path: root/cmake/FindMetis.cmake
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* check for include dirs setGravatar filippobrizzi2020-11-26
* STYLE: Remove CMake-language block-end command argumentsGravatar Hans Johnson2019-10-31
* Improve cmake scripts for Pastix and BLAS detection.Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2017-04-14
* Change CMake warning to simple message for old Metis versionsGravatar Christoph Hertzberg2015-03-31
* Determine version of Metis library. Apparently, at least version 5.x is neede...Gravatar Christoph Hertzberg2014-07-09
* Add support for Metis fill-reducing ordering ; it is generally more efficient...Gravatar Desire NUENTSA2012-08-06
* Adding an interface to PaStiX, the multithreaded and distributed linear solverGravatar Desire NUENTSA2012-03-08