path: root/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h
diff options
authorGravatar Eugene Zhulenev <ezhulenev@google.com>2019-11-12 10:12:28 -0800
committerGravatar Eugene Zhulenev <ezhulenev@google.com>2019-11-12 10:12:28 -0800
commit13c3327f5cf829fd9d04a2ab46861e722cd74ca0 (patch)
tree20bd1a5f361023db822298696efbcff7378ab4a7 /unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h
parent71aa53dd6dfdc497324d9e87f59c4ba820191856 (diff)
Remove legacy block evaluation support
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h
index 38bf80c5d..49bc60f0a 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorImagePatch.h
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>, Device>
enum {
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
- BlockAccess = true,
BlockAccessV2 = false,
PreferBlockAccess = true,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
@@ -541,139 +540,6 @@ struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>, Device>
internal::kSkewedInnerDims, block_total_size_max));
- OutputTensorBlock* output_block) const {
- typedef internal::ImagePatchCopyOp<Self, PacketAccess> ImagePatchCopyOp;
- typedef internal::ImagePatchPaddingOp<Self> ImagePatchPaddingOp;
- // Calculate loop limits and various input/output dim sizes.
- const DSizes<Index, NumDims>& block_sizes = output_block->block_sizes();
- const bool col_major =
- static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor);
- const Index depth_dim_size = block_sizes[col_major ? 0 : NumDims - 1];
- const Index output_depth_dim_size =
- m_dimensions[col_major ? 0 : NumDims - 1];
- const Index row_dim_size = block_sizes[col_major ? 1 : NumDims - 2];
- const Index output_row_dim_size = m_dimensions[col_major ? 1 : NumDims - 2];
- const Index col_dim_size = block_sizes[col_major ? 2 : NumDims - 3];
- const Index block_col_stride = row_dim_size * depth_dim_size;
- const Index patch_index_dim_size = block_sizes[col_major ? 3 : NumDims - 4];
- const Index outer_dim_size =
- block_sizes.TotalSize() /
- (depth_dim_size * row_dim_size * col_dim_size * patch_index_dim_size);
- const Index patch_size = row_dim_size * col_dim_size * depth_dim_size;
- const Index batch_size = patch_size * patch_index_dim_size;
- Index output_index = output_block->first_coeff_index();
- // Loop through outer dimensions.
- for (Index outer_dim_index = 0; outer_dim_index < outer_dim_size;
- ++outer_dim_index) {
- const Index outer_output_base_index = outer_dim_index * batch_size;
- // Find the offset of the element wrt the location of the first element.
- const Index patchIndexStart = output_index / m_fastPatchStride;
- const Index patchOffset =
- (output_index - patchIndexStart * m_patchStride) / m_fastOutputDepth;
- const Index colOffsetStart = patchOffset / m_fastColStride;
- // Other ways to index this element.
- const Index otherIndex =
- (NumDims == 4) ? 0 : output_index / m_fastOtherStride;
- const Index patch2DIndexStart =
- (NumDims == 4)
- ? 0
- : (output_index - otherIndex * m_otherStride) / m_fastPatchStride;
- // Calculate starting depth index.
- const Index depth = output_index - (output_index / m_fastOutputDepth) *
- output_depth_dim_size;
- const Index patch_input_base_index =
- depth + otherIndex * m_patchInputStride;
- // Loop through patches.
- for (Index patch_index_dim_index = 0;
- patch_index_dim_index < patch_index_dim_size;
- ++patch_index_dim_index) {
- const Index patch_output_base_index =
- outer_output_base_index + patch_index_dim_index * patch_size;
- // Patch index corresponding to the passed in index.
- const Index patchIndex = patchIndexStart + patch_index_dim_index;
- const Index patch2DIndex =
- (NumDims == 4) ? patchIndex
- : patch2DIndexStart + patch_index_dim_index;
- const Index colIndex = patch2DIndex / m_fastOutputRows;
- const Index input_col_base = colIndex * m_col_strides;
- const Index row_offset_base =
- (patch2DIndex - colIndex * m_outputRows) * m_row_strides -
- m_rowPaddingTop;
- // Loop through columns.
- for (Index col_dim_index = 0; col_dim_index < col_dim_size;
- ++col_dim_index) {
- const Index col_output_base_index =
- patch_output_base_index + col_dim_index * block_col_stride;
- // Calculate col index in the input original tensor.
- Index colOffset = colOffsetStart + col_dim_index;
- Index inputCol =
- input_col_base + colOffset * m_in_col_strides - m_colPaddingLeft;
- Index origInputCol =
- (m_col_inflate_strides == 1)
- ? inputCol
- : ((inputCol >= 0) ? (inputCol / m_fastInflateColStride) : 0);
- bool pad_column = false;
- if (inputCol < 0 || inputCol >= m_input_cols_eff ||
- ((m_col_inflate_strides != 1) &&
- (inputCol != origInputCol * m_col_inflate_strides))) {
- pad_column = true;
- }
- const Index col_input_base_index =
- patch_input_base_index + origInputCol * m_colInputStride;
- const Index input_row_base =
- row_offset_base +
- ((patchOffset + col_dim_index * output_row_dim_size) -
- colOffset * m_colStride) *
- m_in_row_strides;
- // Loop through rows.
- for (Index row_dim_index = 0; row_dim_index < row_dim_size;
- ++row_dim_index) {
- const Index output_base_index =
- col_output_base_index + row_dim_index * depth_dim_size;
- bool pad_row = false;
- Index inputIndex;
- if (!pad_column) {
- Index inputRow =
- input_row_base + row_dim_index * m_in_row_strides;
- Index origInputRow =
- (m_row_inflate_strides == 1)
- ? inputRow
- : ((inputRow >= 0) ? (inputRow / m_fastInflateRowStride)
- : 0);
- if (inputRow < 0 || inputRow >= m_input_rows_eff ||
- ((m_row_inflate_strides != 1) &&
- (inputRow != origInputRow * m_row_inflate_strides))) {
- pad_row = true;
- } else {
- inputIndex =
- col_input_base_index + origInputRow * m_rowInputStride;
- }
- }
- // Copy (or pad) along depth dimension.
- if (pad_column || pad_row) {
- ImagePatchPaddingOp::Run(depth_dim_size, Scalar(m_paddingValue),
- output_base_index, output_block->data());
- } else {
- ImagePatchCopyOp::Run(*this, depth_dim_size, output_base_index,
- output_block->data(), inputIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- output_index += m_otherStride;
- }
- }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketReturnType packetWithPossibleZero(Index index) const