path: root/cmake/FindEigen2.cmake
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* STYLE: Remove CMake-language block-end command argumentsGravatar Hans Johnson2019-10-31
* do not confuse Eigen3 or beta versions of Eigen3 with Eigen2Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2011-03-23
* improvements in FindEigen*.cmake, ported from changes in CMakeLists.txt:Gravatar Benoit Jacob2009-11-20
* Set of fixes and workaround to make sun studio more happy.Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2009-07-10
* use system variable instead of custom oneGravatar Benoit Jacob2009-06-25
* check version number using newer cmake functionality, instead of kde macroGravatar Benoit Jacob2009-06-23
* * add a FindEigen2.cmake file for referenceGravatar Gael Guennebaud2009-05-20