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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jagro@google.com>2018-07-02 15:27:43 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-07-03 19:28:55 -0400
commite122effad97d68aa5c5e0314f49ca57642a77f2c (patch)
parenta1f99932208ea8d40d26bbbe74491174ea195ad1 (diff)
Factor eval_reduce_square_exact a bit differently
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
index 154951973..21570c6b0 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
@@ -230,23 +230,34 @@ Module Associational.
(fun t ts acc
- => let '(t, c_t, two_c_t, two_t) := t in
- (if ((fst t * fst t) mod s =? 0)
- then div_s (mul [t] c_t)
- else mul [t] [t])
- ++ (flat_map
- (fun '(t', c_t', two_c_t', two_t')
- => if ((fst t * fst t') mod s =? 0)
- then div_s
- (if fst t' <=? fst t
- then mul [t'] two_c_t
- else mul [t] two_c_t')
- else (if fst t' <=? fst t
- then mul [t'] two_t
- else mul [t] two_t'))
- ts)
+ => (let '(t, c_t, two_c_t, two_t) := t in
+ (if ((fst t * fst t) mod s =? 0)
+ then div_s (mul [t] c_t)
+ else mul [t] [t])
+ ++ (flat_map
+ (fun '(t', c_t', two_c_t', two_t')
+ => if ((fst t * fst t') mod s =? 0)
+ then div_s
+ (if fst t' <=? fst t
+ then mul [t'] two_c_t
+ else mul [t] two_c_t')
+ else (if fst t' <=? fst t
+ then mul [t'] two_t
+ else mul [t] two_t'))
+ ts))
++ acc)
+ Lemma eval_map_div s p (s_nz:s <> 0) (Hmod : forall v, In v p -> fst v mod s = 0)
+ : eval (map (fun x => (fst x / s, snd x)) p) = eval p / s.
+ Proof.
+ assert (Hmod' : forall v, In v p -> (fst v * snd v) mod s = 0).
+ { intros; push_Zmod; rewrite Hmod by assumption; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity. }
+ induction p as [|p ps IHps]; push.
+ { autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity. }
+ { cbn [In] in *; rewrite Z.div_add_exact by eauto.
+ rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact', IHps by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
+ nsatz. }
+ Qed.
Lemma eval_map_mul_div s a b c (s_nz:s <> 0) (a_mod : (a*a) mod s = 0)
: eval (map (fun x => ((a * (a * fst x)) / s, b * (b * snd x))) c) = ((a * a) / s) * (b * b) * eval c.
@@ -275,52 +286,137 @@ Module Associational.
Proof. case b; reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_if : push_eval.
+ Lemma split_app s p q :
+ split s (p ++ q) = (fst (split s p) ++ fst (split s q), snd (split s p) ++ snd (split s q)).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [split]; rewrite !partition_app; cbn [fst snd].
+ rewrite !map_app; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fst_split_app s p q :
+ fst (split s (p ++ q)) = fst (split s p) ++ fst (split s q).
+ Proof. rewrite split_app; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma snd_split_app s p q :
+ snd (split s (p ++ q)) = snd (split s p) ++ snd (split s q).
+ Proof. rewrite split_app; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite fst_split_app snd_split_app : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_list_rect_app A s c N C p :
+ eval (reduce s c (@list_rect A _ N (fun x xs acc => C x xs ++ acc) p))
+ = eval (@list_rect A _ (reduce s c N) (fun x xs acc => reduce s c (C x xs) ++ acc) p).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [reduce]; induction p as [|p ps IHps]; cbn [list_rect]; push; [ nsatz | rewrite <- IHps; clear IHps ].
+ push; nsatz.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_reduce_list_rect_app : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_list_rect_app A N C p :
+ eval (@list_rect A _ N (fun x xs acc => C x xs ++ acc) p)
+ = @list_rect A _ (eval N) (fun x xs acc => eval (C x xs) + acc) p.
+ Proof. induction p; cbn [list_rect]; push; nsatz. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_list_rect_app : push_eval.
Local Existing Instances list_rect_Proper pointwise_map flat_map_Proper.
