path: root/unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions
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authorGravatar jdh8 <jdh8@acer.fedora>2012-08-15 00:34:20 +0800
committerGravatar jdh8 <jdh8@acer.fedora>2012-08-15 00:34:20 +0800
commit4be172d84f7033b24ac9fed3ffd3e2091af25dfd (patch)
tree8be62234b0a3bfb45b2c04ec330829cfa7676227 /unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions
parentc5800a245212eca03cad9f98b9cb645e083231f2 (diff)
matrix power: MatrixBase::pow(RealScalar) and MatrixBase::pow(T) where T is integral type
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions')
1 files changed, 953 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions/MatrixPower.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions/MatrixPower.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69c4000cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/MatrixFunctions/MatrixPower.h
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2012 Chen-Pang He <jdh8@ms63.hinet.net>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279503L
+namespace Eigen {
+ * \ingroup MatrixFunctions_Module
+ *
+ * \brief Class for computing matrix powers.
+ *
+ * \tparam MatrixType type of the base, expected to be an instantiation
+ * of the Matrix class template.
+ * \tparam RealScalar type of the exponent, a real scalar.
+ * \tparam PlainObject type of the multiplier.
+ * \tparam IsInteger used internally to select correct specialization.
+ */
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject = MatrixType,
+ int IsInteger = NumTraits<RealScalar>::IsInteger>
+class MatrixPower
+ public:
+ /**
+ * \brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * \param[in] A the base of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] p the exponent of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] b the multiplier.
+ */
+ MatrixPower(const MatrixType& A, const RealScalar& p, const PlainObject& b) :
+ m_A(A),
+ m_p(p),
+ m_b(b),
+ m_dimA(A.cols()),
+ m_dimb(b.cols())
+ { /* empty body */ }
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix power.
+ *
+ * \param[out] result \f$ A^p b \f$, as specified in the constructor.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType> void compute(ResultType& result);
+ private:
+ typedef internal::traits<MatrixType> Traits;
+ static const int Rows = Traits::RowsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int Cols = Traits::ColsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int Options = Traits::Options;
+ static const int MaxRows = Traits::MaxRowsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int MaxCols = Traits::MaxColsAtCompileTime;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef std::complex<RealScalar> ComplexScalar;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
+ typedef Matrix<ComplexScalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> ComplexMatrix;
+ typedef Array<ComplexScalar, Rows, 1, ColMajor, MaxRows> ComplexArray;
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix power.
+ *
+ * If \c b is \em fatter than \c A, it computes \f$ A^{p_{\textrm int}}
+ * \f$ first, and then multiplies it with \c b. Otherwise,
+ * #computeChainProduct optimizes the expression.
+ *
+ * \sa computeChainProduct(ResultType&);
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ void computeIntPower(ResultType& result);
+ /**
+ * \brief Convert integral power of the matrix into chain product.
+ *
+ * This optimizes the matrix expression. It automatically chooses binary
+ * powering or matrix chain multiplication or solving the linear system
+ * repetitively, according to which algorithm costs less.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ void computeChainProduct(ResultType&);
+ /** \brief Compute the cost of binary powering. */
+ int computeCost(RealScalar);
+ /** \brief Solve the linear system repetitively. */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ void partialPivLuSolve(RealScalar, ResultType&);
+ /** \brief Compute Schur decomposition of #m_A. */
+ void computeSchurDecomposition();
+ /**
+ * \brief Split #m_p into integral part and fractional part.
+ *
+ * This method stores the integral part \f$ p_{\textrm int} \f$ into
+ * #m_pint and the fractional part \f$ p_{\textrm frac} \f$ into
+ * #m_pfrac, where #m_pfrac is in the interval \f$ (-1,1) \f$. To
+ * choose between the possibilities below, it considers the computation
+ * of \f$ A^{p_1} \f$ and \f$ A^{p_2} \f$ and determines which of these
+ * computations is the better conditioned.
