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authorGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-01-05 18:31:18 -0500
committerGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-01-05 18:31:18 -0500
commitd4a2d4a57bb691e0129c1697e09e91c9aafe7d1c (patch)
parent7ef4da17c2a2530fcce15b1b04249c4ef97aab86 (diff)
Specific/EdDSA25519: created most of specific instantiation of EdDSA; still missing parameters d, H, l, B, and PointEncoding.
2 files changed, 216 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index b862cf7ac..a99d9a3f7 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ src/Galois/ComputationalGaloisField.v
diff --git a/src/Specific/EdDSA25519.v b/src/Specific/EdDSA25519.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26c45a713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/EdDSA25519.v
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+Require Import ZArith.ZArith Zpower ZArith Znumtheory.
+Require Import NPeano.
+Require Import Galois.EdDSA Galois GaloisTheory.
+Require Import Crypto.Curves.PointFormats.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil Crypto.Util.NumTheoryUtil.
+Require Import Bedrock.Word.
+Require Import VerdiTactics.
+Require Import Decidable.
+Require Import Omega.
+Module Modulus25519 <: Modulus.
+ Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Definition two_255_19 := two_p 255 - 19.
+ Lemma two_255_19_prime : prime two_255_19. Admitted.
+ Definition prime25519 := exist _ two_255_19 two_255_19_prime.
+ Definition modulus := prime25519.
+End Modulus25519.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Module EdDSA25519_Params <: EdDSAParams.
+ Definition q : Prime := Modulus25519.modulus.
+ Ltac prime_bound := pose proof (prime_ge_2 q (proj2_sig q)); try omega.
+ Lemma q_odd : Z.to_nat q > 2.
+ Proof.
+ assert (q >= 0)%Z by (cbv; congruence).
+ assert (q > 2)%Z by (simpl; cbv; auto).
+ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_gt.
+ rewrite Z2Nat.id by omega; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Module Modulus_q := Modulus25519.
+ Definition b := 256.
+ Lemma b_valid : (2 ^ (Z.of_nat b - 1) > q)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ remember 19%Z as y.
+ replace (Z.of_nat b - 1)%Z with 255%Z by auto.
+ assert (y > 0)%Z by (rewrite Heqy; cbv; auto).
+ remember (2 ^ 255)%Z as x.
+ simpl. unfold Modulus25519.two_255_19.
+ rewrite two_p_equiv.
+ rewrite <- Heqy.
+ rewrite <- Heqx.
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ (* TODO *)
+ Parameter H : forall {n}, word n -> word (b + b).
+ Definition c := 3.
+ Lemma c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3.
+ Proof.
+ right; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition n := b - 2.
+ Lemma n_ge_c : n >= c.
+ Proof.
+ unfold n, c, b; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma n_le_b : n <= b.
+ Proof.
+ unfold n, b; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Module Import GFDefs := GaloisDefs Modulus_q.
+ Local Open Scope GF_scope.
+ Definition a := GFopp 1%GF.
+ Lemma a_nonzero : a <> 0%GF.
+ Proof.
+ unfold a, GFopp; simpl.
+ intuition.
+ assert (proj1_sig 0%GF = proj1_sig (0 - 1)%GF) by (rewrite H0; reflexivity).
+ assert (proj1_sig 0%GF = 0%Z) by auto.
+ assert (proj1_sig (0 - 1)%GF <> 0%Z). {
+ simpl; intuition.
+ apply Z.rem_mod_eq_0 in H3; [|unfold two_255_19; cbv; omega].
+ unfold Z.rem in H3; simpl in H3.
+ congruence.
+ }
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma q_1mod4 : (q mod 4 = 1)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ simpl.
+ unfold Modulus25519.two_255_19.
+ rewrite Zminus_mod.
+ simpl.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma square_mod_GF : forall (a x : Z),
+ (0 <= x < q /\ x * x mod q = a)%Z ->
+ (inject x * inject x = inject a)%GF.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct H0.
+ rewrite <- inject_distr_mul.
+ rewrite inject_mod_eq.
+ replace modulus with q by auto.
+ rewrite H1; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma a_square : exists x, (x * x = a)%GF.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (minus1_square_1mod4 q (proj2_sig q) q_1mod4).
+ destruct H0.
