path: root/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-06-13 01:43:06 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-06-13 01:43:06 -0400
commitb4b711cba32a21806c6c0aae53be40c04af60cb3 (patch)
tree40360bd900ac173527921123cc6c2442766762d5 /src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction
parent3b1d3856b138d84cbb0429a6bcdaa9080233fa9b (diff)
WBW-montgomery: Fill in most context variables
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction')
4 files changed, 662 insertions, 549 deletions
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Definition.v b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Definition.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7bf317ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Definition.v
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+(*** Word-By-Word Montgomery Multiplication *)
+(** This file implements Montgomery Form, Montgomery Reduction, and
+ Montgomery Multiplication on an abstract [T]. We follow "Fast Prime
+ Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with 256 Bit Primes",
+ https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816.pdf. *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+(** Quoting from page 7 of "Fast Prime
+ Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with 256 Bit Primes",
+ https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816.pdf: *)
+(** * Algorithm 1: Word-by-Word Montgomery Multiplication (WW-MM) *)
+(** Input: [p < 2ˡ] (odd modulus),
+ [0 ≤ a, b < p], [l = s×k]
+ Output: [a×b×2⁻ˡ mod p]
+ Pre-computed: [k0 = -p⁻¹ mod 2ˢ]
+ Flow
+1. T = a×b
+ For i = 1 to k do
+ 2. T1 = T mod 2ˢ
+ 3. Y = T1 × k0 mod 2ˢ
+ 4. T2 = Y × p
+ 5. T3 = (T + T2)
+ 6. T = T3 / 2ˢ
+ End For
+7. If T ≥ p then X = T – p;
+ else X = T
+Return X
+>> *)
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Section WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Local Coercion Z.pos : positive >-> Z.
+ Context
+ {T : Type}
+ {eval : T -> Z}
+ {numlimbs : T -> nat}
+ {zero : nat -> T}
+ {divmod : T -> T * Z} (* returns lowest limb and all-but-lowest-limb *)
+ {r : positive}
+ {scmul : Z -> T -> T} (* uses double-output multiply *)
+ {R : positive}
+ {add : T -> T -> T} (* joins carry *)
+ {drop_high : T -> T} (* drops the highest limb *)
+ (N : T).
+ (* Recurse for a as many iterations as A has limbs, varying A := A, S := 0, r, bounds *)
+ Section Iteration.
+ Context (B : T) (k : Z).
+ Context (A S : T).
+ (* Given A, B < R, we want to compute A * B / R mod N. R = bound 0 * ... * bound (n-1) *)
+ Local Definition A_a := dlet p := divmod A in p. Local Definition A' := fst A_a. Local Definition a := snd A_a.
+ Local Definition S1 := add S (scmul a B).
+ Local Definition s := snd (divmod S1).
+ Local Definition q := s * k mod r.
+ Local Definition S2 := add S1 (scmul q N).
+ Local Definition S3 := fst (divmod S2).
+ Local Definition S4 := drop_high S3.
+ End Iteration.
+ Section loop.
+ Context (A B : T) (k : Z) (S' : T).
+ Definition redc_body : T * T -> T * T
+ := fun '(A, S') => (A' A, S4 B k A S').
+ Fixpoint redc_loop (count : nat) : T * T -> T * T
+ := match count with
+ | O => fun A_S => A_S
+ | S count' => fun A_S => redc_loop count' (redc_body A_S)
+ end.
+ Definition redc : T
+ := snd (redc_loop (numlimbs A) (A, zero (1 + numlimbs B))).
+ End loop.
+End WordByWordMontgomery.
+Create HintDb word_by_word_montgomery.
+Hint Unfold S4 S3 S2 q s S1 a A' A_a Let_In : word_by_word_montgomery.
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Proofs.v b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Proofs.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..056b816a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Abstract/Proofs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+(*** Word-By-Word Montgomery Multiplication Proofs *)
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Ring.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Section WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Context
+ {T : Type}
+ {eval : T -> Z}
+ {numlimbs : T -> nat}
+ {zero : nat -> T}
+ {divmod : T -> T * Z} (* returns lowest limb and all-but-lowest-limb *)
+ {r : positive}
+ {r_big : r > 1}
+ {small : T -> Prop}
+ {eval_zero : forall n, eval (zero n) = 0}
+ {numlimbs_zero : forall n, numlimbs (zero n) = n}
+ {eval_div : forall v, small v -> eval (fst (divmod v)) = eval v / r}
+ {eval_mod : forall v, small v -> snd (divmod v) = eval v mod r}
+ {small_div : forall v, small v -> small (fst (divmod v))}
+ {numlimbs_div : forall v, numlimbs (fst (divmod v)) = pred (numlimbs v)}
+ {scmul : Z -> T -> T} (* uses double-output multiply *)
+ {eval_scmul: forall a v, eval (scmul a v) = a * eval v}
+ {numlimbs_scmul : forall a v, 0 <= a < r -> numlimbs (scmul a v) = S (numlimbs v)}
+ {R : positive}
+ {R_numlimbs : nat}
+ {R_correct : R = r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs :> Z}
+ {add : T -> T -> T} (* joins carry *)
+ {eval_add : forall a b, eval (add a b) = eval a + eval b}
+ {small_add : forall a b, small (add a b)}
+ {numlimbs_add : forall a b, numlimbs (add a b) = Datatypes.S (max (numlimbs a) (numlimbs b))}
+ {drop_high : T -> T} (* drops things after [S R_numlimbs] *)
+ {eval_drop_high : forall v, small v -> eval (drop_high v) = eval v mod (r * r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)}
+ {numlimbs_drop_high : forall v, numlimbs (drop_high v) = min (numlimbs v) (S R_numlimbs)}
+ (N : T) (Npos : positive) (Npos_correct: eval N = Z.pos Npos)
+ (N_lt_R : eval N < R)
+ (B : T)
+ (B_bounds : 0 <= eval B < R)
+ ri (ri_correct : r*ri mod (eval N) = 1 mod (eval N)).
+ Context (k : Z) (k_correct : k * eval N mod r = -1).
+ Create HintDb push_numlimbs discriminated.
+ Create HintDb push_eval discriminated.
+ Local Ltac t_small :=
+ repeat first [ assumption
+ | apply small_add
+ | apply small_div
+ | apply Z_mod_lt
+ | solve [ auto ]
+ | lia
+ | progress autorewrite with push_eval
+ | progress autorewrite with push_numlimbs ].
+ Hint Rewrite
+ eval_zero
+ eval_div
+ eval_mod
+ eval_add
+ eval_scmul
+ eval_drop_high
+ using (repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small)
+ : push_eval.
