diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-11 14:41:19 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-11 14:50:35 -0400
commitb3c19b7b46523578ae5e94f840224116c16f029b (patch)
parente783f8d8da2247ddd08d92a34f83258deb02efa0 (diff)
More WIP on CSE interp
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compilers/CommonSubexpressionEliminationInterp.v b/src/Compilers/CommonSubexpressionEliminationInterp.v
index 56c03fb11..747e593b8 100644
--- a/src/Compilers/CommonSubexpressionEliminationInterp.v
+++ b/src/Compilers/CommonSubexpressionEliminationInterp.v
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextDefinitions.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextProperties.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.WfInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.ExprInversion.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Wf.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.WfProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartMap.
@@ -81,28 +83,100 @@ Section symbolic.
| solve [ eauto ] ].
+ (*Lemma interpf_symbolize_exprf_injective
+ s
+ : forall G0 G1 t e0 e1 e0' e1'
+ (HG0 : forall t x y, In (existT _ t (x, y)) G0 -> fst x = y)
+ (HG1 : forall t x y, In (existT _ t (x, y)) G1 -> fst x = y)
+ (Hwf0 : wff G0 (t:=t) e0 e0')
+ (Hwf1 : wff G1 (t:=t) e1 e1')
+ (Hs0 : symbolize_exprf e0 = Some s)
+ (Hs1 : symbolize_exprf e1 = Some s),
+ interpf interp_op e0' = interpf interp_op e1'.
+ Proof.
+ induction s; intros;
+ destruct Hwf0;
+ try (invert_one_expr e1; break_innermost_match; try exact I; intros);
+ try (invert_one_expr e1'; break_innermost_match; try exact I; intros);
+ try solve [ repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | progress subst
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | congruence
+ | progress simpl in *
+ | progress unfold option_map in *
+ | progress inversion_wf_constr
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ HG : forall t x y, In _ ?G -> fst x = y, H : In _ ?G |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (HG _ _ _ H); progress subst
+ end ] ].
+ Focus 3.
+ { simpl in *.
+ Focus 3.
+ try reflexivity;
+ simpl in *.
+ inversion_expr.
+ .
+ inversion_wf.
+ move s at top; reverse.
+ ->
+Check @symbolize_exprf.
Local Arguments lookupb : simpl never.
Local Arguments extendb : simpl never.
Lemma interpf_csef G t e1 e2
(HG : forall t x y, In (existT _ t (x, y)) G -> fst x = y)
(m : @SymbolicExprContext (interp_flat_type_gen _))
+ (HGm : forall t e s v,
+ @symbolize_exprf interp_base_type t e = Some s
+ -> lookupb m s = Some v
+ -> forall k,
+ List.In k (flatten_binding_list (@symbolicify_smart_var interp_base_type t v s) v)
+ -> List.In k G)
+ (Hm : forall t e1 e2 s v,
+ symbolize_exprf e1 = Some s
+ -> lookupb m s = Some v
+ -> wff G (t:=t) e1 e2
+ -> v = interpf interp_op e2)
(Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
: interpf interp_op (@csef interp_base_type t e1 m) = interpf interp_op e2.
revert dependent m;
induction Hwf; simpl; cbv [LetIn.Let_In symbolize_var]; intros; eauto;
rewrite_hyp ?* by eauto; try reflexivity; eauto.
- { break_match.
- { break_match_hyps; try congruence; inversion_prod; inversion_option; subst.
- erewrite_hyp *; [ reflexivity | ].
- setoid_rewrite in_app_iff; intros; destruct_head or; eauto; [].
- specialize_by eauto.
- admit. }
- { simpl; unfold LetIn.Let_In.
- rewrite_hyp !* by eauto.
- erewrite_hyp *; [ reflexivity | ].
- setoid_rewrite in_app_iff; intros; destruct_head or; eauto; [].
- eauto using interpf_flatten_binding_list. } }
+ { break_match; break_match_hyps; try congruence; inversion_prod; inversion_option; subst;
+ simpl; unfold LetIn.Let_In;
+ [ match goal with
+ | [ Hm : forall t e1 e2 s v, symbolize_exprf _ = _ -> _, H' : symbolize_exprf _ = _ |- _ ]
+ => erewrite (Hm _ _ _ _ _ H') by eassumption
+ end
+ | rewrite_hyp !* by eauto
+ | rewrite_hyp !* by eauto ];
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : context[interpf interp_op (csef _ _)] |- _ ] => erewrite H; [ reflexivity | | eauto | eauto ]
+ end;
+ intros *;
+ try solve [ repeat first [ rewrite !(fun var => @lookupb_extendb_full flat_type _ symbolic_expr _ var _ SymbolicExprContextOk)
+ | setoid_rewrite in_app_iff
+ | progress break_innermost_match
+ | progress subst
+ | progress simpl in *
+ | progress inversion_prod
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress destruct_head or
+ | solve [ eauto using interpf_flatten_binding_list ]
+ | progress intros ] ].
+ admit.
+ admit.
+ admit. }
Lemma interpf_prepend_prefix t e prefix
@@ -118,7 +192,7 @@ Section symbolic.
destruct Hwf; simpl; intros.
etransitivity; [ | eapply interpf_prepend_prefix ].
eapply interpf_csef; eauto;
- [
+ [ ..
| eapply wff_prepend_prefix; [ .. | solve [ eauto ] ] ].
{ intros; eapply interpf_flatten_binding_list; eassumption. }
{ admit. }