path: root/expansion.md
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-01-12 13:02:15 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-01-12 13:02:15 -0500
commitf8577805e1b1cb4276801fa9d4cc051678e808d2 (patch)
tree8745685b65014e20f01cd3abfa891d88a1c133b2 /expansion.md
parent9941f6387463d20be7217a3435fb5cce2143771d (diff)
list of possible expansions
Diffstat (limited to 'expansion.md')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/expansion.md b/expansion.md
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index 000000000..7161860dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expansion.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+This file is to list tractable, can-be-started-now expansions of the library.
+None of this is necessarily going to happen, but better have it here than in
+people's heads.
+**poly1305** spec and simple implementation using existing field-arithmetic
+synthesis tools and a Gallina-level loop. Possibly model this after the
+implementation in go.crypto for AMD64.
+**striping** for poly1305 -- evaluating a polynomial by splitting it into, for
+example, 4 polynomials such that coefficient i is in polynomial i mod 4 and
+evaluating the 4 polynomials in parallel, then combining results. Model this
+after Andy Polyakov's AVX2 code in OpenSSL.
+**precomputed** tables for ed25519 fixed-basepoint scalar multiplication. Model
+after the ed25519 paper and the go.crypto implementation. This would include
+implementing unsigned-to-signed conversion for bignums.
+**fixed window** variable-basepoint scalar multiplication. Currently we use
+binary exponentiation (window of 1 bit), but 4 would be much faster. See
+go.crypto ed25519 for reference, or maybe go.crypto p256.
+**Weierstrass** or **Montgomery** curves, spec and associativity-commutativity
+proofs. This will most likely include writing a nsatz tactic wrapper that takes
+into account nonzero-ness hypotheses (specified in a Coq Enhancement proposal by
+Jason and Andres) and possibly debugging nsatz itself.
+**homomorphism** from ed25519 to x25519 -- the signing scheme and key agreement
+system use the same curve but in different coordinates. The ed25519
+fixed-basepoint scalar multiplication with precomputed tables is faster than
+x25519 scalar multiplication which cannot use precomputed tables, so one would
+want to perform the computation in Edwards coordinates and then convert to
+Montgomery-X coordinates. Model after blog post on imperialvolet.org. First
+investigate whether this task actually depends on the next one.
+**elligator** encoding of ed25519 points, primarily requiring a homomorphism
+from Edwards coordinates to Weierstrass coordinates. This homomorphism would
+also validate our transcription of the x25519 spec. Model after the "Elligator
+2" in the Elligator paper and a imperialviolet.org post.
+**subgroup** membership checks for ed25519 -- the group has order 8*prime, but
+some algorithms require checking that the inputs are in the prime-order
+subgroup. Model github.com/yahoo/coname VRF implementation for an implementation
+of such checks, hopefully it also contains a reference to a paper that explained
+why these checks are sufficient. Capitalize on this by implementing VxEdDSA as
+specified by OpenWhisperSystems.
+**decaf** cofactor removal for the ed448-goldilocks elliptic curve as explained
+in the decaf paper. I don't know what a good use case for this would be, though.
+**ECDSA** signature scheme specification, to complement EdDSA. Synthesize code
+for some existing curve for to test it; the real target would be p256.
+**freeze** (field element canonicalization) the way Mike Hamburg does it -- it
+may or may not be better than our current one, but it very well might be less
+**striping** for poly1305 -- evaluating a polynomial by splitting it into, for
+example, 4 polynomials such that coefficient i is in polynomial i mod 4 and
+evaluating the 4 polynomials in parallel, then combining results.
+**saturated-limb** arithmetic synthesis -- we currently have some support for
+synthesizing "multi-word" fixed-size integers using saturated techniques, but
+such code is separate from our main BaseSystem, is not as complete, and has had
+synthesis performance issues. We should investigate whether the saturated-limb
+and unsaturated-limb synthesis systems can be unified (e g try to define
+add-get-carry in terms of integer addition and the NewBaseSystem split
+operation). If not, improve the multi-word code so that it can synthesize
+arithmetic modulo p256 and order of curve25519 using existing Montgomery and
+Barrett reduction formulas respectively.
+**refined Montgomery multiplication** for p256 and maybe RSA. Model after the
+work of Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov -- the code is in OpenSSL ("rsaz" and
+"p256z" assembly for AMD64) and there are papers as well. Note that we already
+have proofs and code generation for some variants of Montgomery multiplication,
+so the first task would be to figure out how much of them can be reused.
+**Chinese Remainder Theorem** decomposition and recombination for RSA signing,
+maybe modeled after Brian Smith's ring library or go.crypto. Note that we would
+first need to have some story for modular multiplication at RSA sizes.
+**verified compilation** of PHOAS straight-line code to Jasmine-lang. This would
+involve register allocation and instruction scheduling.
+**verified compilation** of PHOAS code to VST C.
+**loops** for our PHOAS language. Possibly hardcoded to [fold_left] of [seq], or
+something else that is sufficient to encode C "for" loops. Importantly, we
+should have a way to reify existing code
+**modules** for our PHOAS language so we don't have to inline everything.
+Basically we want to allow one Coq-level object to represent a collection of
+PHOAS functions that may call one another. It should be possible to optimize one
+function using a verified PHOAS pass of whatever and maintain the correctness
+results of the other functions that call it.