path: root/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
diff options
authorGravatar Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>2014-10-03 10:16:59 -0700
committerGravatar Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>2014-10-03 10:16:59 -0700
commit12693928228922ecf8fa3fcf14341d195e376a11 (patch)
treeea8a577b9164d70c58be5bd75224033497a18ecd /unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
parentb7271dffb5b1ceeee4c8bd99402ff89dcce58d74 (diff)
Created the IndexPair type to store pair of tensor indices. CUDA doesn't support std::pair so we can't use them when targeting GPUs.
Improved the performance on tensor contractions
Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h')
1 files changed, 646 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
index 46624724c..1e6f276e0 100644
--- a/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorContraction.h
@@ -20,6 +20,319 @@ namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
+enum {
+ Rhs = 0,
+ Lhs = 1,
+ * Implementation of the Eigen blas_data_mapper class for tensors.
+ */
+template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int side,
+ typename Tensor,
+ typename nocontract_t, typename contract_t,
+ size_t packet_size, bool inner_dim_contiguous>
+class BaseTensorContractionMapper {
+ public:
+ BaseTensorContractionMapper(const Tensor& tensor,
+ const nocontract_t& nocontract_strides,
+ const nocontract_t& ij_strides,
+ const contract_t& contract_strides,
+ const contract_t& k_strides) :
+ m_tensor(tensor),
+ m_nocontract_strides(nocontract_strides),
+ m_ij_strides(ij_strides),
+ m_contract_strides(contract_strides),
+ m_k_strides(k_strides) { }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void prefetch(int i) { }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar operator()(Index row) const {
+ // column major assumption
+ return operator()(row, 0);
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar operator()(Index row, Index col) const {
+ return m_tensor.coeff(computeIndex(row, col));
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index computeIndex(Index row, Index col) const {
+ const bool left = (side == Lhs);
+ Index nocontract_val = left ? row : col;
+ Index linidx = 0;
+ for (int i = array_size<nocontract_t>::value - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const Index idx = nocontract_val / m_ij_strides[i];
+ linidx += idx * m_nocontract_strides[i];
+ nocontract_val -= idx * m_ij_strides[i];
+ }
+ if (array_size<typename Tensor::Dimensions>::value > array_size<contract_t>::value) {
+ if (side == Lhs && inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ eigen_assert(m_nocontract_strides[0] == 1);
+ linidx += nocontract_val;
+ } else {
+ linidx += nocontract_val * m_nocontract_strides[0];
+ }
+ }
+ Index contract_val = left ? col : row;
+ for (int i = array_size<contract_t>::value - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const Index idx = contract_val / m_k_strides[i];
+ linidx += idx * m_contract_strides[i];
+ contract_val -= idx * m_k_strides[i];
+ }
+ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(array_size<contract_t>::value > 0, YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
+ if (side == Rhs && inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ eigen_assert(m_contract_strides[0] == 1);
+ linidx += contract_val;
+ } else {
+ linidx += contract_val * m_contract_strides[0];
+ }
+ return linidx;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE IndexPair<Index> computeIndexPair(Index row, Index col, const Index distance) const {
+ const bool left = (side == Lhs);
+ Index nocontract_val[2] = {left ? row : col, left ? row + distance : col};
+ Index linidx[2] = {0, 0};
+ for (int i = array_size<nocontract_t>::value - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const Index idx0 = nocontract_val[0] / m_ij_strides[i];
+ const Index idx1 = nocontract_val[1] / m_ij_strides[i];
+ linidx[0] += idx0 * m_nocontract_strides[i];
+ linidx[1] += idx1 * m_nocontract_strides[i];
+ nocontract_val[0] -= idx0 * m_ij_strides[i];
+ nocontract_val[1] -= idx1 * m_ij_strides[i];
+ }
+ if (array_size<typename Tensor::Dimensions>::value > array_size<contract_t>::value) {
+ if (side == Lhs && inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ eigen_assert(m_nocontract_strides[0] == 1);
+ linidx[0] += nocontract_val[0];
+ linidx[1] += nocontract_val[1];
+ } else {
+ linidx[0] += nocontract_val[0] * m_nocontract_strides[0];
+ linidx[1] += nocontract_val[1] * m_nocontract_strides[0];
+ }
+ }
+ Index contract_val[2] = {left ? col : row, left ? col : row + distance};
+ for (int i = array_size<contract_t>::value - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const Index idx0 = contract_val[0] / m_k_strides[i];
+ const Index idx1 = contract_val[1] / m_k_strides[i];
+ linidx[0] += idx0 * m_contract_strides[i];
+ linidx[1] += idx1 * m_contract_strides[i];
+ contract_val[0] -= idx0 * m_k_strides[i];
+ contract_val[1] -= idx1 * m_k_strides[i];
+ }
+ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(array_size<contract_t>::value > 0, YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
