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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-02-28 23:11:05 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2017-03-02 13:37:14 -0500
commit83be64b2de78732f226a6566a30779ec9eac5ba5 (patch)
parentc55c410d25e1d0b08dee3ea9169c3aafb5343d5d (diff)
move large non-building chunks of Ed25519.v
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
index c7e9d173c..5deaa9d0e 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Require Crypto.Specific.GF25519.
Require Crypto.Specific.GF25519Bounded.
Require Crypto.Specific.SC25519.
Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates.
-Require Crypto.Encoding.PointEncoding.
Require Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.
Import Morphisms.
Import NPeano.
@@ -59,10 +58,8 @@ Definition Erep := (@ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.point
- GF25519BoundedCommon.one
- GF25519BoundedCommon.div
@@ -72,51 +69,7 @@ Local Existing Instance GF25519.homomorphism_F25519_decode.
(* MOVE : mostly pre-Specific. TODO : narrow down which properties can
be proven generically and which need to be computed, then maybe create
a tactic to do the computed ones *)
-Local Instance twedprm_ERep :
- @CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.twisted_edwards_params
- GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519 GF25519BoundedCommon.eq
- GF25519BoundedCommon.zero GF25519BoundedCommon.one
- GF25519Bounded.add GF25519Bounded.mul a d.
- constructor; try vm_decide.
- { destruct CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.square_a as [sqrt_a H].
- exists (GF25519BoundedCommon.encode sqrt_a).
- transitivity (GF25519BoundedCommon.encode Spec.Ed25519.a); [ rewrite <- H | vm_decide ].
- rewrite <- Algebra.Ring.homomorphism_mul; reflexivity. }
- { intros x H.
- pose proof (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.nonsquare_d (GF25519BoundedCommon.decode x)) as ns_d.
- apply ns_d; clear ns_d.
- transitivity (GF25519BoundedCommon.decode d); [ rewrite <- H | vm_decide ].
- rewrite <- Algebra.Ring.homomorphism_mul; reflexivity. }
-Definition coord_to_extended (xy : GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519 * GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519) pf :=
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted
- (field := GF25519Bounded.field25519) (prm :=twedprm_ERep)
- (exist Pre.onCurve xy pf).
-Definition extended_to_coord (P : Erep) : (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519 * GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519) :=
- CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.to_twisted P (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)).
-Lemma encode_eq_iff : forall x y : ModularArithmetic.F.F GF25519.modulus,
- GF25519BoundedCommon.eq
- (GF25519BoundedCommon.encode x)
- (GF25519BoundedCommon.encode y) <-> x = y.
- intros.
- cbv [GF25519BoundedCommon.eq GF25519BoundedCommon.encode ModularBaseSystem.eq].
- rewrite !GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519_exist_fe25519, !ModularBaseSystemProofs.encode_rep.
- reflexivity.
-Definition EToRep :=
- PointEncoding.point_phi
- (Kfield := GF25519Bounded.field25519)
- (phi_homomorphism := GF25519Bounded.homomorphism_F25519_encode)
- (Kpoint := Erep)
- (phi_a := phi_a)
- (phi_d := phi_d)
- (Kcoord_to_point := ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted (prm := twedprm_ERep) (field := GF25519Bounded.field25519)).
Definition ZNWord sz x := Word.NToWord sz (BinInt.Z.to_N x).
Definition WordNZ {sz} (w : Word.word sz) := BinInt.Z.of_N (Word.wordToN w).
@@ -127,157 +80,9 @@ Definition S2Rep := SC25519.S2Rep.
Lemma eq_a_minus1 : GF25519BoundedCommon.eq a (GF25519Bounded.opp GF25519BoundedCommon.one).
Proof. vm_decide. Qed.
-Definition ErepAdd :=
- (@ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- a d GF25519Bounded.field25519 twedprm_ERep _
- eq_a_minus1 twice_d (eq_refl _)
- _ (fun _ _ => reflexivity _)).
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
Definition ERepSel : bool -> Erep -> Erep -> Erep := fun b x y => if b then y else x.
-Local Existing Instance ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.extended_group.
-(* TODO : automate this? *)
-Local Instance Ahomom :
- @Algebra.Monoid.is_homomorphism E
- CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
- CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add Erep
- (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
- (field := GF25519Bounded.field25519)) ErepAdd EToRep.
