path: root/Eigen/src/Core/arch/SSE/TypeCasting.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Unify Inverse_SSE.h and Inverse_NEON.h into a single generic implementation u...Gravatar Guoqiang QI2020-11-17
* Specialize pldexp_double and pfdexp_double and get rid of Packet2l definition...Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2020-09-30
* Fix compilation of 64 bit constant arguments to pset1frombits in TypeCasting....Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2020-09-28
* Provide a more efficient Packet2l->Packet2d cast methodGravatar Christoph Hertzberg2020-09-28
* Fix the #issue1997 and #issue1991 bug triggered by unsupport a[index](type a:...Gravatar Guoqiang QI2020-09-21
* Fix breakage in pcast<Packet2l, Packet2d> due to _mm_cvtsi128_si64 not being ...Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2020-09-18
* Unified sse pldexp_double apiGravatar Guoqiang QI2020-09-12
* Clean up float16 a.k.a. Eigen::half support in Eigen. Move the definition of ...Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2019-08-27
* Unify SSE/AVX psin functions.Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-11-27
* Define pcast<> for SSE types even when AVX is enabled. (otherwise float are s...Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-05-29
* Switch to truncated casting when converting floating point types to integer. ...Gravatar Benoit Steiner2015-02-27
* Added support for vectorized type casting of tensorsGravatar Benoit Steiner2015-02-27