+ if (side == Rhs && inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ eigen_assert(m_contract_strides[0] == 1);
+ linidx[0] += contract_val[0];
+ linidx[1] += contract_val[1];
+ } else {
+ linidx[0] += contract_val[0] * m_contract_strides[0];
+ linidx[1] += contract_val[1] * m_contract_strides[0];
+ }
+ return IndexPair<Index>(linidx[0], linidx[1]);
+ }
+ protected:
+ const Tensor m_tensor;
+ const nocontract_t m_nocontract_strides;
+ const nocontract_t m_ij_strides;
+ const contract_t m_contract_strides;
+ const contract_t m_k_strides;
+template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int side,
+ typename Tensor,
+ typename nocontract_t, typename contract_t,
+ size_t packet_size,
+ bool inner_dim_contiguous, bool inner_dim_reordered, int Alignment>
+class TensorContractionInputMapper;
+template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int side,
+ typename Tensor,
+ typename nocontract_t, typename contract_t,
+ size_t packet_size,
+ bool inner_dim_contiguous, bool inner_dim_reordered, int Alignment>
+class TensorContractionSubMapper {
+ public:
+ typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
+ typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::half HalfPacket;
+ typedef TensorContractionInputMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment> ParentMapper;
+ typedef TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment> Self;
+ typedef Self LinearMapper;
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC TensorContractionSubMapper(const ParentMapper& base_mapper, Index vert_offset, Index horiz_offset)
+ : m_base_mapper(base_mapper), m_vert_offset(vert_offset), m_horiz_offset(horiz_offset) { }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Scalar operator()(Index i) const {
+ return m_base_mapper(i + m_vert_offset, m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Scalar operator()(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return m_base_mapper(i + m_vert_offset, j + m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet loadPacket(Index i) const {
+ return m_base_mapper.loadPacket(i + m_vert_offset, m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet loadPacket(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return m_base_mapper.loadPacket(i + m_vert_offset, j + m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE HalfPacket loadHalfPacket(Index i) const {
+ return m_base_mapper.loadHalfPacket(i + m_vert_offset, m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void storePacket(Index i, Packet p) const {
+ m_base_mapper.storePacket(i + m_vert_offset, m_horiz_offset, p);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE LinearMapper getLinearMapper(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return LinearMapper(m_base_mapper, i + m_vert_offset, j + m_horiz_offset);
+ }
+ private:
+ const ParentMapper& m_base_mapper;
+ const Index m_vert_offset;
+ const Index m_horiz_offset;
+template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int side,
+ typename Tensor,
+ typename nocontract_t, typename contract_t,
+ size_t packet_size = (Tensor::PacketAccess ? packet_traits<Scalar>::size : 1),
+ bool inner_dim_contiguous = false, bool inner_dim_reordered = (side != Lhs), int Alignment=Unaligned>
+class TensorContractionInputMapper
+ : public BaseTensorContractionMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous> {
+ public:
+ typedef BaseTensorContractionMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous> Base;
+ typedef TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment> SubMapper;
+ TensorContractionInputMapper(const Tensor& tensor,
+ const nocontract_t& nocontract_strides,
+ const nocontract_t& ij_strides,
+ const contract_t& contract_strides,
+ const contract_t& k_strides)
+ : Base(tensor, nocontract_strides, ij_strides, contract_strides, k_strides) { }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE SubMapper getSubMapper(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return SubMapper(*this, i, j);
+ }
+ typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
+ typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::half HalfPacket;
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet loadPacket(Index i, Index j) const {
+ // whole method makes column major assumption
+ // don't need to add offsets for now (because operator handles that)
+ // current code assumes packet size must be a multiple of 2
+ if (Tensor::PacketAccess && inner_dim_contiguous && !inner_dim_reordered) {
+ const Index index = this->computeIndex(i, j);
+ eigen_assert(this->computeIndex(i+packet_size-1, j) == index + packet_size-1);
+ return this->m_tensor.template packet<Alignment>(index);
+ }
+ const IndexPair<Index> indexPair = this->computeIndexPair(i, j, packet_size - 1);
+ const Index first = indexPair.first;
+ const Index last = indexPair.second;
+ // We can always do optimized packet reads from left hand side right now, because
+ // the vertical matrix dimension on the left hand side is never contracting.
