path: root/unsupported/Eigen/src
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authorGravatar Jitse Niesen <jitse@maths.leeds.ac.uk>2013-08-20 14:10:55 +0100
committerGravatar Jitse Niesen <jitse@maths.leeds.ac.uk>2013-08-20 14:10:55 +0100
commit403be74861071daa7a81372abf2debe71cf1aed6 (patch)
treeacd838f1e65615f8bde832c5c78fae184da9a224 /unsupported/Eigen/src
parent1c61e28b32f88d6b07ac379dc7ad9b8ce41c4f8e (diff)
BDCSVD: Compute SVD of combined problem directly.
First step at implementing final stage in BDCSVD algorithm. Uses bisection method to solve nonlinear equation. Still lots of room for optimization.
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/src')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/SVD/BDCSVD.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/SVD/BDCSVD.h
index dab419a47..3c41e4e46 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/src/SVD/BDCSVD.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/SVD/BDCSVD.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Carre <nicolas.carre@ensimag.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Jean Ceccato <jean.ceccato@ensimag.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Pierre Zoppitelli <pierre.zoppitelli@ensimag.fr>
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Jitse Niesen <jitse@maths.leeds.ac.uk>
// Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
#define EPSILON 0.0000000000000001
-#define ALGOSWAP 32
+#define ALGOSWAP 16
namespace Eigen {
/** \ingroup SVD_Module
@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ private:
void allocate(Index rows, Index cols, unsigned int computationOptions);
void divide (Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index firstRowW,
Index firstColW, Index shift);
+ void computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr& U, VectorType& singVals, MatrixXr& V);
void deflation43(Index firstCol, Index shift, Index i, Index size);
void deflation44(Index firstColu , Index firstColm, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index i, Index j, Index size);
void deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index shift);
@@ -292,6 +294,7 @@ BDCSVD<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& matrix, unsigned int computationOp
this->m_singularValues.coeffRef(i) = a;
if (a == 0){
this->m_nonzeroSingularValues = i;
+ this->m_singularValues.tail(this->m_diagSize - i - 1).setZero();
else if (i == this->m_diagSize - 1)
@@ -455,26 +458,158 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::divide (Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index firstRowW,
m_computed.col(firstCol + shift).segment(firstCol + shift + k + 1, n - k - 1) << betaK * f.transpose().real();
- // the line below do the deflation of the matrix for the third part of the algorithm
- // Here the deflation is commented because the third part of the algorithm is not implemented
- // the third part of the algorithm is a fast SVD on the matrix m_computed which works thanks to the deflation
+ // Second part: try to deflate singular values in combined matrix
deflation(firstCol, lastCol, k, firstRowW, firstColW, shift);
- // Third part of the algorithm, since the real third part of the algorithm is not implemeted we use a JacobiSVD
- JacobiSVD<MatrixXr> res= JacobiSVD<MatrixXr>(m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol +shift, n + 1, n),
- ComputeFullU | (ComputeFullV * compV)) ;
- if (compU) m_naiveU.block(firstCol, firstCol, n + 1, n + 1) *= res.matrixU();
- else m_naiveU.block(0, firstCol, 2, n + 1) *= res.matrixU();
- if (compV) m_naiveV.block(firstRowW, firstColW, n, n) *= res.matrixV();
- m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n, n) << MatrixXr::Zero(n, n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- m_computed(firstCol + shift + i, firstCol + shift +i) = res.singularValues().coeffRef(i);
- // end of the third part
+ // Third part: compute SVD of combined matrix
+ MatrixXr UofSVD, VofSVD;
+ VectorType singVals;
+ computeSVDofM(firstCol + shift, n, UofSVD, singVals, VofSVD);
+ if (compU) m_naiveU.block(firstCol, firstCol, n + 1, n + 1) *= UofSVD;
+ else m_naiveU.block(0, firstCol, 2, n + 1) *= UofSVD;
+ if (compV) m_naiveV.block(firstRowW, firstColW, n, n) *= VofSVD;
+ m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n, n).setZero();
+ m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n, n).diagonal() = singVals;
+}// end divide
+// Compute SVD of m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n + 1, n); this block only has non-zeros in
+// the first column and on the diagonal and has undergone deflation, so diagonal is in increasing
+// order except for possibly the (0,0) entry. The computed SVD is stored U, singVals and V, except
+// that if compV is false, then V is not computed. Singular values are sorted in decreasing order.
+// TODO Opportunities for optimization: better root finding algo, better stopping criterion, better
+// handling of round-off errors, be consistent in ordering
+template <typename MatrixType>
+void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr& U, VectorType& singVals, MatrixXr& V)
+ using std::abs;
+ Block<MatrixXr> block = m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n);
+ // TODO Get rid of these copies (?)
