diff options
authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-07-06 11:29:16 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-07-06 11:29:16 -0400
commit5a0c4eb34708d2c85d91e6cb2c708ed16249e06d (patch)
parent65ee6fbad9adc1e691c1f911cd084c60763046aa (diff)
stuck trying to figure out dependently typed continuation passing style
5 files changed, 57 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInEncoding.v b/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInEncoding.v
index c0b6be25b..0f02000d0 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInEncoding.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInEncoding.v
@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@ Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Generalizable All Variables.
-Local Ltac set_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E)
- end.
-Local Ltac subst_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e
- end.
Definition path_sig {A P} {RA:relation A} {Rsig:relation (@sig A P)}
{HP:Proper (RA==>Basics.impl) P}
(H:forall (x y:A) (px:P x) (py:P y), RA x y -> Rsig (exist _ x px) (exist _ y py))
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemInterface.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemInterface.v
index b0cfffe8b..be7f2f257 100644
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemInterface.v
+++ b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemInterface.v
@@ -11,20 +11,26 @@ Generalizable All Variables.
Section s.
Context `{prm:PseudoMersenneBaseParams m} {sc : SubtractionCoefficient m prm}.
- Definition frep := tuple Z (length PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.base).
+ Definition fe := tuple Z (length PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.base).
- Definition mul : frep -> frep -> frep.
- refine (on_tuple2 (mul_opt k c) _).
- abstract (intros; rewrite mul_opt_correct; auto using length_mul).
- Defined.
+ About from_list.
+ Lemma carry_mul_on_tuple x y :
+ length (carry_mul (to_list (length base) x) (to_list (length base) y)) = length base.
+ Admitted.
- Definition add : frep -> frep -> frep.
+ Definition mul {k_ c_} (pfk : k = k_) (pfc:c = c_) (x y:fe) : fe.
+ refine (carry_mul_opt_cps (fun xs => from_list _ xs) (to_list _ x) (to_list _ y) _).
+ abstract (apply carry_mul_on_tuple).
+ Defined.
+ Definition add : fe -> fe -> fe.
refine (on_tuple2 add_opt _).
abstract (intros; rewrite add_opt_correct, add_length_exact; case_max; omega).
- Definition sub : frep -> frep -> frep.
+ Definition sub : fe -> fe -> fe.
refine (on_tuple2 sub_opt _).
abstract (intros; rewrite sub_opt_correct; apply length_sub; rewrite ?coeff_length; auto).
-End S. \ No newline at end of file
+End s. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemOpt.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemOpt.v
index abbb0e573..e11186cfb 100644
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemOpt.v
+++ b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularBaseSystemOpt.v
@@ -486,21 +486,23 @@ Section Multiplication.
: mul_opt us vs = mul us vs
:= proj2_sig (mul_opt_sig us vs).
- Definition carry_mul_opt_sig (us vs : digits) : { b : digits | b = carry_mul us vs }.
+ Definition carry_mul_opt_sig {T:digits->Type} (f:forall d:digits, T d) (us vs : digits) : { x | x = f (carry_mul us vs) }.
cbv [carry_mul].
- erewrite <-carry_full_opt_correct by eauto.
+ (* FIXME
+ erewrite <-carry_full_opt_cps_correct by eauto.
erewrite <-mul_opt_correct.
+ *)
- Definition carry_mul_opt (us vs : digits) : digits
- := Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_mul_opt_sig] in proj1_sig (carry_mul_opt_sig us vs).
+ Definition carry_mul_opt_cps {T} (f:forall d:digits, T d) (us vs : digits) : T (carry_mul us vs)
+ := Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_mul_opt_sig] in proj1_sig (carry_mul_opt_sig f us vs).
- Definition carry_mul_opt_correct us vs
- : carry_mul_opt us vs = carry_mul us vs
- := proj2_sig (carry_mul_opt_sig us vs).
+ Definition carry_mul_opt_cps_correct {T} (f:forall d:digits, T d) (us vs : digits)
+ : carry_mul_opt_cps f us vs = f (carry_mul us vs)
+ := proj2_sig (carry_mul_opt_sig f us vs).
End Multiplication.
Record freezePreconditions {modulus} (prm : PseudoMersenneBaseParams modulus) int_width :=
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF1305.v b/src/Specific/GF1305.v
index 02ef714d9..edb122ac2 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF1305.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF1305.v
@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystem.
Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemOpt.
Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParams.
Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseRep.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemInterface.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
Local Open Scope Z.
+Local Infix "<<" := Z.shiftr.
+Local Infix "&" := Z.land.
(* BEGIN PseudoMersenneBaseParams instance construction. *)
@@ -37,12 +41,27 @@ Defined.
(* Precompute k and c *)
Definition k_ := Eval compute in k.
Definition c_ := Eval compute in c.
+Definition k_subst : k = k_ := eq_refl k_.
Definition c_subst : c = c_ := eq_refl c_.
-(* Makes Qed not take forever *)
-Opaque Z.shiftr Pos.iter Z.div2 Pos.div2 Pos.div2_up Pos.succ Z.land
- Z.of_N Pos.land N.ldiff Pos.pred_N Pos.pred_double Z.opp Z.mul Pos.mul
- Let_In digits Z.add Pos.add Z.pos_sub andb Z.eqb Z.ltb.
+Definition fe1305 : Type := Eval cbv in fe.
+Local Opaque Z.shiftr Z.shiftl Z.land Z.mul Z.add Z.sub Let_In.
+Definition mul (f g:fe1305) : { fg | fg = ModularBaseSystemInterface.mul k_subst c_subst f g }.
+ (* NOTE: beautiful example of reduction slowness: stack overflow if [f] [g] are not destructed first *)
+ cbv [fe1305] in *.
+ repeat match goal with [p : (_*Z)%type |- _ ] => destruct p end.
+ eexists.
+ cbv.
+ autorewrite with zsimplify.
+ reflexivity.
+Local Transparent Let_In.
+Eval cbv iota beta delta [proj1_sig mul Let_In] in (fun f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 => proj1_sig (mul (f4,f3,f2,f1,f0) (g4,g3,g2,g1,g0))).
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma GF1305Base26_mul_reduce_formula :
diff --git a/src/Util/Tactics.v b/src/Util/Tactics.v
index 304ae3c20..ab98bb7f2 100644
--- a/src/Util/Tactics.v
+++ b/src/Util/Tactics.v
@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ Tactic Notation "unique" "assert" constr(T) "by" tactic3(tac) :=
| _ => assert T by tac
+Ltac set_evars :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E)
+ end.
+Ltac subst_evars :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e
+ end.
(** destruct discriminees of [match]es in the goal *)
(* Prioritize breaking apart things in the context, then things which
don't need equations, then simple matches (which can be displayed