+ // On the right hand side we need to check if the contracting dimensions may have
+ // been shuffled first.
+ if (Tensor::PacketAccess &&
+ (side == Lhs || internal::array_size<contract_t>::value <= 1 || !inner_dim_reordered) &&
+ (last - first) == (packet_size - 1)) {
+ return this->m_tensor.template packet<Alignment>(first);
+ }
+ EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT Scalar data[packet_size];
+ data[0] = this->m_tensor.coeff(first);
+ for (Index k = 1; k < packet_size - 1; k += 2) {
+ const IndexPair<Index> internal_pair = this->computeIndexPair(i + k, j, 1);
+ data[k] = this->m_tensor.coeff(internal_pair.first);
+ data[k + 1] = this->m_tensor.coeff(internal_pair.second);
+ }
+ data[packet_size - 1] = this->m_tensor.coeff(last);
+ return pload<Packet>(data);
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE HalfPacket loadHalfPacket(Index i, Index j) const {
+ // whole method makes column major assumption
+ // don't need to add offsets for now (because operator handles that)
+ const Index half_packet_size = unpacket_traits<HalfPacket>::size;
+ if (half_packet_size == packet_size) {
+ return loadPacket(i, j);
+ }
+ EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT Scalar data[half_packet_size];
+ for (Index k = 0; k < half_packet_size; k++) {
+ data[k] = operator()(i + k, j);
+ }
+ return pload<HalfPacket>(data);
+ }
+template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int side,
+ typename Tensor,
+ typename nocontract_t, typename contract_t,
+ bool inner_dim_contiguous, bool inner_dim_reordered, int Alignment>
+class TensorContractionInputMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>
+ : public BaseTensorContractionMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous> {
+ public:
+ typedef BaseTensorContractionMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous> Base;
+ typedef TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, side, Tensor, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment> SubMapper;
+ TensorContractionInputMapper(const Tensor& tensor,
+ const nocontract_t& nocontract_strides,
+ const nocontract_t& ij_strides,
+ const contract_t& contract_strides,
+ const contract_t& k_strides)
+ : Base(tensor, nocontract_strides, ij_strides, contract_strides, k_strides) { }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE SubMapper getSubMapper(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return SubMapper(*this, i, j);
+ }
+ typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet loadPacket(Index i, Index j) const {
+ EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT Scalar data[1];
+ data[0] = this->m_tensor.coeff(this->computeIndex(i, j));
+ return pload<typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type>(data);
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet loadHalfPacket(Index i, Index j) const {
+ return loadPacket(i, j);
+ }
template<typename Dimensions, typename LhsXprType, typename RhsXprType>
struct traits<TensorContractionOp<Dimensions, LhsXprType, RhsXprType> >
@@ -53,6 +366,14 @@ struct nested<TensorContractionOp<Dimensions, LhsXprType, RhsXprType>, 1, typena
typedef TensorContractionOp<Dimensions, LhsXprType, RhsXprType> type;
+template<typename Indices_, typename LeftArgType_, typename RightArgType_, typename Device_>
+struct traits<TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices_, LeftArgType_, RightArgType_>, Device_> > {
+ typedef Indices_ Indices;
+ typedef LeftArgType_ LeftArgType;
+ typedef RightArgType_ RightArgType;
+ typedef Device_ Device;
} // end namespace internal
