path: root/coqprime/num/Lucas.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-02-05 15:24:42 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-02-05 15:24:42 -0500
commita47b49b11d17add5ca1ea5e650d2f344219b4f7e (patch)
tree699bff16674a68d1a5dc059bfdbd2f9ca85e95a7 /coqprime/num/Lucas.v
parent1f83ff39458ca80acf3192c938490cf4988b7489 (diff)
Update build process to use COQPATH & _CoqProject
Removed all of the files not built by default; they can be resurrected from git history. _CoqProject is the standard way to list the files in a project and to give information to coq_makefile. COQPATH is the standard way to make use of not-yet-installed libraries that are not part of your project (i.e., you don't want to remove them when you `make clean`, etc.).
Diffstat (limited to 'coqprime/num/Lucas.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/coqprime/num/Lucas.v b/coqprime/num/Lucas.v
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd3e8142..000000000
--- a/coqprime/num/Lucas.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import ZArith Znumtheory Zpow_facts.
-Require Import CyclicAxioms DoubleCyclic BigN Cyclic31 Int31.
-Require Import ZCAux.
-Require Import W.
-Require Import Mod_op.
-Require Import LucasLehmer.
-Require Import Coqprime.Bits.
-Import CyclicAxioms DoubleType DoubleBase.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section test.
-Variable w: Type.
-Variable w_op: ZnZ.Ops w.
-Variable op_spec: ZnZ.Specs w_op.
-Variable p: positive.
-Variable b: w.
-Notation "[| x |]" :=
- (ZnZ.to_Z x) (at level 0, x at level 99).
-Hypothesis p_more_1: 2 < Zpos p.
-Hypothesis b_p: [|b|] = 2 ^ Zpos p - 1.
-Lemma b_pos: 0 < [|b|].
-rewrite b_p; auto with zarith.
-assert (2 ^ 0 < 2 ^ Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_0_r in H; auto with zarith.
-Hint Resolve b_pos.
-Variable m_op: mod_op w.
-Variable m_op_spec: mod_spec w_op b m_op.
-Let w2 := m_op.(add_mod) ZnZ.one ZnZ.one.
-Lemma w1_b: [|ZnZ.one|] = 1 mod [|b|].
-rewrite ZnZ.spec_1; simpl; auto.
-rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
-split; auto with zarith.
-rewrite b_p.
-assert (2 ^ 1 < 2 ^ Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_1_r in H; auto with zarith.
-Lemma w2_b: [|w2|] = 2 mod [|b|].
-unfold w2; rewrite (add_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ _ _ w1_b w1_b).
-rewrite w1_b; rewrite <- Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
-Let w4 := m_op.(add_mod) w2 w2.
-Lemma w4_b: [|w4|] = 4 mod [|b|].
-unfold w4; rewrite (add_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ _ _ w2_b w2_b).
-rewrite w2_b; rewrite <- Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
-Let square_m2 :=
- let square := m_op.(square_mod) in
- let sub := m_op.(sub_mod) in
- fun x => sub (square x) w2.
-Definition lucastest :=
- ZnZ.to_Z (iter_pos (Pminus p 2) _ square_m2 w4).
-Theorem lucastest_aux_correct:
- forall p1 z n, 0 <= n -> [|z|] = fst (s n) mod (2 ^ Zpos p - 1) ->
- [|iter_pos p1 _ square_m2 z|] = fst (s (n + Zpos p1)) mod (2 ^ Zpos p - 1).
-intros p1; pattern p1; apply Pind; simpl iter_pos; simpl s; clear p1.
-intros z p1 Hp1 H.
-unfold square_m2.
-rewrite <- b_p in H.
-generalize (square_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ H); intros H1.
-rewrite (sub_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ _ _ H1 w2_b).
-rewrite H1; rewrite w2_b; auto with zarith.
-rewrite H; rewrite <- Zmult_mod; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- Zminus_mod; auto with zarith.
-rewrite sn; simpl; auto with zarith.
-rewrite b_p; auto.
-intros p1 Rec w1 z Hz Hw1.
-rewrite Pplus_one_succ_l; rewrite iter_pos_plus;
- simpl iter_pos.
-match goal with |- context[square_m2 ?X] =>
- set (tmp := X); unfold square_m2; unfold tmp; clear tmp
-generalize (Rec _ _ Hz Hw1); intros H1.
-rewrite <- b_p in H1.
-generalize (square_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ H1); intros H2.
-rewrite (sub_mod_spec m_op_spec _ _ _ _ H2 w2_b).
-rewrite H2; rewrite w2_b; auto with zarith.
-rewrite H1; rewrite <- Zmult_mod; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- Zminus_mod; auto with zarith.
-replace (z + Zpos (1 + p1)) with ((z + Zpos p1) + 1); auto with zarith.
