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diff --git a/Eigen/src/Sparse/SparseSetter.h b/Eigen/src/Sparse/SparseSetter.h
index 93b634322..20569d3ba 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Sparse/SparseSetter.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Sparse/SparseSetter.h
@@ -29,6 +29,42 @@ template<typename MatrixType, int AccessPattern,
int IsSupported = ei_support_access_pattern<MatrixType,AccessPattern>::ret>
struct ei_sparse_setter_selector;
+/** \class SparseSetter
+ *
+ * Goal: provides a unified API to fill/update a dense or sparse matrix.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * \code
+ * {
+ * SparseSetter<MatrixType, RandomAccessPattern> w(m);
+ * for (...) w->coeffRef(rand(),rand()) = rand();
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In the above example we want to fill a matrix m (could be a SparseMatrix or whatever other matrix type)
+ * in a random fashion (whence the RandomAccessPattern). Internally, if \a MatrixType supports random writes
+ * then \c w behaves as a pointer to m, and m is filled directly. Otherwise, a temporary matrix supporting
+ * random writes is created and \c w behaves as a pointer to this temporary object. When the object \c w
+ * is deleted (at the end of the block), then the temporary object is assigned to the matrix m.
+ *
+ * So far we can distinghished 4 types of access pattern:
+ * - FullyCoherentAccessPattern (if col major, i+j*rows must increase)
+ * - InnerCoherentAccessPattern (if col major, i must increase for each column j)
+ * - OuterCoherentAccessPattern (if col major, the column j is set in a random order, but j must increase)
+ * - RandomAccessPattern
+ *
+ * See the wiki for more details.
+ *
+ * The template class ei_support_access_pattern is used to determine the type of the temporary object (which
+ * can be a reference to \a MatrixType if \a MatrixType support \a AccessPattern)
+ *
+ * Currently only the RandomAccessPattern seems to work as expected.
+ *
+ * \todo define the API for each kind of access pattern
+ * \todo allows both update and set modes (set start a new matrix)
+ * \todo implement the OuterCoherentAccessPattern
+ *
+ */
template<typename MatrixType,
int AccessPattern,
typename WrapperType = typename ei_sparse_setter_selector<MatrixType,AccessPattern>::type>