+ Hint Rewrite
+ numlimbs_zero
+ numlimbs_div
+ numlimbs_add
+ numlimbs_scmul
+ numlimbs_drop_high
+ using (repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small)
+ : push_numlimbs.
+ Hint Rewrite <- Max.succ_max_distr pred_Sn Min.succ_min_distr : push_numlimbs.
+ (* Recurse for a as many iterations as A has limbs, varying A := A, S := 0, r, bounds *)
+ Section Iteration.
+ Context (A S : T)
+ (small_A : small A)
+ (S_nonneg : 0 <= eval S).
+ (* Given A, B < R, we want to compute A * B / R mod N. R = bound 0 * ... * bound (n-1) *)
+ Local Coercion eval : T >-> Z.
+ Local Notation a := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.a T divmod A).
+ Local Notation A' := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.A' T divmod A).
+ Local Notation S1 := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S1 T divmod scmul add B A S).
+ Local Notation S2 := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S2 T divmod r scmul add N B k A S).
+ Local Notation S3 := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S3 T divmod r scmul add N B k A S).
+ Local Notation S4 := (@WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S4 T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k A S).
+ Lemma S3_bound
+ : eval S < eval N + eval B
+ -> eval S3 < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof.
+ assert (Hmod : forall a b, 0 < b -> a mod b <= b - 1)
+ by (intros x y; pose proof (Z_mod_lt x y); omega).
+ intro HS.
+ unfold S3, WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S2, WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.S1.
+ autorewrite with push_eval; [].
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans.
+ { transitivity ((N+B-1 + (r-1)*B + (r-1)*N) / r);
+ [ | set_evars; ring_simplify_subterms; subst_evars; reflexivity ].
+ Z.peel_le; repeat apply Z.add_le_mono; repeat apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg; try lia;
+ repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery;
+ autorewrite with push_eval;
+ try Z.zero_bounds;
+ auto with lia. }
+ rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ r), <- Z.add_sub_assoc, <- Z.add_opp_r, !Z.div_add_l' by lia.
+ autorewrite with zsimplify.
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma small_A'
+ : small A'.
+ Proof.
+ repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma small_S3
+ : small S3.
+ Proof. repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small. Qed.
+ Lemma S3_nonneg : 0 <= eval S3.
+ Proof.
+ repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery;
+ autorewrite with push_eval; [].
+ rewrite ?Npos_correct; Z.zero_bounds; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S4_nonneg : 0 <= eval S4.
+ Proof. unfold S4; rewrite eval_drop_high by apply small_S3; Z.zero_bounds. Qed.
+ Lemma S4_bound
+ : eval S < eval N + eval B
+ -> eval S4 < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof.
+ intro H; pose proof (S3_bound H); pose proof S3_nonneg.
+ unfold S4.
+ rewrite eval_drop_high by apply small_S3.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small by nia.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma numlimbs_S4 : numlimbs S4 = min (max (1 + numlimbs S) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs).
+ Proof.
+ cbn [plus].
+ repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery.
+ repeat autorewrite with push_numlimbs.
+ change Init.Nat.max with Nat.max.
+ rewrite <- ?(Max.max_assoc (numlimbs S)).
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S1_eq : eval S1 = S + a*B.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [S1 a WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.A'].
+ repeat autorewrite with push_eval.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S2_mod_N : (eval S2) mod N = (S + a*B) mod N.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [S2 WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.q WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.s]; autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify. rewrite S1_eq. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S2_mod_r : S2 mod r = 0.
+ cbv [S2 WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.q WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.s]; autorewrite with push_eval.
+ assert (r > 0) by lia.
+ assert (Hr : (-(1 mod r)) mod r = r - 1 /\ (-(1)) mod r = r - 1).
+ { destruct (Z.eq_dec r 1) as [H'|H'].
+ { rewrite H'; split; reflexivity. }
+ { rewrite !Z_mod_nz_opp_full; rewrite ?Z.mod_mod; Z.rewrite_mod_small; [ split; reflexivity | omega.. ]. } }
+ autorewrite with pull_Zmod.
+ replace 0 with (0 mod r) by apply Zmod_0_l.
+ eapply F.eq_of_Z_iff.
+ repeat rewrite ?F.of_Z_add, ?F.of_Z_mul, <-?F.of_Z_mod.
+ rewrite <-Algebra.Hierarchy.associative.
+ replace ((F.of_Z r k * F.of_Z r (eval N))%F) with (F.opp (m:=r) F.one).
+ { cbv [F.of_Z F.add]; simpl.
+ apply path_sig_hprop; [ intro; exact HProp.allpath_hprop | ].
+ simpl.
+ rewrite (proj1 Hr), Z.mul_sub_distr_l.
+ push_Zmod; pull_Zmod.
+ autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
+ { rewrite <- F.of_Z_mul.
+ rewrite F.of_Z_mod.
+ rewrite k_correct.
+ cbv [F.of_Z F.add F.opp F.one]; simpl.
+ change (-(1)) with (-1) in *.
+ apply path_sig_hprop; [ intro; exact HProp.allpath_hprop | ]; simpl.
+ rewrite (proj1 Hr), (proj2 Hr); reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S3_mod_N
+ : S3 mod N = (S + a*B)*ri mod N.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [S3]; autorewrite with push_eval cancel_pair.
+ pose proof fun a => Z.div_to_inv_modulo N a r ri eq_refl ri_correct as HH;
+ cbv [Z.equiv_modulo] in HH; rewrite HH; clear HH.
+ etransitivity; [rewrite (fun a => Z.mul_mod_l a ri N)|
+ rewrite (fun a => Z.mul_mod_l a ri N); reflexivity].
+ rewrite <-S2_mod_N; repeat (f_equal; []); autorewrite with push_eval.
+ autorewrite with push_Zmod;
+ rewrite S2_mod_r;
+ autorewrite with zsimplify.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma S4_mod_N
+ (Hbound : eval S < eval N + eval B)
+ : S4 mod N = (S + a*B)*ri mod N.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (S3_bound Hbound); pose proof S3_nonneg.
+ unfold S4; autorewrite with push_eval.
+ rewrite (Z.mod_small _ (r * _)) by nia.
+ apply S3_mod_N.
+ Qed.
+ End Iteration.
+ Local Notation redc_body := (@redc_body T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k).
+ Local Notation redc_loop := (@redc_loop T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k).
+ Local Notation redc A := (@redc T numlimbs zero divmod r scmul add drop_high N A B k).
+ Lemma redc_loop_comm_body count
+ : forall A_S, redc_loop count (redc_body A_S) = redc_body (redc_loop count A_S).
