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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-07 14:31:46 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-07 14:31:46 -0400
commit11c06e54d0512ee4e07056de28e472d5432721e4 (patch)
parentaef441932b830e770a71ef150c6f784ca69e555d (diff)
Add 130-bit 3-register synthesis
This one has fewer operations, and so will be faster to play with
3 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 0ecbfc92f..ee8537d44 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -191,8 +191,10 @@ src/Spec/MxDH.v
diff --git a/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v b/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2fcebfae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Import B.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import (*Crypto.Util.Tactics*) Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Local Notation tuple := Tuple.tuple.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+Modulus : 2^255-5
+Base: 130
+Section Ops51.
+ Local Infix "^" := tuple : type_scope.
+ (* These definitions will need to be passed as Ltac arguments (or
+ cleverly inferred) when things are eventually automated *)
+ Definition sz := 3%nat.
+ Definition s : Z := 2^255.
+ Definition c : list B.limb := [(1, 5)].
+ Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition carry_chain1 := Eval vm_compute in (seq 0 (pred sz)).
+ Definition carry_chain2 := ([0;1])%nat.
+ (* These definitions are inferred from those above *)
+ Definition m := Eval vm_compute in Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c). (* modulus *)
+ Definition wt := fun i : nat =>
+ let si := Z.log2 s * i in
+ 2 ^ ((si/sz) + (if dec ((si/sz)*sz=si) then 0 else 1)).
+ Definition sz2 := Eval vm_compute in ((sz * 2) - 1)%nat.
+ Definition coef := (* subtraction coefficient *)
+ Eval vm_compute in
+ ( let p := Positional.encode
+ (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) (n:=sz)
+ wt (s-Associational.eval c) in
+ (fix addp (acc: Z^sz) (ctr : nat) : Z^sz :=
+ match ctr with
+ | O => acc
+ | S n => addp (Positional.add_cps wt acc p id) n
+ end) (Positional.zeros sz) coef_div_modulus).
+ Definition coef_mod : mod_eq m (Positional.eval (n:=sz) wt coef) 0 := eq_refl.
+ Lemma sz_nonzero : sz <> 0%nat. Proof. vm_decide. Qed.
+ Lemma wt_nonzero i : wt i <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ apply Z.pow_nonzero; zero_bounds; try break_match; vm_decide.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wt_divides_chain1 i (H:In i carry_chain1) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [In carry_chain1] in H.
+ repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end;
+ try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wt_divides_chain2 i (H:In i carry_chain2) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [In carry_chain2] in H.
+ repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end;
+ try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wt_divides_full i : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [wt].
+ match goal with |- _ ^ ?x / _ ^ ?y <> _ => assert (0 <= y <= x) end.
+ { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ.
+ split; try break_match; ring_simplify;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => apply Z.div_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ]
+ | _ => apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l; try vm_decide; [ ]
+ | _ => apply Z.add_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ]
+ | |- ?x <= ?y + 1 => assert (x <= y); [|omega]
+ | |- ?x + 1 <= ?y => rewrite <- Z.div_add by vm_decide
+ | _ => progress zero_bounds
+ | _ => progress ring_simplify
+ | _ => vm_decide
+ end. }
+ break_match; rewrite <-Z.pow_sub_r by omega;
+ apply Z.pow_nonzero; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Definition zero_sig :
+ { zero : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt zero = 0%F}.
+ Proof.
+ let t := eval vm_compute in
+ (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt 0) in
+ exists t; vm_decide.
+ Defined.
+ Definition one_sig :
+ { one : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt one = 1%F}.
+ Proof.
+ let t := eval vm_compute in
+ (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt 1) in
+ exists t; vm_decide.
+ Defined.
+ Definition add_sig :
+ { add : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a b : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
+ eval (add a b) = (eval a + eval b)%F }.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
+ pose proof wt_nonzero.
+ let x := constr:(
+ Positional.add_cps (n := sz) wt a b id) in
+ solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition sub_sig :
+ {sub : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a b : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
+ eval (sub a b) = (eval a - eval b)%F}.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
+ pose proof wt_nonzero.
+ let x := constr:(
+ Positional.sub_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a b id) in
+ solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition opp_sig :
+ {opp : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
+ eval (opp a) = F.opp (eval a)}.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
+ pose proof wt_nonzero.
+ let x := constr:(
+ Positional.opp_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a id) in
+ solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition mul_sig :
+ {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a b : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
+ eval (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F}.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
+ pose proof wt_nonzero.