+ pose proof (square_mod_GF (q - 1)%Z x H0).
+ exists (inject x).
+ unfold a.
+ replace (GFopp 1) with (inject (q - 1)) by galois.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ (* TODO *)
+ Parameter d : GF.
+ Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x^2 <> d.
+ Module CurveParameters <: TwistedEdwardsParams Modulus_q.
+ Module GFDefs := GFDefs.
+ Definition a : GF := a.
+ Definition a_nonzero := a_nonzero.
+ Definition a_square := a_square.
+ Definition d := d.
+ Definition d_nonsquare := d_nonsquare.
+ End CurveParameters.
+ Module Facts := CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts Modulus_q CurveParameters.
+ Module Import Curve := Facts.Curve.
+ (* TODO *)
+ Parameter B : point.
+ Axiom B_not_identity : B <> zero.
+ (* TODO *)
+ Parameter l : Prime.
+ Axiom l_odd : (Z.to_nat l > 2)%nat.
+ Axiom l_order_B : (scalarMult (Z.to_nat l) B) = zero.
+ (* H' is the identity function. *)
+ Definition H'_out_len (n : nat) := n.
+ Definition H' {n} (w : word n) := w.
+ Lemma l_bound : Z.to_nat l < pow2 b. (* TODO *)
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma GF_mod_bound : forall (x : GF), (0 <= x < q)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (0 < q)%Z by (prime_bound; omega).
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x q H0).
+ rewrite <- (inject_eq x).
+ replace q with modulus in * by auto.
+ unfold GFToZ, inject in *.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition Fq_enc (x : GF) : word (b - 1) := natToWord (b - 1) (Z.to_nat x).
+ Definition Fq_dec (x_ : word (b - 1)) : option GF :=
+ Some (inject (Z.of_nat (wordToNat x_))).
+ Lemma Fq_encoding_valid : forall x : GF, Fq_dec (Fq_enc x) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Fq_dec, Fq_enc; intros.
+ f_equal.
+ rewrite wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent. {
+ rewrite Z2Nat.id by apply GF_mod_bound.
+ apply inject_eq.
+ } {
+ rewrite <- Nnat.N2Nat.id.
+ rewrite Npow2_nat.
+ apply (Nat2N_inj_lt (Z.to_nat x) (pow2 (b - 1))).
+ replace (pow2 (b - 1)) with (Z.to_nat (2 ^ (Z.of_nat b - 1))%Z) by (rewrite Zpow_pow2; auto).
+ pose proof (GF_mod_bound x).
+ pose proof b_valid.
+ apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; try omega.
+ }
+ Qed.
+ Definition FqEncoding : encoding of GF as word (b-1) :=
+ Build_Encoding GF (word (b-1)) Fq_enc Fq_dec Fq_encoding_valid.
+ Definition Fl_enc (x : {s : nat | s mod (Z.to_nat l) = s}) : word b :=
+ natToWord b (proj1_sig x).
+ Definition Fl_dec (x_ : word b) : option {s:nat | s mod (Z.to_nat l) = s} :=
+ match (lt_dec (wordToNat x_) (Z.to_nat l)) with
+ | left A => Some (exist _ _ (Nat.mod_small _ (Z.to_nat l) A))
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Lemma Fl_encoding_valid : forall x, Fl_dec (Fl_enc x) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Fl_enc, Fl_dec; intros.
+ assert (proj1_sig x < (Z.to_nat l)). {
+ destruct x; simpl.
+ apply Nat.mod_small_iff in e; auto.
+ pose proof l_odd; omega.
+ }
+ rewrite wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent by
+ (pose proof l_bound; apply Nomega.Nlt_in; rewrite Nnat.Nat2N.id; rewrite Npow2_nat; omega).
+ case_eq (lt_dec (proj1_sig x) (Z.to_nat l)); intros; try omega.
+ destruct x.
+ do 2 (simpl in *; f_equal).
+ apply Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec.
+ apply eq_nat_dec.
+ Qed.
+ Definition FlEncoding :=
+ Build_Encoding {s:nat | s mod (Z.to_nat l) = s} (word b) Fl_enc Fl_dec Fl_encoding_valid.
+ (* TODO *)
+ Parameter PointEncoding : encoding of point as word b.
+End EdDSA25519_Params.