path: root/Bedrock/Word.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-06-10 15:01:26 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-06-10 15:03:07 -0400
commit8d4f4adf80c7fdaa8021b283526ab1592ee13600 (patch)
treead05d7c38469aefd74ad9f54a5621099a1bd351f /Bedrock/Word.v
parent2e566c32baf2a140cd7820c4f06437ee5c43ac44 (diff)
Add coqprime that works with 8.5, bundle bedrock
This simplifes the build process, and also allows us to try to build with 8.5. We autodetect the version of Coq in the Makefile to decide which version of coqprime to build.
Diffstat (limited to 'Bedrock/Word.v')
1 files changed, 1178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bedrock/Word.v b/Bedrock/Word.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a33d108fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bedrock/Word.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@
+(** Fixed precision machine words *)
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith Coq.Arith.Div2 Coq.NArith.NArith Coq.Bool.Bool Coq.omega.Omega.
+Require Import Bedrock.Nomega.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** * Basic definitions and conversion to and from [nat] *)
+Inductive word : nat -> Set :=
+| WO : word O
+| WS : bool -> forall n, word n -> word (S n).
+Fixpoint wordToNat sz (w : word sz) : nat :=
+ match w with
+ | WO => O
+ | WS false _ w' => (wordToNat w') * 2
+ | WS true _ w' => S (wordToNat w' * 2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint wordToNat' sz (w : word sz) : nat :=
+ match w with
+ | WO => O
+ | WS false _ w' => 2 * wordToNat w'
+ | WS true _ w' => S (2 * wordToNat w')
+ end.
+Theorem wordToNat_wordToNat' : forall sz (w : word sz),
+ wordToNat w = wordToNat' w.
+ induction w. auto. simpl. rewrite mult_comm. reflexivity.
+Fixpoint mod2 (n : nat) : bool :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => false
+ | 1 => true
+ | S (S n') => mod2 n'
+ end.
+Fixpoint natToWord (sz n : nat) : word sz :=
+ match sz with
+ | O => WO
+ | S sz' => WS (mod2 n) (natToWord sz' (div2 n))
+ end.
+Fixpoint wordToN sz (w : word sz) : N :=
+ match w with
+ | WO => 0
+ | WS false _ w' => 2 * wordToN w'
+ | WS true _ w' => Nsucc (2 * wordToN w')
+ end%N.
+Definition Nmod2 (n : N) : bool :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => false
+ | Npos (xO _) => false
+ | _ => true
+ end.
+Definition wzero sz := natToWord sz 0.
+Fixpoint wzero' (sz : nat) : word sz :=
+ match sz with
+ | O => WO
+ | S sz' => WS false (wzero' sz')
+ end.
+Fixpoint posToWord (sz : nat) (p : positive) {struct p} : word sz :=
+ match sz with
+ | O => WO
+ | S sz' =>
+ match p with
+ | xI p' => WS true (posToWord sz' p')
+ | xO p' => WS false (posToWord sz' p')
+ | xH => WS true (wzero' sz')
+ end
+ end.
+Definition NToWord (sz : nat) (n : N) : word sz :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => wzero' sz
+ | Npos p => posToWord sz p
+ end.
+Fixpoint Npow2 (n : nat) : N :=
+ match n with
+ | O => 1
+ | S n' => 2 * Npow2 n'
+ end%N.
+Ltac rethink :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : ?f ?n = _ |- ?f ?m = _ ] => replace m with n; simpl; auto
+ end.
+Theorem mod2_S_double : forall n, mod2 (S (2 * n)) = true.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition; rethink.
+Theorem mod2_double : forall n, mod2 (2 * n) = false.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; rethink.
+Local Hint Resolve mod2_S_double mod2_double.
+Theorem div2_double : forall n, div2 (2 * n) = n.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; f_equal; rethink.
+Theorem div2_S_double : forall n, div2 (S (2 * n)) = n.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition; f_equal; rethink.
+Hint Rewrite div2_double div2_S_double : div2.
+Theorem natToWord_wordToNat : forall sz w, natToWord sz (wordToNat w) = w.
+ induction w; rewrite wordToNat_wordToNat'; intuition; f_equal; unfold natToWord, wordToNat'; fold natToWord; fold wordToNat';
+ destruct b; f_equal; autorewrite with div2; intuition.
+Fixpoint pow2 (n : nat) : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | O => 1
+ | S n' => 2 * pow2 n'
+ end.
+Theorem roundTrip_0 : forall sz, wordToNat (natToWord sz 0) = 0.
+ induction sz; simpl; intuition.
+Hint Rewrite roundTrip_0 : wordToNat.
+Local Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => omega.
+Theorem untimes2 : forall n, n + (n + 0) = 2 * n.
+ auto.
+Section strong.
+ Variable P : nat -> Prop.
+ Hypothesis PH : forall n, (forall m, m < n -> P m) -> P n.
+ Lemma strong' : forall n m, m <= n -> P m.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition; apply PH; intuition.
+ elimtype False; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem strong : forall n, P n.
+ intros; eapply strong'; eauto.
+ Qed.
+End strong.
+Theorem div2_odd : forall n,
+ mod2 n = true
+ -> n = S (2 * div2 n).
+ induction n using strong; simpl; intuition.
+ destruct n; simpl in *; intuition.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct n; simpl in *; intuition.