+ */
+ void getFractionalExponent();
+ /** \brief Compute atanh (inverse hyperbolic tangent). */
+ ComplexScalar atanh(const ComplexScalar& x);
+ /** \brief Compute power of 2x2 triangular matrix. */
+ void compute2x2(const RealScalar& p);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute power of triangular matrices with size > 2.
+ * \details This uses a Schur-Pad&eacute; algorithm.
+ */
+ void computeBig();
+ /** \brief Get suitable degree for Pade approximation. (specialized for \c RealScalar = \c double) */
+ inline int getPadeDegree(double);
+/* TODO
+ * inline int getPadeDegree(float);
+ *
+ * inline int getPadeDegree(long double);
+ */
+ /** \brief Compute Pad&eacute; approximation to matrix fractional power. */
+ void computePade(int degree, const ComplexMatrix& IminusT);
+ /** \brief Get a certain coefficient of the Pad&eacute; approximation. */
+ inline RealScalar coeff(int degree);
+ /**
+ * \brief Store the fractional power into #m_tmp.
+ *
+ * This intended for complex matrices.
+ */
+ void computeTmp(ComplexScalar);
+ /**
+ * \brief Store the fractional power into #m_tmp.
+ *
+ * This is intended for real matrices. It takes the real part of
+ * \f$ U T^{p_{\textrm frac}} U^H \f$.
+ *
+ * \sa computeTmp(ComplexScalar);
+ */
+ void computeTmp(RealScalar);
+ const MatrixType& m_A; ///< \brief Reference to the matrix base.
+ const RealScalar& m_p; ///< \brief Reference to the real exponent.
+ const PlainObject& m_b; ///< \brief Reference to the multiplier.
+ const Index m_dimA; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_A, equivalent to %m_A.cols().
+ const Index m_dimb; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_b, equivalent to %m_b.cols().
+ MatrixType m_tmp; ///< \brief Used for temporary storage.
+ RealScalar m_pint; ///< \brief Integer part of #m_p.
+ RealScalar m_pfrac; ///< \brief Fractional part of #m_p.
+ ComplexMatrix m_T; ///< \brief Triangular part of Schur decomposition.
+ ComplexMatrix m_U; ///< \brief Unitary part of Schur decomposition.
+ ComplexMatrix m_fT; ///< \brief #m_T to the power of #m_pfrac.
+ ComplexArray m_logTdiag; ///< \brief Logarithm of the main diagonal of #m_T.
+ * \internal \ingroup MatrixFunctions_Module
+ * \brief Partial specialization for integral exponents.
+ */
+template <typename MatrixType, typename IntExponent, typename PlainObject>
+class MatrixPower<MatrixType, IntExponent, PlainObject, 1>
+ public:
+ /**
+ * \brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * \param[in] A the base of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] p the exponent of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] b the multiplier.
+ */
+ MatrixPower(const MatrixType& A, const IntExponent& p, const PlainObject& b) :
+ m_A(A),
+ m_p(p),
+ m_b(b),
+ m_dimA(A.cols()),
+ m_dimb(b.cols())
+ { /* empty body */ }
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix power.
+ *
+ * If \c b is \em fatter than \c A, it computes \f$ A^p \f$ first, and
+ * then multiplies it with \c b. Otherwise, #computeChainProduct
+ * optimizes the expression.
+ *
+ * \param[out] result \f$ A^p b \f$, as specified in the constructor.
+ *
+ * \sa computeChainProduct(ResultType&);
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType> void compute(ResultType& result);
+ private:
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
+ const MatrixType& m_A; ///< \brief Reference to the matrix base.
+ const IntExponent& m_p; ///< \brief Reference to the real exponent.
+ const PlainObject& m_b; ///< \brief Reference to the multiplier.
+ const Index m_dimA; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_A, equivalent to %m_A.cols().
+ const Index m_dimb; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_b, equivalent to %m_b.cols().
+ MatrixType m_tmp; ///< \brief Used for temporary storage.
+ /**
+ * \brief Convert matrix power into chain product.