+ Proof.
+ induction count as [|count IHcount]; try reflexivity.
+ simpl; intro; rewrite IHcount; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Section body.
+ Context (A_S : T * T).
+ Let A:=fst A_S.
+ Let S:=snd A_S.
+ Let A_a:=divmod A.
+ Let a:=snd A_a.
+ Context (small_A : small A)
+ (S_bound : 0 <= eval S < eval N + eval B).
+ Lemma small_fst_redc_body : small (fst (redc_body A_S)).
+ Proof. destruct A_S; apply small_A'; assumption. Qed.
+ Lemma snd_redc_body_nonneg : 0 <= eval (snd (redc_body A_S)).
+ Proof. destruct A_S; apply S4_nonneg; assumption. Qed.
+ Lemma snd_redc_body_mod_N
+ : (eval (snd (redc_body A_S))) mod (eval N) = (eval S + a*eval B)*ri mod (eval N).
+ Proof. destruct A_S; apply S4_mod_N; auto; omega. Qed.
+ Lemma fst_redc_body
+ : (eval (fst (redc_body A_S))) = eval (fst A_S) / r.
+ Proof.
+ destruct A_S; simpl; unfold WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.A', WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.A_a, Let_In, a, A_a, A; simpl.
+ autorewrite with push_eval.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fst_redc_body_mod_N
+ : (eval (fst (redc_body A_S))) mod (eval N) = ((eval (fst A_S) - a)*ri) mod (eval N).
+ Proof.
+ rewrite fst_redc_body.
+ etransitivity; [ eapply Z.div_to_inv_modulo; try eassumption; lia | ].
+ unfold a, A_a, A.
+ autorewrite with push_eval.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma redc_body_bound
+ : eval S < eval N + eval B
+ -> eval (snd (redc_body A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof.
+ destruct A_S; apply S4_bound; unfold S in *; cbn [snd] in *; try assumption; try omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma numlimbs_redc_body : numlimbs (snd (redc_body A_S))
+ = min (max (1 + numlimbs (snd A_S)) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs).
+ Proof. destruct A_S; apply numlimbs_S4; assumption. Qed.
+ End body.
+ Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
+ Local Arguments Z.of_nat !_.
+ Local Ltac induction_loop count IHcount
+ := induction count as [|count IHcount]; intros; cbn [redc_loop] in *; [ | rewrite redc_loop_comm_body in * ].
+ Lemma redc_loop_good A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ : small (fst (redc_loop count A_S))
+ /\ 0 <= eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof.
+ induction_loop count IHcount; auto; [].
+ change (id (0 <= eval B < R)) in B_bounds (* don't let [destruct_head'_and] loop *).
+ destruct_head'_and.
+ repeat first [ apply conj
+ | apply small_fst_redc_body
+ | apply redc_body_bound
+ | apply snd_redc_body_nonneg
+ | solve [ auto ] ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma redc_loop_bound A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ : 0 <= eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof. apply redc_loop_good; assumption. Qed.
+ Local Ltac t_min_max_step _ :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[Init.Nat.max ?x ?y] ]
+ => first [ rewrite (Max.max_l x y) by omega
+ | rewrite (Max.max_r x y) by omega ]
+ | [ |- context[Init.Nat.min ?x ?y] ]
+ => first [ rewrite (Min.min_l x y) by omega
+ | rewrite (Min.min_r x y) by omega ]
+ | _ => progress change Init.Nat.max with Nat.max
+ | _ => progress change Init.Nat.min with Nat.min
+ end.
+ Lemma numlimbs_redc_loop A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ (Hnumlimbs : (R_numlimbs <= numlimbs (snd A_S))%nat)
+ : numlimbs (snd (redc_loop count A_S))
+ = match count with
+ | O => numlimbs (snd A_S)
+ | S _ => 1 + R_numlimbs
+ end%nat.
+ Proof.
+ assert (Hgen
+ : numlimbs (snd (redc_loop count A_S))
+ = match count with
+ | O => numlimbs (snd A_S)
+ | S _ => min (max (count + numlimbs (snd A_S)) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs)
+ end).
+ { induction_loop count IHcount; [ reflexivity | ].
+ rewrite numlimbs_redc_body by (try apply redc_loop_good; auto).
+ rewrite IHcount; clear IHcount.
+ destruct count; [ reflexivity | ].
+ destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N)) (S count + numlimbs (snd A_S))),
+ (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + R_numlimbs) (S count + numlimbs (snd A_S))),
+ (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + R_numlimbs) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N)));
+ repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | t_min_max_step ()
+ | progress autorewrite with push_numlimbs
+ | rewrite Nat.min_comm, Nat.min_max_distr ]. }
+ rewrite Hgen; clear Hgen.
+ destruct count; [ reflexivity | ].
+ repeat apply Max.max_case_strong; apply Min.min_case_strong; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fst_redc_loop A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ : eval (fst (redc_loop count A_S)) = eval (fst A_S) / r^(Z.of_nat count).
+ Proof.
+ induction_loop count IHcount.
+ { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
+ { rewrite fst_redc_body, IHcount
+ by (apply redc_loop_good; auto).
+ rewrite Zdiv_Zdiv by Z.zero_bounds.
+ rewrite <- (Z.pow_1_r r) at 2.
+ rewrite <- Z.pow_add_r by lia.
+ replace (Z.of_nat count + 1) with (Z.of_nat (S count)) by (simpl; lia).
+ reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fst_redc_loop_mod_N A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ : eval (fst (redc_loop count A_S)) mod (eval N)
+ = (eval (fst A_S) - eval (fst A_S) mod r^Z.of_nat count)
+ * ri^(Z.of_nat count) mod (eval N).
+ Proof.
+ rewrite fst_redc_loop by assumption.
+ destruct count.
+ { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
+ { etransitivity;
+ [ eapply Z.div_to_inv_modulo;
+ try solve [ eassumption
+ | apply Z.lt_gt, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia ]
+ | ].
+ { erewrite <- Z.pow_mul_l, <- Z.pow_1_l.
+ { apply Z.pow_mod_Proper; [ eassumption | reflexivity ]. }
+ { lia. } }
+ reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+ Local Arguments Z.pow : simpl never.
+ Lemma snd_redc_loop_mod_N A_S count
+ (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
+ (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
+ : (eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S))) mod (eval N)
+ = ((eval (snd A_S) + (eval (fst A_S) mod r^(Z.of_nat count))*eval B)*ri^(Z.of_nat count)) mod (eval N).
+ Proof.
+ induction_loop count IHcount.
+ { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
+ { simpl; rewrite snd_redc_body_mod_N
+ by (apply redc_loop_good; auto).