Local Hint Extern 0 (Proper _ _) => solve_Proper_eq : typeclass_instances.
+ Lemma reduce_nil s c : reduce s c nil = nil.
+ Proof. cbv [reduce]; induction c; cbn; intuition auto. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite reduce_nil : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_app s c p q : eval (reduce s c (p ++ q)) = eval (reduce s c p) + eval (reduce s c q).
+ Proof. cbv [reduce]; push; nsatz. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_reduce_app : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_cons s c p q :
+ eval (reduce s c (p :: q))
+ = (if fst p mod s =? 0 then eval c * ((fst p / s) * snd p) else fst p * snd p)
+ + eval (reduce s c q).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [reduce split]; cbn [partition fst snd]; eta_expand; push.
+ break_innermost_match; cbn [fst snd map]; push; nsatz.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_reduce_cons : push_eval.
+ Lemma mul_cons_l t ts p :
+ mul (t::ts) p = map (fun t' => (fst t * fst t', snd t * snd t')) p ++ mul ts p.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nil_l p : mul nil p = nil.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nil_r p : mul p nil = nil.
+ Proof. cbv [mul]; induction p; cbn; intuition auto. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite mul_nil_l mul_nil_r : push_eval.
+ Lemma mul_app_l p p' q :
+ mul (p ++ p') q = mul p q ++ mul p' q.
+ Proof. cbv [mul]; rewrite flat_map_app; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_singleton_l_app_r p q q' :
+ mul [p] (q ++ q') = mul [p] q ++ mul [p] q'.
+ Proof. cbv [mul flat_map]; rewrite !map_app, !app_nil_r; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite mul_singleton_l_app_r : push_eval.
+ Lemma mul_singleton_singleton p q :
+ mul [p] [q] = [(fst p * fst q, snd p * snd q)].
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_square_step_helper s c t' t v (s_nz:s <> 0) :
+ (fst t * fst t') mod s = 0 \/ (fst t' * fst t) mod s = 0 -> In v (mul [t'] (mul (mul [t] c) [(1, 2)])) -> fst v mod s = 0.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [mul]; cbn [map flat_map fst snd].
+ rewrite !app_nil_r, flat_map_singleton, !map_map; cbn [fst snd]; rewrite in_map_iff; intros [H|H] [? [? ?] ]; subst; revert H.
+ all:cbn [fst snd]; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; intro H; rewrite Z.mul_assoc, Z.mul_mod_l.
+ all:rewrite H || rewrite (Z.mul_comm (fst t')), H; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_square_step s c t ts (s_nz : s <> 0) :
+ eval (flat_map
+ (fun t' => if (fst t * fst t') mod s =? 0
+ then map (fun t => (fst t / s, snd t))
+ (if fst t' <=? fst t
+ then mul [t'] (mul (mul [t] c) [(1, 2)])
+ else mul [t] (mul (mul [t'] c) [(1, 2)]))
+ else (if fst t' <=? fst t
+ then mul [t'] (mul [t] [(1, 2)])
+ else mul [t] (mul [t'] [(1, 2)])))
+ ts)
+ = eval (reduce s c (mul [(1, 2)] (mul [t] ts))).
+ Proof.
+ induction ts as [|t' ts IHts]; cbn [flat_map]; [ push; nsatz | rewrite eval_app, IHts; clear IHts ].
+ change (t'::ts) with ([t'] ++ ts); rewrite !mul_singleton_l_app_r, !mul_singleton_singleton; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; push.
+ break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push; try nsatz.
+ all:rewrite eval_map_div by eauto using eval_reduce_square_step_helper; push; autorewrite with zsimplify_const.
+ all:rewrite ?Z.mul_assoc, <- !(Z.mul_comm (fst t')), ?Z.mul_assoc.
+ all:rewrite ?Z.mul_assoc, <- !(Z.mul_comm (fst t)), ?Z.mul_assoc.
+ all:rewrite <- !Z.mul_assoc, Z.mul_assoc.
+ all:rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact' by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
+ all:nsatz.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_square_helper s c x y v (s_nz:s <> 0) :
+ (fst x * fst y) mod s = 0 \/ (fst y * fst x) mod s = 0 -> In v (mul [x] (mul [y] c)) -> fst v mod s = 0.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [mul]; cbn [map flat_map fst snd].
