path: root/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h
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authorGravatar Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>2016-10-05 18:48:55 -0700
committerGravatar Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>2016-10-05 18:48:55 -0700
commit78b569f68540c5609388864bd805dcf21dd6a187 (patch)
tree0a5757bb11834d0109f99310f4493dfd63579901 /unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h
parent9c2b6c049be19fd4c571b0df537169d277b26291 (diff)
parent4387433acf9cd2eab3713349163cd1e8905b5854 (diff)
Merged latest updates from trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h
index c02891465..069680a11 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorDeviceThreadPool.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace Eigen {
// Use the SimpleThreadPool by default. We'll switch to the new non blocking
// thread pool later.
template <typename Env> using ThreadPoolTempl = NonBlockingThreadPoolTempl<Env>;
typedef NonBlockingThreadPool ThreadPool;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void wait_until_ready(SyncType* n) {
// Build a thread pool device on top the an existing pool of threads.
struct ThreadPoolDevice {
// The ownership of the thread pool remains with the caller.
- ThreadPoolDevice(ThreadPoolInterface* pool, size_t num_cores) : pool_(pool), num_threads_(num_cores) { }
+ ThreadPoolDevice(ThreadPoolInterface* pool, int num_cores) : pool_(pool), num_threads_(num_cores) { }
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void* allocate(size_t num_bytes) const {
return internal::aligned_malloc(num_bytes);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct ThreadPoolDevice {
::memset(buffer, c, n);
- EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE size_t numThreads() const {
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE int numThreads() const {
return num_threads_;
@@ -151,9 +151,7 @@ struct ThreadPoolDevice {
template <class Function, class... Args>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Notification* enqueue(Function&& f, Args&&... args) const {
Notification* n = new Notification();
- std::function<void()> func =
- std::bind(&FunctionWrapperWithNotification<Function, Args...>::run, n, f, args...);
- pool_->Schedule(func);
+ pool_->Schedule(std::bind(&FunctionWrapperWithNotification<Function, Args...>::run, n, f, args...));
return n;
@@ -161,20 +159,118 @@ struct ThreadPoolDevice {
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void enqueue_with_barrier(Barrier* b,
Function&& f,
Args&&... args) const {
- std::function<void()> func = std::bind(
- &FunctionWrapperWithBarrier<Function, Args...>::run, b, f, args...);
- pool_->Schedule(func);
+ pool_->Schedule(std::bind(
+ &FunctionWrapperWithBarrier<Function, Args...>::run, b, f, args...));
template <class Function, class... Args>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void enqueueNoNotification(Function&& f, Args&&... args) const {
- std::function<void()> func = std::bind(f, args...);
- pool_->Schedule(func);
+ pool_->Schedule(std::bind(f, args...));
+ }
+ // Returns a logical thread index between 0 and pool_->NumThreads() - 1 if
+ // called from one of the threads in pool_. Returns -1 otherwise.
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE int currentThreadId() const {
+ return pool_->CurrentThreadId();
+ }
+ // parallelFor executes f with [0, n) arguments in parallel and waits for
+ // completion. F accepts a half-open interval [first, last).
+ // Block size is choosen based on the iteration cost and resulting parallel
+ // efficiency. If block_align is not nullptr, it is called to round up the
+ // block size.
+ void parallelFor(Index n, const TensorOpCost& cost,
+ std::function<Index(Index)> block_align,
+ std::function<void(Index, Index)> f) const {
+ typedef TensorCostModel<ThreadPoolDevice> CostModel;
+ if (n <= 1 || numThreads() == 1 ||
+ CostModel::numThreads(n, cost, static_cast<int>(numThreads())) == 1) {
+ f(0, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Calculate block size based on (1) the iteration cost and (2) parallel
+ // efficiency. We want blocks to be not too small to mitigate
+ // parallelization overheads; not too large to mitigate tail
+ // effect and potential load imbalance and we also want number
+ // of blocks to be evenly dividable across threads.
+ double block_size_f = 1.0 / CostModel::taskSize(1, cost);
+ Index block_size = numext::mini(n, numext::maxi<Index>(1, block_size_f));
+ const Index max_block_size =
+ numext::mini(n, numext::maxi<Index>(1, 2 * block_size_f));
+ if (block_align) {
+ Index new_block_size = block_align(block_size);
+ eigen_assert(new_block_size >= block_size);
+ block_size = numext::mini(n, new_block_size);
+ }
+ Index block_count = divup(n, block_size);
+ // Calculate parallel efficiency as fraction of total CPU time used for
+ // computations:
+ double max_efficiency =
+ static_cast<double>(block_count) /
+ (divup<int>(block_count, numThreads()) * numThreads());
+ // Now try to increase block size up to max_block_size as long as it
+ // doesn't decrease parallel efficiency.
+ for (Index prev_block_count = block_count; prev_block_count > 1;) {
+ // This is the next block size that divides size into a smaller number
+ // of blocks than the current block_size.
+ Index coarser_block_size = divup(n, prev_block_count - 1);
+ if (block_align) {
+ Index new_block_size = block_align(coarser_block_size);
+ eigen_assert(new_block_size >= coarser_block_size);
+ coarser_block_size = numext::mini(n, new_block_size);
+ }
+ if (coarser_block_size > max_block_size) {
+ break; // Reached max block size. Stop.
+ }
+ // Recalculate parallel efficiency.
+ const Index coarser_block_count = divup(n, coarser_block_size);
+ eigen_assert(coarser_block_count < prev_block_count);
+ prev_block_count = coarser_block_count;
+ const double coarser_efficiency =
+ static_cast<double>(coarser_block_count) /
+ (divup<int>(coarser_block_count, numThreads()) * numThreads());
+ if (coarser_efficiency + 0.01 >= max_efficiency) {
+ // Taking it.
+ block_size = coarser_block_size;
+ block_count = coarser_block_count;
+ if (max_efficiency < coarser_efficiency) {
+ max_efficiency = coarser_efficiency;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Recursively divide size into halves until we reach block_size.
+ // Division code rounds mid to block_size, so we are guaranteed to get
+ // block_count leaves that do actual computations.
+ Barrier barrier(static_cast<unsigned int>(block_count));
+ std::function<void(Index, Index)> handleRange;
+ handleRange = [=, &handleRange, &barrier, &f](Index first, Index last) {
+ if (last - first <= block_size) {
+ // Single block or less, execute directly.
+ f(first, last);
+ barrier.Notify();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Split into halves and submit to the pool.
+ Index mid = first + divup((last - first) / 2, block_size) * block_size;
+ pool_->Schedule([=, &handleRange]() { handleRange(mid, last); });
+ pool_->Schedule([=, &handleRange]() { handleRange(first, mid); });
+ };
+ handleRange(0, n);
+ barrier.Wait();
+ }
+ // Convenience wrapper for parallelFor that does not align blocks.
+ void parallelFor(Index n, const TensorOpCost& cost,
+ std::function<void(Index, Index)> f) const {
+ parallelFor(n, cost, nullptr, std::move(f));
ThreadPoolInterface* pool_;
- size_t num_threads_;
+ int num_threads_;