@@ -102,143 +423,385 @@ template <> struct max_n_1<0> {
-template<typename Indices, typename LeftArgType, typename RightArgType, typename Device>
-struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType>, Device>
+template<typename Derived>
+struct TensorContractionEvaluatorBase
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Indices Indices;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::LeftArgType LeftArgType;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::RightArgType RightArgType;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Device Device;
typedef TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType> XprType;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename XprType::Scalar>::type Scalar;
+ typedef typename XprType::Packet Packet;
+ typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
+ typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
+ typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
+ typedef array<Index, TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> left_dim_mapper_t;
+ typedef array<Index, TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> right_dim_mapper_t;
+ typedef array<Index, internal::array_size<Indices>::value> contract_t;
+ typedef array<Index, max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size> left_nocontract_t;
+ typedef array<Index, max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size> right_nocontract_t;
static const int NumDims = max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count + TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - 2 * internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size;
- typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef DSizes<Index, NumDims> Dimensions;
enum {
- IsAligned = TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::IsAligned & TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::IsAligned,
- PacketAccess = /*TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType>::PacketAccess & TensorEvaluator<RightArgType>::PacketAccess */
- false,
+ IsAligned = true,
+ PacketAccess = (internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size > 1),
- TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
- : m_leftImpl(op.lhsExpression(), device), m_rightImpl(op.rhsExpression(), device)
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorContractionEvaluatorBase(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
+ : m_leftImpl(op.lhsExpression(), device), m_rightImpl(op.rhsExpression(), device), m_device(device), m_result(NULL)
- Index index = 0;
- Index stride = 1;
- m_shiftright = 1;
+ eigen_assert((internal::array_size<contract_t>::value > 0) && "Must contract on some indices");
+ array<Index, TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> lhs_strides;
+ lhs_strides[0] = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count-1; ++i) {
+ lhs_strides[i+1] = lhs_strides[i] * m_leftImpl.dimensions()[i];
+ }
+ array<Index, TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> rhs_strides;
+ rhs_strides[0] = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count-1; ++i) {
+ rhs_strides[i+1] = rhs_strides[i] * m_rightImpl.dimensions()[i];
+ }
- int skipped = 0;
+ m_i_strides[0] = 1;
+ m_j_strides[0] = 1;
+ m_k_strides[0] = 1;
+ m_i_size = 1;
+ m_j_size = 1;
+ m_k_size = 1;
+ // To compute the dimension, we simply concatenate the non-contracting
+ // dimensions of the left and then the right tensor. Additionally, we also
+ // compute the strides corresponding to the left non-contracting
+ // dimensions and right non-contracting dimensions.