+ push_Zmod; rewrite IHcount; pull_Zmod.
+ autorewrite with push_eval; [ | apply redc_loop_good; auto.. ]; [].
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x mod ?N = ?y mod ?N ]
+ => change (Z.equiv_modulo N x y)
+ end.
+ destruct A_S as [A S].
+ cbn [fst snd].
+ change (Z.pos (Pos.of_succ_nat ?n)) with (Z.of_nat (Datatypes.S n)).
+ rewrite !Z.mul_add_distr_r.
+ rewrite <- !Z.mul_assoc.
+ replace (ri^(Z.of_nat count) * ri) with (ri^(Z.of_nat (Datatypes.S count)))
+ by (change (Datatypes.S count) with (1 + count)%nat;
+ autorewrite with push_Zof_nat; rewrite Z.pow_add_r by lia; simpl Z.succ; rewrite Z.pow_1_r; nia).
+ rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc.
+ apply Z.add_mod_Proper; [ reflexivity | ].
+ unfold Z.equiv_modulo; push_Zmod; rewrite (Z.mul_mod_l (_ mod r) _ (eval N)).
+ rewrite fst_redc_loop by (try apply redc_loop_good; auto; omega).
+ cbn [fst].
+ rewrite Z.mod_pull_div by lia.
+ erewrite Z.div_to_inv_modulo;
+ [
+ | solve [ eassumption | apply Z.lt_gt, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia ]
+ | erewrite <- Z.pow_mul_l, <- Z.pow_1_l;
+ [ apply Z.pow_mod_Proper; [ eassumption | reflexivity ]
+ | lia ] ].
+ pull_Zmod.
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x mod ?N = ?y mod ?N ]
+ => change (Z.equiv_modulo N x y)
+ end.
+ repeat first [ rewrite <- !Z.pow_succ_r, <- !Nat2Z.inj_succ by lia
+ | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ ri)
+ | rewrite (Z.mul_assoc _ ri _)
+ | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (ri^_))
+ | rewrite (Z.mul_assoc _ (ri^_) _) ].
+ repeat first [ rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc
+ | rewrite <- Z.mul_add_distr_l
+ | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (eval B))
+ | rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_succ, !Z.pow_succ_r by lia;
+ rewrite <- Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by (apply Z.divide_factor_r || Z.zero_bounds)
+ | rewrite Zplus_minus
+ | reflexivity ]. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma redc_bound A
+ (small_A : small A)
+ : 0 <= eval (redc A) < eval N + eval B.
+ Proof.
+ unfold redc.
+ apply redc_loop_good; simpl; autorewrite with push_eval;
+ rewrite ?Npos_correct; auto; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma numlimbs_redc_gen A (small_A : small A) (Hnumlimbs : (R_numlimbs <= numlimbs B)%nat)
+ : numlimbs (redc A)
+ = match numlimbs A with
+ | O => S (numlimbs B)
+ | _ => S R_numlimbs
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ unfold redc; rewrite numlimbs_redc_loop by (cbn [fst snd]; t_small);
+ cbn [snd]; rewrite ?numlimbs_zero.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma numlimbs_redc A (small_A : small A) (Hnumlimbs : R_numlimbs = numlimbs B)
+ : numlimbs (redc A) = S (numlimbs B).
+ Proof. rewrite numlimbs_redc_gen; subst; auto; destruct (numlimbs A); reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma redc_mod_N A (small_A : small A) (A_bound : 0 <= eval A < r ^ Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))
+ : (eval (redc A)) mod (eval N) = (eval A * eval B * ri^(Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))) mod (eval N).
+ Proof.
+ unfold redc.
+ rewrite snd_redc_loop_mod_N; cbn [fst snd];
+ autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify;
+ [ | rewrite ?Npos_correct; auto; lia.. ].
+ Z.rewrite_mod_small.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End WordByWordMontgomery.
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Definition.v b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Definition.v
index c7bf317ec..898adcff7 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Definition.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Definition.v
@@ -1,81 +1,17 @@
(*** Word-By-Word Montgomery Multiplication *)
(** This file implements Montgomery Form, Montgomery Reduction, and
- Montgomery Multiplication on an abstract [T]. We follow "Fast Prime
- Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with 256 Bit Primes",
- https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816.pdf. *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-(** Quoting from page 7 of "Fast Prime
- Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with 256 Bit Primes",
- https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816.pdf: *)
-(** * Algorithm 1: Word-by-Word Montgomery Multiplication (WW-MM) *)
-(** Input: [p < 2ˡ] (odd modulus),
- [0 ≤ a, b < p], [l = s×k]
- Output: [a×b×2⁻ˡ mod p]
- Pre-computed: [k0 = -p⁻¹ mod 2ˢ]
- Flow
-1. T = a×b
- For i = 1 to k do
- 2. T1 = T mod 2ˢ
- 3. Y = T1 × k0 mod 2ˢ
- 4. T2 = Y × p
- 5. T3 = (T + T2)
- 6. T = T3 / 2ˢ
- End For
-7. If T ≥ p then X = T – p;
- else X = T
-Return X
->> *)
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section WordByWordMontgomery.
- Local Coercion Z.pos : positive >-> Z.
- Context
- {T : Type}
- {eval : T -> Z}
- {numlimbs : T -> nat}
- {zero : nat -> T}
- {divmod : T -> T * Z} (* returns lowest limb and all-but-lowest-limb *)
- {r : positive}
- {scmul : Z -> T -> T} (* uses double-output multiply *)
- {R : positive}
- {add : T -> T -> T} (* joins carry *)
- {drop_high : T -> T} (* drops the highest limb *)
- (N : T).
- (* Recurse for a as many iterations as A has limbs, varying A := A, S := 0, r, bounds *)
- Section Iteration.
- Context (B : T) (k : Z).
- Context (A S : T).
- (* Given A, B < R, we want to compute A * B / R mod N. R = bound 0 * ... * bound (n-1) *)
- Local Definition A_a := dlet p := divmod A in p. Local Definition A' := fst A_a. Local Definition a := snd A_a.
- Local Definition S1 := add S (scmul a B).
- Local Definition s := snd (divmod S1).
- Local Definition q := s * k mod r.
- Local Definition S2 := add S1 (scmul q N).
- Local Definition S3 := fst (divmod S2).
- Local Definition S4 := drop_high S3.
- End Iteration.
- Section loop.
- Context (A B : T) (k : Z) (S' : T).
- Definition redc_body : T * T -> T * T
- := fun '(A, S') => (A' A, S4 B k A S').
- Fixpoint redc_loop (count : nat) : T * T -> T * T
- := match count with
- | O => fun A_S => A_S
- | S count' => fun A_S => redc_loop count' (redc_body A_S)
- end.