- eapply (Algebra.Group.is_homomorphism_compose
- (Hphi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.lift_homomorphism
- (field := PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo GF25519.modulus)
- (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
- (Kprm := twedprm_ERep)
- (point_phi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.ref_phi
- (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
- (fieldK := GF25519Bounded.field25519))
- (fieldK := GF25519Bounded.field25519))
- (Hphi' := ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.homomorphism_from_twisted)).
- cbv [EToRep PointEncoding.point_phi].
- reflexivity.
- Grab Existential Variables.
- cbv [CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq].
- intros.
- match goal with |- @Tuple.fieldwise _ _ ?n ?R _ _ =>
- let A := fresh "H" in
- assert (Equivalence R) as A by (exact _);
- pose proof (@Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise _ R A n)
- end.
- reflexivity.
-(* TODO : automate *)
-Lemma ERep_eq_E P Q :
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)
- (EToRep P) (EToRep Q)
- -> CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq P Q.
- destruct P as [[] HP], Q as [[] HQ].
- cbv [ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq EToRep PointEncoding.point_phi CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.ref_phi CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.coordinates
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.to_twisted
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted
- GF25519BoundedCommon.eq ModularBaseSystem.eq
- Tuple.fieldwise Tuple.fieldwise' fst snd proj1_sig].
- intro H.
- rewrite !GF25519Bounded.mul_correct, !GF25519Bounded.inv_correct, !GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519_encode in *.
- rewrite !Algebra.Ring.homomorphism_mul in H.
- pose proof (Algebra.Field.homomorphism_multiplicative_inverse (H:=GF25519.field25519)) as Hinv;
- rewrite Hinv in H by vm_decide; clear Hinv.
- let e := constr:((ModularBaseSystem.decode (GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519 GF25519BoundedCommon.one))) in
- set e as xe; assert (Hone:xe = ModularArithmetic.F.one) by vm_decide; subst xe; rewrite Hone in *; clear Hone.
- rewrite <-!(Algebra.field_div_definition(inv:=ModularArithmetic.F.inv)) in H.
- rewrite !(Algebra.Field.div_one(one:=ModularArithmetic.F.one)) in H.
- pose proof ModularBaseSystemProofs.encode_rep as Hencode;
- unfold ModularBaseSystem.rep in Hencode; rewrite !Hencode in H.
- assumption.
-Section SRepERepMul.
- Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
- Import Coq.NArith.NArith Coq.PArith.BinPosDef.
- Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
- Import Crypto.Algebra.
- Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.
- Let ll := Eval vm_compute in (BinInt.Z.to_nat (BinInt.Z.log2_up l)).
- Definition SRepERepMul : SRep -> Erep -> Erep := fun x =>
- IterAssocOp.iter_op
- (op:=ErepAdd)
- (id:=ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero(field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)(prm:=twedprm_ERep))
- (fun i => N.testbit_nat (Z.to_N x) i)
- (sel:=ERepSel)
- ll
- .
- (* TODO : automate *)
- Lemma SRepERepMul_correct n P :
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)
- (EToRep (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul (n mod (Z.to_nat l))%nat P))
- (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l n)) (EToRep P)).
- Proof.
- rewrite ScalarMult.scalarmult_ext.
- unfold SRepERepMul.
- etransitivity; [|symmetry; eapply iter_op_correct].
- 3: intros; reflexivity.
- 2: intros; reflexivity.
- { etransitivity.
- apply (@Group.homomorphism_scalarmult _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EToRep Ahomom ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ _ _).
- unfold S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep, ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat.
- apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _) ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref); [ | reflexivity ].
- rewrite ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_of_Z.
- apply Nat2Z.inj_iff.
- rewrite N_nat_Z, Z2N.id by (refine (proj1 (Zdiv.Z_mod_lt _ _ _)); vm_decide).
- rewrite Zdiv.mod_Zmod by (intro Hx; inversion Hx);
- rewrite Z2Nat.id by vm_decide; reflexivity. }
- { (* this could be made a lemma with some effort *)
- unfold S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep, ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat;
- rewrite ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_of_Z.
