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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2015-10-30 15:11:32 -0400
committerGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2015-10-30 15:11:32 -0400
commit2c586f398aa8eaca45b99937cb1068923b87e060 (patch)
parent7abc73670c7b7bc2cce159ee4e1d00f812f8186a (diff)
ModularBaseSystem skeleton
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v b/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4aceacfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Require Import Zpower ZArith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Crypto.Galois.BaseSystem Crypto.Galois.GaloisTheory.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module Type PseudoMersenneBaseParams (Import B:BaseCoefs) (Import M:Modulus).
+ (* TODO: do we actually want B and M "up there" in the type parameters? I was
+ * imagining writing something like "Paramter Module M : Modulus". *)
+ Parameter k : Z.
+ Parameter c : Z.
+ Axiom modulus_pseudomersenne : primeToZ modulus = 2^k - c.
+ Axiom base_matches_modulus :
+ forall i j,
+ (i < length base)%nat ->
+ (j < length base)%nat ->
+ (i+j >= length base)%nat->
+ let b := nth_default 0 base in
+ let r := (b i * b j) / (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat) in
+ b i * b j = r * 2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat.
+ Axiom b0_1 : nth_default 0 base 1 = 1.
+End PseudoMersenneBaseParams.
+Module Type GFrep (Import M:Modulus).
+ Module Import GF := GaloisTheory M.
+ (* TODO: could GF notation be in Galois, not GaloisTheory *)
+ Parameter T : Type.
+ Parameter fromGF : GF -> T.
+ Parameter toGF : T -> GF.
+ Parameter rep : T -> GF -> Prop.
+ Local Notation "u '~=' x" := (rep u x) (at level 70).
+ Axiom fromGF_rep : forall x, fromGF x ~= x.
+ Axiom rep_toGF : forall u x, u ~= x -> toGF u = x.
+ Parameter add : T -> T -> T.
+ Axiom add_rep : forall u v x y, u ~= x -> v ~= y -> add u v ~= (x+y)%GF.
+ Parameter sub : T -> T -> T.
+ Axiom sub_rep : forall u v x y, u ~= x -> v ~= y -> sub u v ~= (x-y)%GF.
+ (* TBD: sub may need to be in BaseSystem as well *)
+ Parameter mul : T -> T -> T.
+ Axiom mul_rep : forall u v x y, u ~= x -> v ~= y -> mul u v ~= (x*y)%GF.
+ Parameter square : T -> T.
+ Axiom square_rep : forall u x, u ~= x -> square u ~= (x^2)%GF.
+ (* we will want a non-trivial implementation later, currently square x = mul x x *)
+End GFrep.
+Module GFPseudoMersenneBase (B:BaseCoefs) (M:Modulus) (P:PseudoMersenneBaseParams B M) <: GFrep M.
+ Module Import GF := GaloisTheory M.
+ (* good luck *)
+End GFPseudoMersenneBase.