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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2015-10-25 10:17:50 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2015-10-25 10:33:21 -0400
commite3c245f7af1df45b2666b5570c1c4b87c298477c (patch)
parent1aa532bf509f72e2e083743e35a97d271da9009f (diff)
positional number system equivalence transcribed from pencil-and-paper proofs by <jadep@mit.edu>
2 files changed, 193 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 9c07ea0dd..d749c5418 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ src/Galois/GaloisTheory.v
diff --git a/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v b/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
index fc57bf2a7..ac42b7c79 100644
--- a/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
+++ b/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
Require Import List.
-Require Import ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import ZArith.ZArith ZArith.Zdiv.
Local Open Scope Z.
-Local Open Scope list_scope.
Module Type BaseCoefs.
(* lists coefficients of digits and the digits themselves always have the
* LEAST significant position first. *)
Definition coefs : Type := list Z.
- Parameter bs : coefs.
+ Parameter base : coefs.
Axiom bs_good :
forall i j,
- let b := nth_default 0 bs in
- exists r,
+ let b := nth_default 0 base in
+ let r := (b i * b j) / b (i+j)%nat in
b i * b j = r * b (i+j)%nat.
End BaseCoefs.
@@ -21,7 +20,8 @@ Module BaseSystem (Import B:BaseCoefs).
Definition digits : Type := list Z.
Definition accumulate p acc := fst p * snd p + acc.
- Definition decode u := fold_right accumulate 0 (combine u bs).
+ Definition decode bs u := fold_right accumulate 0 (combine u bs).
+ Hint Unfold decode accumulate.
Fixpoint add (us vs:digits) : digits :=
match us,vs with
@@ -31,18 +31,198 @@ Module BaseSystem (Import B:BaseCoefs).
Local Infix ".+" := add (at level 50).
- Lemma add_rep : forall us vs, decode (add us vs) = decode us + decode vs.
+ Lemma add_rep : forall bs us vs, decode bs (add us vs) = decode bs us + decode bs vs.
unfold decode, accumulate.
- induction bs; destruct us; destruct vs; auto; simpl; try rewrite IHc; ring.
+ induction bs; destruct us; destruct vs; auto; simpl; try rewrite IHbs; ring.
- (* mul' is a valid multiplication algorithm if b_i = b_1^i *)
- Fixpoint mul' (us vs:digits) : digits :=
+ Lemma decode_nil : forall bs, decode bs nil = 0.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ (* mul_geomseq is a valid multiplication algorithm if b_i = b_1^i *)
+ Fixpoint mul_geomseq (us vs:digits) : digits :=
match us,vs with
- | u::us', v::vs' => u*v :: map (Z.mul u) vs' .+ mul' us' vs
+ | u::us', v::vs' => u*v :: map (Z.mul u) vs' .+ mul_geomseq us' vs
| _, _ => nil
- (* UPNEXT: multiplication for arbitrary good bs *)
+ Definition mul_each u := map (Z.mul u).
+ Lemma mul_each_rep : forall bs u vs, decode bs (mul_each u vs) = u * decode bs vs.
+ Proof.
+ unfold decode, accumulate.
+ induction bs; destruct vs; auto; simpl; try rewrite IHbs; ring.
+ Qed.
+ Definition crosscoef i j : Z :=
+ let b := nth_default 0 base in
+ (b(i) * b(j)) / b(i+j)%nat.
+ Fixpoint zeros n := match n with O => nil | S n' => 0::zeros n' end.
+ Lemma zeros_rep : forall bs n, decode bs (zeros n) = 0.
+ unfold decode, accumulate.
+ induction bs; destruct n; auto; simpl; try rewrite IHbs; ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma length_zeros : forall n, length (zeros n) = n.
+ induction n; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma app_zeros_zeros : forall n m, (zeros n ++ zeros m) = zeros (n + m).
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma zeros_app0 : forall m, (zeros m ++ 0 :: nil) = zeros (S m).
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma rev_zeros : forall n, rev (zeros n) = zeros n.
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma app_cons_app_app : forall T xs (y:T) ys, xs ++ y :: ys = (xs ++ (y::nil)) ++ ys.
+ Admitted.
+ (* mul' is multiplication with the SECOND ARGUMENT REVERSED and OUTPUT REVERSED *)
+ Fixpoint mul_bi' (i:nat) (vsr:digits) :=
+ match vsr with
+ | v::vsr' => v * crosscoef i (length vsr') :: mul_bi' i vsr'
+ | nil => nil
+ end.
+ Definition mul_bi (i:nat) (vs:digits) : digits :=
+ zeros i ++ rev (mul_bi' i (rev vs)).
+ (*
+ Definition mul_bi (i:nat) (vs:digits) : digits :=
+ let mkEntry := (fun (p:(nat*Z)) => let (j, v) := p in v * crosscoef i j) in
+ zeros i ++ map mkEntry (@enumerate Z vs).
