path: root/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default
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2 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctions.h b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctions.h
index c6bb89b05..45cc780f1 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctions.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctions.h
@@ -673,6 +673,120 @@ Packet pcos_float(const Packet& x)
return psincos_float<false>(x);
+template<typename Packet>
+Packet psqrt_complex(const Packet& a) {
+ typedef typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type Scalar;
+ typedef typename Scalar::value_type RealScalar;
+ typedef typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::as_real RealPacket;
+ // Computes the principal sqrt of the complex numbers in the input.
+ //
+ // For example, for packets containing 2 complex numbers stored in interleaved format
+ // a = [a0, a1] = [x0, y0, x1, y1],
+ // where x0 = real(a0), y0 = imag(a0) etc., this function returns
+ // b = [b0, b1] = [u0, v0, u1, v1],
+ // such that b0^2 = a0, b1^2 = a1.
+ //
+ // To derive the formula for the complex square roots, let's consider the equation for
+ // a single complex square root of the number x + i*y. We want to find real numbers
+ // u and v such that
+ // (u + i*v)^2 = x + i*y <=>
+ // u^2 - v^2 + i*2*u*v = x + i*v.
+ // By equating the real and imaginary parts we get:
+ // u^2 - v^2 = x
+ // 2*u*v = y.
+ //
+ // For x >= 0, this has the numerically stable solution
+ // u = sqrt(0.5 * (x + sqrt(x^2 + y^2)))
+ // v = 0.5 * (y / u)
+ // and for x < 0,
+ // v = sign(y) * sqrt(0.5 * (x + sqrt(x^2 + y^2)))
+ // u = |0.5 * (y / v)|
+ //
+ // To avoid unnecessary over- and underflow, we compute sqrt(x^2 + y^2) as
+ // l = max(|x|, |y|) * sqrt(1 + (min(|x|, |y|) / max(|x|, |y|))^2) ,
+ // In the following, without lack of generality, we have annotated the code, assuming
+ // that the input is a packet of 2 complex numbers.
+ //
+ // Step 1. Compute l = [l0, l0, l1, l1], where
+ // l0 = sqrt(x0^2 + y0^2), l1 = sqrt(x1^2 + y1^2)
+ // To avoid over- and underflow, we use the stable formula for each hypotenuse
+ // l0 = (min0 == 0 ? max0 : max0 * sqrt(1 + (min0/max0)**2)),
+ // where max0 = max(|x0|, |y0|), min0 = min(|x0|, |y0|), and similarly for l1.
+ Packet a_flip = pcplxflip(a);
+ RealPacket a_abs = pabs(a.v); // [|x0|, |y0|, |x1|, |y1|]
+ RealPacket a_abs_flip = pabs(a_flip.v); // [|y0|, |x0|, |y1|, |x1|]
+ RealPacket a_max = pmax(a_abs, a_abs_flip);
+ RealPacket a_min = pmin(a_abs, a_abs_flip);
+ RealPacket a_min_zero_mask = pcmp_eq(a_min, pzero(a_min));
+ RealPacket a_max_zero_mask = pcmp_eq(a_max, pzero(a_max));
+ RealPacket r = pdiv(a_min, a_max);
+ const RealPacket cst_one = pset1<RealPacket>(RealScalar(1));
+ RealPacket l = pmul(a_max, psqrt(padd(cst_one, pmul(r, r)))); // [l0, l0, l1, l1]
+ // Set l to a_max if a_min is zero.
+ l = pselect(a_min_zero_mask, a_max, l);
+ // Step 2. Compute [rho0, *, rho1, *], where
+ // rho0 = sqrt(0.5 * (l0 + |x0|)), rho1 = sqrt(0.5 * (l1 + |x1|))
+ // We don't care about the imaginary parts computed here. They will be overwritten later.
