path: root/Eigen/src/Core/util
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/util/Memory.h b/Eigen/src/Core/util/Memory.h
index 97ad9065f..37763c44d 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/util/Memory.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/util/Memory.h
@@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ struct WithAlignedOperatorNew
* Example:
* \code
-* // Vector4f requires 16 bytes alignment:
-* std::vector<Vector4f, aligned_allocator<Vector4f> > dataVec4;
+* // Matrix4f requires 16 bytes alignment:
+* std::map< int, Matrix4f, std::less<int>, aligned_allocator<Matrix4f> > my_map_mat4;
* // Vector3f does not require 16 bytes alignment, no need to use Eigen's allocator:
-* std::vector<Vector3f> dataVec3;
+* std::map< int, Vector3f > my_map_vec3;
* \endcode
@@ -392,51 +392,4 @@ public:
-/** \class ei_new_allocator
-* \brief stl compatible allocator to use with with fixed-size vector and matrix types
-* STL allocator simply wrapping operators new[] and delete[]. Unlike GCC's default new_allocator,
-* ei_new_allocator call operator new on the type \a T and not the general new operator ignoring
-* overloaded version of operator new.
-* Example:
-* \code
-* // Vector4f requires 16 bytes alignment:
-* std::vector<Vector4f,ei_new_allocator<Vector4f> > dataVec4;
-* // Vector3f does not require 16 bytes alignment, no need to use Eigen's allocator:
-* std::vector<Vector3f> dataVec3;
-* struct Foo : WithAlignedOperatorNew {
-* char dummy;
-* Vector4f some_vector;
-* };
-* std::vector<Foo,ei_new_allocator<Foo> > dataFoo;
-* \endcode
-* \sa class WithAlignedOperatorNew
-template<typename T> class ei_new_allocator
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef T* pointer;
- typedef const T* const_pointer;
- typedef T& reference;
- typedef const T& const_reference;
- template<typename OtherType>
- struct rebind
- { typedef ei_new_allocator<OtherType> other; };
- T* address(T& ref) const { return &ref; }
- const T* address(const T& ref) const { return &ref; }
- T* allocate(size_t size, const void* = 0) { return new T[size]; }
- void deallocate(T* ptr, size_t) { delete[] ptr; }
- size_t max_size() const { return size_t(-1) / sizeof(T); }
- // FIXME I'm note sure about this construction...
- void construct(T* ptr, const T& refObj) { ::new(ptr) T(refObj); }
- void destroy(T* ptr) { ptr->~T(); }
#endif // EIGEN_MEMORY_H