path: root/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h
index 9c1717f76..ba1246722 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h
@@ -258,48 +258,39 @@ pexp<Packet8d>(const Packet8d& _x) {
template <>
psqrt<Packet16f>(const Packet16f& _x) {
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet16f(one_point_five, 1.5f);
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet16f(minus_half, -0.5f);
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet16f_FROM_INT(flt_min, 0x00800000);
- Packet16f neg_half = pmul(_x, p16f_minus_half);
+ Packet16f neg_half = pmul(_x, pset1<Packet16f>(-.5f));
+ __mmask16 denormal_mask = _mm512_kand(
+ _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(_x, pset1<Packet16f>((std::numeric_limits<float>::min)()),
+ _CMP_LT_OQ),
+ _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(_x, _mm512_setzero_ps(), _CMP_GE_OQ));
- // select only the inverse sqrt of positive normal inputs (denormals are
- // flushed to zero and cause infs as well).
- __mmask16 non_zero_mask = _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(_x, p16f_flt_min, _CMP_GE_OQ);
- Packet16f x = _mm512_mask_blend_ps(non_zero_mask, _mm512_setzero_ps(), _mm512_rsqrt14_ps(_x));
+ Packet16f x = _mm512_rsqrt14_ps(_x);
// Do a single step of Newton's iteration.
- x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), p16f_one_point_five));
+ x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), pset1<Packet16f>(1.5f)));
- // Multiply the original _x by it's reciprocal square root to extract the
- // square root.
- return pmul(_x, x);
+ // Flush results for denormals to zero.
+ return _mm512_mask_blend_ps(denormal_mask, pmul(_x,x), _mm512_setzero_ps());
template <>
psqrt<Packet8d>(const Packet8d& _x) {
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet8d(one_point_five, 1.5);
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet8d(minus_half, -0.5);
- _EIGEN_DECLARE_CONST_Packet8d_FROM_INT64(dbl_min, 0x0010000000000000LL);
- Packet8d neg_half = pmul(_x, p8d_minus_half);
+ Packet8d neg_half = pmul(_x, pset1<Packet8d>(-.5f));
+ __mmask16 denormal_mask = _mm512_kand(
+ _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(_x, pset1<Packet8d>((std::numeric_limits<double>::min)()),
+ _CMP_LT_OQ),
+ _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(_x, _mm512_setzero_pd(), _CMP_GE_OQ));
- // select only the inverse sqrt of positive normal inputs (denormals are
- // flushed to zero and cause infs as well).
- __mmask8 non_zero_mask = _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(_x, p8d_dbl_min, _CMP_GE_OQ);
- Packet8d x = _mm512_mask_blend_pd(non_zero_mask, _mm512_setzero_pd(), _mm512_rsqrt14_pd(_x));
+ Packet8d x = _mm512_rsqrt14_pd(_x);
- // Do a first step of Newton's iteration.
- x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), p8d_one_point_five));
+ // Do a single step of Newton's iteration.
+ x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), pset1<Packet8d>(1.5f)));
// Do a second step of Newton's iteration.
- x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), p8d_one_point_five));
+ x = pmul(x, pmadd(neg_half, pmul(x, x), pset1<Packet8d>(1.5f)));
- // Multiply the original _x by it's reciprocal square root to extract the
- // square root.
- return pmul(_x, x);
+ return _mm512_mask_blend_pd(denormal_mask, pmul(_x,x), _mm512_setzero_pd());
template <>