path: root/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h
index d21e13979..8110f53d0 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/Complex.h
@@ -31,6 +31,52 @@ struct Packet2cf
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit Packet2cf() {}
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit Packet2cf(const Packet4f& a) : v(a) {}
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pmul(const Packet2cf& a, const Packet2cf& b)
+ {
+ Packet4f v1, v2;
+ // Permute and multiply the real parts of a and b
+ v1 = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET32_WODD);
+ // Get the imaginary parts of a
+ v2 = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET32_WEVEN);
+ // multiply a_re * b
+ v1 = vec_madd(v1, b.v, p4f_ZERO);
+ // multiply a_im * b and get the conjugate result
+ v2 = vec_madd(v2, b.v, p4f_ZERO);
+ v2 = reinterpret_cast<Packet4f>(pxor(v2, reinterpret_cast<Packet4f>(p4ui_CONJ_XOR)));
+ // permute back to a proper order
+ v2 = vec_perm(v2, v2, p16uc_COMPLEX32_REV);
+ return Packet2cf(padd<Packet4f>(v1, v2));
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf& operator*=(const Packet2cf& b) {
+ v = pmul(Packet2cf(*this), b).v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf operator*(const Packet2cf& b) const {
+ return Packet2cf(*this) *= b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf& operator+=(const Packet2cf& b) {
+ v = padd(v, b.v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf operator+(const Packet2cf& b) const {
+ return Packet2cf(*this) += b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf& operator-=(const Packet2cf& b) {
+ v = psub(v, b.v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf operator-(const Packet2cf& b) const {
+ return Packet2cf(*this) -= b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf operator-(void) const {
+ return Packet2cf(vec_neg(v));
+ }
Packet4f v;
@@ -81,6 +127,25 @@ template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf ploaddup<Packet2cf>(const std::complex<
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void pstore <std::complex<float> >(std::complex<float> * to, const Packet2cf& from) { pstore((float*)to, from.v); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void pstoreu<std::complex<float> >(std::complex<float> * to, const Packet2cf& from) { pstoreu((float*)to, from.v); }
+EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pload2(const std::complex<float>* from0, const std::complex<float>* from1)
+ Packet4f res0, res1;
+#ifdef __VSX__
+ __asm__ ("lxsdx %x0,%y1" : "=wa" (res0) : "Z" (*from0));
+ __asm__ ("lxsdx %x0,%y1" : "=wa" (res1) : "Z" (*from1));
+#ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN
+ __asm__ ("xxpermdi %x0, %x1, %x2, 0" : "=wa" (res0) : "wa" (res0), "wa" (res1));
+ __asm__ ("xxpermdi %x0, %x2, %x1, 0" : "=wa" (res0) : "wa" (res0), "wa" (res1));
+ *((std::complex<float> *)&res0[0]) = *from0;
+ *((std::complex<float> *)&res1[0]) = *from1;
+ res0 = vec_perm(res0, res1, p16uc_TRANSPOSE64_HI);
+ return Packet2cf(res0);
template<> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet2cf pgather<std::complex<float>, Packet2cf>(const std::complex<float>* from, Index stride)
EIGEN_ALIGN16 std::complex<float> af[2];
@@ -101,25 +166,6 @@ template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf psub<Packet2cf>(const Packet2cf& a, con
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pnegate(const Packet2cf& a) { return Packet2cf(pnegate(a.v)); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pconj(const Packet2cf& a) { return Packet2cf(pxor<Packet4f>(a.v, reinterpret_cast<Packet4f>(p4ui_CONJ_XOR))); }
-template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pmul<Packet2cf>(const Packet2cf& a, const Packet2cf& b)
- Packet4f v1, v2;
- // Permute and multiply the real parts of a and b
- v1 = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET32_WODD);
- // Get the imaginary parts of a
- v2 = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET32_WEVEN);
- // multiply a_re * b
- v1 = vec_madd(v1, b.v, p4f_ZERO);
- // multiply a_im * b and get the conjugate result
