path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
4 files changed, 331 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
index e1eef086e..4a5c1d36d 100644
--- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -407,6 +407,48 @@ endif(CUDA_FOUND)
+# HIP unit tests
+option(EIGEN_TEST_HIP "Add HIP support." OFF)
+ set(HIP_PATH "/opt/rocm/hip" CACHE STRING "Path to the HIP installation.")
+ find_package(HIP REQUIRED)
+ if (HIP_FOUND)
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${HIP_PATH}/bin/hipconfig --platform OUTPUT_VARIABLE HIP_PLATFORM)
+ include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
+ include_directories(${HIP_PATH}/include)
+ ei_add_test(hip_basic)
+ elseif (${HIP_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "nvcc")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "HIP_PLATFORM = nvcc is not supported within Eigen")
+ else ()
+ endif()
+ endif(HIP_FOUND)
+ else ()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "EIGEN_TEST_HIP is ON, but the specified HIP_PATH (${HIP_PATH}) does not exist")
+ endif()
diff --git a/test/hip_basic.cu b/test/hip_basic.cu
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e1bf94a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hip_basic.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+// workaround issue between gcc >= 4.7 and cuda 5.5
+#if (defined __GNUC__) && (__GNUC__>4 || __GNUC_MINOR__>=7)
+ #undef _GLIBCXX_USE_INT128
+#define EIGEN_TEST_FUNC hip_basic
+#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "hip_common.h"
+// Check that dense modules can be properly parsed by hipcc
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+// struct Foo{
+// void operator()(int i, const float* mats, float* vecs) const {
+// using namespace Eigen;
+// // Matrix3f M(data);
+// // Vector3f x(data+9);
+// // Map<Vector3f>(data+9) = M.inverse() * x;
+// Matrix3f M(mats+i/16);
+// Vector3f x(vecs+i*3);
+// // using std::min;
+// // using std::sqrt;
+// Map<Vector3f>(vecs+i*3) << x.minCoeff(), 1, 2;// / x.dot(x);//(M.inverse() * x) / x.x();
+// //x = x*2 + x.y() * x + x * x.maxCoeff() - x / x.sum();
+// }
+// };
+template<typename T>
+struct coeff_wise {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ T x1(in+i);
+ T x2(in+i+1);
+ T x3(in+i+2);
+ Map<T> res(out+i*T::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
+ res.array() += (in[0] * x1 + x2).array() * x3.array();
+ }
+template<typename T>
+struct replicate {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ T x1(in+i);
+ int step = x1.size() * 4;
+ int stride = 3 * step;
+ typedef Map<Array<typename T::Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> > MapType;
+ MapType(out+i*stride+0*step, x1.rows()*2, x1.cols()*2) = x1.replicate(2,2);
+ MapType(out+i*stride+1*step, x1.rows()*3, x1.cols()) = in[i] * x1.colwise().replicate(3);
+ MapType(out+i*stride+2*step, x1.rows(), x1.cols()*3) = in[i] * x1.rowwise().replicate(3);
+ }
+template<typename T>
+struct redux {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ int N = 10;
+ T x1(in+i);
+ out[i*N+0] = x1.minCoeff();
+ out[i*N+1] = x1.maxCoeff();
+ out[i*N+2] = x1.sum();
+ out[i*N+3] = x1.prod();
+ out[i*N+4] = x1.matrix().squaredNorm();
+ out[i*N+5] = x1.matrix().norm();
+ out[i*N+6] = x1.colwise().sum().maxCoeff();
+ out[i*N+7] = x1.rowwise().maxCoeff().sum();
+ out[i*N+8] = x1.matrix().colwise().squaredNorm().sum();
+ }
+template<typename T1, typename T2>
+struct prod_test {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T1::Scalar* in, typename T1::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ typedef Matrix<typename T1::Scalar, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime> T3;
+ T1 x1(in+i);
+ T2 x2(in+i+1);
+ Map<T3> res(out+i*T3::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
+ res += in[i] * x1 * x2;
+ }
+template<typename T1, typename T2>