+ do 2 f_equal.
+ replace (div2 n + S (div2 n + 0)) with (S (div2 n + (div2 n + 0))); auto.
+Theorem div2_even : forall n,
+ mod2 n = false
+ -> n = 2 * div2 n.
+ induction n using strong; simpl; intuition.
+ destruct n; simpl in *; intuition.
+ destruct n; simpl in *; intuition.
+ discriminate.
+ f_equal.
+ replace (div2 n + S (div2 n + 0)) with (S (div2 n + (div2 n + 0))); auto.
+Lemma wordToNat_natToWord' : forall sz w, exists k, wordToNat (natToWord sz w) + k * pow2 sz = w.
+ induction sz; simpl; intuition; repeat rewrite untimes2.
+ exists w; intuition.
+ case_eq (mod2 w); intro Hmw.
+ specialize (IHsz (div2 w)); firstorder.
+ rewrite wordToNat_wordToNat' in *.
+ exists x; intuition.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm x 2).
+ rewrite mult_comm. simpl mult at 1.
+ rewrite (plus_Sn_m (2 * wordToNat' (natToWord sz (div2 w)))).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ rewrite <- mult_plus_distr_l.
+ rewrite H; clear H.
+ symmetry; apply div2_odd; auto.
+ specialize (IHsz (div2 w)); firstorder.
+ exists x; intuition.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm x 2).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ rewrite mult_comm.
+ rewrite <- mult_plus_distr_l.
+ rewrite H; clear H.
+ symmetry; apply div2_even; auto.
+Theorem wordToNat_natToWord : forall sz w, exists k, wordToNat (natToWord sz w) = w - k * pow2 sz /\ k * pow2 sz <= w.
+ intros; destruct (wordToNat_natToWord' sz w) as [k]; exists k; intuition.
+Definition wone sz := natToWord sz 1.
+Fixpoint wones (sz : nat) : word sz :=
+ match sz with
+ | O => WO
+ | S sz' => WS true (wones sz')
+ end.
+(** Comparisons *)
+Fixpoint wmsb sz (w : word sz) (a : bool) : bool :=
+ match w with
+ | WO => a
+ | WS b _ x => wmsb x b
+ end.
+Definition whd sz (w : word (S sz)) : bool :=
+ match w in word sz' return match sz' with
+ | O => unit
+ | S _ => bool
+ end with
+ | WO => tt
+ | WS b _ _ => b
+ end.
+Definition wtl sz (w : word (S sz)) : word sz :=
+ match w in word sz' return match sz' with
+ | O => unit
+ | S sz'' => word sz''
+ end with
+ | WO => tt
+ | WS _ _ w' => w'
+ end.
+Theorem WS_neq : forall b1 b2 sz (w1 w2 : word sz),
+ (b1 <> b2 \/ w1 <> w2)
+ -> WS b1 w1 <> WS b2 w2.
+ intuition.
+ apply (f_equal (@whd _)) in H0; tauto.
+ apply (f_equal (@wtl _)) in H0; tauto.
+(** Shattering **)
+Lemma shatter_word : forall n (a : word n),
+ match n return word n -> Prop with
+ | O => fun a => a = WO
+ | S _ => fun a => a = WS (whd a) (wtl a)
+ end a.
+ destruct a; eauto.
+Lemma shatter_word_S : forall n (a : word (S n)),
+ exists b, exists c, a = WS b c.
+ intros; repeat eexists; apply (shatter_word a).
+Lemma shatter_word_0 : forall a : word 0,
+ a = WO.
+ intros; apply (shatter_word a).
+Hint Resolve shatter_word_0.
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Definition weq : forall sz (x y : word sz), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ refine (fix weq sz (x : word sz) : forall y : word sz, {x = y} + {x <> y} :=
+ match x in word sz return forall y : word sz, {x = y} + {x <> y} with
+ | WO => fun _ => left _ _
+ | WS b _ x' => fun y => if bool_dec b (whd y)
+ then if weq _ x' (wtl y) then left _ _ else right _ _
+ else right _ _
+ end); clear weq.
+ abstract (symmetry; apply shatter_word_0).
+ abstract (subst; symmetry; apply (shatter_word y)).
+ abstract (rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intro; injection H; intros;
+ eauto using inj_pair2_eq_dec, eq_nat_dec).
+ abstract (rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intro; injection H; auto).
+Fixpoint weqb sz (x : word sz) : word sz -> bool :=
+ match x in word sz return word sz -> bool with
+ | WO => fun _ => true
+ | WS b _ x' => fun y =>
+ if eqb b (whd y)
+ then if @weqb _ x' (wtl y) then true else false
+ else false
+ end.
+Theorem weqb_true_iff : forall sz x y,
+ @weqb sz x y = true <-> x = y.
+ induction x; simpl; intros.
+ { split; auto. }
+ { rewrite (shatter_word y) in *. simpl in *.
+ case_eq (eqb b (whd y)); intros.
+ case_eq (weqb x (wtl y)); intros.
+ split; auto; intros. rewrite eqb_true_iff in H. f_equal; eauto. eapply IHx; eauto.
+ split; intros; try congruence. inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
+ eapply inj_pair2_eq_dec in H4. eapply IHx in H4. congruence.
+ eapply Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec.
+ split; intros; try congruence.
