path: root/Eigen/src
diff options
authorGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2008-05-12 10:23:09 +0000
committerGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2008-05-12 10:23:09 +0000
commit45cda6704a067e73711f659ec6389fae7e36d1ad (patch)
treeb9bab79241fb673d41d8f47853b99b2cfe976c1c /Eigen/src
parentdca416cace14abdba682d82a212b215e05d1e17a (diff)
* Draft of a eigenvalues solver
(does not support complex and does not re-use the QR decomposition) * Rewrite the cache friendly product to have only one instance per scalar type ! This significantly speeds up compilation time and reduces executable size. The current drawback is that some trivial expressions might be evaluated like conjugate or negate. * Renamed "cache optimal" to "cache friendly" * Added the ability to directly access matrix data of some expressions via: - the stride()/_stride() methods - DirectAccessBit flag (replace ReferencableBit)
Diffstat (limited to 'Eigen/src')
13 files changed, 1281 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Block.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Block.h
index 00bb375a9..4b417224c 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Block.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Block.h
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ struct ei_traits<Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols> >
|| (ColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic && MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic))
? ~LargeBit
: ~(unsigned int)0,
- Flags = MatrixType::Flags & (DefaultLostFlagMask | VectorizableBit | ReferencableBit) & FlagsMaskLargeBit,
+ Flags = MatrixType::Flags & (DefaultLostFlagMask | VectorizableBit | DirectAccessBit) & FlagsMaskLargeBit,
CoeffReadCost = MatrixType::CoeffReadCost
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ template<typename MatrixType, int BlockRows, int BlockCols> class Block
int _rows() const { return m_blockRows.value(); }
int _cols() const { return m_blockCols.value(); }
+ int _stride(void) const { return m_matrix.stride(); }
Scalar& _coeffRef(int row, int col)
return m_matrix.const_cast_derived()
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/CacheFriendlyProduct.h b/Eigen/src/Core/CacheFriendlyProduct.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b484b1786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/CacheFriendlyProduct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+template<typename Scalar>
+static void ei_cache_friendly_product(
+ int _rows, int _cols, int depth,
+ bool _lhsRowMajor, const Scalar* _lhs, int _lhsStride,
+ bool _rhsRowMajor, const Scalar* _rhs, int _rhsStride,
+ bool resRowMajor, Scalar* res, int resStride)
+ const Scalar* __restrict__ lhs;
+ const Scalar* __restrict__ rhs;
+ int lhsStride, rhsStride, rows, cols;
+ bool lhsRowMajor;
+ if (resRowMajor)
+ {
+ lhs = _rhs;
+ rhs = _lhs;
+ lhsStride = _rhsStride;
+ rhsStride = _lhsStride;
+ cols = _rows;
+ rows = _cols;
+ lhsRowMajor = _rhsRowMajor;
+ ei_assert(_lhsRowMajor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lhs = _lhs;
+ rhs = _rhs;
+ lhsStride = _lhsStride;
+ rhsStride = _rhsStride;
+ rows = _rows;
+ cols = _cols;
+ lhsRowMajor = _lhsRowMajor;
+ ei_assert(!_rhsRowMajor);
+ }
+ typedef typename ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::type PacketType;
+ enum {
+ PacketSize = sizeof(PacketType)/sizeof(Scalar),
+ #if (defined __i386__)
+ // i386 architecture provides only 8 xmm registers,
+ // so let's reduce the max number of rows processed at once.
+ MaxBlockRows = 4,
+ MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask = 0xFFFFFC,
+ #else
+ MaxBlockRows = 8,
+ MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask = 0xFFFFF8,
+ #endif
+ // maximal size of the blocks fitted in L2 cache
+ MaxL2BlockSize = EIGEN_TUNE_FOR_L2_CACHE_SIZE / sizeof(Scalar)
+ };
+ //const bool rhsIsAligned = (PacketSize==1) || (((rhsStride%PacketSize) == 0) && (size_t(rhs)%16==0));
+ const bool resIsAligned = (PacketSize==1) || (((resStride%PacketSize) == 0) && (size_t(res)%16==0));
+ const int remainingSize = depth % PacketSize;
+ const int size = depth - remainingSize; // third dimension of the product clamped to packet boundaries
+ const int l2BlockRows = MaxL2BlockSize > rows ? rows : MaxL2BlockSize;
+ const int l2BlockCols = MaxL2BlockSize > cols ? cols : MaxL2BlockSize;
+ const int l2BlockSize = MaxL2BlockSize > size ? size : MaxL2BlockSize;
+ Scalar* __restrict__ block = (Scalar*)alloca(sizeof(Scalar)*l2BlockRows*size);
+ Scalar* __restrict__ rhsCopy = (Scalar*)alloca(sizeof(Scalar)*l2BlockSize);
+ // loops on each L2 cache friendly blocks of the result
+ for(int l2i=0; l2i<rows; l2i+=l2BlockRows)
+ {
+ const int l2blockRowEnd = std::min(l2i+l2BlockRows, rows);
+ const int l2blockRowEndBW = l2blockRowEnd & MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask; // end of the rows aligned to bw
+ const int l2blockRemainingRows = l2blockRowEnd - l2blockRowEndBW; // number of remaining rows
+ //const int l2blockRowEndBWPlusOne = l2blockRowEndBW + (l2blockRemainingRows?0:MaxBlockRows);
+ // build a cache friendly blocky matrix
+ int count = 0;
+ // copy l2blocksize rows of m_lhs to blocks of ps x bw
+ asm("#eigen begin buildblocks");
+ for(int l2k=0; l2k<size; l2k+=l2BlockSize)
+ {
+ const int l2blockSizeEnd = std::min(l2k+l2BlockSize, size);
+ for (int i = l2i; i<l2blockRowEndBW/*PlusOne*/; i+=MaxBlockRows)
+ {
+ // TODO merge the if l2blockRemainingRows
+// const int blockRows = std::min(i+MaxBlockRows, rows) - i;
+ for (int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
+ {
+ // TODO write these loops using meta unrolling
+ // negligible for large matrices but useful for small ones
+ if (lhsRowMajor)
+ {
+ for (int w=0; w<MaxBlockRows; ++w)
+ for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
+ block[count++] = lhs[(i+w)*lhsStride + (k+s)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int w=0; w<MaxBlockRows; ++w)
+ for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
+ block[count++] = lhs[(i+w) + (k+s)*lhsStride];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>0)
+ {
+ for (int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
+ {
+ if (lhsRowMajor)
+ {
+ for (int w=0; w<l2blockRemainingRows; ++w)
+ for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
+ block[count++] = lhs[(l2blockRowEndBW+w)*lhsStride + (k+s)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int w=0; w<l2blockRemainingRows; ++w)
+ for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
+ block[count++] = lhs[(l2blockRowEndBW+w) + (k+s)*lhsStride];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ asm("#eigen end buildblocks");
+ for(int l2j=0; l2j<cols; l2j+=l2BlockCols)
+ {
+ int l2blockColEnd = std::min(l2j+l2BlockCols, cols);
+ for(int l2k=0; l2k<size; l2k+=l2BlockSize)
+ {
+ // acumulate bw rows of lhs time a single column of rhs to a bw x 1 block of res
+ int l2blockSizeEnd = std::min(l2k+l2BlockSize, size);
+ // for each bw x 1 result's block
+ for(int l1i=l2i; l1i<l2blockRowEndBW; l1i+=MaxBlockRows)
+ {
+ for(int l1j=l2j; l1j<l2blockColEnd; l1j+=1)
+ {
+ int offsetblock = l2k * (l2blockRowEnd-l2i) + (l1i-l2i)*(l2blockSizeEnd-l2k) - l2k*MaxBlockRows;
+ const Scalar* __restrict__ localB = &block[offsetblock];
+ const Scalar* __restrict__ rhsColumn = &(rhs[l1j*rhsStride]);
+ // copy unaligned rhs data
+ // YES it seems to be faster to copy some part of rhs multiple times
+ // to aligned memory rather than using unligned load.