- destruct (Z.mod_pos_bound (Z.of_nat n) l) as [Hl Hu];
- try (eauto || vm_decide); [].
- generalize dependent (Z.of_nat n mod l)%Z; intros; [].
- apply Z2N.inj_lt in Hu; try (eauto || vm_decide); [];
- apply Z2N.inj_le in Hl; try (eauto || vm_decide); [].
- clear Hl; generalize dependent (Z.to_N z); intro x; intros.
- rewrite N.size_nat_equiv.
- destruct (dec (x = 0%N)); subst; try vm_decide; [];
- rewrite N.size_log2 by assumption.
- rewrite N2Nat.inj_succ; assert (N.to_nat (N.log2 x) < ll); try omega.
- change ll with (N.to_nat (N.of_nat ll)).
- apply Nomega.Nlt_out; eapply N.le_lt_trans.
- eapply N.log2_le_mono; eapply N.lt_succ_r.
- rewrite N.succ_pred; try eassumption.
- vm_decide.
- vm_compute. reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Definition NERepMul : N -> Erep -> Erep := fun x =>
- IterAssocOp.iter_op
- (op:=ErepAdd)
- (id:=ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero(field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)(prm:=twedprm_ERep))
- (N.testbit_nat x)
- (sel:=ERepSel)
- ll
- .
- Lemma NERepMul_correct n P :
- (N.size_nat (N.of_nat n) <= ll) ->
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)
- (EToRep (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul n P))
- (NERepMul (N.of_nat n) (EToRep P)).
- Proof.
- rewrite ScalarMult.scalarmult_ext.
- unfold NERepMul.
- etransitivity; [|symmetry; eapply iter_op_correct].
- 3: intros; reflexivity.
- 2: intros; reflexivity.
- { rewrite Nat2N.id.
- apply (@Group.homomorphism_scalarmult _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EToRep Ahomom ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ _ _). }
- { assumption. }
- Qed.
-End SRepERepMul.
(* TODO : figure out if and where to move this *)
Lemma nth_default_freeze_input_bound_compat : forall i,
(nth_default 0 PseudoMersenneBaseParams.limb_widths i <
@@ -446,80 +251,6 @@ Proof.
-(* TODO : automate (after moving feSign) *)
-Lemma feSign_correct : forall x,
- PointEncoding.sign x = feSign (GF25519BoundedCommon.encode x).
- cbv [PointEncoding.sign feSign].
- intros.
- rewrite GF25519Bounded.freeze_correct.
- rewrite GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519_encode.
- match goal with |- appcontext [GF25519.freeze ?x] =>
- remember (GF25519.freeze x) end.
- transitivity (Z.testbit (nth_default 0%Z (Tuple.to_list 10 f) 0) 0).
- Focus 2. {
- cbv [GF25519.fe25519] in *.
- repeat match goal with p : (_ * _)%type |- _ => destruct p end.
- simpl. reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- rewrite !Z.bit0_odd.
- rewrite <-@Pow2BaseProofs.parity_decode with (limb_widths := PseudoMersenneBaseParams.limb_widths) by (auto using PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.limb_widths_nonneg, Tuple.length_to_list; cbv; congruence).
- pose proof GF25519.freezePreconditions25519.
- match goal with H : _ = GF25519.freeze ?u |- _ =>
- let A := fresh "H" in let B := fresh "H" in
- pose proof (ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_rep u x) as A;
- match type of A with ?P -> _ => assert P as B by apply ModularBaseSystemProofs.encode_rep end;
- specialize (A B); clear B
- end.
- to_MBSfreeze Heqf.
- rewrite <-Heqf in *.
- cbv [ModularBaseSystem.rep ModularBaseSystem.decode ModularBaseSystemList.decode] in *.
- rewrite <-H0.
- rewrite ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_of_Z.
- rewrite Z.mod_small; [ reflexivity | ].
- pose proof (minrep_freeze x).
- apply ModularBaseSystemListProofs.ge_modulus_spec;
- try solve [inversion H; auto using Tuple.length_to_list];
- subst f; intuition auto.
- Grab Existential Variables.
- apply Tuple.length_to_list.
-(* MOVE : to wherever feSign goes*)
-Local Instance Proper_feSign : Proper (GF25519BoundedCommon.eq ==> eq) feSign.