+ *
+ * This optimizes the matrix expression. It automatically chooses binary
+ * powering or matrix chain multiplication or solving the linear system
+ * repetitively, according to which algorithm costs less.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType> void computeChainProduct(ResultType& result);
+ /** \brief Compute the cost of binary powering. */
+ int computeCost(const IntExponent& p);
+ /** \brief Solve the linear system repetitively. */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ void partialPivLuSolve(IntExponent p, ResultType& result);
+ * \internal \ingroup MatrixFunctions_Module
+ * \brief Partial specialization for complex matrices raised to complex exponents.
+ */
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+class MatrixPower<MatrixType, std::complex<RealScalar>, PlainObject, IsInteger>
+ private:
+ typedef internal::traits<MatrixType> Traits;
+ static const int Rows = Traits::RowsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int Cols = Traits::ColsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int Options = Traits::Options;
+ static const int MaxRows = Traits::MaxRowsAtCompileTime;
+ static const int MaxCols = Traits::MaxColsAtCompileTime;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
+ typedef Array<Scalar, Rows, 1, ColMajor, MaxRows> ArrayType;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * \brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * \param[in] A the base of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] p the exponent of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] b the multiplier.
+ */
+ MatrixPower(const MatrixType& A, const Scalar& p, const PlainObject& b) :
+ m_A(A),
+ m_p(p),
+ m_b(b),
+ m_dimA(A.cols()),
+ m_dimb(b.cols())
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix power.
+ *
+ * \param[out] result \f$ A^p b \f$, as specified in the constructor.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType> void compute(ResultType& result);
+ private:
+ /** \brief Compute Schur decomposition of #m_A. */
+ void computeSchurDecomposition();
+ /** \brief Compute atanh (inverse hyperbolic tangent). */
+ Scalar atanh(const Scalar& x);
+ /** \brief Compute power of 2x2 triangular matrix. */
+ void compute2x2(const Scalar& p);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute power of triangular matrices with size > 2.
+ * \details This uses a Schur-Pad&eacute; algorithm.
+ */
+ void computeBig();
+ /** \brief Get suitable degree for Pade approximation. (specialized for \c RealScalar = \c double) */
+ inline int getPadeDegree(double);
+/* TODO
+ * inline int getPadeDegree(float);
+ *
+ * inline int getPadeDegree(long double);
+ */
+ /** \brief Compute Pad&eacute; approximation to matrix fractional power. */
+ void computePade(int degree, const MatrixType& IminusT);
+ /** \brief Get a certain coefficient of the Pad&eacute; approximation. */
+ inline Scalar coeff(int degree);
+ const MatrixType& m_A; ///< \brief Reference to the matrix base.
+ const Scalar& m_p; ///< \brief Reference to the real exponent.
+ const PlainObject& m_b; ///< \brief Reference to the multiplier.
+ const Index m_dimA; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_A, equivalent to %m_A.cols().
+ const Index m_dimb; ///< \brief The dimension of #m_b, equivalent to %m_b.cols().
+ MatrixType m_tmp; ///< \brief Used for temporary storage.
+ MatrixType m_T; ///< \brief Triangular part of Schur decomposition.
+ MatrixType m_U; ///< \brief Unitary part of Schur decomposition.
+ MatrixType m_fT; ///< \brief #m_T to the power of #m_pfrac.
+ ArrayType m_logTdiag; ///< \brief Logarithm of the main diagonal of #m_T.