+ // Moreover this avoids a "if" in the most nested loop :)
+ if (PacketSize>1 && size_t(rhsColumn)%16)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int k = l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; ++k)
+ {
+ rhsCopy[count++] = rhsColumn[k];
+ }
+ rhsColumn = &(rhsCopy[-l2k]);
+ }
+ PacketType dst[MaxBlockRows];
+ dst[0] = ei_pset1(Scalar(0.));
+ dst[1] = dst[0];
+ dst[2] = dst[0];
+ dst[3] = dst[0];
+ if (MaxBlockRows==8)
+ {
+ dst[4] = dst[0];
+ dst[5] = dst[0];
+ dst[6] = dst[0];
+ dst[7] = dst[0];
+ }
+ PacketType tmp;
+ asm("#eigen begincore");
+ for(int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
+ {
+ tmp = ei_pload(&rhsColumn[k]);
+ dst[0] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows ])), dst[0]);
+ dst[1] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+ PacketSize])), dst[1]);
+ dst[2] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+2*PacketSize])), dst[2]);
+ dst[3] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+3*PacketSize])), dst[3]);
+ if (MaxBlockRows==8)
+ {
+ dst[4] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+4*PacketSize])), dst[4]);
+ dst[5] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+5*PacketSize])), dst[5]);
+ dst[6] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+6*PacketSize])), dst[6]);
+ dst[7] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*MaxBlockRows+7*PacketSize])), dst[7]);
+ }
+ }
+ Scalar* __restrict__ localRes = &(res[l1i + l1j*resStride]);
+ if (PacketSize>1 && resIsAligned)
+ {
+ ei_pstore(&(localRes[0]), ei_padd(ei_pload(&(localRes[0])), ei_preduxp(dst)));
+ if (PacketSize==2)
+ ei_pstore(&(localRes[2]), ei_padd(ei_pload(&(localRes[2])), ei_preduxp(&(dst[2]))));
+ if (MaxBlockRows==8)
+ {
+ ei_pstore(&(localRes[4]), ei_padd(ei_pload(&(localRes[4])), ei_preduxp(&(dst[4]))));
+ if (PacketSize==2)
+ ei_pstore(&(localRes[6]), ei_padd(ei_pload(&(localRes[6])), ei_preduxp(&(dst[6]))));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ localRes[0] += ei_predux(dst[0]);
+ localRes[1] += ei_predux(dst[1]);
+ localRes[2] += ei_predux(dst[2]);
+ localRes[3] += ei_predux(dst[3]);
+ if (MaxBlockRows==8)
+ {
+ localRes[4] += ei_predux(dst[4]);
+ localRes[5] += ei_predux(dst[5]);
+ localRes[6] += ei_predux(dst[6]);
+ localRes[7] += ei_predux(dst[7]);
+ }
+ }
+ asm("#eigen endcore");
+ }
+ }
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>0)
+ {
+ int offsetblock = l2k * (l2blockRowEnd-l2i) + (l2blockRowEndBW-l2i)*(l2blockSizeEnd-l2k) - l2k*l2blockRemainingRows;
+ const Scalar* localB = &block[offsetblock];
+ asm("#eigen begin dynkernel");
+ for(int l1j=l2j; l1j<l2blockColEnd; l1j+=1)
+ {
+ const Scalar* __restrict__ rhsColumn = &(rhs[l1j*rhsStride]);
+ // copy unaligned rhs data
+ if (PacketSize>1 && size_t(rhsColumn)%16)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int k = l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; ++k)
+ {
+ rhsCopy[count++] = rhsColumn[k];
+ }
+ rhsColumn = &(rhsCopy[-l2k]);
+ }
+ PacketType dst[MaxBlockRows];
+ dst[0] = ei_pset1(Scalar(0.));
+ dst[1] = dst[0];
+ dst[2] = dst[0];
+ dst[3] = dst[0];
+ if (MaxBlockRows>4)
+ {
+ dst[4] = dst[0];
+ dst[5] = dst[0];
+ dst[6] = dst[0];
+ dst[7] = dst[0];
+ }
+ // let's declare a few other temporary registers
+ PacketType tmp;
+ for(int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
+ {
+ tmp = ei_pload(&rhsColumn[k]);
+ dst[0] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows ])), dst[0]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=2) dst[1] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+ PacketSize])), dst[1]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=3) dst[2] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+2*PacketSize])), dst[2]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=4) dst[3] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+3*PacketSize])), dst[3]);
+ if (MaxBlockRows>4)
+ {
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=5) dst[4] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+4*PacketSize])), dst[4]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=6) dst[5] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+5*PacketSize])), dst[5]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=7) dst[6] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+6*PacketSize])), dst[6]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=8) dst[7] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*l2blockRemainingRows+7*PacketSize])), dst[7]);
+ }
+ }
+ Scalar* __restrict__ localRes = &(res[l2blockRowEndBW + l1j*resStride]);
+ // process the remaining rows once at a time
+ localRes[0] += ei_predux(dst[0]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=2) localRes[1] += ei_predux(dst[1]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=3) localRes[2] += ei_predux(dst[2]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=4) localRes[3] += ei_predux(dst[3]);
+ if (MaxBlockRows>4)
+ {
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=5) localRes[4] += ei_predux(dst[4]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=6) localRes[5] += ei_predux(dst[5]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=7) localRes[6] += ei_predux(dst[6]);
+ if (l2blockRemainingRows>=8) localRes[7] += ei_predux(dst[7]);
+ }
+ asm("#eigen end dynkernel");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (PacketSize>1 && remainingSize)
+ {
+ if (lhsRowMajor)
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j<cols; ++j)
+ for (int i=0; i<rows; ++i)
+ {
+ Scalar tmp = lhs[i*lhsStride+size] * rhs[j*rhsStride+size];
+ for (int k=1; k<remainingSize; ++k)
+ tmp += lhs[i*lhsStride+size+k] * rhs[j*rhsStride+size+k];
+ res[i+j*resStride] += tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j<cols; ++j)
+ for (int i=0; i<rows; ++i)
+ {
+ Scalar tmp = lhs[i+size*lhsStride] * rhs[j*rhsStride+size];
+ for (int k=1; k<remainingSize; ++k)
+ tmp += lhs[i+(size+k)*lhsStride] * rhs[j*rhsStride+size+k];
+ res[i+j*resStride] += tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Map.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Map.h
index e9f65cd7a..1f9a0f244 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Map.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Map.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ struct ei_traits<Map<MatrixType> >
ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
- Flags = MatrixType::Flags & (DefaultLostFlagMask | ReferencableBit),
+ Flags = MatrixType::Flags & (DefaultLostFlagMask | DirectAccessBit),
CoeffReadCost = NumTraits<Scalar>::ReadCost
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h b/Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h
index 64ae7f97b..5ba37c076 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ inline int ei_log(int) { ei_assert(false); return 0; }
inline int ei_sin(int) { ei_assert(false); return 0; }
inline int ei_cos(int) { ei_assert(false); return 0; }
inline int ei_pow(int x, int y) { return int(std::pow(double(x), y)); }
inline int ei_pow(int x, int y) { return std::pow(x, y); }
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h
index 922c3ddae..016a9ef06 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h
@@ -100,6 +100,14 @@ class Matrix : public MatrixBase<Matrix<_Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Flags, _MaxRows,
int _rows() const { return m_storage.rows(); }
int _cols() const { return m_storage.cols(); }
+ int _stride(void) const
+ {
+ if(Flags & RowMajorBit)
+ return m_storage.cols();
+ else
+ return m_storage.rows();
+ }
const Scalar& _coeff(int row, int col) const
if(Flags & RowMajorBit)
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h b/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h
index 1e46b10d2..5baa42261 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ template<typename Derived> class MatrixBase
/** Overloaded for optimal product evaluation */
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
- Derived& lazyAssign(const Product<Derived1,Derived2,CacheOptimalProduct>& product);
+ Derived& lazyAssign(const Product<Derived1,Derived2,CacheFriendlyProduct>& product);
CommaInitializer operator<< (const Scalar& s);
@@ -419,6 +419,13 @@ template<typename Derived> class MatrixBase
const Lazy<Derived> lazy() const;
const Temporary<Derived> temporary() const;
+ /** \returns number of elements to skip to pass from one row (resp. column) to another
+ * for a row-major (resp. column-major) matrix.
+ * Combined with coeffRef() and the compile times flags, it allows a direct access to the data
+ * of the underlying matrix.