- repeat intro; cbv [feSign].
- rewrite !GF25519Bounded.freeze_correct.
- repeat match goal with |- appcontext[GF25519.freeze ?x] =>
- remember (GF25519.freeze x) end.
- assert (Tuple.fieldwise (n := 10) eq f f0).
- { pose proof GF25519.freezePreconditions25519.
- match goal with H1 : _ = GF25519.freeze ?u,
- H2 : _ = GF25519.freeze ?v |- _ =>
- let A := fresh "H" in
- let HP := fresh "H" in
- let HQ := fresh "H" in
- pose proof (ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_canonical
- (freeze_pre := GF25519.freezePreconditions25519) u v _ _ eq_refl eq_refl);
- match type of A with ?P -> ?Q -> _ =>
- assert P as HP by apply initial_bounds;
- assert Q as HQ by apply initial_bounds end;
- specialize (A HP HQ); clear HP HQ end.
- cbv [ModularBaseSystem.eq] in *.
- to_MBSfreeze Heqf0.
- to_MBSfreeze Heqf.
- subst.
- apply H1.
- cbv [GF25519BoundedCommon.eq ModularBaseSystem.eq] in *.
- auto. }
- { cbv [GF25519.fe25519 ] in *.
- repeat match goal with p : (_ * _)%type |- _ => destruct p end.
- cbv [Tuple.fieldwise Tuple.fieldwise' fst snd] in *.
- intuition congruence. }
- Grab Existential Variables.
- rewrite Tuple.length_to_list; reflexivity.
- rewrite Tuple.length_to_list; reflexivity.
(* MOVE : pre-Specific *)
Lemma Proper_pack :
@@ -538,153 +269,12 @@ Proof.
intuition subst; reflexivity.
-Lemma ext_eq_correct : forall p q : Erep,
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519) p q <->
- Tuple.fieldwise (n := 2) GF25519BoundedCommon.eq (extended_to_coord p) (extended_to_coord q).
- cbv [extended_to_coord]; intros.
- cbv [ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq].
- match goal with |- _ <-> Tuple.fieldwise _
- (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates ?x)
- (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates ?y) =>
- pose proof (CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.Proper_coordinates
- (field := GF25519Bounded.field25519) (a := a) (d := d) x y)
- end.
- tauto.
Definition SRepEnc : SRep -> Word.word b := (fun x => Word.NToWord _ (Z.to_N x)).
-(* TODO : automate? *)
-Local Instance Proper_SRepERepMul : Proper (SC25519.SRepEq ==> ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519) ==> ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519)) SRepERepMul.
- unfold SRepERepMul, SC25519.SRepEq.
- repeat intro.
- eapply IterAssocOp.Proper_iter_op.
- { eapply @ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.Proper_add. }
- { reflexivity. }
- { repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. }
- { unfold ERepSel; repeat intro; break_match; solve [ discriminate | eauto ]. }
- { reflexivity. }
- { assumption. }
Lemma SRepEnc_correct : forall x : ModularArithmetic.F.F l, Senc x = SRepEnc (S2Rep x).
unfold SRepEnc, Senc, Fencode; intros; f_equal.
-Section ConstantPoints.
- Import GF25519BoundedCommon.
- Let proj1_sig_ERepB' := Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig (EToRep B).
- Let tmap4 := Eval compute in @Tuple.map 4. Arguments tmap4 {_ _} _ _.
- Let proj1_sig_ERepB := Eval cbv [tmap4 proj1_sig_ERepB' fe25519_word64ize word64ize andb opt.word64ToZ opt.word64ize opt.Zleb Z.compare CompOpp Pos.compare Pos.compare_cont] in (tmap4 fe25519_word64ize proj1_sig_ERepB').
- Let proj1_sig_ERepB_correct : proj1_sig_ERepB = proj1_sig (EToRep B).
- Proof. vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl proj1_sig_ERepB). Qed.
- Definition ERepB : Erep.
- exists (eta4 proj1_sig_ERepB).
- cbv [GF25519BoundedCommon.eq ModularBaseSystem.eq Pre.onCurve].
- vm_decide_no_check.
- Defined.
- Lemma ERepB_correct : ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519Bounded.field25519) ERepB (EToRep B).