+ const RealPacket cst_half = pset1<RealPacket>(RealScalar(0.5));
+ Packet rho;
+ rho.v = psqrt(pmul(cst_half, padd(a_abs, l)));
+ // Step 3. Compute [rho0, eta0, rho1, eta1], where
+ // eta0 = (y0 / l0) / 2, and eta1 = (y1 / l1) / 2.
+ // set eta = 0 of input is 0 + i0.
+ RealPacket eta = pandnot(pmul(cst_half, pdiv(a.v, pcplxflip(rho).v)), a_max_zero_mask);
+ RealPacket real_mask = peven_mask(a.v);
+ Packet positive_real_result;
+ // Compute result for inputs with positive real part.
+ positive_real_result.v = pselect(real_mask, rho.v, eta);
+ // Step 4. Compute solution for inputs with negative real part:
+ // [|eta0|, sign(y0)*rho0, |eta1|, sign(y1)*rho1]
+ const RealPacket cst_imag_sign_mask = pset1<Packet>(Scalar(RealScalar(0.0), RealScalar(-0.0))).v;
+ RealPacket imag_signs = pand(a.v, cst_imag_sign_mask);
+ Packet negative_real_result;
+ // Notice that rho is positive, so taking it's absolute value is a noop.
+ negative_real_result.v = por(pabs(pcplxflip(positive_real_result).v), imag_signs);
+ // Step 5. Select solution branch based on the sign of the real parts.
+ Packet negative_real_mask;
+ negative_real_mask.v = pcmp_lt(pand(real_mask, a.v), pzero(a.v));
+ negative_real_mask.v = por(negative_real_mask.v, pcplxflip(negative_real_mask).v);
+ Packet result = pselect(negative_real_mask, negative_real_result, positive_real_result);
+ // Step 6. Handle special cases for infinities:
+ // * If z is (x,+∞), the result is (+∞,+∞) even if x is NaN
+ // * If z is (x,-∞), the result is (+∞,-∞) even if x is NaN
+ // * If z is (-∞,y), the result is (0*|y|,+∞) for finite or NaN y
+ // * If z is (+∞,y), the result is (+∞,0*|y|) for finite or NaN y
+ const RealPacket cst_pos_inf = pset1<RealPacket>(NumTraits<RealScalar>::infinity());
+ Packet is_inf;
+ is_inf.v = pcmp_eq(a_abs, cst_pos_inf);
+ Packet is_real_inf;
+ is_real_inf.v = pand(is_inf.v, real_mask);
+ is_real_inf = por(is_real_inf, pcplxflip(is_real_inf));
+ // prepare packet of (+∞,0*|y|) or (0*|y|,+∞), depending on the sign of the infinite real part.
+ Packet real_inf_result;
+ real_inf_result.v = pmul(a_abs, pset1<Packet>(Scalar(RealScalar(1.0), RealScalar(0.0))).v);
+ real_inf_result.v = pselect(negative_real_mask.v, pcplxflip(real_inf_result).v, real_inf_result.v);
+ // prepare packet of (+∞,+∞) or (+∞,-∞), depending on the sign of the infinite imaginary part.
+ Packet is_imag_inf;
+ is_imag_inf.v = pandnot(is_inf.v, real_mask);
+ is_imag_inf = por(is_imag_inf, pcplxflip(is_imag_inf));
+ Packet imag_inf_result;
+ imag_inf_result.v = por(pand(cst_pos_inf, real_mask), pandnot(a.v, real_mask));
+ return pselect(is_imag_inf, imag_inf_result,
+ pselect(is_real_inf, real_inf_result,result));
/* polevl (modified for Eigen)
* Evaluate polynomial
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctionsFwd.h b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctionsFwd.h
index b0f0b78fc..491f1c927 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctionsFwd.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/GenericPacketMathFunctionsFwd.h
Packet pcos_float(const Packet& x);
+/** \internal \returns sqrt(x) for complex types */
+template<typename Packet>
+Packet psqrt_complex(const Packet& a);
template <typename Packet, int N> struct ppolevl;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen