path: root/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
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authorGravatar Eugene Zhulenev <ezhulenev@google.com>2018-09-27 11:49:19 -0700
committerGravatar Eugene Zhulenev <ezhulenev@google.com>2018-09-27 11:49:19 -0700
commit9f4988959f1b0394ee027f474f49916543ad2f3c (patch)
tree3f8921c64e345014475df7bfa828f636c16bdda7 /unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
parentb314376f9c6d69208b437ae59b412aa57aefd2ec (diff)
Remove explicit mkldnn support and redundant TensorContractionKernelBlocking
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
index 3b22e43e7..d220f82be 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
@@ -136,6 +136,81 @@ struct traits<TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices_, LeftArgType_,
static const int NumDimensions = traits<LeftArgType_>::NumDimensions + traits<RightArgType_>::NumDimensions - 2 * array_size<Indices_>::value;
+// WARNING: In this code we assume that Lhs and Rhs tensor expressions are in
+// ColMajor storage order. This property is guaranteed by the
+// TensorContractionOp evaluator. TensorContractionKernel specifies how we pack
+// blocks of Lhs and Rhs tensor expressions, and how we invoke matrix
+// multiplication for these blocks. Default tensor contraction uses
+// gemm_pack_rhs, gemm_pack_lhs and gebp_kernel from Eigen Core (see
+// GeneralBlocPanelKernel.h for details).
+// By specializing contraction kernels we can use other low level libraries to
+// perform matrix multiplication, and still rely on Eigen contraction evaluator.
+// This also includes full support in TensorContractionThreadPool, assuming that
+// underlying gemm do not use it's own threading.
+// - ResScalar/LhsScalar/RhsScalar - scalar type for the result of
+// multiplication, lhs tensor and rhs tensor respectively.
+// - StorageIndex - index type for the tensor expressions. In practice almost
+// always is Eigen::Index.
+// - OutputMapper provides access to the memory of the output matrix. In
+// practice it's always column major blas_data_mapper (it must be of ResScalar
+// type).
+// - LhsMapper/RhsMapper similarly to blas_data_mapper provide a two dimensional
+// view into the Lhs/Rhs tensor expressions. In practice it's
+// TensorContractionInputMapper, or some specialization of it based on the
+// type of tensor expression (e.g. TensorImagePatchOp has optimized input
+// mapper).
+template<typename ResScalar, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
+ typename StorageIndex, typename OutputMapper, typename LhsMapper,
+ typename RhsMapper>
+struct TensorContractionKernel {
+ typedef typename internal::gebp_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar> Traits;
+ typedef internal::gemm_pack_lhs<LhsScalar, StorageIndex,
+ typename LhsMapper::SubMapper,
+ Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress,
+ typename Traits::LhsPacket4Packing, ColMajor>
+ LhsPacker;
+ typedef internal::gemm_pack_rhs<RhsScalar, StorageIndex,
+ typename RhsMapper::SubMapper, Traits::nr,
+ ColMajor>
+ RhsPacker;
+ typedef internal::gebp_kernel<LhsScalar, RhsScalar, StorageIndex,
+ OutputMapper, Traits::mr, Traits::nr,
+ /*ConjugateLhs*/ false, /*ConjugateRhs*/ false>
+ GebpKernel;
+ static void packLhs(LhsScalar* lhsBlock,
+ const typename LhsMapper::SubMapper& data_mapper,
+ const StorageIndex depth, const StorageIndex rows) {
+ LhsPacker()(lhsBlock, data_mapper, depth, rows, /*stride*/ 0, /*offset*/ 0);
+ }
+ static void packRhs(RhsScalar* rhsBlock,
+ const typename RhsMapper::SubMapper& data_mapper,
+ const StorageIndex depth, const StorageIndex cols) {
+ RhsPacker()(rhsBlock, data_mapper, depth, cols);
+ }
+ static void invoke(const OutputMapper& output_mapper,
+ const LhsScalar* lhsBlock, const RhsScalar* rhsBlock,
+ const StorageIndex rows, const StorageIndex depth,
+ const StorageIndex cols, const ResScalar alpha) {
+ GebpKernel()(output_mapper, lhsBlock, rhsBlock, rows, depth, cols, alpha,
+ /*strideA*/ -1, /*strideB*/ -1,
+ /*offsetA*/ 0, /*offsetB*/ 0);
+ }
} // end namespace internal
// Tensor contraction params that should enable to get from output matrix
@@ -591,13 +666,9 @@ struct TensorContractionEvaluatorBase
// zero out the result buffer (which must be of size at least m * n * sizeof(Scalar)
this->m_device.memset(buffer, 0, m * n * sizeof(Scalar));
- // define mr, nr, and all of my data mapper types
+ // define data mappers for Lhs and Rhs
typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename EvalLeftArgType::Scalar>::type LhsScalar;
typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename EvalRightArgType::Scalar>::type RhsScalar;
- typedef typename internal::gebp_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar> Traits;
- const Index nr = Traits::nr;
- const Index mr = Traits::mr;
typedef TensorEvaluator<EvalLeftArgType, Device> LeftEvaluator;
typedef TensorEvaluator<EvalRightArgType, Device> RightEvaluator;
@@ -619,11 +690,9 @@ struct TensorContractionEvaluatorBase
typedef internal::blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, ColMajor> OutputMapper;
- // Declare GEBP packing and kernel structs
- internal::gemm_pack_lhs<LhsScalar, Index, typename LhsMapper::SubMapper, mr, Traits::LhsProgress, typename Traits::LhsPacket4Packing, ColMajor> pack_lhs;
- internal::gemm_pack_rhs<RhsScalar, Index, typename RhsMapper::SubMapper, nr, ColMajor> pack_rhs;
- internal::gebp_kernel<LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OutputMapper, mr, nr, false, false> gebp;
+ typedef internal::TensorContractionKernel<
+ Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OutputMapper, LhsMapper, RhsMapper>
+ TensorContractionKernel;
// initialize data mappers
LhsMapper lhs(this->m_leftImpl, this->m_left_nocontract_strides, this->m_i_strides,
@@ -635,7 +704,7 @@ struct TensorContractionEvaluatorBase
OutputMapper output(buffer, m);
// Sizes of the blocks to load in cache. See the Goto paper for details.
- internal::TensorContractionBlocking<LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, internal::ShardByCol> blocking(k, m, n, 1);
+ internal::TensorContractionBlocking<Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, internal::ShardByCol> blocking(k, m, n, 1);
const Index kc = blocking.kc();
const Index mc = numext::mini(m, blocking.mc());
const Index nc = numext::mini(n, blocking.nc());
@@ -651,19 +720,22 @@ struct TensorContractionEvaluatorBase
for (Index k2 = 0; k2 < k; k2 += kc) {
// make sure we don't overshoot right edge of left matrix, then pack vertical panel
const Index actual_kc = numext::mini(k2 + kc, k) - k2;
- pack_lhs(blockA, lhs.getSubMapper(i2, k2), actual_kc, actual_mc, 0, 0);
+ TensorContractionKernel::packLhs(blockA, lhs.getSubMapper(i2, k2),
+ actual_kc, actual_mc);
// series of horizontal blocks
for (Index j2 = 0; j2 < n; j2 += nc) {
// make sure we don't overshoot right edge of right matrix, then pack block
const Index actual_nc = numext::mini(j2 + nc, n) - j2;
- pack_rhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k2, j2), actual_kc, actual_nc, 0, 0);
+ TensorContractionKernel::packRhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k2, j2),
+ actual_kc, actual_nc);
// call gebp (matrix kernel)
// The parameters here are copied from Eigen's GEMM implementation
const OutputMapper output_mapper = output.getSubMapper(i2, j2);
- gebp(output_mapper, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, actual_nc,
- Scalar(1), -1, -1, 0, 0);
+ TensorContractionKernel::invoke(output_mapper, blockA, blockB,
+ actual_mc, actual_kc, actual_nc,
+ Scalar(1));
// We are done with this [i2, j2] output block.
if (k2 + kc >= k) {