+/******* Specialized for real exponents *******/
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::compute(ResultType& result)
+ using std::floor;
+ using std::pow;
+ m_pint = floor(m_p);
+ m_pfrac = m_p - m_pint;
+ if (m_pfrac == RealScalar(0))
+ computeIntPower(result);
+ else if (m_dimA == 1)
+ result = pow(m_A(0,0), m_p) * m_b;
+ else {
+ computeSchurDecomposition();
+ getFractionalExponent();
+ computeIntPower(result);
+ if (m_dimA == 2)
+ compute2x2(m_pfrac);
+ else
+ computeBig();
+ computeTmp(Scalar());
+ result *= m_tmp;
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeIntPower(ResultType& result)
+ if (m_dimb > m_dimA) {
+ MatrixType tmp = MatrixType::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols());
+ computeChainProduct(tmp);
+ result = tmp * m_b;
+ } else {
+ result = m_b;
+ computeChainProduct(result);
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeChainProduct(ResultType& result)
+ using std::frexp;
+ using std::ldexp;
+ const bool pIsNegative = m_pint < RealScalar(0);
+ RealScalar p = pIsNegative? -m_pint: m_pint;
+ int cost = computeCost(p);
+ if (pIsNegative) {
+ if (p * m_dimb <= cost * m_dimA) {
+ partialPivLuSolve(p, result);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ m_tmp = m_A.inverse();
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_tmp = m_A;
+ }
+ while (p * m_dimb > cost * m_dimA) {
+ if (fmod(p, RealScalar(2)) >= RealScalar(1)) {
+ result = m_tmp * result;
+ cost--;
+ }
+ m_tmp *= m_tmp;
+ cost--;
+ p = ldexp(p, -1);
+ }
+ for (; p >= RealScalar(1); p--)
+ result = m_tmp * result;
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+int MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeCost(RealScalar p)
+ using std::frexp;
+ using std::ldexp;
+ int cost, tmp;
+ frexp(p, &cost);
+ while (frexp(p, &tmp), tmp > 0) {
+ p -= ldexp(RealScalar(0.5), tmp);
+ cost++;
+ }
+ return cost;
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::partialPivLuSolve(RealScalar p, ResultType& result)
+ const PartialPivLU<MatrixType> Asolver(m_A);
+ for (; p >= RealScalar(1); p--)
+ result = Asolver.solve(result);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeSchurDecomposition()
+ const ComplexSchur<MatrixType> schurOfA(m_A);
+ m_T = schurOfA.matrixT();
+ m_U = schurOfA.matrixU();
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::getFractionalExponent()
+ using std::pow;
+ typedef Array<RealScalar, Rows, 1, ColMajor, MaxRows> RealArray;
+ const ComplexArray Tdiag = m_T.diagonal();
+ RealScalar maxAbsEival, minAbsEival, *begin, *end;
+ RealArray absTdiag;
+ m_logTdiag = Tdiag.log();
+ absTdiag = Tdiag.abs();
+ maxAbsEival = minAbsEival = absTdiag[0];
+ begin = absTdiag.data();
+ end = begin + m_dimA;
+ // This avoids traversing the array twice.
+ for (RealScalar *ptr = begin + 1; ptr < end; ptr++) {
+ if (*ptr > maxAbsEival)
+ maxAbsEival = *ptr;
+ else if (*ptr < minAbsEival)
+ minAbsEival = *ptr;
+ }
+ if (m_pfrac > RealScalar(0.5) && // This is just a shortcut.
+ m_pfrac > (RealScalar(1) - m_pfrac) * pow(maxAbsEival/minAbsEival, m_pfrac)) {
+ m_pfrac--;
+ m_pint++;
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+std::complex<RealScalar> MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::atanh(const ComplexScalar& x)
+ using std::abs;
+ using std::log;
+ using std::sqrt;
+ if (abs(x) > sqrt(NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()))
+ return RealScalar(0.5) * log((RealScalar(1) + x) / (RealScalar(1) - x));
+ else
+ return x + x*x*x / RealScalar(3);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::compute2x2(const RealScalar& p)
+ using std::abs;
+ using std::ceil;
+ using std::exp;
+ using std::imag;
+ using std::ldexp;
+ using std::log;
+ using std::pow;
+ using std::sinh;
+ int i, j, unwindingNumber;
+ ComplexScalar w;