- Definition redc : T
- := snd (redc_loop (numlimbs A) (A, zero (1 + numlimbs B))).
- End loop.
-End WordByWordMontgomery.
-Create HintDb word_by_word_montgomery.
-Hint Unfold S4 S3 S2 q s S1 a A' A_a Let_In : word_by_word_montgomery.
+ Montgomery Multiplication on an abstract [list ℤ]. We follow
+ "Fast Prime Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with 256 Bit
+ Primes", https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816.pdf. *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.
+Section redc.
+ (** XXX TODO: Figure out how to fill in these context variables *)
+ Context {mul_split : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z * Z} (* first argument is where to split output; [mul_split s x y] gives ((x * y) mod s, (x * y) / s) *).
+ (** XXX TODO: pick better names for the arguments to this definition. *)
+ Definition redc {r : positive} {R_numlimbs : nat} (N A B : T) (k : Z) : T
+ := @redc T numlimbs zero divmod r (@scmul (Z.pos r) mul_split) (@add (Z.pos r)) (@drop_high (S R_numlimbs)) N A B k.
+End redc.
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.v b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.v
index c90b55fbc..d51c16673 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.v
@@ -1,486 +1,96 @@
(*** Word-By-Word Montgomery Multiplication Proofs *)
-Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv Coq.micromega.Lia.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Definition.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Proofs.
Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Definition.
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Ring.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Coercion Z.pos : positive >-> Z.
Section WordByWordMontgomery.
- Context
- {T : Type}
- {eval : T -> Z}
- {numlimbs : T -> nat}
- {zero : nat -> T}
- {divmod : T -> T * Z} (* returns lowest limb and all-but-lowest-limb *)
- {r : positive}
- {r_big : r > 1}
- {small : T -> Prop}
- {eval_zero : forall n, eval (zero n) = 0}
- {numlimbs_zero : forall n, numlimbs (zero n) = n}
- {eval_div : forall v, small v -> eval (fst (divmod v)) = eval v / r}
- {eval_mod : forall v, small v -> snd (divmod v) = eval v mod r}
- {small_div : forall v, small (fst (divmod v))}
- {numlimbs_div : forall v, numlimbs (fst (divmod v)) = pred (numlimbs v)}
- {scmul : Z -> T -> T} (* uses double-output multiply *)
- {eval_scmul: forall a v, eval (scmul a v) = a * eval v}
- {numlimbs_scmul : forall a v, 0 <= a < r -> numlimbs (scmul a v) = S (numlimbs v)}
- {R : positive}
- {R_numlimbs : nat}
- {R_correct : R = r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs :> Z}
- {add : T -> T -> T} (* joins carry *)
- {eval_add : forall a b, eval (add a b) = eval a + eval b}
- {small_add : forall a b, small (add a b)}
- {numlimbs_add : forall a b, numlimbs (add a b) = Datatypes.S (max (numlimbs a) (numlimbs b))}
- {drop_high : T -> T} (* drops things after [S R_numlimbs] *)
- {eval_drop_high : forall v, small v -> eval (drop_high v) = eval v mod (r * r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)}
- {numlimbs_drop_high : forall v, numlimbs (drop_high v) = min (numlimbs v) (S R_numlimbs)}
- (N : T) (Npos : positive) (Npos_correct: eval N = Z.pos Npos)
- (N_lt_R : eval N < R)
- (B : T)
- (B_bounds : 0 <= eval B < R)
- ri (ri_correct : r*ri mod (eval N) = 1 mod (eval N)).
- Context (k : Z) (k_correct : k * eval N mod r = -1).
- Create HintDb push_numlimbs discriminated.
- Create HintDb push_eval discriminated.
- Local Ltac t_small :=
- repeat first [ assumption
- | apply small_add
- | apply small_div
- | apply Z_mod_lt
- | solve [ auto ]
- | lia
- | progress autorewrite with push_eval
- | progress autorewrite with push_numlimbs ].
- Hint Rewrite
- eval_zero
- eval_div
- eval_mod
- eval_add
- eval_scmul
- eval_drop_high
- using (repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small)
- : push_eval.
- Hint Rewrite
- numlimbs_zero
- numlimbs_div
- numlimbs_add
- numlimbs_scmul
- numlimbs_drop_high
- using (repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small)
- : push_numlimbs.
- Hint Rewrite <- Max.succ_max_distr pred_Sn Min.succ_min_distr : push_numlimbs.
- (* Recurse for a as many iterations as A has limbs, varying A := A, S := 0, r, bounds *)
- Section Iteration.
- Context (A S : T)
- (small_A : small A)
- (S_nonneg : 0 <= eval S).
- (* Given A, B < R, we want to compute A * B / R mod N. R = bound 0 * ... * bound (n-1) *)
- Local Coercion eval : T >-> Z.
- Local Notation a := (@WordByWord.Definition.a T divmod A).
- Local Notation A' := (@WordByWord.Definition.A' T divmod A).
- Local Notation S1 := (@WordByWord.Definition.S1 T divmod scmul add B A S).
- Local Notation S2 := (@WordByWord.Definition.S2 T divmod r scmul add N B k A S).
- Local Notation S3 := (@WordByWord.Definition.S3 T divmod r scmul add N B k A S).
- Local Notation S4 := (@WordByWord.Definition.S4 T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k A S).
- Lemma S3_bound
- : eval S < eval N + eval B
- -> eval S3 < eval N + eval B.
- Proof.
- assert (Hmod : forall a b, 0 < b -> a mod b <= b - 1)
- by (intros x y; pose proof (Z_mod_lt x y); omega).
- intro HS.
- unfold S3, WordByWord.Definition.S2, WordByWord.Definition.S1.
- autorewrite with push_eval; [].
- eapply Z.le_lt_trans.
- { transitivity ((N+B-1 + (r-1)*B + (r-1)*N) / r);
- [ | set_evars; ring_simplify_subterms; subst_evars; reflexivity ].
- Z.peel_le; repeat apply Z.add_le_mono; repeat apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg; try lia;
- repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery;
- autorewrite with push_eval;
- try Z.zero_bounds;
- auto with lia. }
- rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ r), <- Z.add_sub_assoc, <- Z.add_opp_r, !Z.div_add_l' by lia.
- autorewrite with zsimplify.
- omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma small_A'
- : small A'.
- Proof.
- repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma small_S3
- : small S3.
- Proof. repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery; t_small. Qed.
- Lemma S3_nonneg : 0 <= eval S3.
- Proof.
- repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery;
- autorewrite with push_eval; [].