+ *)
+ Lemma decode_single : forall n bs x,
+ decode bs (zeros n ++ x :: nil) = nth_default 0 bs n * x.
+ Proof.
+ induction n; intros; simpl.
+ destruct bs; auto; unfold decode, accumulate, nth_default; simpl; ring.
+ destruct bs; simpl; auto.
+ unfold decode, accumulate, nth_default in *; simpl in *; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma peel_decode : forall xs ys x y, decode (x::xs) (y::ys) = x*y + decode xs ys.
+ intros.
+ unfold decode, accumulate, nth_default in *; simpl in *; ring_simplify; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma decode_highzeros : forall xs bs n, decode bs (xs ++ zeros n) = decode bs xs.
+ induction xs; intros; simpl; try rewrite zeros_rep; auto.
+ destruct bs; simpl; auto.
+ repeat (rewrite peel_decode).
+ rewrite IHxs; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_bi_single : forall m n x,
+ decode base (mul_bi n (zeros m ++ x :: nil)) = nth_default 0 base m * x * nth_default 0 base n.
+ Proof.
+ unfold mul_bi.
+ destruct m; simpl; ssimpl_list; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite decode_single.
+ unfold crosscoef; simpl.
+ rewrite plus_0_r.
+ ring_simplify.
+ replace (nth_default 0 base n * nth_default 0 base 0) with (nth_default 0 base 0 * nth_default 0 base n) by ring.
+ SearchAbout Z.div.
+ rewrite Z_div_mult; try ring.
+ assert (nth_default 0 base n > 0) by admit; auto.
+ intros; simpl; ssimpl_list; simpl.
+ replace (mul_bi' n (rev (zeros m) ++ 0 :: nil)) with (zeros (S m)) by admit.
+ intros; simpl; ssimpl_list; simpl.
+ rewrite length_zeros.
+ rewrite app_cons_app_app.
+ rewrite rev_zeros.
+ intros; simpl; ssimpl_list; simpl.
+ rewrite zeros_app0.
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite app_zeros_zeros.
+ rewrite decode_single.
+ unfold crosscoef; simpl; ring_simplify.
+ rewrite NPeano.Nat.add_1_r.
+ rewrite bs_good.
+ rewrite Z_div_mult.
+ rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
+ rewrite <- Z.mul_comm.
+ rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
+ rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
+ destruct (Z.eq_dec x 0); subst; try ring.
+ rewrite Z.mul_cancel_l by auto.
+ rewrite <- bs_good.
+ ring.
+ assert (nth_default 0 base (n + S m) > 0) by admit; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma set_higher' : forall vs x, vs++x::nil = vs .+ (zeros (length vs) ++ x :: nil).
+ induction vs; auto.
+ intros; simpl; rewrite IHvs; f_equal; ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma set_higher : forall bs vs x,
+ decode bs (vs++x::nil) = decode bs vs + nth_default 0 bs (length vs) * x.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite set_higher'.
+ rewrite add_rep.
+ f_equal.
+ apply decode_single.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma zeros_plus_zeros : forall n, zeros n = zeros n .+ zeros n.
+ induction n; auto.
+ simpl; f_equal; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_bi_add : forall n us vs,
+ mul_bi n (us .+ vs) = mul_bi n us .+ mul_bi n vs.
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma mul_bi_rep : forall i vs, decode base (mul_bi i vs) = decode base vs * nth_default 0 base i.
+ induction vs using rev_ind; intros; simpl. {
+ unfold mul_bi.
+ ssimpl_list; rewrite zeros_rep; simpl.
+ unfold decode; simpl.
+ ring.
+ } {
+ rewrite set_higher.
+ ring_simplify.
+ rewrite <- IHvs; clear IHvs.
+ rewrite <- mul_bi_single.
+ rewrite <- add_rep.
+ rewrite <- mul_bi_add.
+ rewrite set_higher'.
+ auto.
+ }
+ Qed.
+ (* mul' is multiplication with the FIRST ARGUMENT REVERSED *)
+ Fixpoint mul' (usr vs:digits) : digits :=
+ match usr with
+ | u::usr' =>
+ mul_each u (mul_bi (length usr') vs) .+ mul' usr' vs
+ | _ => nil
+ end.
+ Definition mul us := mul' (rev us).
+ Local Infix "#*" := mul (at level 40).
+ Lemma mul'_rep : forall us vs, decode base (mul' (rev us) vs) = decode base us * decode base vs.
+ induction us using rev_ind; intros; simpl; try apply decode_nil.
+ ssimpl_list.
+ rewrite add_rep.
+ rewrite IHus; clear IHus.
+ rewrite set_higher.
+ rewrite mul_each_rep.
+ rewrite mul_bi_rep.
+ ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_rep : forall us vs, decode base (us #* vs) = decode base us * decode base vs.
+ apply mul'_rep.
+ Qed.
End BaseSystem.