- generalize proj1_sig_ERepB_correct as H; destruct (EToRep B) as [B ?] in |- *.
- cbv [proj1_sig] in |- *. intro. subst B.
- vm_decide.
- Qed.
-End ConstantPoints.
-Lemma B_order_l : CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
- (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul (Z.to_nat l) B)
- CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.zero.
- apply ERep_eq_E.
- rewrite NERepMul_correct; rewrite (Z_nat_N l).
- 2:vm_decide.
- apply dec_bool.
- vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true).
-(* Time Qed. (* Finished transaction in 1646.167 secs (1645.753u,0.339s) (successful) *) *)
-Axiom ERepEnc : Erep -> Word.word b.
-Axiom ERepEnc_correct : (forall P : E, Eenc P = ERepEnc (EToRep P)).
-Axiom Proper_ERepEnc : Proper (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq ==> eq) ERepEnc.
-Definition sign := @EdDSARepChange.sign E
- (@CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq Fq (@eq Fq) (@ModularArithmetic.F.one q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.add q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.mul q) Spec.Ed25519.a Spec.Ed25519.d)
- (@CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add Fq (@eq Fq) (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z q 0) (@ModularArithmetic.F.one q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.opp q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.add q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.sub q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.mul q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.inv q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.div q)
- (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo q prime_q) (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.eq_dec q) Spec.Ed25519.a
- Spec.Ed25519.d curve_params)
- (@CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.zero Fq (@eq Fq) (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z q 0) (@ModularArithmetic.F.one q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.opp q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.add q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.sub q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.mul q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.inv q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.div q)
- (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo q prime_q) (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.eq_dec q) Spec.Ed25519.a
- Spec.Ed25519.d curve_params)
- (@CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.opp Fq (@eq Fq) (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z q 0)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.one q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.opp q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.add q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.sub q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.mul q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.inv q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.div q) Spec.Ed25519.a Spec.Ed25519.d (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo q prime_q)
- (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.eq_dec q))
- (@CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul Fq (@eq Fq) (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z q 0) (@ModularArithmetic.F.one q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.opp q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.add q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.sub q)
- (@ModularArithmetic.F.mul q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.inv q) (@ModularArithmetic.F.div q)
- (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo q prime_q) (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.eq_dec q) Spec.Ed25519.a
- Spec.Ed25519.d curve_params) b SHA512 c n l B Eenc Senc (@ed25519 SHA512 B_order_l ) Erep ERepEnc SRep SC25519.SRepDecModL
- SRepERepMul SRepEnc SC25519.SRepAdd SC25519.SRepMul ERepB SC25519.SRepDecModLShort.
-Let sign_correct : forall pk sk {mlen} (msg:Word.word mlen), sign pk sk _ msg = EdDSA.sign pk sk msg :=
- @sign_correct
- (* E := *) E
- (* Eeq := *) CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
- (* Eadd := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add
- (* Ezero := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.zero
- (* Eopp := *) CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.opp
- (* EscalarMult := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul
- (* b := *) b
- (* H := *) SHA512
- (* c := *) c
- (* n := *) n
- (* l := *) l
- (* B := *) B
- (* Eenc := *) Eenc
- (* Senc := *) Senc
- (* prm := *) (ed25519 B_order_l)
- (* Erep := *) Erep
- (* ErepEq := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
- (* ErepAdd := *) ErepAdd
- (* ErepId := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero
- (* ErepOpp := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp
- (* Agroup := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.extended_group
- (* EToRep := *) EToRep
- (* Ahomom := *) Ahomom
- (* ERepEnc := *) ERepEnc
- (* ERepEnc_correct := *) ERepEnc_correct
- (* Proper_ERepEnc := *) Proper_ERepEnc
- (* SRep := *) SRep
- (* SRepEq := *) SC25519.SRepEq (*(Tuple.fieldwise Logic.eq)*)
- (* H0 := *) SC25519.SRepEquiv (* Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise*)
- (* S2Rep := *) S2Rep
- (* SRepDecModL := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL
- (* SRepDecModL_correct := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL_Correct
- (* SRepERepMul := *) SRepERepMul
- (* SRepERepMul_correct := *) SRepERepMul_correct
- (* Proper_SRepERepMul := *) Proper_SRepERepMul
- (* SRepEnc := *) _
- (* SRepEnc_correct := *) SRepEnc_correct
- (* Proper_SRepEnc := *) _
- (* SRepAdd := *) SC25519.SRepAdd
- (* SRepAdd_correct := *) SC25519.SRepAdd_Correct
- (* Proper_SRepAdd := *) SC25519.SRepAdd_Proper
- (* SRepMul := *) SC25519.SRepMul
- (* SRepMul_correct := *) SC25519.SRepMul_Correct
- (* Proper_SRepMul := *) SC25519.SRepMul_Proper
- (* ErepB := *) ERepB
- (* ErepB_correct := *) ERepB_correct
- (* SRepDecModLShort := *) SC25519.SRepDecModLShort
- (* SRepDecModLShort_correct := *) SC25519.SRepDecModLShort_Correct
Definition Fsqrt_minus1 := Eval vm_compute in ModularBaseSystem.decode (GF25519.sqrt_m1).