- v2 = vec_madd(v2, b.v, p4f_ZERO);
- v2 = reinterpret_cast<Packet4f>(pxor(v2, reinterpret_cast<Packet4f>(p4ui_CONJ_XOR)));
- // permute back to a proper order
- v2 = vec_perm(v2, v2, p16uc_COMPLEX32_REV);
- return Packet2cf(padd<Packet4f>(v1, v2));
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pand <Packet2cf>(const Packet2cf& a, const Packet2cf& b) { return Packet2cf(pand<Packet4f>(a.v, b.v)); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf por <Packet2cf>(const Packet2cf& a, const Packet2cf& b) { return Packet2cf(por<Packet4f>(a.v, b.v)); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet2cf pxor <Packet2cf>(const Packet2cf& a, const Packet2cf& b) { return Packet2cf(pxor<Packet4f>(a.v, b.v)); }
@@ -239,6 +285,51 @@ struct Packet1cd
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit Packet1cd(const Packet2d& a) : v(a) {}
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pmul(const Packet1cd& a, const Packet1cd& b)
+ {
+ Packet2d a_re, a_im, v1, v2;
+ // Permute and multiply the real parts of a and b
+ a_re = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET64_HI);
+ // Get the imaginary parts of a
+ a_im = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET64_LO);
+ // multiply a_re * b
+ v1 = vec_madd(a_re, b.v, p2d_ZERO);
+ // multiply a_im * b and get the conjugate result
+ v2 = vec_madd(a_im, b.v, p2d_ZERO);
+ v2 = reinterpret_cast<Packet2d>(vec_sld(reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(v2), reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(v2), 8));
+ v2 = pxor(v2, reinterpret_cast<Packet2d>(p2ul_CONJ_XOR1));
+ return Packet1cd(padd<Packet2d>(v1, v2));
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd& operator*=(const Packet1cd& b) {
+ v = pmul(Packet1cd(*this), b).v;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd operator*(const Packet1cd& b) const {
+ return Packet1cd(*this) *= b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd& operator+=(const Packet1cd& b) {
+ v = padd(v, b.v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd operator+(const Packet1cd& b) const {
+ return Packet1cd(*this) += b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd& operator-=(const Packet1cd& b) {
+ v = psub(v, b.v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd operator-(const Packet1cd& b) const {
+ return Packet1cd(*this) -= b;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd operator-(void) const {
+ return Packet1cd(vec_neg(v));
+ }
Packet2d v;
@@ -290,24 +381,6 @@ template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd psub<Packet1cd>(const Packet1cd& a, con
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pnegate(const Packet1cd& a) { return Packet1cd(pnegate(Packet2d(a.v))); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pconj(const Packet1cd& a) { return Packet1cd(pxor(a.v, reinterpret_cast<Packet2d>(p2ul_CONJ_XOR2))); }
-template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pmul<Packet1cd>(const Packet1cd& a, const Packet1cd& b)
- Packet2d a_re, a_im, v1, v2;
- // Permute and multiply the real parts of a and b
- a_re = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET64_HI);
- // Get the imaginary parts of a
- a_im = vec_perm(a.v, a.v, p16uc_PSET64_LO);
- // multiply a_re * b
- v1 = vec_madd(a_re, b.v, p2d_ZERO);
- // multiply a_im * b and get the conjugate result
- v2 = vec_madd(a_im, b.v, p2d_ZERO);
- v2 = reinterpret_cast<Packet2d>(vec_sld(reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(v2), reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(v2), 8));
- v2 = pxor(v2, reinterpret_cast<Packet2d>(p2ul_CONJ_XOR1));
- return Packet1cd(padd<Packet2d>(v1, v2));
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pand <Packet1cd>(const Packet1cd& a, const Packet1cd& b) { return Packet1cd(pand(a.v,b.v)); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd por <Packet1cd>(const Packet1cd& a, const Packet1cd& b) { return Packet1cd(por(a.v,b.v)); }
template<> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet1cd pxor <Packet1cd>(const Packet1cd& a, const Packet1cd& b) { return Packet1cd(pxor(a.v,b.v)); }