+ inversion H0. apply eqb_false_iff in H. congruence. }
+(** * Combining and splitting *)
+Fixpoint combine (sz1 : nat) (w : word sz1) : forall sz2, word sz2 -> word (sz1 + sz2) :=
+ match w in word sz1 return forall sz2, word sz2 -> word (sz1 + sz2) with
+ | WO => fun _ w' => w'
+ | WS b _ w' => fun _ w'' => WS b (combine w' w'')
+ end.
+Fixpoint split1 (sz1 sz2 : nat) : word (sz1 + sz2) -> word sz1 :=
+ match sz1 with
+ | O => fun _ => WO
+ | S sz1' => fun w => WS (whd w) (split1 sz1' sz2 (wtl w))
+ end.
+Fixpoint split2 (sz1 sz2 : nat) : word (sz1 + sz2) -> word sz2 :=
+ match sz1 with
+ | O => fun w => w
+ | S sz1' => fun w => split2 sz1' sz2 (wtl w)
+ end.
+Ltac shatterer := simpl; intuition;
+ match goal with
+ | [ w : _ |- _ ] => rewrite (shatter_word w); simpl
+ end; f_equal; auto.
+Theorem combine_split : forall sz1 sz2 (w : word (sz1 + sz2)),
+ combine (split1 sz1 sz2 w) (split2 sz1 sz2 w) = w.
+ induction sz1; shatterer.
+Theorem split1_combine : forall sz1 sz2 (w : word sz1) (z : word sz2),
+ split1 sz1 sz2 (combine w z) = w.
+ induction sz1; shatterer.
+Theorem split2_combine : forall sz1 sz2 (w : word sz1) (z : word sz2),
+ split2 sz1 sz2 (combine w z) = z.
+ induction sz1; shatterer.
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Theorem combine_assoc : forall n1 (w1 : word n1) n2 n3 (w2 : word n2) (w3 : word n3) Heq,
+ combine (combine w1 w2) w3
+ = match Heq in _ = N return word N with
+ | refl_equal => combine w1 (combine w2 w3)
+ end.
+ induction w1; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq (refl_equal _)); reflexivity.
+ rewrite (IHw1 _ _ _ _ (plus_assoc _ _ _)); clear IHw1.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?pf with refl_equal => _ end] ] => generalize pf
+ end.
+ generalize dependent (combine w1 (combine w2 w3)).
+ rewrite plus_assoc; intros.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec e (refl_equal _)).
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq0 (refl_equal _)).
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem split2_iter : forall n1 n2 n3 Heq w,
+ split2 n2 n3 (split2 n1 (n2 + n3) w)
+ = split2 (n1 + n2) n3 (match Heq in _ = N return word N with
+ | refl_equal => w
+ end).
+ induction n1; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq (refl_equal _)); reflexivity.
+ rewrite (IHn1 _ _ (plus_assoc _ _ _)).
+ f_equal.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?pf with refl_equal => _ end] ] => generalize pf
+ end.
+ generalize dependent w.
+ simpl.
+ fold plus.
+ generalize (n1 + (n2 + n3)); clear.
+ intros.
+ generalize Heq e.
+ subst.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec e (refl_equal _)).
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq0 (refl_equal _)).
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem combine_end : forall n1 n2 n3 Heq w,
+ combine (split1 n2 n3 (split2 n1 (n2 + n3) w))
+ (split2 (n1 + n2) n3 (match Heq in _ = N return word N with
+ | refl_equal => w
+ end))
+ = split2 n1 (n2 + n3) w.
+ induction n1; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq (refl_equal _)).
+ apply combine_split.
+ rewrite (shatter_word w) in *.
+ simpl.
+ eapply trans_eq; [ | apply IHn1 with (Heq := plus_assoc _ _ _) ]; clear IHn1.
+ repeat f_equal.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?pf with refl_equal => _ end] ] => generalize pf
+ end.
+ simpl.
+ generalize dependent w.
+ rewrite plus_assoc.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec e (refl_equal _)).
+ rewrite (UIP_dec eq_nat_dec Heq0 (refl_equal _)).
+ reflexivity.
+(** * Extension operators *)
+Definition sext (sz : nat) (w : word sz) (sz' : nat) : word (sz + sz') :=
+ if wmsb w false then
+ combine w (wones sz')
+ else
+ combine w (wzero sz').
+Definition zext (sz : nat) (w : word sz) (sz' : nat) : word (sz + sz') :=
+ combine w (wzero sz').
+(** * Arithmetic *)
+Definition wneg sz (x : word sz) : word sz :=
+ NToWord sz (Npow2 sz - wordToN x).
+Definition wordBin (f : N -> N -> N) sz (x y : word sz) : word sz :=
+ NToWord sz (f (wordToN x) (wordToN y)).
+Definition wplus := wordBin Nplus.
+Definition wmult := wordBin Nmult.
+Definition wmult' sz (x y : word sz) : word sz :=
+ split2 sz sz (NToWord (sz + sz) (Nmult (wordToN x) (wordToN y))).
+Definition wminus sz (x y : word sz) : word sz := wplus x (wneg y).
+Definition wnegN sz (x : word sz) : word sz :=
+ natToWord sz (pow2 sz - wordToNat x).