+ m_fT(0,0) = pow(m_T(0,0), p);
+ for (j = 1; j < m_dimA; j++) {
+ i = j - 1;
+ m_fT(j,j) = pow(m_T(j,j), p);
+ if (m_T(i,i) == m_T(j,j))
+ m_fT(i,j) = p * pow(m_T(i,j), p - RealScalar(1));
+ else if (abs(m_T(i,i)) < ldexp(abs(m_T(j,j)), -1) || abs(m_T(j,j)) < ldexp(abs(m_T(i,i)), -1))
+ m_fT(i,j) = m_T(i,j) * (m_fT(j,j) - m_fT(i,i)) / (m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i));
+ else {
+ // computation in previous branch is inaccurate if abs(m_T(j,j)) \approx abs(m_T(i,i))
+ unwindingNumber = static_cast<int>(ceil((imag(m_logTdiag[j] - m_logTdiag[i]) - M_PI) / (2 * M_PI)));
+ w = atanh((m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i)) / (m_T(j,j) + m_T(i,i))) + ComplexScalar(0, M_PI * unwindingNumber);
+ m_fT(i,j) = m_T(i,j) * RealScalar(2) * exp(RealScalar(0.5) * p * (m_logTdiag[j] + m_logTdiag[i])) *
+ sinh(p * w) / (m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeBig()
+ using std::ldexp;
+ const RealScalar maxNormForPade = 2.787629930862099e-1;
+ int degree, degree2, numberOfSquareRoots = 0, numberOfExtraSquareRoots = 0;
+ ComplexMatrix IminusT, sqrtT, T = m_T;
+ RealScalar normIminusT;
+ while (true) {
+ IminusT = ComplexMatrix::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols()) - T;
+ normIminusT = IminusT.cwiseAbs().colwise().sum().maxCoeff();
+ if (normIminusT < maxNormForPade) {
+ degree = getPadeDegree(normIminusT);
+ degree2 = getPadeDegree(normIminusT * RealScalar(0.5));
+ if (degree - degree2 <= 1 || numberOfExtraSquareRoots)
+ break;
+ numberOfExtraSquareRoots++;
+ }
+ MatrixSquareRootTriangular<ComplexMatrix>(T).compute(sqrtT);
+ T = sqrtT;
+ numberOfSquareRoots++;
+ }
+ computePade(degree, IminusT);
+ for (; numberOfSquareRoots; numberOfSquareRoots--) {
+ compute2x2(ldexp(m_pfrac, -numberOfSquareRoots));
+ m_fT *= m_fT;
+ }
+ compute2x2(m_pfrac);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+inline int MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::getPadeDegree(double normIminusT)
+ const double maxNormForPade[] = { 1.882832775783885e-2 /* degree = 3 */ , 6.036100693089764e-2,
+ 1.239372725584911e-1, 1.998030690604271e-1, 2.787629930862099e-1 };
+ for (int degree = 3; degree <= 7; degree++)
+ if (normIminusT <= maxNormForPade[degree - 3])
+ return degree;
+ assert(false); // this line should never be reached
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computePade(int degree, const ComplexMatrix& IminusT)
+ degree <<= 1;
+ m_fT = coeff(degree) * IminusT;
+ for (int i = degree - 1; i; i--) {
+ m_fT = (ComplexMatrix::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols()) + m_fT).template triangularView<Upper>()
+ .solve(coeff(i) * IminusT).eval();
+ }
+ m_fT += ComplexMatrix::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols());
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+inline RealScalar MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::coeff(int i)
+ if (i == 1)
+ return -m_pfrac;
+ else if (i & 1)
+ return (-m_pfrac - RealScalar(i)) / RealScalar((i<<2) + 2);
+ else
+ return (m_pfrac - RealScalar(i)) / RealScalar((i<<2) - 2);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeTmp(RealScalar)
+{ m_tmp = (m_U * m_fT * m_U.adjoint()).real(); }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,RealScalar,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeTmp(ComplexScalar)
+{ m_tmp = (m_U * m_fT * m_U.adjoint()).eval(); }
+/******* Specialized for integral exponents *******/
+template <typename MatrixType, typename IntExponent, typename PlainObject>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,IntExponent,PlainObject,1>::compute(ResultType& result)
+ if (m_dimb > m_dimA) {
+ MatrixType tmp = MatrixType::Identity(m_dimA, m_dimA);
+ computeChainProduct(tmp);
+ result = tmp * m_b;
+ } else {