+ */
+ int stride(void) const { return derived()._stride(); }
/// \name Coefficient-wise operations
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Product.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Product.h
index 66c6d4d5b..dbd8b6cdd 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Product.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Product.h
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ struct ei_product_unroller<Index, 0, Lhs, Rhs>
static void run(int, int, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, typename Lhs::Scalar&) {}
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct ei_product_unroller<0, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs>
+ static void run(int, int, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, typename Lhs::Scalar&) {}
template<bool RowMajor, int Index, int Size, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename PacketScalar>
struct ei_packet_product_unroller;
@@ -113,6 +119,12 @@ struct ei_packet_product_unroller<false, Index, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, PacketScalar>
static void run(int, int, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, PacketScalar&) {}
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename PacketScalar>
+struct ei_packet_product_unroller<false, 0, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, PacketScalar>
+ static void run(int, int, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, PacketScalar&) {}
template<typename Product, bool RowMajor = true> struct ProductPacketCoeffImpl {
inline static typename Product::PacketScalar execute(const Product& product, int row, int col)
{ return product._packetCoeffRowMajor(row,col); }
@@ -142,7 +154,7 @@ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> struct ei_product_eval_mode
enum{ value = Lhs::MaxRowsAtCompileTime >= EIGEN_CACHEFRIENDLY_PRODUCT_THRESHOLD
&& (!( (Lhs::Flags&RowMajorBit) && ((Rhs::Flags&RowMajorBit) ^ RowMajorBit)))
- ? CacheOptimalProduct : NormalProduct };
+ ? CacheFriendlyProduct : NormalProduct };
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode>
@@ -166,7 +178,7 @@ struct ei_traits<Product<Lhs, Rhs, EvalMode> >
_LhsVectorizable = (!(LhsFlags & RowMajorBit)) && (LhsFlags & VectorizableBit) && (RowsAtCompileTime % ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size == 0),
_Vectorizable = (_LhsVectorizable || _RhsVectorizable) ? 1 : 0,
_RowMajor = (RhsFlags & RowMajorBit)
- && (EvalMode==(int)CacheOptimalProduct ? (int)LhsFlags & RowMajorBit : (!_LhsVectorizable)),
+ && (EvalMode==(int)CacheFriendlyProduct ? (int)LhsFlags & RowMajorBit : (!_LhsVectorizable)),
_LostBits = DefaultLostFlagMask & ~(
(_RowMajor ? 0 : RowMajorBit)
| ((RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic) ? 0 : LargeBit)),
@@ -312,7 +324,7 @@ MatrixBase<Derived>::operator*=(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-Derived& MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyAssign(const Product<Lhs,Rhs,CacheOptimalProduct>& product)
+Derived& MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyAssign(const Product<Lhs,Rhs,CacheFriendlyProduct>& product)
product.template _cacheOptimalEval<Derived, Aligned>(derived(),
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/ProductWIP.h b/Eigen/src/Core/ProductWIP.h
index a5fc9d298..0a7ef43e9 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/ProductWIP.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/ProductWIP.h
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
-#error you must enable vectorization to try this experimental product implementation
+#include "CacheFriendlyProduct.h"
template<int Index, int Size, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct ei_product_unroller
@@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> struct ei_product_eval_mode
enum{ value = Lhs::MaxRowsAtCompileTime >= EIGEN_CACHEFRIENDLY_PRODUCT_THRESHOLD
- ? CacheOptimalProduct : NormalProduct };
+ ? CacheFriendlyProduct : NormalProduct };
template<typename T> class ei_product_eval_to_column_major
@@ -173,7 +171,22 @@ template<typename T, int n=1> struct ei_product_nested_rhs
typename ei_meta_if<
(ei_traits<T>::Flags & EvalBeforeNestingBit)
|| (ei_traits<T>::Flags & RowMajorBit)
- || (!(ei_traits<T>::Flags & ReferencableBit))
+ || (!(ei_traits<T>::Flags & DirectAccessBit))
+ || (n+1) * NumTraits<typename ei_traits<T>::Scalar>::ReadCost < (n-1) * T::CoeffReadCost,
+ typename ei_product_eval_to_column_major<T>::type,
+ const T&
+ >::ret
+ >::ret type;
+template<typename T, int n=1> struct ei_product_nested_lhs
+ typedef typename ei_meta_if<
+ ei_is_temporary<T>::ret && !(ei_traits<T>::Flags & RowMajorBit),
+ T,
+ typename ei_meta_if<
+ (ei_traits<T>::Flags & EvalBeforeNestingBit)
+ || (!(ei_traits<T>::Flags & DirectAccessBit))
|| (n+1) * NumTraits<typename ei_traits<T>::Scalar>::ReadCost < (n-1) * T::CoeffReadCost,
typename ei_product_eval_to_column_major<T>::type,
const T&
@@ -187,9 +200,12 @@ struct ei_traits<Product<Lhs, Rhs, EvalMode> >
typedef typename Lhs::Scalar Scalar;
// the cache friendly product evals lhs once only
// FIXME what to do if we chose to dynamically call the normal product from the cache friendly one for small matrices ?
- typedef typename ei_nested<Lhs, EvalMode==CacheOptimalProduct ? 0 : Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime>::type LhsNested;
+ typedef typename ei_meta_if<EvalMode==CacheFriendlyProduct,
+ typename ei_product_nested_lhs<Rhs,0>::type,
+ typename ei_nested<Lhs,Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime>::type>::ret LhsNested;
// NOTE that rhs must be ColumnMajor, so we might need a special nested type calculation
- typedef typename ei_meta_if<EvalMode==CacheOptimalProduct,
+ typedef typename ei_meta_if<EvalMode==CacheFriendlyProduct,
typename ei_product_nested_rhs<Rhs,Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type,
typename ei_nested<Rhs,Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type>::ret RhsNested;
typedef typename ei_unref<LhsNested>::type _LhsNested;
@@ -209,7 +225,7 @@ struct ei_traits<Product<Lhs, Rhs, EvalMode> >
_LhsVectorizable = (!(LhsFlags & RowMajorBit)) && (LhsFlags & VectorizableBit) && (RowsAtCompileTime % ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size == 0),
_Vectorizable = (_LhsVectorizable || _RhsVectorizable) ? 0 : 0,
_RowMajor = (RhsFlags & RowMajorBit)
- && (EvalMode==(int)CacheOptimalProduct ? (int)LhsFlags & RowMajorBit : (!_LhsVectorizable)),
+ && (EvalMode==(int)CacheFriendlyProduct ? (int)LhsFlags & RowMajorBit : (!_LhsVectorizable)),
_LostBits = DefaultLostFlagMask & ~(
(_RowMajor ? 0 : RowMajorBit)
| ((RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic) ? 0 : LargeBit)),
@@ -241,19 +257,7 @@ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode> class Product : ei_no_assignm
typedef typename ei_traits<Product>::_RhsNested _RhsNested;
enum {
- PacketSize = ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size,
- #if (defined __i386__)
- // i386 architectures provides only 8 xmmm register,
- // so let's reduce the max number of rows processed at once.
- // NOTE that so far the maximal supported value is 8.