Definition Fsqrt := PrimeFieldTheorems.F.sqrt_5mod8 Fsqrt_minus1.
@@ -697,47 +287,19 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- Znat.Z2Nat.inj_lt by auto with zarith.
-Lemma bound_check255 : BinInt.Z.to_nat GF25519.modulus < 2^255.
- apply bound_check_255_helper; vm_compute; intuition congruence.
-Lemma bound_check256 : BinInt.Z.to_nat GF25519.modulus < 2^256.
- apply bound_check_255_helper; vm_compute; intuition congruence.
-Definition Edec := (@PointEncodingPre.point_dec
- _ eq
- ModularArithmetic.F.zero
- ModularArithmetic.F.one
- ModularArithmetic.F.opp
- ModularArithmetic.F.add
- ModularArithmetic.F.sub
- ModularArithmetic.F.mul
- ModularArithmetic.F.div
- _
- Spec.Ed25519.a
- Spec.Ed25519.d
- _
- Fsqrt
- (PointEncoding.Fencoding
- (two_lt_m := GF25519.modulus_gt_2)
- (bound_check := bound_check255))
- Spec.Ed25519.sign).
(* MOVE : pre-Specific (general SC files?) *)
Definition Sdec : Word.word b -> option (ModularArithmetic.F.F l) :=
fun w =>
let z := (BinIntDef.Z.of_N (Word.wordToN w)) in
- if ZArith_dec.Z_lt_dec z l
+ if ZArith_dec.Z_lt_dec z (Z.pos l)
then Some (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z l z) else None.
(* MOVE: same place as Sdec *)
Lemma eq_enc_S_iff : forall (n_ : Word.word b) (n : ModularArithmetic.F.F l),
Senc n = n_ <-> Sdec n_ = Some n.
- assert (0 < Ed25519.l)%Z as l_pos by (cbv; congruence).
+ assert (0 < Z.pos Ed25519.l)%Z as l_pos by (cbv; congruence).
pose proof (ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_range n l_pos).
unfold Senc, Fencode, Sdec; intros;
@@ -769,16 +331,6 @@ Proof.
unfold SRepDec, S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep; intros; reflexivity.
-Lemma extended_to_coord_from_twisted: forall pt,
- Tuple.fieldwise (n := 2) GF25519BoundedCommon.eq
- (extended_to_coord (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted pt))
- (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates pt).
- intros; cbv [extended_to_coord].
- rewrite ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.to_twisted_from_twisted.
- reflexivity.
Lemma Fsqrt_minus1_correct :
ModularArithmetic.F.mul Fsqrt_minus1 Fsqrt_minus1 =
@@ -971,88 +523,6 @@ Proof.
eapply f_equal. eapply f_equal. eapply f_equal. rewrite Hxy. reflexivity.
-Lemma eq_enc_E_iff : forall (P_ : Word.word b) (P : E),
- Eenc P = P_ <->
- Option.option_eq CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq (Edec P_) (Some P).
- cbv [Eenc].
- eapply (@PointEncoding.encode_point_decode_point_iff (b-1)); try (exact iff_equivalence || exact curve_params); [].
- intros.