+Definition wordBinN (f : nat -> nat -> nat) sz (x y : word sz) : word sz :=
+ natToWord sz (f (wordToNat x) (wordToNat y)).
+Definition wplusN := wordBinN plus.
+Definition wmultN := wordBinN mult.
+Definition wmultN' sz (x y : word sz) : word sz :=
+ split2 sz sz (natToWord (sz + sz) (mult (wordToNat x) (wordToNat y))).
+Definition wminusN sz (x y : word sz) : word sz := wplusN x (wnegN y).
+(** * Notations *)
+Delimit Scope word_scope with word.
+Bind Scope word_scope with word.
+Notation "w ~ 1" := (WS true w)
+ (at level 7, left associativity, format "w '~' '1'") : word_scope.
+Notation "w ~ 0" := (WS false w)
+ (at level 7, left associativity, format "w '~' '0'") : word_scope.
+Notation "^~" := wneg.
+Notation "l ^+ r" := (@wplus _ l%word r%word) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Notation "l ^* r" := (@wmult _ l%word r%word) (at level 40, left associativity).
+Notation "l ^- r" := (@wminus _ l%word r%word) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Theorem wordToN_nat : forall sz (w : word sz), wordToN w = N_of_nat (wordToNat w).
+ induction w; intuition.
+ destruct b; unfold wordToN, wordToNat; fold wordToN; fold wordToNat.
+ rewrite N_of_S.
+ rewrite N_of_mult.
+ rewrite <- IHw.
+ rewrite Nmult_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite N_of_mult.
+ rewrite <- IHw.
+ rewrite Nmult_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem mod2_S : forall n k,
+ 2 * k = S n
+ -> mod2 n = true.
+ induction n using strong; intros.
+ destruct n; simpl in *.
+ elimtype False; omega.
+ destruct n; simpl in *; auto.
+ destruct k; simpl in *.
+ discriminate.
+ apply H with k; auto.
+Theorem wzero'_def : forall sz, wzero' sz = wzero sz.
+ unfold wzero; induction sz; simpl; intuition.
+ congruence.
+Theorem posToWord_nat : forall p sz, posToWord sz p = natToWord sz (nat_of_P p).
+ induction p; destruct sz; simpl; intuition; f_equal; try rewrite wzero'_def in *.
+ rewrite ZL6.
+ destruct (ZL4 p) as [? Heq]; rewrite Heq; simpl.
+ replace (x + S x) with (S (2 * x)) by omega.
+ symmetry; apply mod2_S_double.
+ rewrite IHp.
+ rewrite ZL6.
+ destruct (nat_of_P p); simpl; intuition.
+ replace (n + S n) with (S (2 * n)) by omega.
+ rewrite div2_S_double; auto.
+ unfold nat_of_P; simpl.
+ rewrite ZL6.
+ replace (nat_of_P p + nat_of_P p) with (2 * nat_of_P p) by omega.
+ symmetry; apply mod2_double.
+ rewrite IHp.
+ unfold nat_of_P; simpl.
+ rewrite ZL6.
+ replace (nat_of_P p + nat_of_P p) with (2 * nat_of_P p) by omega.
+ rewrite div2_double.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+Theorem NToWord_nat : forall sz n, NToWord sz n = natToWord sz (nat_of_N n).
+ destruct n; simpl; intuition; try rewrite wzero'_def in *.
+ auto.
+ apply posToWord_nat.
+Theorem wplus_alt : forall sz (x y : word sz), wplus x y = wplusN x y.
+ unfold wplusN, wplus, wordBinN, wordBin; intros.
+ repeat rewrite wordToN_nat; repeat rewrite NToWord_nat.
+ rewrite nat_of_Nplus.
+ repeat rewrite nat_of_N_of_nat.
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem wmult_alt : forall sz (x y : word sz), wmult x y = wmultN x y.
+ unfold wmultN, wmult, wordBinN, wordBin; intros.
+ repeat rewrite wordToN_nat; repeat rewrite NToWord_nat.
+ rewrite nat_of_Nmult.
+ repeat rewrite nat_of_N_of_nat.
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem Npow2_nat : forall n, nat_of_N (Npow2 n) = pow2 n.
+ induction n; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite <- IHn; clear IHn.
+ case_eq (Npow2 n); intuition.
+ rewrite untimes2.
+ replace (Npos p~0) with (Ndouble (Npos p)) by reflexivity.
+ apply nat_of_Ndouble.
+Theorem wneg_alt : forall sz (x : word sz), wneg x = wnegN x.
+ unfold wnegN, wneg; intros.
+ repeat rewrite wordToN_nat; repeat rewrite NToWord_nat.
+ rewrite nat_of_Nminus.
+ do 2 f_equal.
+ apply Npow2_nat.
+ apply nat_of_N_of_nat.
+Theorem wminus_Alt : forall sz (x y : word sz), wminus x y = wminusN x y.
+ intros; unfold wminusN, wminus; rewrite wneg_alt; apply wplus_alt.
+Theorem wplus_unit : forall sz (x : word sz), natToWord sz 0 ^+ x = x.
+ intros; rewrite wplus_alt; unfold wplusN, wordBinN; intros.
+ rewrite roundTrip_0; apply natToWord_wordToNat.
+Theorem wplus_comm : forall sz (x y : word sz), x ^+ y = y ^+ x.
