring_morph q),
+ constants [F.is_constant],
+ div (F.morph_div_theory q),
+ power_tac (F.power_theory q) [F.is_pow_constant]).
+ Definition sqrt_3mod4 (a : F q) : F q := a ^ Z.to_N (q / 4 + 1).
+ Global Instance Proper_sqrt_3mod4 : Proper (eq ==> eq ) sqrt_3mod4.
+ Proof using Type. repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma two_lt_q_3mod4 : 2 < q.
+ Proof using Type*.
+ pose proof (prime_ge_2 q _) as two_le_q.
+ destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ two_le_q) as [H|H]; [exact H|].
+ rewrite <-H in q_3mod4; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve two_lt_q_3mod4.
+ Lemma sqrt_3mod4_correct (x:F q) :
+ ((exists y, y*y = x) <-> (sqrt_3mod4 x)*(sqrt_3mod4 x) = x)%F.
+ Proof using Type*.
+ cbv [sqrt_3mod4]; intros.
+ destruct (F.eq_dec x 0);
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- _ => progress subst
+ | |- _ => progress rewrite ?F.pow_0_l, <-?F.pow_add_r
+ | |- _ => progress rewrite <-?Z2N.inj_0, <-?Z2N.inj_add by zero_bounds
+ | |- _ => rewrite <-@euler_criterion by auto
+ | |- ?x ^ (?f _) = ?a <-> ?x ^ (?f _) = ?a => do 3 f_equiv; [ ]
+ | |- _ => rewrite !Zmod_odd in *; repeat (break_match; break_match_hyps); omega
+ | |- _ => rewrite Z.rem_mul_r in * by omega
+ | |- (exists x, _) <-> ?B => assert B by field; solve [intuition eauto]
+ | |- (?x ^ Z.to_N ?a = 1) <-> _ =>
+ transitivity (x ^ Z.to_N a * x ^ Z.to_N 1 = x);
+ [ rewrite F.pow_1_r, Algebra.Field.mul_cancel_l_iff by auto; reflexivity | ]
+ | |- (_ <> _)%N => rewrite Z2N.inj_iff by zero_bounds
+ | |- (?a <> 0)%Z => assert (0 < a) by zero_bounds; omega
+ | |- (_ = _)%Z => replace 4 with (2 * 2)%Z in * by ring;
+ rewrite <-Z.div_div by zero_bounds;
+ rewrite Z.add_diag, Z.mul_add_distr_l, Z.mul_div_eq by omega
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ End SquareRootsPrime3Mod4.
+ Section SquareRootsPrime5Mod8.
+ Context {q:positive} {prime_q: prime q} {q_5mod8 : q mod 8 = 5}.
+ Local Open Scope F_scope.
+ Add Field _field3 : (Algebra.Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic(T:=F q))
+ (morphism (F.ring_morph q),
+ constants [F.is_constant],
+ div (F.morph_div_theory q),
+ power_tac (F.power_theory q) [F.is_pow_constant]).
+ (* Any nonsquare element raised to (q-1)/4 (real implementations use 2 ^ ((q-1)/4) )
+ would work for sqrt_minus1 *)
+ Context (sqrt_minus1 : F q) (sqrt_minus1_valid : sqrt_minus1 * sqrt_minus1 = F.opp 1).
+ Lemma two_lt_q_5mod8 : 2 < q.
+ Proof using prime_q q_5mod8.
+ pose proof (prime_ge_2 q _) as two_le_q.
+ destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ two_le_q) as [H|H]; [exact H|].
+ rewrite <-H in *. discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve two_lt_q_5mod8.
+ Definition sqrt_5mod8 (a : F q) : F q :=
+ let b := a ^ Z.to_N (q / 8 + 1) in
+ if dec (b ^ 2 = a)
+ then b
+ else sqrt_minus1 * b.
+ Global Instance Proper_sqrt_5mod8 : Proper (eq ==> eq ) sqrt_5mod8.