- rewrite ?Npos_correct; Z.zero_bounds; lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma S4_nonneg : 0 <= eval S4.
- Proof. unfold S4; rewrite eval_drop_high by apply small_S3; Z.zero_bounds. Qed.
- Lemma S4_bound
- : eval S < eval N + eval B
- -> eval S4 < eval N + eval B.
- Proof.
- intro H; pose proof (S3_bound H); pose proof S3_nonneg.
- unfold S4.
- rewrite eval_drop_high by apply small_S3.
- rewrite Z.mod_small by nia.
- assumption.
- Qed.
- Lemma numlimbs_S4 : numlimbs S4 = min (max (1 + numlimbs S) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs).
- Proof.
- cbn [plus].
- repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery.
- repeat autorewrite with push_numlimbs.
- change Init.Nat.max with Nat.max.
- rewrite <- ?(Max.max_assoc (numlimbs S)).
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma S1_eq : eval S1 = S + a*B.
- Proof.
- cbv [S1 a WordByWord.Definition.A'].
- repeat autorewrite with push_eval.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma S2_mod_N : (eval S2) mod N = (S + a*B) mod N.
- Proof.
- cbv [S2 WordByWord.Definition.q WordByWord.Definition.s]; autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify. rewrite S1_eq. reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma S2_mod_r : S2 mod r = 0.
- cbv [S2 WordByWord.Definition.q WordByWord.Definition.s]; autorewrite with push_eval.
- assert (r > 0) by lia.
- assert (Hr : (-(1 mod r)) mod r = r - 1 /\ (-(1)) mod r = r - 1).
- { destruct (Z.eq_dec r 1) as [H'|H'].
- { rewrite H'; split; reflexivity. }
- { rewrite !Z_mod_nz_opp_full; rewrite ?Z.mod_mod; Z.rewrite_mod_small; [ split; reflexivity | omega.. ]. } }
- autorewrite with pull_Zmod.
- replace 0 with (0 mod r) by apply Zmod_0_l.
- eapply F.eq_of_Z_iff.
- repeat rewrite ?F.of_Z_add, ?F.of_Z_mul, <-?F.of_Z_mod.
- rewrite <-Algebra.Hierarchy.associative.
- replace ((F.of_Z r k * F.of_Z r (eval N))%F) with (F.opp (m:=r) F.one).
- { cbv [F.of_Z F.add]; simpl.
- apply path_sig_hprop; [ intro; exact HProp.allpath_hprop | ].
- simpl.
- rewrite (proj1 Hr), Z.mul_sub_distr_l.
- push_Zmod; pull_Zmod.
- autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { rewrite <- F.of_Z_mul.
- rewrite F.of_Z_mod.
- rewrite k_correct.
- cbv [F.of_Z F.add F.opp F.one]; simpl.
- change (-(1)) with (-1) in *.
- apply path_sig_hprop; [ intro; exact HProp.allpath_hprop | ]; simpl.
- rewrite (proj1 Hr), (proj2 Hr); reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Lemma S3_mod_N
- : S3 mod N = (S + a*B)*ri mod N.
- Proof.
- cbv [S3]; autorewrite with push_eval cancel_pair.
- pose proof fun a => Z.div_to_inv_modulo N a r ri eq_refl ri_correct as HH;
- cbv [Z.equiv_modulo] in HH; rewrite HH; clear HH.
- etransitivity; [rewrite (fun a => Z.mul_mod_l a ri N)|
- rewrite (fun a => Z.mul_mod_l a ri N); reflexivity].
- rewrite <-S2_mod_N; repeat (f_equal; []); autorewrite with push_eval.
- autorewrite with push_Zmod;
- rewrite S2_mod_r;
- autorewrite with zsimplify.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma S4_mod_N
- (Hbound : eval S < eval N + eval B)
- : S4 mod N = (S + a*B)*ri mod N.
- Proof.
- pose proof (S3_bound Hbound); pose proof S3_nonneg.
- unfold S4; autorewrite with push_eval.
- rewrite (Z.mod_small _ (r * _)) by nia.
- apply S3_mod_N.
- Qed.
- End Iteration.
- Local Notation redc_body := (@redc_body T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k).
- Local Notation redc_loop := (@redc_loop T divmod r scmul add drop_high N B k).
- Local Notation redc A := (@redc T numlimbs zero divmod r scmul add drop_high N A B k).
- Lemma redc_loop_comm_body count
- : forall A_S, redc_loop count (redc_body A_S) = redc_body (redc_loop count A_S).
+ (** XXX TODO: Figure out how to fill in these context variables *)
+ Context {mul_split : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z * Z} (* first argument is where to split output; [mul_split s x y] gives ((x * y) mod s, (x * y) / s) *)
+ {mul_split_mod : forall s x y,
+ fst (mul_split s x y) = (x * y) mod s}
+ {mul_split_div : forall s x y,
+ snd (mul_split s x y) = (x * y) / s}.
+ (** XXX TODO: pick better names for things like [R_numlimbs] *)
+ Context (r : positive)
+ (R_numlimbs : nat).
+ Local Notation small := (@small (Z.pos r)).
+ Local Notation eval := (@eval (Z.pos r)).
+ Local Notation add := (@add (Z.pos r)).
+ Local Notation scmul := (@scmul (Z.pos r) mul_split).
+ Local Notation eval_zero := (@eval_zero (Z.pos r)).
+ Local Notation eval_div := (@eval_div (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation eval_mod := (@eval_mod (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation small_div := (@small_div (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation numlimbs_div := (@numlimbs_div (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation eval_scmul := (@eval_scmul (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation numlimbs_scmul := (@numlimbs_scmul (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation eval_add := (@eval_add (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
+ Local Notation small_add := (@small_add (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
+ Local Notation numlimbs_add := (@numlimbs_add (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div).
+ Local Notation drop_high := (@drop_high (S R_numlimbs)).
+ Local Notation numlimbs_drop_high := (@numlimbs_drop_high (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) mul_split mul_split_mod mul_split_div (S R_numlimbs)).
+ Context (N A B : T)
+ (k : Z)
+ ri
+ (r_big : r > 1)
+ (small_A : small A)
+ (Hnumlimbs_le : (R_numlimbs <= numlimbs B)%nat)
+ (Hnumlimbs_eq : R_numlimbs = numlimbs B)
+ (A_bound : 0 <= eval A < Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))
+ (ri_correct : r*ri mod (eval N) = 1 mod (eval N))
+ (N_bound : 0 < eval N < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)
+ (B_bound' : 0 <= eval B < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)
+ (k_correct : k * eval N mod r = -1).