+ intros; repeat rewrite wplus_alt; unfold wplusN, wordBinN; f_equal; auto.
+Theorem drop_mod2 : forall n k,
+ 2 * k <= n
+ -> mod2 (n - 2 * k) = mod2 n.
+ induction n using strong; intros.
+ do 2 (destruct n; simpl in *; repeat rewrite untimes2 in *; intuition).
+ destruct k; simpl in *; intuition.
+ destruct k; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
+ repeat rewrite untimes2 in *.
+ simpl; auto.
+ apply H; omega.
+Theorem div2_minus_2 : forall n k,
+ 2 * k <= n
+ -> div2 (n - 2 * k) = div2 n - k.
+ induction n using strong; intros.
+ do 2 (destruct n; simpl in *; intuition; repeat rewrite untimes2 in *).
+ destruct k; simpl in *; intuition.
+ destruct k; simpl in *; intuition.
+ rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
+ apply H; omega.
+Theorem div2_bound : forall k n,
+ 2 * k <= n
+ -> k <= div2 n.
+ intros; case_eq (mod2 n); intro Heq.
+ rewrite (div2_odd _ Heq) in H.
+ omega.
+ rewrite (div2_even _ Heq) in H.
+ omega.
+Theorem drop_sub : forall sz n k,
+ k * pow2 sz <= n
+ -> natToWord sz (n - k * pow2 sz) = natToWord sz n.
+ induction sz; simpl; intuition; repeat rewrite untimes2 in *; f_equal.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm k).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ apply drop_mod2.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm 2).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ auto.
+ rewrite <- (IHsz (div2 n) k).
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm k).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ rewrite div2_minus_2.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm 2).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ auto.
+ apply div2_bound.
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm 2).
+ rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ auto.
+Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => omega.
+Theorem wplus_assoc : forall sz (x y z : word sz), x ^+ (y ^+ z) = x ^+ y ^+ z.
+ intros; repeat rewrite wplus_alt; unfold wplusN, wordBinN; intros.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[wordToNat (natToWord ?sz ?w)] ] =>
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz w) as [? [Heq ?]]; rewrite Heq
+ end.
+ replace (wordToNat x + wordToNat y - x1 * pow2 sz + wordToNat z)
+ with (wordToNat x + wordToNat y + wordToNat z - x1 * pow2 sz) by auto.
+ replace (wordToNat x + (wordToNat y + wordToNat z - x0 * pow2 sz))
+ with (wordToNat x + wordToNat y + wordToNat z - x0 * pow2 sz) by auto.
+ repeat rewrite drop_sub; auto.
+Theorem roundTrip_1 : forall sz, wordToNat (natToWord (S sz) 1) = 1.
+ induction sz; simpl in *; intuition.
+Theorem mod2_WS : forall sz (x : word sz) b, mod2 (wordToNat (WS b x)) = b.
+ intros. rewrite wordToNat_wordToNat'.
+ destruct b; simpl.
+ rewrite untimes2.
+ case_eq (2 * wordToNat x); intuition.
+ eapply mod2_S; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (mod2_double (wordToNat x)); f_equal; omega.
+Theorem div2_WS : forall sz (x : word sz) b, div2 (wordToNat (WS b x)) = wordToNat x.
+ destruct b; rewrite wordToNat_wordToNat'; unfold wordToNat'; fold wordToNat'.
+ apply div2_S_double.
+ apply div2_double.
+Theorem wmult_unit : forall sz (x : word sz), natToWord sz 1 ^* x = x.
+ intros; rewrite wmult_alt; unfold wmultN, wordBinN; intros.
+ destruct sz; simpl.
+ rewrite (shatter_word x); reflexivity.
+ rewrite roundTrip_0; simpl.
+ rewrite plus_0_r.
+ rewrite (shatter_word x).
+ f_equal.
+ apply mod2_WS.
+ rewrite div2_WS.
+ apply natToWord_wordToNat.
+Theorem wmult_comm : forall sz (x y : word sz), x ^* y = y ^* x.
+ intros; repeat rewrite wmult_alt; unfold wmultN, wordBinN; auto with arith.
+Theorem wmult_assoc : forall sz (x y z : word sz), x ^* (y ^* z) = x ^* y ^* z.
+ intros; repeat rewrite wmult_alt; unfold wmultN, wordBinN; intros.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[wordToNat (natToWord ?sz ?w)] ] =>
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz w) as [? [Heq ?]]; rewrite Heq
+ end.
+ rewrite mult_minus_distr_l.
+ rewrite mult_minus_distr_r.
+ rewrite (mult_assoc (wordToNat x) x0).
+ rewrite <- (mult_assoc x1).
+ rewrite (mult_comm (pow2 sz)).
+ rewrite (mult_assoc x1).
+ repeat rewrite drop_sub; auto with arith.
+ rewrite (mult_comm x1).
+ rewrite <- (mult_assoc (wordToNat x)).
+ rewrite (mult_comm (wordToNat y)).
+ rewrite mult_assoc.
+ rewrite (mult_comm (wordToNat x)).
+ repeat rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ auto with arith.
+ repeat rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+ auto with arith.
+Theorem wmult_plus_distr : forall sz (x y z : word sz), (x ^+ y) ^* z = (x ^* z) ^+ (y ^* z).