+ m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous = true;
+ int dim_idx = 0;
+ int nocontract_idx = 0;
const typename TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions& left_dims = m_leftImpl.dimensions();
- for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count; ++i) {
- bool skip = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < internal::array_size<Indices>::value; ++j) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count; i++) {
+ // find if we are contracting on index i of left tensor
+ bool contracting = false;
+ for (int j = 0; j < internal::array_size<Indices>::value; j++) {
if (op.indices()[j].first == i) {
- skip = true;
- m_leftOffsets[2*skipped] = stride;
- m_leftOffsets[2*skipped+1] = stride * left_dims[i];
- m_stitchsize[skipped] = left_dims[i];
+ contracting = true;
- if (!skip) {
- m_dimensions[index++] = left_dims[i];
- m_shiftright *= left_dims[i];
- } else {
- ++skipped;
+ if (!contracting) {
+ // add dimension size to output dimensions
+ m_dimensions[dim_idx] = left_dims[i];
+ m_left_nocontract_strides[nocontract_idx] = lhs_strides[i];
+ if (dim_idx != i) {
+ m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous = false;
+ }
+ if (nocontract_idx+1 < internal::array_size<left_nocontract_t>::value) {
+ m_i_strides[nocontract_idx+1] = m_i_strides[nocontract_idx] * left_dims[i];
+ } else {
+ m_i_size = m_i_strides[nocontract_idx] * left_dims[i];
+ }
+ dim_idx++;
+ nocontract_idx++;
- stride *= left_dims[i];
- stride = 1;
- skipped = 0;
+ nocontract_idx = 0;
const typename TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions& right_dims = m_rightImpl.dimensions();
- for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count; ++i) {
- bool skip = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < internal::array_size<Indices>::value; ++j) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count; i++) {
+ bool contracting = false;
+ // find if we are contracting on index i of right tensor
+ for (int j = 0; j < internal::array_size<Indices>::value; j++) {
if (op.indices()[j].second == i) {
- skip = true;
- m_rightOffsets[2*skipped] = stride;
- m_rightOffsets[2*skipped+1] = stride * right_dims[i];
+ contracting = true;
- if (!skip) {
- m_dimensions[index++] = right_dims[i];
+ if (!contracting) {
+ m_dimensions[dim_idx] = right_dims[i];
+ if (nocontract_idx+1 < internal::array_size<right_nocontract_t>::value) {
+ m_j_strides[nocontract_idx+1] = m_j_strides[nocontract_idx] * right_dims[i];
+ } else {
+ m_j_size = m_j_strides[nocontract_idx] * right_dims[i];
+ }
+ m_right_nocontract_strides[nocontract_idx] = rhs_strides[i];
+ dim_idx++;
+ nocontract_idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now compute the strides corresponding to the contracting dimensions. We
+ // assumed above that non-contracting axes are represented in the same order
+ // in the matrix as they are in the tensor. This is not the case for
+ // contracting axes. As the contracting axes must be of the same size in
+ // each tensor, we'll only look at the first tensor here.
+ m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous = true;
+ m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < internal::array_size<Indices>::value; i++) {
+ Index left = op.indices()[i].first;
+ Index right = op.indices()[i].second;
+ Index size = left_dims[left];
+ eigen_assert(size == right_dims[right] && "Contraction axes must be same size");
+ if (i+1 < internal::array_size<contract_t>::value) {
+ m_k_strides[i+1] = m_k_strides[i] * size;
} else {
- ++skipped;
+ m_k_size = m_k_strides[i] * size;
+ }
+ m_left_contracting_strides[i] = lhs_strides[left];
+ m_right_contracting_strides[i] = rhs_strides[right];
+ if (i > 0 && right < op.indices()[i-1].second) {
+ m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered = true;
+ }
+ if (right != i) {
+ m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous = false;
- stride *= right_dims[i];
- // Scalar case
+ // Scalar case. We represent the result as a 1d tensor of size 1.