- MaxBlockRows = 4,
- MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask = 0xFFFFFC,
- #else
- MaxBlockRows = 8,
- MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask = 0xFFFFF8,
- #endif
- // maximal size of the blocks fitted in L2 cache
- MaxL2BlockSize = EIGEN_TUNE_FOR_L2_CACHE_SIZE / sizeof(Scalar)
+ PacketSize = ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size
Product(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
@@ -327,14 +331,8 @@ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode> class Product : ei_no_assignm
/** \internal */
- template<typename DestDerived, int RhsAlignment, int ResAlignment>
- void _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl(DestDerived& res) const __attribute__ ((noinline));
- /** \internal */
- template<typename DestDerived, int RhsAlignment, int ResAlignment, int BlockRows>
- void _cacheFriendlyEvalKernel(DestDerived& res,
- int l2i, int l2j, int l2k, int l1i,
- int l2blockRowEnd, int l2blockColEnd, int l2blockSizeEnd, const Scalar* block) const EIGEN_DONT_INLINE;
+ template<typename DestDerived, int RhsAlignment>
+ void _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl(DestDerived& res) const EIGEN_DONT_INLINE;
const LhsNested m_lhs;
@@ -370,7 +368,7 @@ MatrixBase<Derived>::operator*=(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-Derived& MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyAssign(const Product<Lhs,Rhs,CacheOptimalProduct>& product)
+Derived& MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyAssign(const Product<Lhs,Rhs,CacheFriendlyProduct>& product)
return derived();
@@ -380,326 +378,16 @@ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode>
template<typename DestDerived>
void Product<Lhs,Rhs,EvalMode>::_cacheFriendlyEval(DestDerived& res) const
- const bool rhsIsAligned = (m_lhs.cols()%PacketSize == 0);
- const bool resIsAligned = ((_rows()%PacketSize) == 0);
- if (rhsIsAligned && resIsAligned)
- _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl<DestDerived, Aligned, Aligned>(res);
- else if (rhsIsAligned && (!resIsAligned))
- _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl<DestDerived, Aligned, UnAligned>(res);
- else if ((!rhsIsAligned) && resIsAligned)
- _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl<DestDerived, UnAligned, Aligned>(res);
- else
- _cacheFriendlyEvalImpl<DestDerived, UnAligned, UnAligned>(res);
-template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode>
-template<typename DestDerived, int RhsAlignment, int ResAlignment, int BlockRows>
-void Product<Lhs,Rhs,EvalMode>::_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel(DestDerived& res,
- int l2i, int l2j, int l2k, int l1i,
- int l2blockRowEnd, int l2blockColEnd, int l2blockSizeEnd, const Scalar* block) const
- asm("#eigen begin kernel");
- ei_internal_assert(BlockRows<=8);
- // NOTE: sounds like we cannot rely on meta-unrolling to access dst[I] without enforcing GCC
- // to create the dst's elements in memory, hence killing the performance.
- for(int l1j=l2j; l1j<l2blockColEnd; l1j+=1)
- {
- int offsetblock = l2k * (l2blockRowEnd-l2i) + (l1i-l2i)*(l2blockSizeEnd-l2k) - l2k*BlockRows;
- const Scalar* localB = &block[offsetblock];
-// int l1jsize = l1j * m_lhs.cols(); //TODO find a better way to optimize address computation ?
- Scalar* rhsColumn = &(m_rhs.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(0, l1j));
- // don't worry, dst is a set of registers
- PacketScalar dst[BlockRows];
- dst[0] = ei_pset1(Scalar(0.));
- switch(BlockRows)
- {
- case 8: dst[7] = dst[0];
- case 7: dst[6] = dst[0];
- case 6: dst[5] = dst[0];
- case 5: dst[4] = dst[0];
- case 4: dst[3] = dst[0];
- case 3: dst[2] = dst[0];
- case 2: dst[1] = dst[0];
- default: break;
- }
- // let's declare a few other temporary registers
- PacketScalar tmp, tmp1;
- // unaligned loads are expensive, therefore let's preload the next element in advance
- if (RhsAlignment==UnAligned)
- //tmp1 = ei_ploadu(&m_rhs.data()[l1jsize+l2k]);
- tmp1 = ei_ploadu(&rhsColumn[l2k]);
- for(int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
- {
- // FIXME if we don't cache l1j*m_lhs.cols() then the performance are poor,
- // let's directly access to the data
- //PacketScalar tmp = m_rhs.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(k, l1j);
- if (RhsAlignment==Aligned)
- {
- //tmp = ei_pload(&m_rhs.data()[l1jsize + k]);
- tmp = ei_pload(&rhsColumn[k]);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = tmp1;
- if (k+PacketSize<l2blockSizeEnd)
- //tmp1 = ei_ploadu(&m_rhs.data()[l1jsize + k+PacketSize]);
- tmp1 = ei_ploadu(&rhsColumn[k+PacketSize]);
- }
- dst[0] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows ])), dst[0]);
- if (BlockRows>=2) dst[1] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+ PacketSize])), dst[1]);
- if (BlockRows>=3) dst[2] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+2*PacketSize])), dst[2]);
- if (BlockRows>=4) dst[3] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+3*PacketSize])), dst[3]);
- if (BlockRows>=5) dst[4] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+4*PacketSize])), dst[4]);
- if (BlockRows>=6) dst[5] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+5*PacketSize])), dst[5]);
- if (BlockRows>=7) dst[6] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+6*PacketSize])), dst[6]);
- if (BlockRows>=8) dst[7] = ei_pmadd(tmp, ei_pload(&(localB[k*BlockRows+7*PacketSize])), dst[7]);
- }
- enum {
- // Number of rows we can reduce per packet
- PacketRows = (ResAlignment==Aligned && PacketSize>1) ? (BlockRows / PacketSize) : 0,
- // First row index from which we have to to do redux once at a time
- RemainingStart = PacketSize * PacketRows
- };
- // we have up to 4 packets (for doubles: 8 rows / 2)
- if (PacketRows>=1)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i, l1j,
- ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i, l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[0]))));
- if (PacketRows>=2)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+PacketSize, l1j,
- ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+PacketSize, l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[PacketSize]))));
- if (PacketRows>=3)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+2*PacketSize, l1j,
- ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+2*PacketSize, l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[2*PacketSize]))));
- if (PacketRows>=4)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+3*PacketSize, l1j,
- ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+3*PacketSize, l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[3*PacketSize]))));
- // process the remaining rows one at a time
- if (RemainingStart<=0 && BlockRows>=1) res.coeffRef(l1i+0, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[0]);
- if (RemainingStart<=1 && BlockRows>=2) res.coeffRef(l1i+1, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[1]);
- if (RemainingStart<=2 && BlockRows>=3) res.coeffRef(l1i+2, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[2]);
- if (RemainingStart<=3 && BlockRows>=4) res.coeffRef(l1i+3, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[3]);
- if (RemainingStart<=4 && BlockRows>=5) res.coeffRef(l1i+4, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[4]);
- if (RemainingStart<=5 && BlockRows>=6) res.coeffRef(l1i+5, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[5]);
- if (RemainingStart<=6 && BlockRows>=7) res.coeffRef(l1i+6, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[6]);
- if (RemainingStart<=7 && BlockRows>=8) res.coeffRef(l1i+7, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[7]);
- asm("#eigen end kernel");
- }
-template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int EvalMode>
-template<typename DestDerived, int RhsAlignment, int ResAlignment>
-void Product<Lhs,Rhs,EvalMode>::_cacheFriendlyEvalImpl(DestDerived& res) const
- // FIXME find a way to optimize: (an_xpr) + (a * b)
- // then we don't need to clear res and avoid and additional mat-mat sum
-// std::cout << "wip product\n";
- const int rows = _rows();
- const int cols = _cols();
- const int remainingSize = m_lhs.cols()%PacketSize;
- const int size = m_lhs.cols() - remainingSize; // third dimension of the product clamped to packet boundaries
- const int l2BlockRows = MaxL2BlockSize > _rows() ? _rows() : MaxL2BlockSize;
- const int l2BlockCols = MaxL2BlockSize > _cols() ? _cols() : MaxL2BlockSize;
- const int l2BlockSize = MaxL2BlockSize > size ? size : MaxL2BlockSize;
- //Scalar* __restrict__ block = new Scalar[l2blocksize*size];;
- Scalar* __restrict__ block = (Scalar*)alloca(sizeof(Scalar)*l2BlockRows*size);
- // loops on each L2 cache friendly blocks of the result
- for(int l2i=0; l2i<_rows(); l2i+=l2BlockRows)
- {
- const int l2blockRowEnd = std::min(l2i+l2BlockRows, rows);
- const int l2blockRowEndBW = l2blockRowEnd & MaxBlockRows_ClampingMask; // end of the rows aligned to bw
- const int l2blockRemainingRows = l2blockRowEnd - l2blockRowEndBW; // number of remaining rows
- // build a cache friendly block
- int count = 0;
- // copy l2blocksize rows of m_lhs to blocks of ps x bw
- for(int l2k=0; l2k<size; l2k+=l2BlockSize)
- {
- const int l2blockSizeEnd = std::min(l2k+l2BlockSize, size);
- for (int i = l2i; i<l2blockRowEndBW; i+=MaxBlockRows)
- {
- for (int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
- {
- // TODO write these two loops using meta unrolling
- // negligible for large matrices but useful for small ones
- for (int w=0; w<MaxBlockRows; ++w)
- for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
- block[count++] = m_lhs.coeff(i+w,k+s);
- }
- }
- if (l2blockRemainingRows>0)
- {
- for (int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
- {
- for (int w=0; w<l2blockRemainingRows; ++w)
- for (int s=0; s<PacketSize; ++s)
- block[count++] = m_lhs.coeff(l2blockRowEndBW+w,k+s);
- }
- }
- }
- for(int l2j=0; l2j<cols; l2j+=l2BlockCols)
- {
- int l2blockColEnd = std::min(l2j+l2BlockCols, cols);
- for(int l2k=0; l2k<size; l2k+=l2BlockSize)
- {
- // acumulate a bw rows of lhs time a single column of rhs to a bw x 1 block of res
- int l2blockSizeEnd = std::min(l2k+l2BlockSize, size);
- // for each bw x 1 result's block
- for(int l1i=l2i; l1i<l2blockRowEndBW; l1i+=MaxBlockRows)
- {
- _cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, MaxBlockRows>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l1i, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block);
-#if 0
- for(int l1j=l2j; l1j<l2blockColEnd; l1j+=1)
- {
- int offsetblock = l2k * (l2blockRowEnd-l2i) + (l1i-l2i)*(l2blockSizeEnd-l2k) - l2k*MaxBlockRows;
- const Scalar* localB = &block[offsetblock];
- int l1jsize = l1j * m_lhs.cols(); //TODO find a better way to optimize address computation ?