+ intros; repeat rewrite wmult_alt; repeat rewrite wplus_alt; unfold wmultN, wplusN, wordBinN; intros.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[wordToNat (natToWord ?sz ?w)] ] =>
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz w) as [? [Heq ?]]; rewrite Heq
+ end.
+ rewrite mult_minus_distr_r.
+ rewrite <- (mult_assoc x0).
+ rewrite (mult_comm (pow2 sz)).
+ rewrite (mult_assoc x0).
+ replace (wordToNat x * wordToNat z - x1 * pow2 sz +
+ (wordToNat y * wordToNat z - x2 * pow2 sz))
+ with (wordToNat x * wordToNat z + wordToNat y * wordToNat z - x1 * pow2 sz - x2 * pow2 sz).
+ repeat rewrite drop_sub; auto with arith.
+ rewrite (mult_comm x0).
+ rewrite (mult_comm (wordToNat x + wordToNat y)).
+ rewrite <- (mult_assoc (wordToNat z)).
+ auto with arith.
+ generalize dependent (wordToNat x * wordToNat z).
+ generalize dependent (wordToNat y * wordToNat z).
+ intros.
+ omega.
+Theorem wminus_def : forall sz (x y : word sz), x ^- y = x ^+ ^~ y.
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem wordToNat_bound : forall sz (w : word sz), wordToNat w < pow2 sz.
+ induction w; simpl; intuition.
+ destruct b; simpl; omega.
+Theorem natToWord_pow2 : forall sz, natToWord sz (pow2 sz) = natToWord sz 0.
+ induction sz; simpl; intuition.
+ generalize (div2_double (pow2 sz)); simpl; intro Hr; rewrite Hr; clear Hr.
+ f_equal.
+ generalize (mod2_double (pow2 sz)); auto.
+ auto.
+Theorem wminus_inv : forall sz (x : word sz), x ^+ ^~ x = wzero sz.
+ intros; rewrite wneg_alt; rewrite wplus_alt; unfold wnegN, wplusN, wzero, wordBinN; intros.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[wordToNat (natToWord ?sz ?w)] ] =>
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz w) as [? [Heq ?]]; rewrite Heq
+ end.
+ replace (wordToNat x + (pow2 sz - wordToNat x - x0 * pow2 sz))
+ with (pow2 sz - x0 * pow2 sz).
+ rewrite drop_sub; auto with arith.
+ apply natToWord_pow2.
+ generalize (wordToNat_bound x).
+ omega.
+Definition wring (sz : nat) : ring_theory (wzero sz) (wone sz) (@wplus sz) (@wmult sz) (@wminus sz) (@wneg sz) (@eq _) :=
+ mk_rt _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ (@wplus_unit _) (@wplus_comm _) (@wplus_assoc _)
+ (@wmult_unit _) (@wmult_comm _) (@wmult_assoc _)
+ (@wmult_plus_distr _) (@wminus_def _) (@wminus_inv _).
+Theorem weqb_sound : forall sz (x y : word sz), weqb x y = true -> x = y.
+ eapply weqb_true_iff.
+Implicit Arguments weqb_sound [].
+Ltac isWcst w :=
+ match eval hnf in w with
+ | WO => constr:true
+ | WS ?b ?w' =>
+ match eval hnf in b with
+ | true => isWcst w'
+ | false => isWcst w'
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
+Ltac wcst w :=
+ let b := isWcst w in
+ match b with
+ | true => w
+ | _ => constr:NotConstant
+ end.
+(* Here's how you can add a ring for a specific bit-width.
+ There doesn't seem to be a polymorphic method, so this code really does need to be copied. *)
+Definition wring8 := wring 8.
+Add Ring wring8 : wring8 (decidable (weqb_sound 8), constants [wcst]).
+(** * Bitwise operators *)
+Fixpoint wnot sz (w : word sz) : word sz :=
+ match w with
+ | WO => WO
+ | WS b _ w' => WS (negb b) (wnot w')
+ end.
+Fixpoint bitwp (f : bool -> bool -> bool) sz (w1 : word sz) : word sz -> word sz :=
+ match w1 with
+ | WO => fun _ => WO
+ | WS b _ w1' => fun w2 => WS (f b (whd w2)) (bitwp f w1' (wtl w2))
+ end.
+Definition wor := bitwp orb.
+Definition wand := bitwp andb.
+Definition wxor := bitwp xorb.
+Notation "l ^| r" := (@wor _ l%word r%word) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Notation "l ^& r" := (@wand _ l%word r%word) (at level 40, left associativity).
+Theorem wor_unit : forall sz (x : word sz), wzero sz ^| x = x.
+ unfold wzero, wor; induction x; simpl; intuition congruence.
+Theorem wor_comm : forall sz (x y : word sz), x ^| y = y ^| x.
+ unfold wor; induction x; intro y; rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intuition; f_equal; auto with bool.
+Theorem wor_assoc : forall sz (x y z : word sz), x ^| (y ^| z) = x ^| y ^| z.
+ unfold wor; induction x; intro y; rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intuition; f_equal; auto with bool.
+Theorem wand_unit : forall sz (x : word sz), wones sz ^& x = x.
+ unfold wand; induction x; simpl; intuition congruence.
+Theorem wand_kill : forall sz (x : word sz), wzero sz ^& x = wzero sz.
+ unfold wzero, wand; induction x; simpl; intuition congruence.
