path: root/demos/opengl
diff options
authorGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2008-09-11 11:19:34 +0000
committerGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2008-09-11 11:19:34 +0000
commite5c50afed6f0d7af099ea4a87a160451a706a186 (patch)
tree8b7319c1ae77f05c4dd832c87c7853d72bc1dddd /demos/opengl
parent5e9ee8863e0ffe38551dcffb195a894129019a71 (diff)
* Quaternion: added dot product and angularDistance functions. The latter is
based on the former. * opengl_demo: makes IcoSphere better (vertices are instanciated only once) and removed the generation of a big geometry for the fancy spheres...
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/opengl')
2 files changed, 123 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/demos/opengl/icosphere.cpp b/demos/opengl/icosphere.cpp
index 5f7823124..042ad6076 100644
--- a/demos/opengl/icosphere.cpp
+++ b/demos/opengl/icosphere.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "icosphere.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <map>
using namespace Eigen;
@@ -74,24 +75,39 @@ const std::vector<int>& IcoSphere::indices(int level) const
void IcoSphere::_subdivide(void)
+ typedef unsigned long long Key;
+ std::map<Key,int> edgeMap;
const std::vector<int>& indices = *mIndices.back();
mIndices.push_back(new std::vector<int>);
std::vector<int>& refinedIndices = *mIndices.back();
int end = indices.size();
for (int i=0; i<end; i+=3)
- int i0, i1, i2;
- Vector3f v0 = mVertices[i0=indices[i+0]];
- Vector3f v1 = mVertices[i1=indices[i+1]];
- Vector3f v2 = mVertices[i2=indices[i+2]];
- int start = mVertices.size();
- mVertices.push_back( (v0+v1).normalized() );
- mVertices.push_back( (v1+v2).normalized() );
- mVertices.push_back( (v2+v0).normalized() );
- refinedIndices.push_back(i0); refinedIndices.push_back(start+0); refinedIndices.push_back(start+2);
- refinedIndices.push_back(i1); refinedIndices.push_back(start+1); refinedIndices.push_back(start+0);
- refinedIndices.push_back(i2); refinedIndices.push_back(start+2); refinedIndices.push_back(start+1);
- refinedIndices.push_back(start+0); refinedIndices.push_back(start+1); refinedIndices.push_back(start+2);
+ int ids0[3], // indices of outer vertices
+ ids1[3]; // indices of edge vertices
+ for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
+ {
+ int k1 = (k+1)%3;
+ int e0 = indices[i+k];
+ int e1 = indices[i+k1];
+ ids0[k] = e0;
+ if (e1>e0)
+ std::swap(e0,e1);
+ Key edgeKey = Key(e0) | (Key(e1)<<32);
+ std::map<Key,int>::iterator it = edgeMap.find(edgeKey);
+ if (it==edgeMap.end())
+ {
+ ids1[k] = mVertices.size();
+ edgeMap[edgeKey] = ids1[k];
+ mVertices.push_back( (mVertices[e0]+mVertices[e1]).normalized() );
+ }
+ else
+ ids1[k] = it->second;
+ }
+ refinedIndices.push_back(ids0[0]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[0]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[2]);
+ refinedIndices.push_back(ids0[1]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[1]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[0]);
+ refinedIndices.push_back(ids0[2]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[2]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[1]);
+ refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[0]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[1]); refinedIndices.push_back(ids1[2]);
diff --git a/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp
index dbfc16c6b..31aeb4d73 100644
--- a/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp
+++ b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,89 @@
using namespace Eigen;
+class FancySpheres
+ public:
+ FancySpheres()
+ {
+ const int levels = 4;
+ const float scale = 0.33;
+ float radius = 100;
+ std::vector<int> parents;
+ // leval 0
+ mCenters.push_back(Vector3f::Zero());
+ parents.push_back(-1);
+ mRadii.push_back(radius);
+ // generate level 1 using icosphere vertices
+ radius *= 0.45;
+ {
+ float dist = mRadii[0]*0.9;
+ for (int i=0; i<12; ++i)
+ {
+ mCenters.push_back(mIcoSphere.vertices()[i] * dist);
+ mRadii.push_back(radius);
+ parents.push_back(0);
+ }
+ }
+ static const float angles [10] = {
+ 0, 0,
+ M_PI, 0.*M_PI,
+ M_PI, 0.5*M_PI,
+ M_PI, 1.*M_PI,
+ M_PI, 1.5*M_PI
+ };
+ // generate other levels
+ int start = 1;
+ for (int l=1; l<levels; l++)
+ {
+ radius *= scale;
+ int end = mCenters.size();
+ for (int i=start; i<end; ++i)
+ {
+ Vector3f c = mCenters[i];
+ Vector3f ax0 = (c - mCenters[parents[i]]).normalized();
+ Vector3f ax1 = ax0.unitOrthogonal();
+ Quaternionf q;
+ q.setFromTwoVectors(Vector3f::UnitZ(), ax0);
+ Transform3f t = Translation3f(c) * q * Scaling3f(mRadii[i]+radius);
+ for (int j=0; j<5; ++j)
+ {
+ Vector3f newC = c + ( (AngleAxisf(angles[j*2+1], ax0)
+ * AngleAxisf(angles[j*2+0] * (l==1 ? 0.35 : 0.5), ax1)) * ax0)
+ * (mRadii[i] + radius*0.8);
+ mCenters.push_back(newC);
+ mRadii.push_back(radius);
+ parents.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ start = end;
+ }
+ }
+ void draw()
+ {
+ int end = mCenters.size();
+ glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
+ for (int i=0; i<end; ++i)