+ let x := constr:(
+ Positional.mul_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt a b
+ (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt s c ab id)) in
+ solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
+ (* rough breakdown of synthesis time *)
+ (* 1.2s for side conditions -- should improve significantly when [chained_carries] gets a correctness lemma *)
+ (* basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS (primarily vm_compute): 1.8s, which gets re-computed during defined *)
+ (* doing [cbv -[Let_In runtime_add runtime_mul]] took 37s *)
+ Defined. (* 3s *)
+ (* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *)
+ Definition carry_sig :
+ {carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
+ eval (carry a) = eval a}.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
+ pose proof wt_nonzero. pose proof wt_divides_chain1.
+ pose proof div_mod. pose proof wt_divides_chain2.
+ let x := constr:(
+ Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1
+ (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
+ (fun rrr => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt rrr carry_chain2 id
+ ))) in
+ solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition ring_51 :=
+ (Ring.ring_by_isomorphism
+ (F := F m)
+ (H := Z^sz)
+ (phi := Positional.Fencode wt)
+ (phi' := Positional.Fdecode wt)
+ (zero := proj1_sig zero_sig)
+ (one := proj1_sig one_sig)
+ (opp := proj1_sig opp_sig)
+ (add := proj1_sig add_sig)
+ (sub := proj1_sig sub_sig)
+ (mul := proj1_sig mul_sig)
+ (phi'_zero := proj2_sig zero_sig)
+ (phi'_one := proj2_sig one_sig)
+ (phi'_opp := proj2_sig opp_sig)
+ (Positional.Fdecode_Fencode_id
+ (sz_nonzero := sz_nonzero)
+ (div_mod := div_mod)
+ wt eq_refl wt_nonzero wt_divides_full)
+ (Positional.eq_Feq_iff wt)
+ (proj2_sig add_sig)
+ (proj2_sig sub_sig)
+ (proj2_sig mul_sig)
+ ).
+Eval cbv [proj1_sig add_sig] in (proj1_sig add_sig).
+Eval cbv [proj1_sig sub_sig] in (proj1_sig sub_sig).
+Eval cbv [proj1_sig opp_sig] in (proj1_sig opp_sig).
+Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig] in (proj1_sig mul_sig).
+Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sig] in (proj1_sig carry_sig).
+End Ops51.
diff --git a/src/Specific/IntegrationTestLadderstep130.v b/src/Specific/IntegrationTestLadderstep130.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc2853636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/IntegrationTestLadderstep130.v
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple Crypto.Util.Sigma Crypto.Util.Sigma.MapProjections Crypto.Util.Sigma.Lift Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.ZRange Crypto.Util.BoundedWord.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.MoveLetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.XZ.
+Import ListNotations.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.IntegrationTestTemporaryMiscCommon.
+Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.
+Section BoundedField25p5.
+ Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+ Let limb_widths := Eval vm_compute in (List.map (fun i => Z.log2 (wt (S i) / wt i)) (seq 0 sz)).
+ Let length_lw := Eval compute in List.length limb_widths.
+ Local Notation b_of exp := {| lower := 0 ; upper := 2^exp + 2^(exp-3) |}%Z (only parsing). (* max is [(0, 2^(exp+2) + 2^exp + 2^(exp-1) + 2^(exp-3) + 2^(exp-4) + 2^(exp-5) + 2^(exp-6) + 2^(exp-10) + 2^(exp-12) + 2^(exp-13) + 2^(exp-14) + 2^(exp-15) + 2^(exp-17) + 2^(exp-23) + 2^(exp-24))%Z] *)
+ (* The definition [bounds_exp] is a tuple-version of the
+ limb-widths, which are the [exp] argument in [b_of] above, i.e.,
+ the approximate base-2 exponent of the bounds on the limb in that
+ position. *)
+ Let bounds_exp : Tuple.tuple Z length_lw
+ := Eval compute in
+ Tuple.from_list length_lw limb_widths eq_refl.
+ Let bounds : Tuple.tuple zrange length_lw
+ := Eval compute in
+ Tuple.map (fun e => b_of e) bounds_exp.
+ Let lgbitwidth := Eval compute in (Z.to_nat (Z.log2_up (List.fold_right Z.max 0 limb_widths))).
+ Let bitwidth := Eval compute in (2^lgbitwidth)%nat.
+ Let feZ : Type := tuple Z sz.
+ Let feW : Type := tuple (wordT lgbitwidth) sz.
+ Let feBW : Type := BoundedWord sz bitwidth bounds.
+ Let phi : feBW -> F m :=
+ fun x => B.Positional.Fdecode wt (BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ x).
+ (** TODO(jadep,andreser): Move to NewBaseSystemTest? *)
+ Definition FMxzladderstep := @M.xzladderstep (F m) F.add F.sub F.mul.
