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+namespace Eigen {
+/** \page TutorialAdvancedLinearAlgebra Tutorial 3/3 - Advanced linear algebra
+ \ingroup Tutorial
+<div class="eimainmenu">\ref index "Overview"
+ | \ref TutorialCore "Core features"
+ | \ref TutorialGeometry "Geometry"
+ | \b Advanced \b linear \b algebra
+ | \ref TutorialSparse "Sparse matrix"
+\b Table \b of \b contents
+ - \ref TutorialAdvSolvers
+ - \ref TutorialAdvLU
+ - \ref TutorialAdvCholesky
+ - \ref TutorialAdvQR
+ - \ref TutorialAdvEigenProblems
+\section TutorialAdvSolvers Solving linear problems
+This part of the tutorial focuses on solving linear problem of the form \f$ A \mathbf{x} = b \f$,
+where both \f$ A \f$ and \f$ b \f$ are known, and \f$ x \f$ is the unknown. Moreover, \f$ A \f$
+assumed to be a squared matrix. Of course, the methods described here can be used whenever an expression
+involve the product of an inverse matrix with a vector or another matrix: \f$ A^{-1} B \f$.
+Eigen offers various algorithms to this problem, and its choice mainly depends on the nature of
+the matrix \f$ A \f$, such as its shape, size and numerical properties.
+\subsection TutorialAdvSolvers_Triangular Triangular solver
+If the matrix \f$ A \f$ is triangular (upper or lower) and invertible (the coefficients of the diagonal
+are all not zero), then the problem can be solved directly using MatrixBase::solveTriangular(), or better,
+MatrixBase::solveTriangularInPlace(). Here is an example:
+<table class="tutorial_code"><tr><td>
+\include MatrixBase_marked.cpp
+\include MatrixBase_marked.out
+See MatrixBase::solveTriangular() for more details.
+\subsection TutorialAdvSolvers_Inverse Direct inversion (for small matrices)
+If the matrix \f$ A \f$ is small (\f$ \leq 4 \f$) and invertible, then a good approach is to directly compute
+the inverse of the matrix \f$ A \f$, and then obtain the solution \f$ x \f$ by \f$ \mathbf{x} = A^{-1} b \f$. With Eigen,
+this can be implemented like this:
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+Matrix4f A = Matrix4f::Random();
+Vector4f b = Vector4f::Random();
+Vector4f x = A.inverse() * b;
+Note that the function inverse() is defined in the LU module.
+See MatrixBase::inverse() for more details.
+\subsection TutorialAdvSolvers_Symmetric Cholesky (for positive definite matrices)
+If the matrix \f$ A \f$ is \b positive \b definite, then
+the best method is to use a Cholesky decomposition.
+Such positive definite matrices often arise when solving overdetermined problems in a least square sense (see below).
+Eigen offers two different Cholesky decompositions: a \f$ LL^T \f$ decomposition where L is a lower triangular matrix,
+and a \f$ LDL^T \f$ decomposition where L is lower triangular with unit diagonal and D is a diagonal matrix.
+The latter avoids square roots and is therefore slightly more stable than the former one.
+#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
+MatrixXf D = MatrixXf::Random(8,4);
+MatrixXf A = D.transpose() * D;
+VectorXf b = D.transpose() * VectorXf::Random(4);
+VectorXf x;
+A.llt().solve(b,&x); // using a LLT factorization
+A.ldlt().solve(b,&x); // using a LDLT factorization
+when the value of the right hand side \f$ b \f$ is not needed anymore, then it is faster to use
+the \em in \em place API, e.g.:
+In that case the value of \f$ b \f$ is replaced by the result \f$ x \f$.
+If the linear problem has to solved for various right hand side \f$ b_i \f$, but same matrix \f$ A \f$,
+then it is highly recommended to perform the decomposition of \$ A \$ only once, e.g.:
+// ...
+LLT<MatrixXf> lltOfA(A);
+// ...
+\sa Cholesky_Module, LLT::solve(), LLT::solveInPlace(), LDLT::solve(), LDLT::solveInPlace(), class LLT, class LDLT.
+\subsection TutorialAdvSolvers_LU LU decomposition (for most cases)
+If the matrix \f$ A \f$ does not fit in any of the previous categories, or if you are unsure about the numerical
+stability of your problem, then you can use the LU solver based on a decomposition of the same name : see the section \ref TutorialAdvLU below. Actually, Eigen's LU module does not implement a standard LU decomposition, but rather a so-called LU decomposition
+with full pivoting and rank update which has much better numerical stability.
+The API of the LU solver is the same than the Cholesky one, except that there is no \em in \em place variant:
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(20,20);
+VectorXf b = VectorXf::Random(20);
+VectorXf x;
+A.lu().solve(b, &x);
+Again, the LU decomposition can be stored to be reused or to perform other kernel operations:
+// ...
+LU<MatrixXf> luOfA(A);
+luOfA.solve(b, &x);
+// ...
+See the section \ref TutorialAdvLU below.
+\sa class LU, LU::solve(), LU_Module
+\subsection TutorialAdvSolvers_SVD SVD solver (for singular matrices and special cases)
+Finally, Eigen also offer a solver based on a singular value decomposition (SVD). Again, the API is the
+same than with Cholesky or LU:
+#include <Eigen/SVD>
+MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(20,20);
+VectorXf b = VectorXf::Random(20);
+VectorXf x;
+A.svd().solve(b, &x);
+SVD<MatrixXf> svdOfA(A);
+svdOfA.solve(b, &x);
+\sa class SVD, SVD::solve(), SVD_Module
+<a href="#" class="top">top</a>\section TutorialAdvLU LU
+Eigen provides a rank-revealing LU decomposition with full pivoting, which has very good numerical stability.
+You can obtain the LU decomposition of a matrix by calling \link MatrixBase::lu() lu() \endlink, which is the easiest way if you're going to use the LU decomposition only once, as in
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(20,20);
+VectorXf b = VectorXf::Random(20);
+VectorXf x;
+A.lu().solve(b, &x);
+Alternatively, you can construct a named LU decomposition, which allows you to reuse it for more than one operation:
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(20,20);
+Eigen::LUDecomposition<MatrixXf> lu(A);
+cout << "The rank of A is" << lu.rank() << endl;
+if(lu.isInvertible()) {
+ cout << "A is invertible, its inverse is:" << endl << lu.inverse() << endl;
+else {
+ cout << "Here's a matrix whose columns form a basis of the kernel a.k.a. nullspace of A:"
+ << endl << lu.kernel() << endl;
+\sa LU_Module, LU::solve(), class LU
+<a href="#" class="top">top</a>\section TutorialAdvCholesky Cholesky
+\sa Cholesky_Module, LLT::solve(), LLT::solveInPlace(), LDLT::solve(), LDLT::solveInPlace(), class LLT, class LDLT
+<a href="#" class="top">top</a>\section TutorialAdvQR QR
+\sa QR_Module, class QR
+<a href="#" class="top">top</a>\section TutorialAdvEigenProblems Eigen value problems
+\sa class SelfAdjointEigenSolver, class EigenSolver