+ Let R : positive := match (Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)%Z with
+ | Z.pos R => R
+ | _ => 1%positive
+ end.
+ Let Npos : positive := match eval N with
+ | Z.pos N => N
+ | _ => 1%positive
+ end.
+ Local Lemma R_correct : Z.pos R = Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs.
- induction count as [|count IHcount]; try reflexivity.
- simpl; intro; rewrite IHcount; reflexivity.
+ assert (0 < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia).
+ subst R; destruct (Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs) eqn:?; [ | reflexivity | ];
+ lia.
+ Local Lemma Npos_correct: eval N = Z.pos Npos.
+ Proof. subst Npos; destruct (eval N); [ | reflexivity | ]; lia. Qed.
+ Local Lemma N_lt_R : eval N < R.
+ Proof. rewrite R_correct; apply N_bound. Qed.
+ Local Lemma B_bound : 0 <= eval B < R.
+ Proof. rewrite R_correct; apply B_bound'. Qed.
- Section body.
- Context (A_S : T * T).
- Let A:=fst A_S.
- Let S:=snd A_S.
- Let A_a:=divmod A.
- Let a:=snd A_a.
- Context (small_A : small A)
- (S_bound : 0 <= eval S < eval N + eval B).
- Lemma small_fst_redc_body : small (fst (redc_body A_S)).
- Proof. destruct A_S; apply small_A'; assumption. Qed.
- Lemma snd_redc_body_nonneg : 0 <= eval (snd (redc_body A_S)).
- Proof. destruct A_S; apply S4_nonneg; assumption. Qed.
- Lemma snd_redc_body_mod_N
- : (eval (snd (redc_body A_S))) mod (eval N) = (eval S + a*eval B)*ri mod (eval N).
- Proof. destruct A_S; apply S4_mod_N; auto; omega. Qed.
- Lemma fst_redc_body
- : (eval (fst (redc_body A_S))) = eval (fst A_S) / r.
- Proof.
- destruct A_S; simpl; unfold WordByWord.Definition.A', WordByWord.Definition.A_a, Let_In, a, A_a, A; simpl.
- autorewrite with push_eval.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma fst_redc_body_mod_N
- : (eval (fst (redc_body A_S))) mod (eval N) = ((eval (fst A_S) - a)*ri) mod (eval N).
- Proof.
- rewrite fst_redc_body.
- etransitivity; [ eapply Z.div_to_inv_modulo; try eassumption; lia | ].
- unfold a, A_a, A.
- autorewrite with push_eval.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_body_bound
- : eval S < eval N + eval B
- -> eval (snd (redc_body A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
- Proof.
- destruct A_S; apply S4_bound; unfold S in *; cbn [snd] in *; try assumption; try omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma numlimbs_redc_body : numlimbs (snd (redc_body A_S))
- = min (max (1 + numlimbs (snd A_S)) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs).
- Proof. destruct A_S; apply numlimbs_S4; assumption. Qed.
- End body.
- Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
- Local Arguments Z.of_nat !_.
- Local Ltac induction_loop count IHcount
- := induction count as [|count IHcount]; intros; cbn [redc_loop] in *; [ | rewrite redc_loop_comm_body in * ].
- Lemma redc_loop_good A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- : small (fst (redc_loop count A_S))
- /\ 0 <= eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
+ Local Lemma eval_drop_high : forall v, small v -> eval (drop_high v) = eval v mod (r * r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs).
- induction_loop count IHcount; auto; [].
- change (id (0 <= eval B < R)) in B_bounds (* don't let [destruct_head'_and] loop *).
- destruct_head'_and.
- repeat first [ apply conj
- | apply small_fst_redc_body
- | apply redc_body_bound
- | apply snd_redc_body_nonneg
- | solve [ auto ] ].
+ intros; erewrite eval_drop_high by (eassumption || lia).
+ f_equal; unfold uweight.
+ rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.inj_succ, Z.pow_succ_r by lia; reflexivity.
- Lemma redc_loop_bound A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- : 0 <= eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S)) < eval N + eval B.
- Proof. apply redc_loop_good; assumption. Qed.
- Local Ltac t_min_max_step _ :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[Init.Nat.max ?x ?y] ]
- => first [ rewrite (Max.max_l x y) by omega
- | rewrite (Max.max_r x y) by omega ]
- | [ |- context[Init.Nat.min ?x ?y] ]
- => first [ rewrite (Min.min_l x y) by omega
- | rewrite (Min.min_r x y) by omega ]
- | _ => progress change Init.Nat.max with Nat.max
- | _ => progress change Init.Nat.min with Nat.min
- end.
- Lemma numlimbs_redc_loop A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- (Hnumlimbs : (R_numlimbs <= numlimbs (snd A_S))%nat)
- : numlimbs (snd (redc_loop count A_S))
- = match count with
- | O => numlimbs (snd A_S)
- | S _ => 1 + R_numlimbs
- end%nat.
- Proof.
- assert (Hgen
- : numlimbs (snd (redc_loop count A_S))
- = match count with
- | O => numlimbs (snd A_S)
- | S _ => min (max (count + numlimbs (snd A_S)) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N))) (1 + R_numlimbs)
- end).
- { induction_loop count IHcount; [ reflexivity | ].
- rewrite numlimbs_redc_body by (try apply redc_loop_good; auto).
- rewrite IHcount; clear IHcount.
- destruct count; [ reflexivity | ].
- destruct (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N)) (S count + numlimbs (snd A_S))),
- (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + R_numlimbs) (S count + numlimbs (snd A_S))),
- (Compare_dec.le_lt_dec (1 + R_numlimbs) (1 + max (1 + numlimbs B) (numlimbs N)));
- repeat first [ reflexivity
- | t_min_max_step ()
- | progress autorewrite with push_numlimbs
- | rewrite Nat.min_comm, Nat.min_max_distr ]. }
- rewrite Hgen; clear Hgen.
- destruct count; [ reflexivity | ].
- repeat apply Max.max_case_strong; apply Min.min_case_strong; omega.
- Qed.
+ Local Notation redc := (@redc mul_split r R_numlimbs N A B k).
- Lemma fst_redc_loop A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- : eval (fst (redc_loop count A_S)) = eval (fst A_S) / r^(Z.of_nat count).
- Proof.
- induction_loop count IHcount.
- { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { rewrite fst_redc_body, IHcount
- by (apply redc_loop_good; auto).
- rewrite Zdiv_Zdiv by Z.zero_bounds.
- rewrite <- (Z.pow_1_r r) at 2.
- rewrite <- Z.pow_add_r by lia.
- replace (Z.of_nat count + 1) with (Z.of_nat (S count)) by (simpl; lia).
- reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Lemma fst_redc_loop_mod_N A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- : eval (fst (redc_loop count A_S)) mod (eval N)
- = (eval (fst A_S) - eval (fst A_S) mod r^Z.of_nat count)
- * ri^(Z.of_nat count) mod (eval N).
- Proof.
- rewrite fst_redc_loop by assumption.
- destruct count.
- { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { etransitivity;
- [ eapply Z.div_to_inv_modulo;
- try solve [ eassumption
- | apply Z.lt_gt, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia ]
- | ].
- { erewrite <- Z.pow_mul_l, <- Z.pow_1_l.
- { apply Z.pow_mod_Proper; [ eassumption | reflexivity ]. }
- { lia. } }
- reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Local Arguments Z.pow : simpl never.
- Lemma snd_redc_loop_mod_N A_S count
- (Hsmall : small (fst A_S))
- (Hbound : 0 <= eval (snd A_S) < eval N + eval B)
- : (eval (snd (redc_loop count A_S))) mod (eval N)
- = ((eval (snd A_S) + (eval (fst A_S) mod r^(Z.of_nat count))*eval B)*ri^(Z.of_nat count)) mod (eval N).
- Proof.
- induction_loop count IHcount.
- { simpl; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { simpl; rewrite snd_redc_body_mod_N
- by (apply redc_loop_good; auto).
- push_Zmod; rewrite IHcount; pull_Zmod.
- autorewrite with push_eval; [ | apply redc_loop_good; auto.. ]; [].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?x mod ?N = ?y mod ?N ]
- => change (Z.equiv_modulo N x y)
- end.
- destruct A_S as [A S].
- cbn [fst snd].
- change (Z.pos (Pos.of_succ_nat ?n)) with (Z.of_nat (Datatypes.S n)).
- rewrite !Z.mul_add_distr_r.
- rewrite <- !Z.mul_assoc.
- replace (ri^(Z.of_nat count) * ri) with (ri^(Z.of_nat (Datatypes.S count)))
- by (change (Datatypes.S count) with (1 + count)%nat;
- autorewrite with push_Zof_nat; rewrite Z.pow_add_r by lia; simpl Z.succ; rewrite Z.pow_1_r; nia).
- rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc.
- apply Z.add_mod_Proper; [ reflexivity | ].
- unfold Z.equiv_modulo; push_Zmod; rewrite (Z.mul_mod_l (_ mod r) _ (eval N)).
- rewrite fst_redc_loop by (try apply redc_loop_good; auto; omega).
- cbn [fst].
- rewrite Z.mod_pull_div by lia.
- erewrite Z.div_to_inv_modulo;
- [
- | solve [ eassumption | apply Z.lt_gt, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia ]
- | erewrite <- Z.pow_mul_l, <- Z.pow_1_l;
- [ apply Z.pow_mod_Proper; [ eassumption | reflexivity ]
- | lia ] ].
- pull_Zmod.
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?x mod ?N = ?y mod ?N ]
- => change (Z.equiv_modulo N x y)
- end.
- repeat first [ rewrite <- !Z.pow_succ_r, <- !Nat2Z.inj_succ by lia
- | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ ri)
- | rewrite (Z.mul_assoc _ ri _)
- | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (ri^_))
- | rewrite (Z.mul_assoc _ (ri^_) _) ].
- repeat first [ rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc
- | rewrite <- Z.mul_add_distr_l
- | rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (eval B))
- | rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_succ, !Z.pow_succ_r by lia;
- rewrite <- Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by (apply Z.divide_factor_r || Z.zero_bounds)
- | rewrite Zplus_minus
- | reflexivity ]. }
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_bound A
- (small_A : small A)
- : 0 <= eval (redc A) < eval N + eval B.
- Proof.
- unfold redc.
- apply redc_loop_good; simpl; autorewrite with push_eval;
- rewrite ?Npos_correct; auto; lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma numlimbs_redc_gen A (small_A : small A) (Hnumlimbs : (R_numlimbs <= numlimbs B)%nat)
- : numlimbs (redc A)
+ Definition redc_bound : 0 <= eval redc < eval N + eval B
+ := @redc_bound T eval numlimbs zero divmod r r_big small eval_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div scmul eval_scmul R R_numlimbs R_correct add eval_add small_add drop_high eval_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct N_lt_R B B_bound ri k A small_A.
+ Definition numlimbs_redc_gen
+ : numlimbs redc
= match numlimbs A with
| O => S (numlimbs B)
| _ => S R_numlimbs
- end.
- Proof.
- unfold redc; rewrite numlimbs_redc_loop by (cbn [fst snd]; t_small);
- cbn [snd]; rewrite ?numlimbs_zero.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma numlimbs_redc A (small_A : small A) (Hnumlimbs : R_numlimbs = numlimbs B)
- : numlimbs (redc A) = S (numlimbs B).
- Proof. rewrite numlimbs_redc_gen; subst; auto; destruct (numlimbs A); reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma redc_mod_N A (small_A : small A) (A_bound : 0 <= eval A < r ^ Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))
- : (eval (redc A)) mod (eval N) = (eval A * eval B * ri^(Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))) mod (eval N).
- Proof.
- unfold redc.
- rewrite snd_redc_loop_mod_N; cbn [fst snd];
- autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify;
- [ | rewrite ?Npos_correct; auto; lia.. ].
- Z.rewrite_mod_small.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
+ end
+ := @numlimbs_redc_gen T eval numlimbs zero divmod r r_big small eval_zero numlimbs_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div numlimbs_div scmul eval_scmul numlimbs_scmul R R_numlimbs R_correct add eval_add small_add numlimbs_add drop_high eval_drop_high numlimbs_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct N_lt_R B B_bound ri k A small_A Hnumlimbs_le.
+ Definition numlimbs_redc : numlimbs redc = S (numlimbs B)
+ := @numlimbs_redc T eval numlimbs zero divmod r r_big small eval_zero numlimbs_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div numlimbs_div scmul eval_scmul numlimbs_scmul R R_numlimbs R_correct add eval_add small_add numlimbs_add drop_high eval_drop_high numlimbs_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct N_lt_R B B_bound ri k A small_A Hnumlimbs_eq.
+ Definition redc_mod_N
+ : (eval redc) mod (eval N) = (eval A * eval B * ri^(Z.of_nat (numlimbs A))) mod (eval N)
+ := @redc_mod_N T eval numlimbs zero divmod r r_big small eval_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div scmul eval_scmul R R_numlimbs R_correct add eval_add small_add drop_high eval_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct N_lt_R B B_bound ri ri_correct k k_correct A small_A A_bound.
End WordByWordMontgomery.