- PacketScalar dst[bw];
- dst[0] = ei_pset1(Scalar(0.));
- dst[1] = dst[0];
- dst[2] = dst[0];
- dst[3] = dst[0];
- if (MaxBlockRows==8)
- {
- dst[4] = dst[0];
- dst[5] = dst[0];
- dst[6] = dst[0];
- dst[7] = dst[0];
- }
- PacketScalar b0, b1, tmp;
- // TODO in unaligned mode, preload the next element
-// PacketScalar tmp1 = _mm_load_ps(&m_rhs.derived().data()[l1jsize+l2k]);
- asm("#eigen begincore");
- for(int k=l2k; k<l2blockSizeEnd; k+=PacketSize)
- {
-// PacketScalar tmp = m_rhs.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(k, l1j);
- // TODO make this branching compile time (costly for doubles)
- if (rhsIsAligned)
- tmp = ei_pload(&m_rhs.derived().data()[l1jsize + k]);
- else
- tmp = ei_ploadu(&m_rhs.derived().data()[l1jsize + k]);
- b0 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw]));
- b1 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+ps]));
- dst[0] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b0, dst[0]);
- b0 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+2*ps]));
- dst[1] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b1, dst[1]);
- b1 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+3*ps]));
- dst[2] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b0, dst[2]);
- if (MaxBlockRows==8)
- b0 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+4*ps]));
- dst[3] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b1, dst[3]);
- if (MaxBlockRows==8)
- {
- b1 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+5*ps]));
- dst[4] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b0, dst[4]);
- b0 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+6*ps]));
- dst[5] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b1, dst[5]);
- b1 = ei_pload(&(localB[k*bw+7*ps]));
- dst[6] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b0, dst[6]);
- dst[7] = ei_pmadd(tmp, b1, dst[7]);
- }
- }
-// if (resIsAligned)
- {
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i, l1j, ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i, l1j), ei_preduxp(dst)));
- if (PacketSize==2)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+2,l1j, ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+2,l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[2]))));
- if (MaxBlockRows==8)
- {
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+4,l1j, ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+4,l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[4]))));
- if (PacketSize==2)
- res.template writePacketCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+6,l1j, ei_padd(res.template packetCoeff<Aligned>(l1i+6,l1j), ei_preduxp(&(dst[6]))));
- }
- }
-// else
-// {
-// // TODO uncommenting this code kill the perf, even though it is never called !!
-// // this is because dst cannot be a set of registers only
-// // TODO optimize this loop
-// // TODO is it better to do one redux at once or packet reduxes + unaligned store ?
-// for (int w = 0; w<bw; ++w)
-// res.coeffRef(l1i+w, l1j) += ei_predux(dst[w]);
-// std::cout << "!\n";
-// }
- asm("#eigen endcore");
- }
- }
- if (l2blockRemainingRows>0)
- {
- // this is an attempt to build an array of kernels, but I did not manage to get it compiles
-// typedef void (*Kernel)(DestDerived& , int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Scalar*);
-// Kernel kernels[8];
-// kernels[0] = (Kernel)(&Product<Lhs,Rhs,EvalMode>::template _cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 1>);
-// kernels[l2blockRemainingRows](res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block);
- switch(l2blockRemainingRows)
- {
- case 1:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 1>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 2:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 2>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 3:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 3>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 4:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 4>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 5:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 5>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 6:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 6>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- case 7:_cacheFriendlyEvalKernel<DestDerived, RhsAlignment, ResAlignment, 7>(
- res, l2i, l2j, l2k, l2blockRowEndBW, l2blockRowEnd, l2blockColEnd, l2blockSizeEnd, block); break;
- default:
- ei_internal_assert(false && "internal error"); break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // handle the part which cannot be processed by the vectorized path
- if (remainingSize)
- {
- res += Product<
- Block<typename ei_unconst<_LhsNested>::type,Dynamic,Dynamic>,
- Block<typename ei_unconst<_RhsNested>::type,Dynamic,Dynamic>,
- NormalProduct>(
- m_lhs.block(0,size, _rows(), remainingSize),
- m_rhs.block(size,0, remainingSize, _cols())).lazy();
-// res += m_lhs.block(0,size, _rows(), remainingSize)._lazyProduct(m_rhs.block(size,0, remainingSize, _cols()));
- }
-// delete[] block;
+ ei_cache_friendly_product<Scalar>(
+ _rows(), _cols(), m_lhs.cols(),
+ _LhsNested::Flags&RowMajorBit, &(m_lhs.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(0,0)), m_lhs.stride(),
+ _RhsNested::Flags&RowMajorBit, &(m_rhs.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(0,0)), m_rhs.stride(),
+ Flags&RowMajorBit, &(res.coeffRef(0,0)), res.stride()
+ );
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Transpose.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Transpose.h
index e4af78c7c..d98d06597 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Transpose.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Transpose.h
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ template<typename MatrixType> class Transpose
int _rows() const { return m_matrix.cols(); }
int _cols() const { return m_matrix.rows(); }
+ int _stride(void) const { return m_matrix.stride(); }
Scalar& _coeffRef(int row, int col)
return m_matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(col, row);
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/Triangular.h b/Eigen/src/Core/Triangular.h
index 7d5884de3..8a17a3fee 100755
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/Triangular.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/Triangular.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct ei_traits<Triangular<Mode, MatrixType> >
ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
- Flags = (_MatrixTypeNested::Flags & ~(VectorizableBit | Like1DArrayBit)) | Mode,
+ Flags = (_MatrixTypeNested::Flags & ~(VectorizableBit | Like1DArrayBit | DirectAccessBit)) | Mode,
CoeffReadCost = _MatrixTypeNested::CoeffReadCost
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/util/Constants.h b/Eigen/src/Core/util/Constants.h
index 48498bfae..8aa16aa81 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/util/Constants.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/util/Constants.h
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ const unsigned int NullDiagBit = 0x40; ///< means all diagonal coefficients
const unsigned int UnitDiagBit = 0x80; ///< means all diagonal coefficients are equal to 1
const unsigned int NullLowerBit = 0x200; ///< means the strictly triangular lower part is 0
const unsigned int NullUpperBit = 0x400; ///< means the strictly triangular upper part is 0
-const unsigned int ReferencableBit = 0x800; ///< means the expression is writable through MatrixBase::coeffRef(int,int)
+const unsigned int DirectAccessBit = 0x800; ///< means the underlying matrix data can be direclty accessed
enum { Upper=NullLowerBit, Lower=NullUpperBit };
enum { Aligned=0, UnAligned=1 };
// list of flags that are lost by default
-const unsigned int DefaultLostFlagMask = ~(VectorizableBit | Like1DArrayBit | ReferencableBit
+const unsigned int DefaultLostFlagMask = ~(VectorizableBit | Like1DArrayBit | DirectAccessBit
| NullDiagBit | UnitDiagBit | NullLowerBit | NullUpperBit);
enum { ConditionalJumpCost = 5 };
enum CornerType { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight };
enum DirectionType { Vertical, Horizontal };
-enum ProductEvaluationMode { NormalProduct, CacheOptimalProduct, LazyProduct};
+enum ProductEvaluationMode { NormalProduct, CacheFriendlyProduct, LazyProduct};
diff --git a/Eigen/src/QR/EigenSolver.h b/Eigen/src/QR/EigenSolver.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47199862f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Eigen/src/QR/EigenSolver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** \class EigenSolver
+ *
+ * \brief Eigen values/vectors solver
+ *
+ * \param MatrixType the type of the matrix of which we are computing the eigen decomposition
+ *
+ * \note this code was adapted from JAMA (public domain)
+ *
+ * \sa MatrixBase::eigenvalues()
+ */
+template<typename _MatrixType> class EigenSolver
+ public:
+ typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef Matrix<Scalar, MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime, 1> VectorType;
+ EigenSolver(const MatrixType& matrix)
+ : m_eivec(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),
+ m_eivalr(matrix.cols()), m_eivali(matrix.cols()),
+ m_H(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),
+ m_ort(matrix.cols())
+ {
+ _compute(matrix);
+ }
+ MatrixType eigenvectors(void) const { return m_eivec; }
+ VectorType eigenvalues(void) const { return m_eivalr; }
+ private:
+ void _compute(const MatrixType& matrix);
+ void tridiagonalization(void);
+ void tql2(void);
+ void orthes(void);
+ void hqr2(void);
+ protected:
+ MatrixType m_eivec;
+ VectorType m_eivalr, m_eivali;
+ MatrixType m_H;
+ VectorType m_ort;
+ bool m_isSymmetric;
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void EigenSolver<MatrixType>::_compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
+ assert(matrix.cols() == matrix.rows());
+ m_isSymmetric = true;
+ int n = matrix.cols();
+ for (int j = 0; (j < n) && m_isSymmetric; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; (i < j) && m_isSymmetric; i++) {
+ m_isSymmetric = (matrix(i,j) == matrix(j,i));
+ }
+ }
+ m_eivalr.resize(n,1);
+ m_eivali.resize(n,1);
+ if (m_isSymmetric)
+ {
+ m_eivec = matrix;
+ // Tridiagonalize.