+ Proof using Type. repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma eq_b4_a2 (x : F q) (Hex:exists y, y*y = x) :
+ ((x ^ Z.to_N (q / 8 + 1)) ^ 2) ^ 2 = x ^ 2.
+ Proof using prime_q q_5mod8.
+ pose proof two_lt_q_5mod8.
+ assert (0 <= q/8)%Z by (apply Z.div_le_lower_bound; rewrite ?Z.mul_0_r; omega).
+ assert (Z.to_N (q / 8 + 1) <> 0%N) by
+ (intro Hbad; change (0%N) with (Z.to_N 0%Z) in Hbad; rewrite Z2N.inj_iff in Hbad; omega).
+ destruct (dec (x = 0)); [subst; rewrite !F.pow_0_l by (trivial || lazy_decide); reflexivity|].
+ rewrite !F.pow_pow_l.
+ replace (Z.to_N (q / 8 + 1) * (2*2))%N with (Z.to_N (q / 2 + 2))%N.
+ Focus 2. { (* this is a boring but gnarly proof :/ *)
+ change (2*2)%N with (Z.to_N 4).
+ rewrite <- Z2N.inj_mul by zero_bounds.
+ apply Z2N.inj_iff; try zero_bounds.
+ rewrite <- Z.mul_cancel_l with (p := 2) by omega.
+ ring_simplify.
+ rewrite Z.mul_div_eq by omega.
+ rewrite Z.mul_div_eq by omega.
+ rewrite (Zmod_div_mod 2 8 q) by
+ (try omega; apply Zmod_divide; omega || auto).
+ rewrite q_5mod8.
+ replace (5 mod 2)%Z with 1%Z by auto.
+ ring.
+ } Unfocus.
+ rewrite Z2N.inj_add, F.pow_add_r by zero_bounds.
+ replace (x ^ Z.to_N (q / 2)) with (F.of_Z q 1) by
+ (symmetry; apply @euler_criterion; eauto).
+ change (Z.to_N 2) with 2%N; ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_square_sqrt_minus1 : forall x, sqrt_minus1 * x * (sqrt_minus1 * x) = F.opp (x * x).
+ Proof using prime_q sqrt_minus1_valid.
+ intros.
+ transitivity (F.opp 1 * (x * x)); [ | field].
+ rewrite <-sqrt_minus1_valid.
+ field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_b4_a2_iff (x : F q) : x <> 0 ->
+ ((exists y, y*y = x) <-> ((x ^ Z.to_N (q / 8 + 1)) ^ 2) ^ 2 = x ^ 2).
+ Proof using Type*.
+ split; try apply eq_b4_a2.
+ intro Hyy.
+ rewrite !@F.pow_2_r in *.
+ destruct (Field.only_two_square_roots_choice _ x (x * x) Hyy eq_refl); clear Hyy;
+ [ eexists; eassumption | ].
+ match goal with H : ?a * ?a = F.opp _ |- _ => exists (sqrt_minus1 * a);
+ rewrite mul_square_sqrt_minus1; rewrite H end.
+ field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sqrt_5mod8_correct : forall x,
+ ((exists y, y*y = x) <-> (sqrt_5mod8 x)*(sqrt_5mod8 x) = x).
+ Proof using Type*.
+ cbv [sqrt_5mod8]; intros.
+ destruct (F.eq_dec x 0).
+ {
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- _ => progress subst
+ | |- _ => progress rewrite ?F.pow_0_l
+ | |- (_ <> _)%N => rewrite <-Z2N.inj_0, Z2N.inj_iff by zero_bounds
+ | |- (?a <> 0)%Z => assert (0 < a) by zero_bounds; omega
+ | |- _ => congruence
+ end.
+ break_match;
+ match goal with |- _ <-> ?G => assert G by field end; intuition eauto.
+ } {
+ rewrite eq_b4_a2_iff by auto.
+ rewrite !@F.pow_2_r in *.
+ break_match.
+ intuition (f_equal; eauto).