- apply (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.sqrt_5mod8_correct GF25519.modulus _ eq_refl Fsqrt_minus1 Fsqrt_minus1_correct).
- eexists.
- symmetry; eassumption.
-Axiom ERepDec : Word.word b -> option Erep.
-Axiom ERepDec_correct : forall w : Word.word b,
- option_eq ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (ERepDec w) (option_map EToRep (Edec w)).
-Definition verify := @verify E b SHA512 B Erep ErepAdd
- (@ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519
- GF25519BoundedCommon.eq GF25519BoundedCommon.zero
- GF25519BoundedCommon.one GF25519Bounded.opp GF25519Bounded.add
- GF25519Bounded.sub GF25519Bounded.mul GF25519Bounded.inv
- GF25519BoundedCommon.div a d GF25519Bounded.field25519 twedprm_ERep
- (fun x y : GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519 =>
- @ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.eq_dec GF25519.modulus
- (@ModularBaseSystem.decode GF25519.modulus GF25519.params25519
- (GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519 x))
- (@ModularBaseSystem.decode GF25519.modulus GF25519.params25519
- (GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519 y)))) EToRep ERepEnc ERepDec
- SRep SC25519.SRepDecModL SRepERepMul SRepDec.
-Let verify_correct :
- forall {mlen : nat} (msg : Word.word mlen) (pk : Word.word b)
- (sig : Word.word (b + b)), verify _ msg pk sig = true <-> EdDSA.valid msg pk sig :=
- @verify_correct
- (* E := *) E
- (* Eeq := *) CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
- (* Eadd := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add
- (* Ezero := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.zero
- (* Eopp := *) CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.opp
- (* EscalarMult := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul
- (* b := *) b
- (* H := *) SHA512
- (* c := *) c
- (* n := *) n
- (* l := *) l
- (* B := *) B
- (* Eenc := *) Eenc
- (* Senc := *) Senc
- (* prm := *) (ed25519 B_order_l)
- (* Proper_Eenc := *) (PointEncoding.Proper_encode_point (b:=b-1))
- (* Edec := *) Edec
- (* eq_enc_E_iff := *) eq_enc_E_iff
- (* Sdec := *) Sdec
- (* eq_enc_S_iff := *) eq_enc_S_iff
- (* Erep := *) Erep
- (* ErepEq := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
- (* ErepAdd := *) ErepAdd
- (* ErepId := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero
- (* ErepOpp := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp
- (* Agroup := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.extended_group
- (* EToRep := *) EToRep
- (* Ahomom := *) Ahomom
- (* ERepEnc := *) ERepEnc
- (* ERepEnc_correct := *) ERepEnc_correct
- (* Proper_ERepEnc := *) Proper_ERepEnc
- (* ERepDec := *) ERepDec
- (* ERepDec_correct := *) ERepDec_correct
- (* SRep := *) SRep (*(Tuple.tuple (Word.word 32) 8)*)
- (* SRepEq := *) SC25519.SRepEq (* (Tuple.fieldwise Logic.eq)*)
- (* H0 := *) SC25519.SRepEquiv (* Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise*)
- (* S2Rep := *) S2Rep
- (* SRepDecModL := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL
- (* SRepDecModL_correct := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL_Correct
- (* SRepERepMul := *) SRepERepMul
- (* SRepERepMul_correct := *) SRepERepMul_correct
- (* Proper_SRepERepMul := *) _
- (* SRepDec := *) SRepDec
- (* SRepDec_correct := *) SRepDec_correct
-(* TODO : make a new file for the stuff below *)
Lemma Fhomom_inv_zero :
@@ -1106,8 +576,6 @@ Definition x25519_correct' n x :
(tb2_correct:=fun _ => (reflexivity _))
255 _.
-Let three_correct := (@x25519_correct', @sign_correct, @verify_correct).
-Print Assumptions three_correct.
(* [B_order_l] is proven above in this file, just replace Admitted with Qed, start the build and wait for a couple of hours *)
(* [prime_q] and [prime_l] have been proven in Coq exactly as stated here, see <https://github.com/andres-erbsen/safecurves-primes> for the (lengthy) proofs *)
(* [SHA512] is outside the scope of this project, but its type is satisfied by [(fun n bits => Word.wzero 512)] *)