+ tridiagonalization();
+ // Diagonalize.
+ tql2();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_H = matrix;
+ m_ort.resize(n, 1);
+ // Reduce to Hessenberg form.
+ orthes();
+ // Reduce Hessenberg to real Schur form.
+ hqr2();
+ }
+ std::cout << m_eivali.transpose() << "\n";
+// Symmetric Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void EigenSolver<MatrixType>::tridiagonalization(void)
+// This is derived from the Algol procedures tred2 by
+// Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
+// Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+// Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ int n = m_eivec.cols();
+ m_eivalr = m_eivec.row(m_eivalr.size()-1);
+ // Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
+ for (int i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ // Scale to avoid under/overflow.
+ Scalar scale = 0.0;
+ Scalar h = 0.0;
+ scale = m_eivalr.start(i).cwiseAbs().sum();
+ if (scale == 0.0)
+ {
+ m_eivali[i] = m_eivalr[i-1];
+ m_eivalr.start(i) = m_eivec.row(i-1).start(i);
+ m_eivec.corner(TopLeft, i, i) = m_eivec.corner(TopLeft, i, i).diagonal().asDiagonal();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Generate Householder vector.
+ m_eivalr.start(i) /= scale;
+ h = m_eivalr.start(i).cwiseAbs2().sum();
+ Scalar f = m_eivalr[i-1];
+ Scalar g = ei_sqrt(h);
+ if (f > 0)
+ g = -g;
+ m_eivali[i] = scale * g;
+ h = h - f * g;
+ m_eivalr[i-1] = f - g;
+ m_eivali.start(i).setZero();
+ // Apply similarity transformation to remaining columns.
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ {
+ f = m_eivalr[j];
+ m_eivec(j,i) = f;
+ g = m_eivali[j] + m_eivec(j,j) * f;
+ int bSize = i-j-1;
+ if (bSize>0)
+ {
+ g += (m_eivec.col(j).block(j+1, bSize).transpose() * m_eivalr.block(j+1, bSize))(0,0);
+ m_eivali.block(j+1, bSize) += m_eivec.col(j).block(j+1, bSize) * f;
+ }
+ m_eivali[j] = g;
+ }
+ f = (m_eivali.start(i).transpose() * m_eivalr.start(i))(0,0);
+ m_eivali.start(i) = (m_eivali.start(i) - (f / (h + h)) * m_eivalr.start(i))/h;
+ m_eivec.corner(TopLeft, i, i).lower() -=
+ ( (m_eivali.start(i) * m_eivalr.start(i).transpose()).lazy()
+ + (m_eivalr.start(i) * m_eivali.start(i).transpose()).lazy());
+ m_eivalr.start(i) = m_eivec.row(i-1).start(i);
+ m_eivec.row(i).start(i).setZero();
+ }
+ m_eivalr[i] = h;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
+ {
+ m_eivec(n-1,i) = m_eivec(i,i);
+ m_eivec(i,i) = 1.0;
+ Scalar h = m_eivalr[i+1];
+ // FIXME this does not looks very stable ;)
+ if (h != 0.0)
+ {
+ m_eivalr.start(i+1) = m_eivec.col(i+1).start(i+1) / h;
+ m_eivec.corner(TopLeft, i+1, i+1) -= m_eivalr.start(i+1)
+ * ( m_eivec.col(i+1).start(i+1).transpose() * m_eivec.corner(TopLeft, i+1, i+1) );
+ }
+ m_eivec.col(i+1).start(i+1).setZero();
+ }
+ m_eivalr = m_eivec.row(m_eivalr.size()-1);
+ m_eivec.row(m_eivalr.size()-1).setZero();
+ m_eivec(n-1,n-1) = 1.0;
+ m_eivali[0] = 0.0;
+// Symmetric tridiagonal QL algorithm.
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void EigenSolver<MatrixType>::tql2(void)
+// This is derived from the Algol procedures tql2, by
+// Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
+// Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+// Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ int n = m_eivalr.size();
+ for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ m_eivali[i-1] = m_eivali[i];
+ }
+ m_eivali[n-1] = 0.0;
+ Scalar f = 0.0;
+ Scalar tst1 = 0.0;
+ Scalar eps = std::pow(2.0,-52.0);
+ for (int l = 0; l < n; l++)
+ {
+ // Find small subdiagonal element
+ tst1 = std::max(tst1,ei_abs(m_eivalr[l]) + ei_abs(m_eivali[l]));
+ int m = l;
+ while ( (m < n) && (ei_abs(m_eivali[m]) > eps*tst1) )
+ m++;
+ // If m == l, m_eivalr[l] is an eigenvalue,
+ // otherwise, iterate.
+ if (m > l)
+ {
+ int iter = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ // Compute implicit shift
+ Scalar g = m_eivalr[l];
+ Scalar p = (m_eivalr[l+1] - g) / (2.0 * m_eivali[l]);
+ Scalar r = hypot(p,1.0);
+ if (p < 0)
+ r = -r;
+ m_eivalr[l] = m_eivali[l] / (p + r);
+ m_eivalr[l+1] = m_eivali[l] * (p + r);
+ Scalar dl1 = m_eivalr[l+1];
+ Scalar h = g - m_eivalr[l];
+ if (l+2<n)
+ m_eivalr.end(n-l-2) -= VectorType::constant(n-l-2, h);
+ f = f + h;
+ // Implicit QL transformation.
+ p = m_eivalr[m];
+ Scalar c = 1.0;
+ Scalar c2 = c;
+ Scalar c3 = c;
+ Scalar el1 = m_eivali[l+1];
+ Scalar s = 0.0;
+ Scalar s2 = 0.0;
+ for (int i = m-1; i >= l; i--)
+ {
+ c3 = c2;
+ c2 = c;
+ s2 = s;
+ g = c * m_eivali[i];
+ h = c * p;
+ r = hypot(p,m_eivali[i]);
+ m_eivali[i+1] = s * r;
+ s = m_eivali[i] / r;
+ c = p / r;
+ p = c * m_eivalr[i] - s * g;
+ m_eivalr[i+1] = h + s * (c * g + s * m_eivalr[i]);
+ // Accumulate transformation.