+ Array<RealScalar, Dynamic, 1> col0 = m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, 1);
+ Array<RealScalar, Dynamic, 1> diag = m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n).diagonal();
+ diag(0) = 0;
+ // compute singular values and vectors (in decreasing order)
+ singVals.resize(n);
+ U.resize(n+1, n+1);
+ if (compV) V.resize(n, n);
+ if (col0.hasNaN() || diag.hasNaN()) return;
+ Array<RealScalar, Dynamic, 1> shifts(n), mus(n);
+ for (Index k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
+ if (col0(k) == 0) {
+ // entry is deflated, so singular value is on diagonal
+ singVals(k) = diag(k);
+ mus(k) = 0;
+ shifts(k) = diag(k);
+ continue;
+ }
-}// end divide
+ // otherwise, use bisection to find singular value
+ RealScalar left = diag(k);
+ RealScalar right = (k != n-1) ? diag(k+1) : (diag(n-1) + col0.matrix().norm());
+ // first decide whether it's closer to the left end or the right end
+ RealScalar mid = left + (right-left) / 2;
+ RealScalar fMid = 1 + (col0.square() / ((diag + mid) * (diag - mid))).sum();
+ RealScalar shift;
+ if (k == 0 || fMid > 0) shift = left;
+ else shift = right;
+ // measure everything relative to shifted
+ Array<RealScalar, Dynamic, 1> diagShifted = diag - shift;
+ RealScalar leftShifted, rightShifted;
+ if (shift == left) {
+ leftShifted = 1e-30;
+ if (k == 0) rightShifted = right - left;
+ else rightShifted = (right - left) * 0.6; // theoretically we can take 0.5, but let's be safe
+ } else {
+ leftShifted = -(right - left) * 0.6;
+ rightShifted = -1e-30;
+ }
+ RealScalar fLeft = 1 + (col0.square() / ((diagShifted - leftShifted) * (diag + shift + leftShifted))).sum();
+ RealScalar fRight = 1 + (col0.square() / ((diagShifted - rightShifted) * (diag + shift + rightShifted))).sum();
+ assert(fLeft * fRight < 0);
+ while (rightShifted - leftShifted > 2 * NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * (std::max)(abs(leftShifted), abs(rightShifted))) {
+ RealScalar midShifted = (leftShifted + rightShifted) / 2;
+ RealScalar fMid = 1 + (col0.square() / ((diagShifted - midShifted) * (diag + shift + midShifted))).sum();
+ if (fLeft * fMid < 0) {
+ rightShifted = midShifted;
+ fRight = fMid;
+ } else {
+ leftShifted = midShifted;
+ fLeft = fMid;
+ }
+ }
+ singVals[k] = shift + (leftShifted + rightShifted) / 2;
+ shifts[k] = shift;
+ mus[k] = (leftShifted + rightShifted) / 2;
+ // perturb singular value slightly if it equals diagonal entry to avoid division by zero later
+ // (deflation is supposed to avoid this from happening)
+ if (singVals[k] == left) singVals[k] *= 1 + NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon();
+ if (singVals[k] == right) singVals[k] *= 1 - NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon();
+ }
+ // zhat is perturbation of col0 for which singular vectors can be computed stably (see Section 3.1)
+ Array<RealScalar, Dynamic, 1> zhat(n);
+ for (Index k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
+ if (col0(k) == 0)
+ zhat(k) = 0;
+ else {
+ // see equation (3.6)
+ using std::sqrt;
+ RealScalar tmp =
+ sqrt(
+ (singVals(n-1) + diag(k)) * (mus(n-1) + (shifts(n-1) - diag(k)))
+ * (
+ ((singVals.head(k).array() + diag(k)) * (mus.head(k) + (shifts.head(k) - diag(k))))
+ / ((diag.head(k).array() + diag(k)) * (diag.head(k).array() - diag(k)))
+ ).prod()
+ * (
+ ((singVals.segment(k, n-k-1).array() + diag(k)) * (mus.segment(k, n-k-1) + (shifts.segment(k, n-k-1) - diag(k))))
+ / ((diag.tail(n-k-1) + diag(k)) * (diag.tail(n-k-1) - diag(k)))
+ ).prod()
+ );
+ if (col0(k) > 0) zhat(k) = tmp;
+ else zhat(k) = -tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ MatrixXr Mhat = MatrixXr::Zero(n,n);
+ Mhat.diagonal() = diag;
+ Mhat.col(0) = zhat;
+ // compute singular vectors
+ for (Index k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
+ if (zhat(k) == 0) {
+ U.col(k) = VectorType::Unit(n+1, k);
+ if (compV) V.col(k) = VectorType::Unit(n, k);
+ } else {
+ U.col(k).head(n) = zhat / (((diag - shifts(k)) - mus(k)) * (diag + singVals[k]));
+ U(n,k) = 0;
+ U.col(k).normalize();
+ if (compV) {
+ V.col(k).tail(n-1) = (diag * zhat / (((diag - shifts(k)) - mus(k)) * (diag + singVals[k]))).tail(n-1);
+ V(0,k) = -1;
+ V.col(k).normalize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ U.col(n) = VectorType::Unit(n+1, n);
+ // Reverse order so that singular values in increased order
+ singVals.reverseInPlace();
+ U.leftCols(n) = U.leftCols(n).rowwise().reverse().eval();
+ if (compV) V = V.rowwise().reverse().eval();
// page 12_13
@@ -551,15 +686,16 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation44(Index firstColu , Index firstColm, Index fi
}// end deflation 44
+// acts on block from (firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift) to (lastCol+shift, lastCol+shift) [inclusive]
template <typename MatrixType>
void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index shift){
//condition 4.1
- RealScalar EPS = EPSILON * (std::max<RealScalar>(m_computed(firstCol + shift + 1, firstCol + shift + 1), m_computed(firstCol + k, firstCol + k)));
+ RealScalar EPS = NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * 10 * (std::max<RealScalar>(m_computed(firstCol + shift + 1, firstCol + shift + 1), m_computed(firstCol + k, firstCol + k)));
const Index length = lastCol + 1 - firstCol;
if (m_computed(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift) < EPS){
m_computed(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift) = EPS;
//condition 4.2
for (Index i=firstCol + shift + 1;i<=lastCol + shift;i++){
if (std::abs(m_computed(i, firstCol + shift)) < EPS){
@@ -672,7 +808,6 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
delete [] permutation;
delete [] realInd;
delete [] realCol;
}//end deflation