path: root/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorTraits.h
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diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorTraits.h b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorTraits.h
index 5c0f78489..022d20360 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorTraits.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorTraits.h
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ struct traits<Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Options_> >
typedef Scalar_ Scalar;
typedef Dense StorageKind;
typedef DenseIndex Index;
+ static const int NumDimensions = NumIndices_;
+ static const int Layout = Options_ & RowMajor ? RowMajor : ColMajor;
enum {
Options = Options_,
Flags = compute_tensor_flags<Scalar_, Options_>::ret | LvalueBit,
@@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ struct traits<TensorFixedSize<Scalar_, Dimensions, Options_> >
typedef Scalar_ Scalar;
typedef Dense StorageKind;
typedef DenseIndex Index;
+ static const int NumDimensions = array_size<Dimensions>::value;
+ static const int Layout = Options_ & RowMajor ? RowMajor : ColMajor;
enum {
Options = Options_,
Flags = compute_tensor_flags<Scalar_, Options_>::ret | LvalueBit,
@@ -78,6 +82,8 @@ struct traits<TensorMap<PlainObjectType, Options_> >
typedef typename BaseTraits::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename BaseTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename BaseTraits::Index Index;
+ static const int NumDimensions = BaseTraits::NumDimensions;
+ static const int Layout = BaseTraits::Layout;
enum {
Options = Options_,
Flags = ((BaseTraits::Flags | LvalueBit) & ~AlignedBit) | (Options&Aligned ? AlignedBit : 0),
@@ -92,6 +98,8 @@ struct traits<TensorRef<PlainObjectType> >
typedef typename BaseTraits::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename BaseTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename BaseTraits::Index Index;
+ static const int NumDimensions = BaseTraits::NumDimensions;
+ static const int Layout = BaseTraits::Layout;
enum {
Options = BaseTraits::Options,
Flags = ((BaseTraits::Flags | LvalueBit) & ~AlignedBit) | (Options&Aligned ? AlignedBit : 0),
@@ -198,6 +206,51 @@ struct nested<const TensorRef<PlainObjectType>, 1, typename eval<TensorRef<Plain
} // end namespace internal
+// Convolutional layers take in an input tensor of shape (D, R, C, B), or (D, C,
+// R, B), and convolve it with a set of filters, which can also be presented as
+// a tensor (D, K, K, M), where M is the number of filters, K is the filter
+// size, and each 3-dimensional tensor of size (D, K, K) is a filter. For
+// simplicity we assume that we always use square filters (which is usually the
+// case in images), hence the two Ks in the tensor dimension. It also takes in
+// a few additional parameters:
+// Stride (S): The convolution stride is the offset between locations where we
+// apply the filters. A larger stride means that the output will be
+// spatially smaller.
+// Padding (P): The padding we apply to the input tensor along the R and C
+// dimensions. This is usually used to make sure that the spatial
+// dimensions of the output matches our intention.
+// Two types of padding are often used:
+// SAME: The pad value is computed so that the output will have size
+// R/S and C/S.
+// VALID: no padding is carried out.
+// When we do padding, the padded values at the padded locations are usually
+// zero.
+// The output dimensions for convolution, when given all the parameters above,
+// are as follows:
+// When Padding = SAME: the output size is (B, R', C', M), where
+// R' = ceil(float(R) / float(S))
+// C' = ceil(float(C) / float(S))
+// where ceil is the ceiling function. The input tensor is padded with 0 as
+// needed. The number of padded rows and columns are computed as:
+// Pr = ((R' - 1) * S + K - R) / 2
+// Pc = ((C' - 1) * S + K - C) / 2
+// when the stride is 1, we have the simplified case R'=R, C'=C, Pr=Pc=(K-1)/2.
+// This is where SAME comes from - the output has the same size as the input has.
+// When Padding = VALID: the output size is computed as
+// R' = ceil(float(R - K + 1) / float(S))
+// C' = ceil(float(C - K + 1) / float(S))
+// and the number of padded rows and columns are computed in the same way as in
+// the SAME case.
+// When the stride is 1, we have the simplified case R'=R-K+1, C'=C-K+1, Pr=0,
+// Pc=0.
+typedef enum {
+} PaddingType;
} // end namespace Eigen