+ result = m_b;
+ computeChainProduct(result);
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename IntExponent, typename PlainObject>
+int MatrixPower<MatrixType,IntExponent,PlainObject,1>::computeCost(const IntExponent& p)
+ int cost = 0;
+ IntExponent tmp = p;
+ for (tmp = p >> 1; tmp; tmp >>= 1)
+ cost++;
+ for (tmp = IntExponent(1); tmp <= p; tmp <<= 1)
+ if (tmp & p) cost++;
+ return cost;
+template <typename MatrixType, typename IntExponent, typename PlainObject>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,IntExponent,PlainObject,1>::partialPivLuSolve(IntExponent p, ResultType& result)
+ const PartialPivLU<MatrixType> Asolver(m_A);
+ for(; p; p--)
+ result = Asolver.solve(result);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename IntExponent, typename PlainObject>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,IntExponent,PlainObject,1>::computeChainProduct(ResultType& result)
+ const bool pIsNegative = m_p < IntExponent(0);
+ IntExponent p = pIsNegative? -m_p: m_p;
+ int cost = computeCost(p);
+ if (pIsNegative) {
+ if (p * m_dimb <= cost * m_dimA) {
+ partialPivLuSolve(p, result);
+ return;
+ } else { m_tmp = m_A.inverse(); }
+ } else { m_tmp = m_A; }
+ while (p * m_dimb > cost * m_dimA) {
+ if (p & 1) {
+ result = m_tmp * result;
+ cost--;
+ }
+ m_tmp *= m_tmp;
+ cost--;
+ p >>= 1;
+ }
+ for (; p; p--)
+ result = m_tmp * result;
+/******* Specialized for complex exponents *******/
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+template <typename ResultType>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::compute(ResultType& result)
+ using std::floor;
+ using std::pow;
+ if (m_dimA == 1)
+ result = pow(m_A(0,0), m_p) * m_b;
+ else {
+ computeSchurDecomposition();
+ if (m_dimA == 2)
+ compute2x2(m_p);
+ else
+ computeBig();
+ result = m_U * m_fT * m_U.adjoint();
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeSchurDecomposition()
+ const ComplexSchur<MatrixType> schurOfA(m_A);
+ m_T = schurOfA.matrixT();
+ m_U = schurOfA.matrixU();
+ m_logTdiag = m_T.diagonal().array().log();
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+typename MatrixType::Scalar MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::atanh(const Scalar& x)
+ using std::abs;
+ using std::log;
+ using std::sqrt;
+ if (abs(x) > sqrt(NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()))
+ return RealScalar(0.5) * log((RealScalar(1) + x) / (RealScalar(1) - x));
+ else
+ return x + x*x*x / RealScalar(3);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::compute2x2(const Scalar& p)
+ using std::abs;
+ using std::ceil;
+ using std::exp;
+ using std::imag;
+ using std::ldexp;
+ using std::log;
+ using std::pow;
+ using std::sinh;
+ int i, j, unwindingNumber;
+ Scalar w;
+ m_fT(0,0) = pow(m_T(0,0), p);
+ for (j = 1; j < m_dimA; j++) {
+ i = j - 1;
+ m_fT(j,j) = pow(m_T(j,j), p);
+ if (m_T(i,i) == m_T(j,j))
+ m_fT(i,j) = p * pow(m_T(i,j), p - RealScalar(1));
+ else if (abs(m_T(i,i)) < ldexp(abs(m_T(j,j)), -1) || abs(m_T(j,j)) < ldexp(abs(m_T(i,i)), -1))
+ m_fT(i,j) = m_T(i,j) * (m_fT(j,j) - m_fT(i,i)) / (m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i));
+ else {
+ // computation in previous branch is inaccurate if abs(m_T(j,j)) \approx abs(m_T(i,i))
+ unwindingNumber = static_cast<int>(ceil((imag(m_logTdiag[j] - m_logTdiag[i]) - M_PI) / (2 * M_PI)));
+ w = atanh((m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i)) / (m_T(j,j) + m_T(i,i))) + Scalar(0, M_PI * unwindingNumber);
+ m_fT(i,j) = m_T(i,j) * RealScalar(2) * exp(RealScalar(0.5) * p * (m_logTdiag[j] + m_logTdiag[i])) *
+ sinh(p * w) / (m_T(j,j) - m_T(i,i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computeBig()
+ using std::abs;
+ using std::ceil;
+ using std::frexp;
+ using std::ldexp;
+ const RealScalar maxNormForPade = 2.787629930862099e-1;
