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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-02-06 18:25:31 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-02-06 18:25:31 -0500
commitc8ce1653b9a3489882c07629eaacb31a13444b6f (patch)
parenta78706d510db71e8555c22ce8989814b28934e51 (diff)
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Algebra.v b/src/Algebra.v
index de6b6f51a..e126fd9af 100644
--- a/src/Algebra.v
+++ b/src/Algebra.v
@@ -633,6 +633,12 @@ Module Ring.
eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_l.
+ Lemma neq_sub_neq_zero x y (Hxy:x<>y) : x-y <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ intro Hsub. apply Hxy. rewrite <-(left_identity y), <-Hsub, ring_sub_definition.
+ rewrite <-associative, left_inverse, right_identity. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
Lemma zero_product_iff_zero_factor {Hzpzf:@is_zero_product_zero_factor T eq zero mul} :
forall x y : T, eq (mul x y) zero <-> eq x zero \/ eq y zero.
@@ -1234,6 +1240,35 @@ Ltac common_denominator_equality_inequality_all :=
[ common_denominator_inequality_all
| .. ].
+(** [nsatz] for fields *)
+Ltac _field_nsatz_prep_goal fld eq :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- not (eq ?x ?y) ] => intro
+ | [ |- eq _ _] => idtac
+ | _ => exfalso; apply (field_is_zero_neq_one(field:=fld))
+ end.
+Ltac _field_nsatz_prep_inequalities fld eq zero :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [H: not (eq _ _) |- _ ] =>
+ lazymatch type of H with
+ | not (eq _ zero) => unique pose proof (Field.right_multiplicative_inverse(H:=fld) _ H)
+ | not (eq zero _) => unique pose proof (Field.right_multiplicative_inverse(H:=fld) _ (symmetry _ _ H))
+ | _ => unique pose proof (Field.right_multiplicative_inverse(H:=fld) _ (Ring.neq_sub_neq_zero _ _ H))
+ end
+ end.
+(* solves all implications between field equalities and field inequalities that are true in all fields (including those without decidable equality) *)
+Ltac field_nsatz :=
+ let fld := guess_field in
+ let eq := match type of fld with field(eq:=?eq) => eq end in
+ let zero := match type of fld with field(zero:=?zero) => eq end in
+ _field_nsatz_prep_goal fld eq;
+ common_denominator_equality_inequality_all; [|_field_nsatz_prep_goal fld eq..];
+ _field_nsatz_prep_inequalities fld eq zero;
+ nsatz;
+ repeat eapply (proj2 (Ring.nonzero_product_iff_nonzero_factor _ _)); auto. (* nsatz coefficients *)
Inductive field_simplify_done {T} : T -> Type :=
Field_simplify_done : forall H, field_simplify_done H.