+ (** TODO(jadep,andreser): Move to NewBaseSystemTest? *)
+ Definition Mxzladderstep_sig
+ : { xzladderstep : tuple Z sz -> tuple Z sz -> tuple Z sz * tuple Z sz -> tuple Z sz * tuple Z sz -> tuple Z sz * tuple Z sz * (tuple Z sz * tuple Z sz)
+ | forall a24 x1 Q Q', let eval := B.Positional.Fdecode wt in Tuple.map (n:=2) (Tuple.map (n:=2) eval) (xzladderstep a24 x1 Q Q') = FMxzladderstep (eval a24) (eval x1) (Tuple.map (n:=2) eval Q) (Tuple.map (n:=2) eval Q') }.
+ Proof.
+ exists (@M.xzladderstep _ (proj1_sig add_sig) (proj1_sig sub_sig) (fun x y => proj1_sig carry_sig (proj1_sig mul_sig x y))).
+ intros.
+ cbv [FMxzladderstep M.xzladderstep].
+ destruct Q, Q'; cbv [map map' fst snd Let_In eval].
+ repeat rewrite ?(proj2_sig add_sig), ?(proj2_sig mul_sig), ?(proj2_sig sub_sig), ?(proj2_sig carry_sig).
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ (* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
+ Definition xzladderstep :
+ { xzladderstep : feBW -> feBW -> feBW * feBW -> feBW * feBW -> feBW * feBW * (feBW * feBW)
+ | forall a24 x1 Q Q', Tuple.map (n:=2) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phi) (xzladderstep a24 x1 Q Q') = FMxzladderstep (phi a24) (phi x1) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phi Q) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phi Q') }.
+ Proof.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- { f | forall a b c d, ?phi (f a b c d) = @?rhs a b c d } ]
+ => apply lift4_sig with (P:=fun a b c d f => phi f = rhs a b c d)
+ end.
+ intros.
+ eexists_sig_etransitivity. all:cbv [phi].
+ rewrite <- !(Tuple.map_map (B.Positional.Fdecode wt) (BoundedWordToZ sz bitwidth bounds)).
+ rewrite <- (proj2_sig Mxzladderstep_sig).
+ apply f_equal.
+ cbv [proj1_sig]; cbv [Mxzladderstep_sig].
+ context_to_dlet_in_rhs (@M.xzladderstep _ _ _ _).
+ set (k := @M.xzladderstep _ _ _ _); context_to_dlet_in_rhs k; subst k.
+ cbv [M.xzladderstep].
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig ?a ?b carry_sig] ]
+ => context_to_dlet_in_rhs (@proj1_sig a b carry_sig)
+ end.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig ?a ?b mul_sig] ]
+ => context_to_dlet_in_rhs (@proj1_sig a b mul_sig)
+ end.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig ?a ?b add_sig] ]
+ => context_to_dlet_in_rhs (@proj1_sig a b add_sig)
+ end.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig ?a ?b sub_sig] ]
+ => context_to_dlet_in_rhs (@proj1_sig a b sub_sig)
+ end.
+ cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig mul_sig add_sig sub_sig carry_sig fst snd runtime_add runtime_and runtime_mul runtime_opp runtime_shr sz].
+ reflexivity.
+ eexists_sig_etransitivity_for_rewrite_fun.
+ { intro; cbv beta.
+ subst feBW.
+ set_evars.
+ do 2 lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[Tuple.map (n:=?n) (fun x => ?f (?g x))] ]
+ => rewrite <- (Tuple.map_map (n:=n) f g : pointwise_relation _ eq _ _)
+ end.
+ subst_evars.
+ reflexivity. }
+ cbv beta.
+ apply adjust_tuple2_tuple2_sig.
+ (* jgross start here! *)
+ Set Ltac Profiling.
+ (*
+ Time Glue.refine_to_reflective_glue.
+ Time ReflectiveTactics.refine_with_pipeline_correct.
+ { Time ReflectiveTactics.do_reify. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_vm_compute_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_vm_compute_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_vm_compute_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_vm_compute_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time ReflectiveTactics.unify_abstract_renamify_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time SubstLet.subst_let; clear; abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true). }
+ { Time SubstLet.subst_let; clear; vm_compute; reflexivity. }
+ { Time UnifyAbstractReflexivity.unify_abstract_compute_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time ReflectiveTactics.unify_abstract_cbv_interp_rhs_reflexivity. }
+ { Time abstract ReflectiveTactics.handle_bounds_from_hyps. }
+ *)
+ Time refine_reflectively.
+ Show Ltac Profile.
+ Time Defined.
+Time End BoundedField25p5.