+ {
+ Transform3f t = Translation3f(mCenters[i]) * Scaling3f(mRadii[i]);
+ gpu.pushMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ gpu.multMatrix(t.matrix(),GL_MODELVIEW);
+ mIcoSphere.draw(2);
+ gpu.popMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ }
+ glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE);
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::vector<Vector3f> mCenters;
+ std::vector<float> mRadii;
+ IcoSphere mIcoSphere;
// generic linear interpolation method
template<typename T> T lerp(float t, const T& a, const T& b)
@@ -156,7 +239,8 @@ void RenderingWidget::grabFrame(void)
void RenderingWidget::drawScene()
- float length = 50;
+ static FancySpheres sFancySpheres;
+ float length = 200;
gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitX(), Color(1,0,0,1));
gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitY(), Color(0,1,0,1));
gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitZ(), Color(0,0,1,1));
@@ -183,13 +267,14 @@ void RenderingWidget::drawScene()
glColor3f(0.4, 0.7, 0.4);
- glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, mVertices[0].data());
- glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, mNormals[0].data());
- glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
- glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, mVertices.size());
- glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
- glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
+ sFancySpheres.draw();
+// glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, mVertices[0].data());
+// glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, mNormals[0].data());
+// glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+// glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
+// glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, mVertices.size());
+// glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+// glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
@@ -413,93 +498,6 @@ void RenderingWidget::initializeGL()
mCamera.setTarget(Vector3f(0, 0, 0));
mInitFrame.orientation = mCamera.orientation().inverse();
mInitFrame.position = mCamera.viewMatrix().translation();
- // create a kind of fractal sphere
- {
- IcoSphere pattern;
- int levels = 3;
- float scale = 0.45;
- float radius = 100;
- std::vector<Vector3f> centers;
- std::vector<int> parents;
- std::vector<float> radii;
- centers.push_back(Vector3f::Zero());
- parents.push_back(-1);
- radii.push_back(radius);
- radius *= scale;
- // generate level 1 using icosphere vertices
- {
- float dist = radii[0]*0.9;
- for (int i=0; i<12; ++i)
- {
- centers.push_back(pattern.vertices()[i] * dist);
- radii.push_back(radius);
- parents.push_back(0);
- }
- }
- scale = 0.33;
- static const float angles [10] = {
- 0, 0,
- M_PI, 0.*M_PI,
- M_PI, 0.5*M_PI,
- M_PI, 1.*M_PI,
- M_PI, 1.5*M_PI};
- // generate other levels
- int start = 1;
- float maxAngle = M_PI/2;
- for (int l=1; l<levels; l++)
- {
- radius *= scale;
- int end = centers.size();
- for (int i=start; i<end; ++i)
- {
- Vector3f c = centers[i];
- Vector3f ax0, ax1;
- if (parents[i]==-1)
- ax0 = Vector3f::UnitZ();
- else
- ax0 = (c - centers[parents[i]]).normalized();
- ax1 = ax0.unitOrthogonal();
- Quaternionf q;
- q.setFromTwoVectors(Vector3f::UnitZ(), ax0);
- Transform3f t = Translation3f(c) * q * Scaling3f(radii[i]+radius);
- for (int j=0; j<5; ++j)
- {
- Vector3f newC = c + ( (AngleAxisf(angles[j*2+1], ax0)
- * AngleAxisf(angles[j*2+0] * (l==1 ? 0.35 : 0.5), ax1)) * ax0)*(radii[i] + radius*0.8);
- centers.push_back(newC);
- radii.push_back(radius);
- parents.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- start = end;
- maxAngle = M_PI/2;
- }
- parents.clear();
- // instanciate the geometry
- {
- const std::vector<int>& sphereIndices = pattern.indices(2);
- std::cout << "instanciate geometry... (" << sphereIndices.size() * centers.size() << " vertices)\n";
- mVertices.reserve(sphereIndices.size() * centers.size());
- mNormals.reserve(sphereIndices.size() * centers.size());
- int end = centers.size();
- for (int i=0; i<end; ++i)
- {
- Transform3f t = Translation3f(centers[i]) * Scaling3f(radii[i]);
- // copy vertices
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<sphereIndices.size(); ++j)
- {
- Vector3f v = pattern.vertices()[sphereIndices[j]];
- mVertices.push_back(t * v);
- mNormals.push_back(v);
- }
- }
- }
- }
void RenderingWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height)
@@ -539,10 +537,7 @@ void RenderingWidget::resetCamera()
Frame aux1 = mCamera.frame();
aux1.orientation = aux1.orientation.inverse();
aux1.position = mCamera.viewMatrix().translation();
- float rangle = AngleAxisf(aux0.orientation.inverse() * aux1.orientation).angle();
- if (rangle>M_PI)
- rangle = 2.*M_PI - rangle;
- float duration = rangle * 0.9;
+ float duration = aux0.orientation.angularDistance(aux1.orientation) * 0.9;
if (duration<0.1) duration = 0.1;
// put the camera at that time step:
@@ -660,3 +655,4 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#include "quaternion_demo.moc"