+Theorem wand_comm : forall sz (x y : word sz), x ^& y = y ^& x.
+ unfold wand; induction x; intro y; rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intuition; f_equal; auto with bool.
+Theorem wand_assoc : forall sz (x y z : word sz), x ^& (y ^& z) = x ^& y ^& z.
+ unfold wand; induction x; intro y; rewrite (shatter_word y); simpl; intuition; f_equal; auto with bool.
+Theorem wand_or_distr : forall sz (x y z : word sz), (x ^| y) ^& z = (x ^& z) ^| (y ^& z).
+ unfold wand, wor; induction x; intro y; rewrite (shatter_word y); intro z; rewrite (shatter_word z); simpl; intuition; f_equal; auto with bool.
+ destruct (whd y); destruct (whd z); destruct b; reflexivity.
+Definition wbring (sz : nat) : semi_ring_theory (wzero sz) (wones sz) (@wor sz) (@wand sz) (@eq _) :=
+ mk_srt _ _ _ _ _
+ (@wor_unit _) (@wor_comm _) (@wor_assoc _)
+ (@wand_unit _) (@wand_kill _) (@wand_comm _) (@wand_assoc _)
+ (@wand_or_distr _).
+(** * Inequality proofs *)
+Ltac word_simpl := unfold sext, zext, wzero in *; simpl in *.
+Ltac word_eq := ring.
+Ltac word_eq1 := match goal with
+ | _ => ring
+ | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => ring [H]
+ end.
+Theorem word_neq : forall sz (w1 w2 : word sz),
+ w1 ^- w2 <> wzero sz
+ -> w1 <> w2.
+ intros; intro; subst.
+ unfold wminus in H.
+ rewrite wminus_inv in H.
+ tauto.
+Ltac word_neq := apply word_neq; let H := fresh "H" in intro H; simpl in H; ring_simplify in H; try discriminate.
+Ltac word_contra := match goal with
+ | [ H : _ <> _ |- False ] => apply H; ring
+ end.
+Ltac word_contra1 := match goal with
+ | [ H : _ <> _ |- False ] => apply H;
+ match goal with
+ | _ => ring
+ | [ H' : _ = _ |- _ ] => ring [H']
+ end
+ end.
+Open Scope word_scope.
+(** * Signed Logic **)
+Fixpoint wordToZ sz (w : word sz) : Z :=
+ if wmsb w true then
+ (** Negative **)
+ match wordToN (wneg w) with
+ | N0 => 0%Z
+ | Npos x => Zneg x
+ end
+ else
+ (** Positive **)
+ match wordToN w with
+ | N0 => 0%Z
+ | Npos x => Zpos x
+ end.
+(** * Comparison Predicates and Deciders **)
+Definition wlt sz (l r : word sz) : Prop :=
+ Nlt (wordToN l) (wordToN r).
+Definition wslt sz (l r : word sz) : Prop :=
+ Zlt (wordToZ l) (wordToZ r).
+Notation "w1 > w2" := (@wlt _ w2%word w1%word) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 >= w2" := (~(@wlt _ w1%word w2%word)) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 < w2" := (@wlt _ w1%word w2%word) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 <= w2" := (~(@wlt _ w2%word w1%word)) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 '>s' w2" := (@wslt _ w2%word w1%word) (at level 70) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 '>s=' w2" := (~(@wslt _ w1%word w2%word)) (at level 70) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 '<s' w2" := (@wslt _ w1%word w2%word) (at level 70) : word_scope.
+Notation "w1 '<s=' w2" := (~(@wslt _ w2%word w1%word)) (at level 70) : word_scope.
+Definition wlt_dec : forall sz (l r : word sz), {l < r} + {l >= r}.
+ refine (fun sz l r =>
+ match Ncompare (wordToN l) (wordToN r) as k return Ncompare (wordToN l) (wordToN r) = k -> _ with
+ | Lt => fun pf => left _ _
+ | _ => fun pf => right _ _
+ end (refl_equal _));
+ abstract congruence.
+Definition wslt_dec : forall sz (l r : word sz), {l <s r} + {l >s= r}.
+ refine (fun sz l r =>
+ match Zcompare (wordToZ l) (wordToZ r) as c return Zcompare (wordToZ l) (wordToZ r) = c -> _ with
+ | Lt => fun pf => left _ _
+ | _ => fun pf => right _ _
+ end (refl_equal _));
+ abstract congruence.
+(* Ordering Lemmas **)
+Lemma lt_le : forall sz (a b : word sz),
+ a < b -> a <= b.
+ unfold wlt, Nlt. intros. intro. rewrite <- Ncompare_antisym in H0. rewrite H in H0. simpl in *. congruence.
+Lemma eq_le : forall sz (a b : word sz),
+ a = b -> a <= b.
+ intros; subst. unfold wlt, Nlt. rewrite Ncompare_refl. congruence.
+Lemma wordToN_inj : forall sz (a b : word sz),
+ wordToN a = wordToN b -> a = b.
+ induction a; intro b0; rewrite (shatter_word b0); intuition.
+ simpl in H.
+ destruct b; destruct (whd b0); intros.
+ f_equal. eapply IHa. eapply Nsucc_inj in H.
+ destruct (wordToN a); destruct (wordToN (wtl b0)); try congruence.