+ int degree, degree2, numberOfSquareRoots, numberOfExtraSquareRoots = 0;
+ MatrixType IminusT, sqrtT, T = m_T;
+ RealScalar normIminusT;
+ Scalar p;
+ frexp(abs(m_p), &numberOfSquareRoots);
+ if (numberOfSquareRoots > 0)
+ p = m_p * ldexp(RealScalar(1), -numberOfSquareRoots);
+ else {
+ p = m_p;
+ numberOfSquareRoots = 0;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ IminusT = MatrixType::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols()) - T;
+ normIminusT = IminusT.cwiseAbs().colwise().sum().maxCoeff();
+ if (normIminusT < maxNormForPade) {
+ degree = getPadeDegree(normIminusT);
+ degree2 = getPadeDegree(normIminusT * RealScalar(0.5));
+ if (degree - degree2 <= 1 || numberOfExtraSquareRoots)
+ break;
+ numberOfExtraSquareRoots++;
+ }
+ MatrixSquareRootTriangular<MatrixType>(T).compute(sqrtT);
+ T = sqrtT;
+ numberOfSquareRoots++;
+ }
+ computePade(degree, IminusT);
+ for (; numberOfSquareRoots; numberOfSquareRoots--) {
+ compute2x2(p * ldexp(RealScalar(1), -numberOfSquareRoots));
+ m_fT *= m_fT;
+ }
+ compute2x2(p);
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+inline int MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::getPadeDegree(double normIminusT)
+ const double maxNormForPade[] = { 1.882832775783885e-2 /* degree = 3 */ , 6.036100693089764e-2,
+ 1.239372725584911e-1, 1.998030690604271e-1, 2.787629930862099e-1 };
+ for (int degree = 3; degree <= 7; degree++)
+ if (normIminusT <= maxNormForPade[degree - 3])
+ return degree;
+ assert(false); // this line should never be reached
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+void MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::computePade(int degree, const MatrixType& IminusT)
+ degree <<= 1;
+ m_fT = coeff(degree) * IminusT;
+ for (int i = degree - 1; i; i--) {
+ m_fT = (MatrixType::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols()) + m_fT).template triangularView<Upper>()
+ .solve(coeff(i) * IminusT).eval();
+ }
+ m_fT += MatrixType::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols());
+template <typename MatrixType, typename RealScalar, typename PlainObject, int IsInteger>
+inline typename MatrixType::Scalar MatrixPower<MatrixType,std::complex<RealScalar>,PlainObject,IsInteger>::coeff(int i)
+ if (i == 1)
+ return -m_p;
+ else if (i & 1)
+ return (-m_p - RealScalar(i)) / RealScalar((i<<2) + 2);
+ else
+ return (m_p - RealScalar(i)) / RealScalar((i<<2) - 2);
+ * \ingroup MatrixFunctions_Module
+ *
+ * \brief Proxy for the matrix power multiplied by another matrix
+ * (expression).
+ *
+ * \tparam MatrixType type of the base, a matrix (expression).
+ * \tparam ExponentType type of the exponent, a scalar.
+ * \tparam Derived type of the multiplier, a matrix (expression).
+ *
+ * This class holds the arguments to the matrix expression until it is
+ * assigned or evaluated for some other reason (so the argument
+ * should not be changed in the meantime). It is the return type of
+ * MatrixPowerReturnValue::operator*() and most of the time this is the
+ * only way it is used.
+ */
+template<typename MatrixType, typename ExponentType, typename Derived> class MatrixPowerMultiplied
+: public ReturnByValue<MatrixPowerMultiplied<MatrixType, ExponentType, Derived> >
+ public:
+ typedef typename Derived::Index Index;
+ /**
+ * \brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * \param[in] A %Matrix (expression), the base of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] p scalar, the exponent of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] b %Matrix (expression), the multiplier.
+ */
+ MatrixPowerMultiplied(const MatrixType& A, const ExponentType& p, const Derived& b)
+ : m_A(A), m_p(p), m_b(b) { }
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix exponential.