+ rewrite !app_nil_r, ?flat_map_singleton, !map_map; cbn [fst snd]; rewrite in_map_iff; intros [H|H] [? [? ?] ]; subst; revert H.
+ all:cbn [fst snd]; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; intro H; rewrite Z.mul_assoc, Z.mul_mod_l.
+ all:rewrite H || rewrite (Z.mul_comm (fst x)), H; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
Lemma eval_reduce_square_exact s c p (s_nz:s<>0) (modulus_nz:s-eval c<>0)
: eval (reduce_square s c p) = eval (reduce s c (square p)).
- cbv [reduce_square Let_In let_bind_for_reduce_square reduce square split]; cbn [map].
- push; auto; [].
- induction p as [|a p IHp]; cbn [list_rect map]; push; [ nsatz | rewrite IHp; clear IHp ].
- cbn [List.app mul flat_map map]; push; cbn [fst snd]; auto; [].
- rewrite !partition_app, !map_map, !flat_map_map, !app_nil_r; cbn [fst snd map flat_map].
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite app_nil_r.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite flat_map_singleton.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite map_map.
- progress cbn [fst snd].
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite Z.mul_1_r.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite Z.mul_assoc.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite (Z.mul_comm (fst a)).
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite (Z.mul_comm (snd a)).
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite if_const.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite map_map.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite <- (Z.mul_comm 2).
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite Z.mul_assoc.
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite <- (Z.mul_comm (snd a)).
- progress repeat setoid_rewrite Z.mul_assoc.
- rewrite !partition_map.
- progress cbn [fst snd].
- rewrite !eval_flat_map_if, !flat_map_singleton.
- push.
- apply Zminus_eq; ring_simplify.
- simple refine (let pf := _ in _); [ shelve | | clearbody pf ]; cycle 1.
- { break_innermost_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push; ring_simplify;
- rewrite !map_map; cbn [fst snd];
- rewrite ?Z.mul_opp_l, (Z.mul_comm (eval c)), <- eval_mul;
- cbv [mul];
- rewrite flat_map_map; cbn [fst snd].
- { exact pf. }
- { omega. } }
- { rewrite Z.add_opp_l.
- apply Zeq_minus.
- f_equal.
- apply flat_map_ext; intro x.
- rewrite fst_partition_In; intros [? ?]; Z.ltb_to_lt.
- apply map_ext; intro.
- rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact' by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
- f_equal; nia. }
+ cbv [let_bind_for_reduce_square reduce_square square Let_In]; rewrite list_rect_map; push.
+ apply list_rect_Proper; [ | repeat intro; subst | reflexivity ]; cbv [split]; push; [ nsatz | ].
+ rewrite flat_map_map, eval_reduce_square_step by auto.
+ break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push.
+ 1:rewrite eval_map_div by eauto using eval_reduce_square_helper; push.
+ all:cbv [mul]; cbn [map flat_map fst snd]; rewrite !app_nil_r, !map_map; cbn [fst snd].
+ all:autorewrite with zsimplify_const.
+ all:rewrite <- ?Z.mul_assoc, !(Z.mul_comm (fst a)), <- ?Z.mul_assoc.
+ all:rewrite ?Z.mul_assoc, <- (Z.mul_assoc _ (fst a) (fst a)), <- !(Z.mul_comm (fst a * fst a)).
+ 1:rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact' by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
+ all:idtac;
+ let LHS := match goal with |- ?LHS = ?RHS => LHS end in
+ let RHS := match goal with |- ?LHS = ?RHS => RHS end in
+ let f := match LHS with context[eval (reduce _ _ (map ?f _))] => f end in
+ let g := match RHS with context[eval (reduce _ _ (map ?f _))] => f end in
+ rewrite (map_ext f g) by (intros; f_equal; nsatz).
+ all:nsatz.
Lemma eval_reduce_square s c p (s_nz:s<>0) (modulus_nz:s-eval c<>0)
: eval (reduce_square s c p) mod (s - eval c)