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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-09-20 15:13:29 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-09-20 15:13:29 -0400
commit639e6cc7cf989bf88c35cbffe2d5ac71e527d479 (patch)
parentf230ff18423143eb4dd4cea5b30b22f49b9ce049 (diff)
Generalize InlineConst
Now it can inline expressions as well as constants and variables
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Inline.v b/src/Reflection/Inline.v
index 88454cbe7..4834709cc 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Inline.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Inline.v
@@ -20,15 +20,27 @@ Section language.
Section with_var.
Context {var : base_type_code -> Type}.
- Context (postprocess : forall {t}, @exprf var t -> @exprf var t).
+ Inductive inline_directive : flat_type -> Type :=
+ | default_inline {t} (e : @exprf var t) : inline_directive t
+ | inline {t : base_type_code} (e : @exprf var t) : inline_directive t
+ | no_inline {t} (e : @exprf var t) : inline_directive t.
+ Context (postprocess : forall {t}, @exprf var t -> inline_directive t).
Fixpoint inline_const_genf {t} (e : @exprf (@exprf var) t) : @exprf var t
:= match e in Syntax.exprf _ _ _ t return @exprf var t with
- | LetIn _ ex tC eC
- => match postprocess _ (@inline_const_genf _ ex) in Syntax.exprf _ _ _ t' return (interp_flat_type_gen _ t' -> @exprf var tC) -> @exprf var tC with
- | Const _ x => fun eC => eC (SmartConst (op:=op) (var:=var) x)
- | Var _ x => fun eC => eC (Var x)
- | ex => fun eC => LetIn ex (fun x => eC (SmartVarVar x))
+ | LetIn tx ex tC eC
+ => match postprocess _ (@inline_const_genf _ ex) in inline_directive t' return (interp_flat_type_gen _ t' -> @exprf var tC) -> @exprf var tC with
+ | default_inline _ ex
+ => match ex in Syntax.exprf _ _ _ t' return (interp_flat_type_gen _ t' -> @exprf var tC) -> @exprf var tC with
+ | Const _ x => fun eC => eC (SmartConst (op:=op) (var:=var) x)
+ | Var _ x => fun eC => eC (Var x)
+ | ex => fun eC => LetIn ex (fun x => eC (SmartVarVar x))
+ end
+ | no_inline _ ex
+ => fun eC => LetIn ex (fun x => eC (SmartVarVar x))
+ | inline _ ex => fun eC => eC ex
end (fun x => @inline_const_genf _ (eC x))
| Var _ x => x
| Const _ x => Const x
@@ -42,15 +54,19 @@ Section language.
| Abs _ _ f => Abs (fun x => @inline_const_gen _ (f (Var x)))
End with_var.
- Definition inline_constf {var t} := @inline_const_genf var (fun _ x => x) t.
- Definition inline_const {var t} := @inline_const_gen var (fun _ x => x) t.
+ Definition inline_constf {var t} := @inline_const_genf var (fun _ x => default_inline x) t.
+ Definition inline_const {var t} := @inline_const_gen var (fun _ x => default_inline x) t.
- Definition InlineConstGen (postprocess : forall var t, @exprf var t -> @exprf var t)
+ Definition InlineConstGen (postprocess : forall var t, @exprf var t -> @inline_directive var t)
{t} (e : Expr t) : Expr t
:= fun var => inline_const_gen (postprocess _) (e _).
- Definition InlineConst {t} := @InlineConstGen (fun _ _ x => x) t.
+ Definition InlineConst {t} := @InlineConstGen (fun _ _ x => default_inline x) t.
End language.
+Global Arguments inline_directive {_} _ _ _ _, {_ _ _ _} _.
+Global Arguments no_inline {_ _ _ _ _} _.
+Global Arguments inline {_ _ _ _ _} _.
+Global Arguments default_inline {_ _ _ _ _} _.
Global Arguments inline_const_genf {_ _ _ _} postprocess {_} _.
Global Arguments inline_const_gen {_ _ _ _} postprocess {_} _.
Global Arguments InlineConstGen {_ _ _} postprocess {_} _ var.