+ *
+ * \param[out] result \f$ A^p b \f$ where \c A ,\c p and \c b are as in
+ * the constructor.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ inline void evalTo(ResultType& result) const
+ {
+ typedef typename Derived::PlainObject PlainObject;
+ const typename MatrixType::PlainObject Aevaluated = m_A.eval();
+ const PlainObject bevaluated = m_b.eval();
+ MatrixPower<MatrixType, ExponentType, PlainObject> mp(Aevaluated, m_p, bevaluated);
+ mp.compute(result);
+ }
+ Index rows() const { return m_b.rows(); }
+ Index cols() const { return m_b.cols(); }
+ private:
+ const MatrixType& m_A;
+ const ExponentType& m_p;
+ const Derived& m_b;
+ MatrixPowerMultiplied& operator=(const MatrixPowerMultiplied&);
+ * \ingroup MatrixFunctions_Module
+ *
+ * \brief Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression).
+ *
+ * \tparam Derived type of the base, a matrix (expression).
+ * \tparam ExponentType type of the exponent, a scalar.
+ *
+ * This class holds the arguments to the matrix power until it is
+ * assigned or evaluated for some other reason (so the argument
+ * should not be changed in the meantime). It is the return type of
+ * MatrixBase::pow() and related functions and most of the
+ * time this is the only way it is used.
+ */
+template<typename Derived, typename ExponentType> class MatrixPowerReturnValue
+: public ReturnByValue<MatrixPowerReturnValue<Derived, ExponentType> >
+ public:
+ typedef typename Derived::Index Index;
+ /**
+ * \brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * \param[in] A %Matrix (expression), the base of the matrix power.
+ * \param[in] p scalar, the exponent of the matrix power.
+ */
+ MatrixPowerReturnValue(const Derived& A, const ExponentType& p)
+ : m_A(A), m_p(p) { }
+ /**
+ * \brief Return the matrix power multiplied by %Matrix \c b.
+ *
+ * The %MatrixPower class can optimize \f$ A^p b \f$ computing, and this
+ * method provides an elegant way to call it:
+ *
+ * \param[in] b %Matrix (exporession), the multiplier.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherDerived>
+ const MatrixPowerMultiplied<Derived, ExponentType, OtherDerived> operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& b) const
+ { return MatrixPowerMultiplied<Derived, ExponentType, OtherDerived>(m_A, m_p, b.derived()); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute the matrix power.
+ *
+ * \param[out] result \f$ A^p \f$ where \c A and \c p are as in the
+ * constructor.
+ */
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ inline void evalTo(ResultType& result) const
+ {
+ typedef typename Derived::PlainObject PlainObject;
+ const PlainObject Aevaluated = m_A.eval();
+ const PlainObject Identity = PlainObject::Identity(m_A.rows(), m_A.cols());
+ MatrixPower<PlainObject, ExponentType> mp(Aevaluated, m_p, Identity);
+ mp.compute(result);
+ }
+ Index rows() const { return m_A.rows(); }
+ Index cols() const { return m_A.cols(); }
+ private:
+ const Derived& m_A;
+ const ExponentType& m_p;
+ MatrixPowerReturnValue& operator=(const MatrixPowerReturnValue&);
+namespace internal {
+ template<typename MatrixType, typename ExponentType, typename Derived>
+ struct traits<MatrixPowerMultiplied<MatrixType, ExponentType, Derived> >
+ {
+ typedef typename Derived::PlainObject ReturnType;
+ };
+ template<typename Derived, typename ExponentType>
+ struct traits<MatrixPowerReturnValue<Derived, ExponentType> >
+ {
+ typedef typename Derived::PlainObject ReturnType;
+ };
+template <typename Derived>
+template <typename ExponentType>
+const MatrixPowerReturnValue<Derived, ExponentType> MatrixBase<Derived>::pow(const ExponentType& p) const
+ eigen_assert(rows() == cols());
+ return MatrixPowerReturnValue<Derived, ExponentType>(derived(), p);
+} // end namespace Eigen