+ split; intro A. {
+ destruct (Field.only_two_square_roots_choice _ x (x * x) A eq_refl) as [B | B];
+ clear A; try congruence.
+ rewrite mul_square_sqrt_minus1, B; field.
+ } {
+ rewrite mul_square_sqrt_minus1 in A.
+ transitivity (F.opp x * F.opp x); [ | field ].
+ f_equal; rewrite <-A at 3; field.
+ }
+ }
+ Qed.
+ End SquareRootsPrime5Mod8.
+ Module Iso.
+ Section IsomorphicRings.
+ Context {q:positive} {prime_q:prime q} {two_lt_q:2 < Z.pos q}.
+ Context
+ {H : Type} {eq : H -> H -> Prop} {zero one : H}
+ {opp : H -> H} {add sub mul : H -> H -> H}
+ {phi : F q -> H} {phi' : H -> F q}
+ {phi'_phi : forall A : F q, Logic.eq (phi' (phi A)) A}
+ {phi'_iff : forall a b : H, iff (Logic.eq (phi' a) (phi' b)) (eq a b)}
+ {phi'_zero : Logic.eq (phi' zero) F.zero} {phi'_one : Logic.eq (phi' one) F.one}
+ {phi'_opp : forall a : H, Logic.eq (phi' (opp a)) (F.opp (phi' a))}
+ {phi'_add : forall a b : H, Logic.eq (phi' (add a b)) (F.add (phi' a) (phi' b))}
+ {phi'_sub : forall a b : H, Logic.eq (phi' (sub a b)) (F.sub (phi' a) (phi' b))}
+ {phi'_mul : forall a b : H, Logic.eq (phi' (mul a b)) (F.mul (phi' a) (phi' b))}
+ {P:Type} {pow : H -> P -> H} {NtoP:N->P}
+ {pow_is_scalarmult:ScalarMult.is_scalarmult(G:=H)(eq:=eq)(add:=mul)(zero:=one)(mul:=fun (n:nat) (k:H) => pow k (NtoP (N.of_nat n)))}.
+ Definition inv (x:H) := pow x (NtoP (Z.to_N (q - 2)%Z)).
+ Definition div x y := mul (inv y) x.
+ Lemma ring :
+ @Algebra.Hierarchy.ring H eq zero one opp add sub mul
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism (F q) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul H eq one add mul phi
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism H eq one add mul (F q) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul phi'.
+ Proof using phi'_add phi'_iff phi'_mul phi'_one phi'_opp phi'_phi phi'_sub phi'_zero. eapply @Ring.ring_by_isomorphism; assumption || exact _. Qed.
+ Local Instance _iso_ring : Algebra.Hierarchy.ring := proj1 ring.
+ Local Instance _iso_hom1 : Ring.is_homomorphism := proj1 (proj2 ring).
+ Local Instance _iso_hom2 : Ring.is_homomorphism := proj2 (proj2 ring).
+ Let inv_proof : forall a : H, phi' (inv a) = F.inv (phi' a).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ cbv [inv]. rewrite (Fq_inv_fermat(q:=q)(two_lt_q:=two_lt_q)).
+ rewrite <-Z_nat_N at 1 2.
+ rewrite (ScalarMult.homomorphism_scalarmult(phi:=phi')(MUL_is_scalarmult:=pow_is_scalarmult)(mul_is_scalarmult:=F.pow_is_scalarmult)).
+ reflexivity.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Let div_proof : forall a b : H, phi' (mul (inv b) a) = phi' a / phi' b.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite phi'_mul, inv_proof, Algebra.Hierarchy.field_div_definition, Algebra.Hierarchy.commutative.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma field_and_iso :
+ @Algebra.Hierarchy.field H eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism (F q) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul H eq one add mul phi
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism H eq one add mul (F q) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul phi'.
+ Proof using Type*. eapply @Field.field_and_homomorphism_from_redundant_representation;
+ assumption || exact _ || exact inv_proof || exact div_proof. Qed.
+ End IsomorphicRings.
+ End Iso.
+End F.