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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-10-30 16:22:27 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-10-30 16:22:27 -0400
commite3188551ea80f3293158e1cd4392a0e0e8645250 (patch)
parent1b9f8c10fef9b8cff935deda8e89b8351703b119 (diff)
Add PartiallyReifiedProp
2 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 5803b3735..2cc0dc07d 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ src/Util/NatUtil.v
diff --git a/src/Util/PartiallyReifiedProp.v b/src/Util/PartiallyReifiedProp.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ef332c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/PartiallyReifiedProp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(** * Propositions with a distinguished representation of [True], [False], [and], [or], and [impl] *)
+(** This allows for something between [bool] and [Prop], where we can
+ computationally reduce things like [True /\ True], but can still
+ express equality of types. *)
+Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Delimit Scope reified_prop_scope with reified_prop.
+Inductive reified_Prop := rTrue | rFalse | rAnd (x y : reified_Prop) | rOr (x y : reified_Prop) | rImpl (x y : reified_Prop) | rForall {T} (f : T -> reified_Prop) | rEq {T} (x y : T) | inject (_ : Prop).
+Bind Scope reified_prop_scope with reified_Prop.
+Fixpoint to_prop (x : reified_Prop) : Prop
+ := match x with
+ | rTrue => True
+ | rFalse => False
+ | rAnd x y => to_prop x /\ to_prop y
+ | rOr x y => to_prop x \/ to_prop y
+ | rImpl x y => to_prop x -> to_prop y
+ | @rForall _ f => forall x, to_prop (f x)
+ | @rEq _ x y => x = y
+ | inject x => x
+ end.
+Coercion reified_Prop_of_bool (x : bool) : reified_Prop
+ := if x then rTrue else rFalse.
+Fixpoint and_reified_Prop (x y : reified_Prop) : reified_Prop
+ := match x, y with
+ | rTrue, y => y
+ | x, rTrue => x
+ | rFalse, y => rFalse
+ | x, rFalse => rFalse
+ | rForall T f, y => rForall (fun x => and_reified_Prop (f x) y)
+ | x, rForall T f => rForall (fun y => rAnd x (f y))
+ | rEq T a b, rEq T' a' b' => rEq (a, a') (b, b')
+ | x', y' => rAnd x' y'
+ end.
+Definition or_reified_Prop (x y : reified_Prop) : reified_Prop
+ := match x, y with
+ | rTrue, y => rTrue
+ | x, rTrue => rTrue
+ | rFalse, y => y
+ | x, rFalse => x
+ | x', y' => rOr x' y'
+ end.
+Definition impl_reified_Prop (x y : reified_Prop) : reified_Prop
+ := match x, y with
+ | rTrue, y => y
+ | x, rTrue => rTrue
+ | rFalse, y => rTrue
+ | rImpl x rFalse, rFalse => x
+ | x', y' => rImpl x' y'
+ end.
+Infix "/\" := and_reified_Prop : reified_prop_scope.
+Infix "\/" := or_reified_Prop : reified_prop_scope.
+Infix "->" := impl_reified_Prop : reified_prop_scope.
+Infix "=" := rEq : reified_prop_scope.
+Notation "~ P" := (P -> rFalse)%reified_prop : reified_prop_scope.
+Notation "∀ x .. y , P" := (rForall (fun x => .. (rForall (fun y => P%reified_prop)) .. ))
+ (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : reified_prop_scope.
+Definition reified_Prop_eq (x y : reified_Prop)
+ := match x, y with
+ | rTrue, _ => y = rTrue
+ | rFalse, _ => y = rFalse
+ | rAnd x0 x1, rAnd y0 y1
+ => x0 = y0 /\ x1 = y1
+ | rAnd _ _, _ => False
+ | rOr x0 x1, rOr y0 y1
+ => x0 = y0 /\ x1 = y1
+ | rOr _ _, _ => False
+ | rImpl x0 x1, rImpl y0 y1
+ => x0 = y0 /\ x1 = y1
+ | rImpl _ _, _ => False
+ | @rForall Tx fx, @rForall Ty fy
+ => exists pf : Tx = Ty,
+ forall x, fx x = fy (eq_rect _ (fun t => t) x _ pf)
+ | rForall _ _, _ => False
+ | @rEq Tx x0 x1, @rEq Ty y0 y1
+ => exists pf : Tx = Ty,
+ eq_rect _ (fun t => t) x0 _ pf = y0
+ /\ eq_rect _ (fun t => t) x1 _ pf = y1
+ | rEq _ _ _, _ => False
+ | inject x, inject y => x = y
+ | inject _, _ => False
+ end.
+Section rel.
+ Local Ltac t :=
+ cbv;
+ repeat (break_match
+ || intro
+ || (simpl in * )
+ || intuition try congruence
+ || (exists eq_refl)
+ || eauto
+ || subst
+ || apply conj
+ || destruct_head' ex
+ || solve [ apply reflexivity
+ | apply symmetry; eassumption
+ | eapply transitivity; eassumption ] ).
+ Global Instance Reflexive_reified_Prop_eq : Reflexive reified_Prop_eq.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Symmetric_reified_Prop_eq : Symmetric reified_Prop_eq.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Transitive_reified_Prop_eq : Transitive reified_Prop_eq.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Equivalence_reified_Prop_eq : Equivalence reified_Prop_eq.
+ Proof. split; exact _. Qed.
+End rel.
+Definition reified_Prop_leq_to_eq (x y : reified_Prop) : x = y -> reified_Prop_eq x y.
+Proof. intro; subst; simpl; reflexivity. Qed.
+Ltac inversion_reified_Prop_step :=
+ let do_on H := apply reified_Prop_leq_to_eq in H; unfold reified_Prop_eq in H in
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : False |- _ ] => solve [ destruct H ]
+ | [ H : (_ = _ :> reified_Prop) /\ (_ = _ :> reified_Prop) |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ H : exists pf : _ = _ :> Type, forall x, _ = _ :> reified_Prop |- _ ]
+ => destruct H as [? H]; subst; simpl @eq_rect in H
+ | [ H : ?x = _ :> reified_Prop |- _ ] => is_var x; subst x
+ | [ H : _ = ?y :> reified_Prop |- _ ] => is_var y; subst y
+ | [ H : rTrue = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rFalse = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rAnd _ _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rOr _ _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rImpl _ _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rForall _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : rEq _ _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ | [ H : inject _ = _ |- _ ] => do_on H
+ end.
+Ltac inversion_reified_Prop := repeat inversion_reified_Prop_step.