+struct diagonal {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T1::Scalar* in, typename T1::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ T1 x1(in+i);
+ Map<T2> res(out+i*T2::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
+ res += x1.diagonal();
+ }
+template<typename T>
+struct eigenvalues {
+ void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
+ {
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ typedef Matrix<typename T::Scalar, T::RowsAtCompileTime, 1> Vec;
+ T M(in+i);
+ Map<Vec> res(out+i*Vec::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
+ T A = M*M.adjoint();
+ SelfAdjointEigenSolver<T> eig;
+ eig.computeDirect(M);
+ res = eig.eigenvalues();
+ }
+void test_hip_basic()
+ ei_test_init_hip();
+ int nthreads = 100;
+ Eigen::VectorXf in, out;
+ #ifndef __HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__
+ int data_size = nthreads * 512;
+ in.setRandom(data_size);
+ out.setRandom(data_size);
+ #endif
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(coeff_wise<Vector3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(coeff_wise<Array44f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ // FIXME compile fails when we uncomment the followig two tests
+ // CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(replicate<Array4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ // CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(replicate<Array33f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(redux<Array4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(redux<Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(prod_test<Matrix3f,Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(prod_test<Matrix4f,Vector4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(diagonal<Matrix3f,Vector3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(diagonal<Matrix4f,Vector4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ // FIXME : Runtime failure occurs when we uncomment the following two tests
+ // CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(eigenvalues<Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
+ // CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(eigenvalues<Matrix2f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
diff --git a/test/hip_common.h b/test/hip_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..251585c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hip_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
+#include "hip/hip_runtime_api.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#ifndef __HIPCC__
+dim3 threadIdx, blockDim, blockIdx;
+template<typename Kernel, typename Input, typename Output>
+void run_on_cpu(const Kernel& ker, int n, const Input& in, Output& out)
+ for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ ker(i, in.data(), out.data());
+template<typename Kernel, typename Input, typename Output>
+__global__ __attribute__((used))
+void run_on_hip_meta_kernel(const Kernel ker, int n, const Input* in, Output* out)
+ int i = hipThreadIdx_x + hipBlockIdx_x*hipBlockDim_x;
+ if(i<n) {
+ ker(i, in, out);
+ }
+template<typename Kernel, typename Input, typename Output>
+void run_on_hip(const Kernel& ker, int n, const Input& in, Output& out)
+ typename Input::Scalar* d_in;
+ typename Output::Scalar* d_out;
+ std::ptrdiff_t in_bytes = in.size() * sizeof(typename Input::Scalar);
+ std::ptrdiff_t out_bytes = out.size() * sizeof(typename Output::Scalar);
+ hipMalloc((void**)(&d_in), in_bytes);
+ hipMalloc((void**)(&d_out), out_bytes);
+ hipMemcpy(d_in, in.data(), in_bytes, hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
+ hipMemcpy(d_out, out.data(), out_bytes, hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
+ // Simple and non-optimal 1D mapping assuming n is not too large
+ // That's only for unit testing!