+ destruct (wordToN (wtl b0)); destruct (wordToN a); inversion H.
+ destruct (wordToN (wtl b0)); destruct (wordToN a); inversion H.
+ f_equal. eapply IHa.
+ destruct (wordToN a); destruct (wordToN (wtl b0)); try congruence.
+Lemma unique_inverse : forall sz (a b1 b2 : word sz),
+ a ^+ b1 = wzero _ ->
+ a ^+ b2 = wzero _ ->
+ b1 = b2.
+ intros.
+ transitivity (b1 ^+ wzero _).
+ rewrite wplus_comm. rewrite wplus_unit. auto.
+ transitivity (b1 ^+ (a ^+ b2)). congruence.
+ rewrite wplus_assoc.
+ rewrite (wplus_comm b1). rewrite H. rewrite wplus_unit. auto.
+Lemma sub_0_eq : forall sz (a b : word sz),
+ a ^- b = wzero _ -> a = b.
+ intros. destruct (weq (wneg b) (wneg a)).
+ transitivity (a ^+ (^~ b ^+ b)).
+ rewrite (wplus_comm (^~ b)). rewrite wminus_inv.
+ rewrite wplus_comm. rewrite wplus_unit. auto.
+ rewrite e. rewrite wplus_assoc. rewrite wminus_inv. rewrite wplus_unit. auto.
+ unfold wminus in H.
+ generalize (unique_inverse a (wneg a) (^~ b)).
+ intros. elimtype False. apply n. symmetry; apply H0.
+ apply wminus_inv.
+ auto.
+Lemma le_neq_lt : forall sz (a b : word sz),
+ b <= a -> a <> b -> b < a.
+ intros; destruct (wlt_dec b a); auto.
+ elimtype False. apply H0. unfold wlt, Nlt in *.
+ eapply wordToN_inj. eapply Ncompare_eq_correct.
+ case_eq ((wordToN a ?= wordToN b)%N); auto; try congruence.
+ intros. rewrite <- Ncompare_antisym in n. rewrite H1 in n. simpl in *. congruence.
+Hint Resolve word_neq lt_le eq_le sub_0_eq le_neq_lt : worder.
+Ltac shatter_word x :=
+ match type of x with
+ | word 0 => try rewrite (shatter_word_0 x) in *
+ | word (S ?N) =>
+ let x' := fresh in
+ let H := fresh in
+ destruct (@shatter_word_S N x) as [ ? [ x' H ] ];
+ rewrite H in *; clear H; shatter_word x'
+ end.
+(** Uniqueness of equality proofs **)
+Lemma rewrite_weq : forall sz (a b : word sz)
+ (pf : a = b),
+ weq a b = left _ pf.
+ intros; destruct (weq a b); try solve [ elimtype False; auto ].
+ f_equal.
+ eapply UIP_dec. eapply weq.
+(** * Some more useful derived facts *)
+Lemma natToWord_plus : forall sz n m, natToWord sz (n + m) = natToWord _ n ^+ natToWord _ m.
+ destruct sz; intuition.
+ rewrite wplus_alt.
+ unfold wplusN, wordBinN.
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord (S sz) n); intuition.
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord (S sz) m); intuition.
+ rewrite H0; rewrite H2; clear H0 H2.
+ replace (n - x * pow2 (S sz) + (m - x0 * pow2 (S sz))) with (n + m - x * pow2 (S sz) - x0 * pow2 (S sz))
+ by omega.
+ repeat rewrite drop_sub; auto; omega.
+Lemma natToWord_S : forall sz n, natToWord sz (S n) = natToWord _ 1 ^+ natToWord _ n.
+ intros; change (S n) with (1 + n); apply natToWord_plus.
+Theorem natToWord_inj : forall sz n m, natToWord sz n = natToWord sz m
+ -> (n < pow2 sz)%nat
+ -> (m < pow2 sz)%nat
+ -> n = m.
+ intros.
+ apply (f_equal (@wordToNat _)) in H.
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz n).
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz m).
+ intuition.
+ rewrite H4 in H; rewrite H2 in H; clear H4 H2.
+ assert (x = 0).
+ destruct x; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ generalize dependent (x * pow2 sz).
+ intros.
+ omega.
+ assert (x0 = 0).
+ destruct x0; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ generalize dependent (x0 * pow2 sz).
+ intros.
+ omega.
+ subst; simpl in *; omega.
+Lemma wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent : forall sz n,
+ (N.of_nat n < Npow2 sz)%N
+ -> wordToNat (natToWord sz n) = n.
+ intros.
+ destruct (wordToNat_natToWord sz n); intuition.
+ destruct x.
+ simpl in *; omega.
+ simpl in *.
+ apply Nlt_out in H.
+ autorewrite with N in *.
+ rewrite Npow2_nat in *.
+ generalize dependent (x * pow2 sz).
+ intros; omega.
+Lemma wplus_cancel : forall sz (a b c : word sz),
+ a ^+ c = b ^+ c
+ -> a = b.
+ intros.
+ apply (f_equal (fun x => x ^+ ^~ c)) in H.
+ repeat rewrite <- wplus_assoc in H.
+ rewrite wminus_inv in H.
+ repeat rewrite (wplus_comm _ (wzero sz)) in H.
+ repeat rewrite wplus_unit in H.
+ assumption.