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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-10-24 16:54:37 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-10-24 16:54:42 -0400
commit61dd34005e6ccea1ac806f8c27b72166901ae6ea (patch)
parent9030481fe2ea24651609c60a1814aaa46985a328 (diff)
Add more relations about fieldwise
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Tuple.v b/src/Util/Tuple.v
index c6b97415d..48e51fc38 100644
--- a/src/Util/Tuple.v
+++ b/src/Util/Tuple.v
@@ -122,19 +122,37 @@ Definition fieldwise {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->Prop) (a:tuple A n) (b:tuple B n) :
{ exact (fieldwise' _ R a b). }
-Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise' {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
- Equivalence (fieldwise' n R).
- induction n as [|? IHn]; [solve [auto]|].
+Local Ltac Equivalence_fieldwise'_t :=
+ let n := match goal with |- ?R (fieldwise' ?n _) => n end in
+ let IHn := fresh in
(* could use [dintuition] in 8.5 only, and remove the [destruct] *)
- destruct IHn, R_equiv; simpl; constructor; repeat intro; intuition eauto.
-Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
- Equivalence (fieldwise n R).
- destruct n; (repeat constructor || apply Equivalence_fieldwise').
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Equivalence _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ |- Equivalence _ ] => constructor
+ end;
+ induction n as [|? IHn]; [solve [auto]|];
+ simpl; constructor; repeat intro; intuition eauto.
+Section Equivalence.
+ Context {A} {R:relation A}.
+ Global Instance Reflexive_fieldwise' {R_Reflexive:Reflexive R} {n:nat} : Reflexive (fieldwise' n R) | 5.
+ Proof. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Symmetric_fieldwise' {R_Symmetric:Symmetric R} {n:nat} : Symmetric (fieldwise' n R) | 5.
+ Proof. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Transitive_fieldwise' {R_Transitive:Transitive R} {n:nat} : Transitive (fieldwise' n R) | 5.
+ Proof. Equivalence_fieldwise'_t. Qed.
+ Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise' {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat} : Equivalence (fieldwise' n R).
+ Proof. constructor; exact _. Qed.
+ Global Instance Reflexive_fieldwise {R_Reflexive:Reflexive R} {n:nat} : Reflexive (fieldwise n R) | 5.
+ Proof. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed.
+ Global Instance Symmetric_fieldwise {R_Symmetric:Symmetric R} {n:nat} : Symmetric (fieldwise n R) | 5.
+ Proof. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed.
+ Global Instance Transitive_fieldwise {R_Transitive:Transitive R} {n:nat} : Transitive (fieldwise n R) | 5.
+ Proof. destruct n; (repeat constructor || exact _). Qed.
+ Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat} : Equivalence (fieldwise n R).
+ Proof. constructor; exact _. Qed.
+End Equivalence.
Arguments fieldwise' {A B n} _ _ _.
Arguments fieldwise {A B n} _ _ _.