-rewrite sn; simpl fst; try rewrite b_p; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpos_plus_distr; auto with zarith.
-Theorem lucastest_prop: lucastest = fst(s (Zpos p -2)) mod (2 ^ Zpos p - 1).
-unfold lucastest.
-assert (F: 0 <= 0); auto with zarith.
-generalize (lucastest_aux_correct (p -2) w4 F); simpl Zplus;
- rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
-intros tmp; apply tmp; clear tmp.
-rewrite <- b_p; simpl; exact w4_b.
-Theorem lucastest_prop_cor: lucastest = 0 -> (2 ^ Zpos p - 1 | fst(s (Zpos p - 2)))%Z.
-intros H.
-apply Zmod_divide.
-assert (H1: 2 ^ 1 < 2 ^ Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_1_r in H1; auto with zarith.
-apply trans_equal with (2:= H); apply sym_equal; apply lucastest_prop; auto.
-Theorem lucastest_prime: lucastest = 0 -> prime (2 ^ Zpos p - 1).
-intros H1; case (prime_dec (2 ^ Zpos p - 1)); auto; intros H2.
-case Zdivide_div_prime_le_square with (2 := H2).
-assert (H3: 2 ^ 1 < 2 ^ Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_1_r in H3; auto with zarith.
-intros q (H3, (H4, H5)).
-contradict H5; apply Zlt_not_le.
-generalize q_more_than_square; unfold Mp; intros tmp; apply tmp;
- auto; clear tmp.
-apply lucastest_prop_cor; auto.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 2 q); auto.
-apply prime_ge_2; auto.
-intros H5; subst.
-absurd (2 <= 1); auto with arith.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-case H4; intros x Hx.
-exists (2 ^ (Zpos p -1) - x).
-rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_r; rewrite <- Hx; unfold Mp.
-pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r; rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-replace (Zpos p - 1 + 1) with (Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-End test.
-Definition znz_of_Z (w: Type) (op: ZnZ.Ops w) z :=
- match z with
- | Zpos p => snd (ZnZ.of_pos p)
- | _ => ZnZ.zero
- end.
-Definition lucas p :=
- let op := cmk_op (Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 p))) in
- let b := znz_of_Z op (Zpower 2 (Zpos p) - 1) in
- let zp := znz_of_Z op (Zpos p) in
- let mod_op := mmake_mod_op op b zp in
- lucastest op p mod_op.
-Theorem lucas_prime:
- forall p, 2 < Zpos p -> lucas p = 0 -> prime (2 ^ Zpos p - 1).
-unfold lucas; intros p Hp H.
-match type of H with lucastest (cmk_op ?x) ?y ?z = _ =>
- set (w_op := (cmk_op x)); assert(A1: ZnZ.Specs w_op)
-unfold w_op; apply cmk_spec.
-assert (F0: Zpos p <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits w_op)).
-unfold w_op, base; rewrite (cmk_op_digits (Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 p)))).
-generalize (get_height_correct 31 p).
-replace (Z_of_nat (Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 p)))) with
- ((Zpos (get_height 31 p) - 1) ); auto with zarith.
-rewrite pred_of_minus; rewrite inj_minus1; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; auto with zarith.
-generalize (lt_O_nat_of_P (get_height 31 p)); auto with zarith.
-assert (F1: ZnZ.to_Z (znz_of_Z w_op (2 ^ (Zpos p) - 1)) = 2 ^ (Zpos p) - 1).
-assert (F1: 0 < 2 ^ (Zpos p) - 1).
-assert (F2: 2 ^ 0 < 2 ^ (Zpos p)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_0_r in F2; auto with zarith.
-case_eq (2 ^ (Zpos p) - 1); simpl ZnZ.to_Z.
-intros HH; contradict F1; rewrite HH; auto with zarith.
-2: intros p1 HH; contradict F1; rewrite HH;
- apply Zle_not_lt; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
-intros p1 Hp1; apply ZnZ.of_pos_correct; auto.
-rewrite <- Hp1.
-unfold base.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with (2 ^ (Zpos p)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
-match type of H with lucastest (cmk_op ?x) ?y ?z = _ =>
- apply
- (@lucastest_prime _ _ (cmk_spec x) p (znz_of_Z w_op (2 ^ Zpos p -1)) Hp F1 z)
-end; auto with zarith; fold w_op.
-eapply mmake_mod_spec with (p := p); auto with zarith.
-unfold znz_of_Z; unfold znz_of_Z in F1; rewrite F1.
-assert (F2: 2 ^ 1 < 2 ^ (Zpos p)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_1_r in F2; auto with zarith.
-rewrite ZnZ.of_Z_correct; auto with zarith.
-split; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (1 := F0); auto with zarith.
-unfold base; apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto with zarith.