if (TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count + TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count == 2 * internal::array_size<Indices>::value) {
m_dimensions[0] = 1;
- typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
- typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
- typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
- const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
- void evalTo(typename XprType::Scalar* buffer) const {
- for (int i = 0; i < dimensions().TotalSize(); ++i) {
- buffer[i] += coeff(i);
- }
- }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(Scalar*) {
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(Scalar* data) {
- return true;
+ if (data) {
+ evalTo(data);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ m_result = static_cast<Scalar *>(m_device.allocate(dimensions().TotalSize() * sizeof(Scalar)));
+ evalTo(m_result);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void evalTo(Scalar* buffer) const {
+ if (this->m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered) {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<true, true, true, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<true, true, false, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered) {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<true, false, true, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<true, false, false, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous) {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered) {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<false, true, true, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<false, true, false, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this->m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered) {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<false, false, true, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template evalTyped<false, false, false, Unaligned>(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_result != NULL) {
+ m_device.deallocate(m_result);
+ m_result = NULL;
+ }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
- {
- const Index startLeft = index % m_shiftright;
- const Index startRight = index / m_shiftright;
- CoeffReturnType result = CoeffReturnType(0);
- partialStitch(startLeft, startRight, 0, result);
- return result;
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const {
+ return m_result[index];
- /* TODO: vectorization
template<int LoadMode>
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const
- {
- assert(false);
- }*/
- private:
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void partialStitch(Index startLeft, Index startRight, int StitchIndex, CoeffReturnType& accum) const {
- Index firstLeft = (startLeft / m_leftOffsets[2*StitchIndex]) * m_leftOffsets[2*StitchIndex+1] + (startLeft % m_leftOffsets[2*StitchIndex]);
- Index firstRight = (startRight / m_rightOffsets[2*StitchIndex]) * m_rightOffsets[2*StitchIndex+1] + (startRight % m_rightOffsets[2*StitchIndex]);
- for (int j = 0; j < m_stitchsize[StitchIndex]; ++j) {
- const Index left = firstLeft+j*m_leftOffsets[2*StitchIndex];
- const Index right = firstRight+j*m_rightOffsets[2*StitchIndex];
- if (StitchIndex < internal::array_size<Indices>::value-1) {
- partialStitch(left, right, StitchIndex+1, accum);
- } else {
- accum += m_leftImpl.coeff(left) * m_rightImpl.coeff(right);
- }
- }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const {
+ return internal::ploadt<Packet, LoadMode>(m_result + index);
- Scalar* data() const { return NULL; }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Scalar* data() const { return NULL; }
+ protected:
+ // Prevent assignment
+ TensorContractionEvaluatorBase& operator = (const TensorContractionEvaluatorBase&);
- private:
- array<Index, 2*internal::array_size<Indices>::value> m_leftOffsets;
- array<Index, 2*internal::array_size<Indices>::value> m_rightOffsets;
- array<Index, internal::array_size<Indices>::value> m_stitchsize;
- Index m_shiftright;
Dimensions m_dimensions;
+ contract_t m_k_strides;
+ contract_t m_left_contracting_strides;
+ contract_t m_right_contracting_strides;
+ bool m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous;
+ bool m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous;
+ bool m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered;
+ left_nocontract_t m_i_strides;
+ right_nocontract_t m_j_strides;
+ left_nocontract_t m_left_nocontract_strides;
+ right_nocontract_t m_right_nocontract_strides;
+ Index m_i_size;
+ Index m_j_size;
+ Index m_k_size;
+ const Device& m_device;
+ Scalar* m_result;
TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device> m_leftImpl;
TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device> m_rightImpl;
+template<typename Indices, typename LeftArgType, typename RightArgType, typename Device>
+struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType>, Device> :
+ public TensorContractionEvaluatorBase<TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType>, Device> > {
+ typedef TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType>, Device> Self;
+ typedef TensorContractionEvaluatorBase<Self> Base;
+ typedef TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType> XprType;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename XprType::Scalar>::type Scalar;