+ for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
+ {
+ h = m_eivec(k,i+1);
+ m_eivec(k,i+1) = s * m_eivec(k,i) + c * h;
+ m_eivec(k,i) = c * m_eivec(k,i) - s * h;
+ }
+ }
+ p = -s * s2 * c3 * el1 * m_eivali[l] / dl1;
+ m_eivali[l] = s * p;
+ m_eivalr[l] = c * p;
+ // Check for convergence.
+ } while (ei_abs(m_eivali[l]) > eps*tst1);
+ }
+ m_eivalr[l] = m_eivalr[l] + f;
+ m_eivali[l] = 0.0;
+ }
+ // Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
+ // TODO use a better sort algorithm !!
+ for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
+ {
+ int k = i;
+ Scalar minValue = m_eivalr[i];
+ for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
+ {
+ if (m_eivalr[j] < minValue)
+ {
+ k = j;
+ minValue = m_eivalr[j];
+ }
+ }
+ if (k != i)
+ {
+ std::swap(m_eivalr[i], m_eivalr[k]);
+ m_eivec.col(i).swap(m_eivec.col(k));
+ }
+ }
+// Nonsymmetric reduction to Hessenberg form.
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void EigenSolver<MatrixType>::orthes(void)
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedures orthes and ortran,
+ // by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
+ // Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutines in EISPACK.
+ int n = m_eivec.cols();
+ int low = 0;
+ int high = n-1;
+ for (int m = low+1; m <= high-1; m++)
+ {
+ // Scale column.
+ Scalar scale = m_H.block(m, m-1, high-m+1, 1).cwiseAbs().sum();
+ if (scale != 0.0)
+ {
+ // Compute Householder transformation.
+ Scalar h = 0.0;
+ // FIXME could be rewritten, but this one looks better wrt cache
+ for (int i = high; i >= m; i--)
+ {
+ m_ort[i] = m_H(i,m-1)/scale;
+ h += m_ort[i] * m_ort[i];
+ }
+ Scalar g = ei_sqrt(h);
+ if (m_ort[m] > 0)
+ g = -g;
+ h = h - m_ort[m] * g;
+ m_ort[m] = m_ort[m] - g;
+ // Apply Householder similarity transformation
+ // H = (I-u*u'/h)*H*(I-u*u')/h)
+ int bSize = high-m+1;
+ m_H.block(m, m, bSize, n-m) -= ((m_ort.block(m, bSize)/h)
+ * (m_ort.block(m, bSize).transpose() * m_H.block(m, m, bSize, n-m)).lazy()).lazy();
+ m_H.block(0, m, high+1, bSize) -= ((m_H.block(0, m, high+1, bSize) * m_ort.block(m, bSize)).lazy()
+ * (m_ort.block(m, bSize)/h).transpose()).lazy();
+ m_ort[m] = scale*m_ort[m];
+ m_H(m,m-1) = scale*g;
+ }
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations (Algol's ortran).
+ m_eivec.setIdentity();
+ for (int m = high-1; m >= low+1; m--)
+ {
+ if (m_H(m,m-1) != 0.0)
+ {
+ m_ort.block(m+1, high-m) = m_H.col(m-1).block(m+1, high-m);
+ int bSize = high-m+1;
+ m_eivec.block(m, m, bSize, bSize) += ( (m_ort.block(m, bSize) / (m_H(m,m-1) * m_ort[m] ) )
+ * (m_ort.block(m, bSize).transpose() * m_eivec.block(m, m, bSize, bSize)).lazy());
+ }
+ }
+// Complex scalar division.
+template<typename Scalar>
+std::complex<Scalar> cdiv(Scalar xr, Scalar xi, Scalar yr, Scalar yi)
+ Scalar r,d;
+ if (ei_abs(yr) > ei_abs(yi))
+ {
+ r = yi/yr;
+ d = yr + r*yi;
+ return std::complex<Scalar>((xr + r*xi)/d, (xi - r*xr)/d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = yr/yi;
+ d = yi + r*yr;
+ return std::complex<Scalar>((r*xr + xi)/d, (r*xi - xr)/d);
+ }
+// Nonsymmetric reduction from Hessenberg to real Schur form.
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void EigenSolver<MatrixType>::hqr2(void)
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedure hqr2,
+ // by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
+ // Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ // Initialize
+ int nn = m_eivec.cols();
+ int n = nn-1;
+ int low = 0;
+ int high = nn-1;
+ Scalar eps = pow(2.0,-52.0);
+ Scalar exshift = 0.0;
+ Scalar p=0,q=0,r=0,s=0,z=0,t,w,x,y;
+ // Store roots isolated by balanc and compute matrix norm
+ // FIXME to be efficient the following would requires a triangular reduxion code
+ // Scalar norm = m_H.upper().cwiseAbs().sum() + m_H.corner(BottomLeft,n,n).diagonal().cwiseAbs().sum();
+ Scalar norm = 0.0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < nn; j++)
+ {
+ // FIXME what's the purpose of the following since the condition is always false
+ if ((j < low) || (j > high))
+ {
+ m_eivalr[j] = m_H(j,j);
+ m_eivali[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ norm += m_H.col(j).start(std::min(j+1,nn)).cwiseAbs().sum();
+ }
+ // Outer loop over eigenvalue index
+ int iter = 0;
+ while (n >= low)
+ {
+ // Look for single small sub-diagonal element
+ int l = n;
+ while (l > low)
+ {
+ s = ei_abs(m_H(l-1,l-1)) + ei_abs(m_H(l,l));
+ if (s == 0.0)
+ s = norm;
+ if (ei_abs(m_H(l,l-1)) < eps * s)
+ break;
+ l--;
+ }
+ // Check for convergence
+ // One root found
+ if (l == n)
+ {
+ m_H(n,n) = m_H(n,n) + exshift;
+ m_eivalr[n] = m_H(n,n);
+ m_eivali[n] = 0.0;
+ n--;
+ iter = 0;
+ }
+ else if (l == n-1) // Two roots found
+ {
+ w = m_H(n,n-1) * m_H(n-1,n);
+ p = (m_H(n-1,n-1) - m_H(n,n)) / 2.0;
+ q = p * p + w;
+ z = ei_sqrt(ei_abs(q));
+ m_H(n,n) = m_H(n,n) + exshift;
+ m_H(n-1,n-1) = m_H(n-1,n-1) + exshift;
+ x = m_H(n,n);
+ // Scalar pair
+ if (q >= 0)
+ {
+ if (p >= 0)
+ z = p + z;
+ else
+ z = p - z;
+ m_eivalr[n-1] = x + z;
+ m_eivalr[n] = m_eivalr[n-1];
+ if (z != 0.0)
+ m_eivalr[n] = x - w / z;
+ m_eivali[n-1] = 0.0;
+ m_eivali[n] = 0.0;
+ x = m_H(n,n-1);
+ s = ei_abs(x) + ei_abs(z);
+ p = x / s;
+ q = z / s;
+ r = ei_sqrt(p * p+q * q);
+ p = p / r;
+ q = q / r;
+ // Row modification
+ for (int j = n-1; j < nn; j++)
+ {
+ z = m_H(n-1,j);
+ m_H(n-1,j) = q * z + p * m_H(n,j);
+ m_H(n,j) = q * m_H(n,j) - p * z;
+ }
+ // Column modification
+ for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
+ {
+ z = m_H(i,n-1);
+ m_H(i,n-1) = q * z + p * m_H(i,n);
+ m_H(i,n) = q * m_H(i,n) - p * z;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations
+ for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
+ {
+ z = m_eivec(i,n-1);
+ m_eivec(i,n-1) = q * z + p * m_eivec(i,n);
+ m_eivec(i,n) = q * m_eivec(i,n) - p * z;
+ }
+ }
+ else // Complex pair
+ {
+ m_eivalr[n-1] = x + p;
+ m_eivalr[n] = x + p;
+ m_eivali[n-1] = z;
+ m_eivali[n] = -z;
+ }
+ n = n - 2;
+ iter = 0;
+ }
+ else // No convergence yet
+ {
+ // Form shift
+ x = m_H(n,n);
+ y = 0.0;
+ w = 0.0;
+ if (l < n)
+ {
+ y = m_H(n-1,n-1);
+ w = m_H(n,n-1) * m_H(n-1,n);
+ }
+ // Wilkinson's original ad hoc shift
+ if (iter == 10)
+ {
+ exshift += x;
+ for (int i = low; i <= n; i++)
+ m_H(i,i) -= x;
+ s = ei_abs(m_H(n,n-1)) + ei_abs(m_H(n-1,n-2));
+ x = y = 0.75 * s;
+ w = -0.4375 * s * s;
+ }
+ // MATLAB's new ad hoc shift
+ if (iter == 30)
+ {
+ s = (y - x) / 2.0;
+ s = s * s + w;
+ if (s > 0)
+ {
+ s = ei_sqrt(s);
+ if (y < x)
+ s = -s;
+ s = x - w / ((y - x) / 2.0 + s);
+ for (int i = low; i <= n; i++)
+ m_H(i,i) -= s;
+ exshift += s;
+ x = y = w = 0.964;
+ }
+ }
+ iter = iter + 1; // (Could check iteration count here.)