+ dim3 Blocks(128);
+ dim3 Grids( (n+int(Blocks.x)-1)/int(Blocks.x) );
+ hipDeviceSynchronize();
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(HIP_KERNEL_NAME(run_on_hip_meta_kernel<Kernel,
+ typename std::decay<decltype(*d_in)>::type,
+ typename std::decay<decltype(*d_out)>::type>),
+ dim3(Grids), dim3(Blocks), 0, 0, ker, n, d_in, d_out);
+ hipDeviceSynchronize();
+ // check inputs have not been modified
+ hipMemcpy(const_cast<typename Input::Scalar*>(in.data()), d_in, in_bytes, hipMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+ hipMemcpy(out.data(), d_out, out_bytes, hipMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+ hipFree(d_in);
+ hipFree(d_out);
+template<typename Kernel, typename Input, typename Output>
+void run_and_compare_to_hip(const Kernel& ker, int n, const Input& in, Output& out)
+ Input in_ref, in_hip;
+ Output out_ref, out_hip;
+ #ifndef __HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__
+ in_ref = in_hip = in;
+ out_ref = out_hip = out;
+ #endif
+ run_on_cpu (ker, n, in_ref, out_ref);
+ run_on_hip(ker, n, in_hip, out_hip);
+ #ifndef __HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__
+ VERIFY_IS_APPROX(in_ref, in_hip);
+ VERIFY_IS_APPROX(out_ref, out_hip);
+ #endif
+void ei_test_init_hip()
+ int device = 0;
+ hipDeviceProp_t deviceProp;
+ hipGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, device);
+ std::cout << "HIP device info:\n";
+ std::cout << " name: " << deviceProp.name << "\n";
+ std::cout << " capability: " << deviceProp.major << "." << deviceProp.minor << "\n";
+ std::cout << " multiProcessorCount: " << deviceProp.multiProcessorCount << "\n";
+ std::cout << " maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor: " << deviceProp.maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor << "\n";
+ std::cout << " warpSize: " << deviceProp.warpSize << "\n";
+ std::cout << " regsPerBlock: " << deviceProp.regsPerBlock << "\n";
+ std::cout << " concurrentKernels: " << deviceProp.concurrentKernels << "\n";
+ std::cout << " clockRate: " << deviceProp.clockRate << "\n";
+ std::cout << " canMapHostMemory: " << deviceProp.canMapHostMemory << "\n";
+ std::cout << " computeMode: " << deviceProp.computeMode << "\n";
diff --git a/test/main.h b/test/main.h
index 0fcd6cb76..79717a532 100644
--- a/test/main.h
+++ b/test/main.h
@@ -67,11 +67,17 @@
// protected by parenthesis against macro expansion, the min()/max() macros
// are defined here and any not-parenthesized min/max call will cause a
// compiler error.
-#define min(A,B) please_protect_your_min_with_parentheses
-#define max(A,B) please_protect_your_max_with_parentheses
-#define isnan(X) please_protect_your_isnan_with_parentheses
-#define isinf(X) please_protect_your_isinf_with_parentheses
-#define isfinite(X) please_protect_your_isfinite_with_parentheses
+#if !defined(__HIPCC__)
+ // HIP headers include the <thread> header which contains not-parenthesized
+ // calls to "max", triggering the following check and causing the compile to fail
+ // so disabling the following checks for HIP
+ #define min(A,B) please_protect_your_min_with_parentheses
+ #define max(A,B) please_protect_your_max_with_parentheses
+ #define isnan(X) please_protect_your_isnan_with_parentheses
+ #define isinf(X) please_protect_your_isinf_with_parentheses
+ #define isfinite(X) please_protect_your_isfinite_with_parentheses
#ifdef M_PI
#undef M_PI
@@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ namespace Eigen
#define EIGEN_DEFAULT_IO_FORMAT IOFormat(4, 0, " ", "\n", "", "", "", "")
-#if (defined(_CPPUNWIND) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) && !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
+#if (defined(_CPPUNWIND) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) && !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && !defined(__HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__)
@@ -233,7 +239,7 @@ namespace Eigen
- #elif !defined(__CUDACC__) // EIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS
+ #elif !defined(__CUDACC__) && !defined(__HIPCC__)// EIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS
// see bug 89. The copy_bool here is working around a bug in gcc <= 4.3
#define eigen_assert(a) \
if( (!Eigen::internal::copy_bool(a)) && (!no_more_assert) )\
@@ -290,7 +296,7 @@ namespace Eigen
std::cout << "Can't VERIFY_RAISES_STATIC_ASSERT( " #a " ) with exceptions disabled\n";
- #if !defined(__CUDACC__)
+ #if !defined(__CUDACC__) && !defined(__HIPCC__)