+ typedef typename XprType::Packet Packet;
+ typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
+ typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
+ typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
+ typedef array<Index, TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> left_dim_mapper_t;
+ typedef array<Index, TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count> right_dim_mapper_t;
+ typedef array<Index, internal::array_size<Indices>::value> contract_t;
+ typedef array<Index, max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size> left_nocontract_t;
+ typedef array<Index, max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size> right_nocontract_t;
+ static const int NumDims = max_n_1<TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count + TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device>::Dimensions::count - 2 * internal::array_size<Indices>::value>::size;
+ typedef DSizes<Index, NumDims> Dimensions;
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device) :
+ Base(op, device) { }
+ template <bool lhs_inner_dim_contiguous, bool rhs_inner_dim_contiguous, bool rhs_inner_dim_reordered, int Alignment>
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void evalTyped(Scalar* buffer) const {
+ // columns in left side, rows in right side
+ const Index k = this->m_k_size;
+ // rows in left side
+ const Index m = this->m_i_size;
+ // columns in right side
+ const Index n = this->m_j_size;
+ // zero out the result buffer (which must be of size at least m * n * sizeof(Scalar)
+ this->m_device.memset(buffer, 0, m * n * sizeof(Scalar));
+ // define mr, nr, and all of my data mapper types
+ typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename LeftArgType::Scalar>::type LhsScalar;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename RightArgType::Scalar>::type RhsScalar;
+ typedef typename internal::gebp_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar> Traits;
+ const Index nr = Traits::nr;
+ const Index mr = Traits::mr;
+ typedef TensorEvaluator<LeftArgType, Device> LeftEvaluator;
+ typedef TensorEvaluator<RightArgType, Device> RightEvaluator;
+ const int lhs_packet_size = internal::packet_traits<LhsScalar>::size;
+ const int rhs_packet_size = internal::packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size;
+ typedef internal::TensorContractionInputMapper<LhsScalar, Index, internal::Lhs,
+ LeftEvaluator, left_nocontract_t,
+ contract_t, lhs_packet_size,
+ lhs_inner_dim_contiguous,
+ false, Unaligned> LhsMapper;
+ typedef internal::TensorContractionInputMapper<RhsScalar, Index, internal::Rhs,
+ RightEvaluator, right_nocontract_t,
+ contract_t, rhs_packet_size,
+ rhs_inner_dim_contiguous,
+ rhs_inner_dim_reordered, Unaligned> RhsMapper;
+ typedef internal::blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, ColMajor> OutputMapper;
+ // Declare GEBP packing and kernel structs
+ internal::gemm_pack_lhs<LhsScalar, Index, typename LhsMapper::SubMapper, mr, Traits::LhsProgress, ColMajor> pack_lhs;
+ internal::gemm_pack_rhs<RhsScalar, Index, typename RhsMapper::SubMapper, nr, ColMajor> pack_rhs;
+ internal::gebp_kernel<LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OutputMapper, mr, nr, false, false> gebp;
+ // initialize data mappers
+ LhsMapper lhs(this->m_leftImpl, this->m_left_nocontract_strides, this->m_i_strides,
+ this->m_left_contracting_strides, this->m_k_strides);
+ RhsMapper rhs(this->m_rightImpl, this->m_right_nocontract_strides, this->m_j_strides,
+ this->m_right_contracting_strides, this->m_k_strides);
+ OutputMapper output(buffer, m);
+ typedef typename internal::gemm_blocking_space<ColMajor, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic> BlockingType;
+ // Sizes of the blocks to load in cache. See the Goto paper for details.
+ BlockingType blocking(m, n, k, true);
+ const Index kc = blocking.kc();
+ const Index mc = (std::min)(m, blocking.mc());
+ const Index nc = (std::min)(n, blocking.nc());
+ int sizeA = mc * kc;
+ int sizeB = kc * nc;
+ LhsScalar* blockA = static_cast<LhsScalar *>(this->m_device.allocate(sizeA * sizeof(LhsScalar)));
+ RhsScalar* blockB = static_cast<RhsScalar *>(this->m_device.allocate(sizeB * sizeof(RhsScalar)));
+ for(Index i2=0; i2<m; i2+=mc)
+ {
+ const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(i2+mc,m)-i2;
+ for (Index k2 = 0; k2 < k; k2 += kc) {
+ // make sure we don't overshoot right edge of left matrix, then pack vertical panel
+ const Index actual_kc = (std::min)(k2 + kc, k) - k2;
+ pack_lhs(blockA, lhs.getSubMapper(i2, k2), actual_kc, actual_mc, 0, 0);
+ // series of horizontal blocks
+ for (Index j2 = 0; j2 < n; j2 += nc) {
+ // make sure we don't overshoot right edge of right matrix, then pack block
+ const Index actual_nc = (std::min)(j2 + nc, n) - j2;
+ pack_rhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k2, j2), actual_kc, actual_nc, 0, 0);
+ // call gebp (matrix kernel)
+ // The parameters here are copied from Eigen's GEMM implementation
+ gebp(output.getSubMapper(i2, j2), blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, actual_nc, 1.0, -1, -1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this->m_device.deallocate(blockA);
+ this->m_device.deallocate(blockB);
+ }
} // end namespace Eigen