+ // Look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements
+ int m = n-2;
+ while (m >= l)
+ {
+ z = m_H(m,m);
+ r = x - z;
+ s = y - z;
+ p = (r * s - w) / m_H(m+1,m) + m_H(m,m+1);
+ q = m_H(m+1,m+1) - z - r - s;
+ r = m_H(m+2,m+1);
+ s = ei_abs(p) + ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r);
+ p = p / s;
+ q = q / s;
+ r = r / s;
+ if (m == l) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ei_abs(m_H(m,m-1)) * (ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r)) <
+ eps * (ei_abs(p) * (ei_abs(m_H(m-1,m-1)) + ei_abs(z) +
+ ei_abs(m_H(m+1,m+1)))))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m--;
+ }
+ for (int i = m+2; i <= n; i++)
+ {
+ m_H(i,i-2) = 0.0;
+ if (i > m+2)
+ m_H(i,i-3) = 0.0;
+ }
+ // Double QR step involving rows l:n and columns m:n
+ for (int k = m; k <= n-1; k++)
+ {
+ int notlast = (k != n-1);
+ if (k != m) {
+ p = m_H(k,k-1);
+ q = m_H(k+1,k-1);
+ r = (notlast ? m_H(k+2,k-1) : 0.0);
+ x = ei_abs(p) + ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r);
+ if (x != 0.0)
+ {
+ p = p / x;
+ q = q / x;
+ r = r / x;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x == 0.0)
+ break;
+ s = ei_sqrt(p * p + q * q + r * r);
+ if (p < 0)
+ s = -s;
+ if (s != 0)
+ {
+ if (k != m)
+ m_H(k,k-1) = -s * x;
+ else if (l != m)
+ m_H(k,k-1) = -m_H(k,k-1);
+ p = p + s;
+ x = p / s;
+ y = q / s;
+ z = r / s;
+ q = q / p;
+ r = r / p;
+ // Row modification
+ for (int j = k; j < nn; j++)
+ {
+ p = m_H(k,j) + q * m_H(k+1,j);
+ if (notlast)
+ {
+ p = p + r * m_H(k+2,j);
+ m_H(k+2,j) = m_H(k+2,j) - p * z;
+ }
+ m_H(k,j) = m_H(k,j) - p * x;
+ m_H(k+1,j) = m_H(k+1,j) - p * y;
+ }
+ // Column modification
+ for (int i = 0; i <= std::min(n,k+3); i++)
+ {
+ p = x * m_H(i,k) + y * m_H(i,k+1);
+ if (notlast)
+ {
+ p = p + z * m_H(i,k+2);
+ m_H(i,k+2) = m_H(i,k+2) - p * r;
+ }
+ m_H(i,k) = m_H(i,k) - p;
+ m_H(i,k+1) = m_H(i,k+1) - p * q;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations
+ for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
+ {
+ p = x * m_eivec(i,k) + y * m_eivec(i,k+1);
+ if (notlast)
+ {
+ p = p + z * m_eivec(i,k+2);
+ m_eivec(i,k+2) = m_eivec(i,k+2) - p * r;
+ }
+ m_eivec(i,k) = m_eivec(i,k) - p;
+ m_eivec(i,k+1) = m_eivec(i,k+1) - p * q;
+ }
+ } // (s != 0)
+ } // k loop
+ } // check convergence
+ } // while (n >= low)
+ // Backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form
+ if (norm == 0.0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (n = nn-1; n >= 0; n--)
+ {
+ p = m_eivalr[n];
+ q = m_eivali[n];
+ // Scalar vector
+ if (q == 0)
+ {
+ int l = n;
+ m_H(n,n) = 1.0;
+ for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ w = m_H(i,i) - p;
+ r = (m_H.row(i).end(nn-l) * m_H.col(n).end(nn-l))(0,0);
+ if (m_eivali[i] < 0.0)
+ {
+ z = w;
+ s = r;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l = i;
+ if (m_eivali[i] == 0.0)
+ {
+ if (w != 0.0)
+ m_H(i,n) = -r / w;
+ else
+ m_H(i,n) = -r / (eps * norm);
+ }
+ else // Solve real equations
+ {
+ x = m_H(i,i+1);
+ y = m_H(i+1,i);
+ q = (m_eivalr[i] - p) * (m_eivalr[i] - p) + m_eivali[i] * m_eivali[i];
+ t = (x * s - z * r) / q;
+ m_H(i,n) = t;
+ if (ei_abs(x) > ei_abs(z))
+ m_H(i+1,n) = (-r - w * t) / x;
+ else
+ m_H(i+1,n) = (-s - y * t) / z;
+ }
+ // Overflow control
+ t = ei_abs(m_H(i,n));
+ if ((eps * t) * t > 1)
+ m_H.col(n).end(nn-i) /= t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (q < 0) // Complex vector
+ {
+ std::complex<Scalar> cc;
+ int l = n-1;
+ // Last vector component imaginary so matrix is triangular
+ if (ei_abs(m_H(n,n-1)) > ei_abs(m_H(n-1,n)))
+ {
+ m_H(n-1,n-1) = q / m_H(n,n-1);
+ m_H(n-1,n) = -(m_H(n,n) - p) / m_H(n,n-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cc = cdiv<Scalar>(0.0,-m_H(n-1,n),m_H(n-1,n-1)-p,q);
+ m_H(n-1,n-1) = ei_real(cc);
+ m_H(n-1,n) = ei_imag(cc);
+ }
+ m_H(n,n-1) = 0.0;
+ m_H(n,n) = 1.0;
+ for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Scalar ra,sa,vr,vi;
+ ra = (m_H.row(i).end(nn-l) * m_H.col(n-1).end(nn-l)).lazy()(0,0);
+ sa = (m_H.row(i).end(nn-l) * m_H.col(n).end(nn-l)).lazy()(0,0);
+ w = m_H(i,i) - p;
+ if (m_eivali[i] < 0.0)
+ {
+ z = w;
+ r = ra;
+ s = sa;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l = i;
+ if (m_eivali[i] == 0)
+ {
+ cc = cdiv(-ra,-sa,w,q);
+ m_H(i,n-1) = ei_real(cc);
+ m_H(i,n) = ei_imag(cc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Solve complex equations
+ x = m_H(i,i+1);
+ y = m_H(i+1,i);
+ vr = (m_eivalr[i] - p) * (m_eivalr[i] - p) + m_eivali[i] * m_eivali[i] - q * q;
+ vi = (m_eivalr[i] - p) * 2.0 * q;
+ if ((vr == 0.0) && (vi == 0.0))
+ vr = eps * norm * (ei_abs(w) + ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(x) + ei_abs(y) + ei_abs(z));
+ cc= cdiv(x*r-z*ra+q*sa,x*s-z*sa-q*ra,vr,vi);
+ m_H(i,n-1) = ei_real(cc);
+ m_H(i,n) = ei_imag(cc);
+ if (ei_abs(x) > (ei_abs(z) + ei_abs(q)))
+ {
+ m_H(i+1,n-1) = (-ra - w * m_H(i,n-1) + q * m_H(i,n)) / x;
+ m_H(i+1,n) = (-sa - w * m_H(i,n) - q * m_H(i,n-1)) / x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cc = cdiv(-r-y*m_H(i,n-1),-s-y*m_H(i,n),z,q);
+ m_H(i+1,n-1) = ei_real(cc);
+ m_H(i+1,n) = ei_imag(cc);
+ }
+ }
+ // Overflow control
+ t = std::max(ei_abs(m_H(i,n-1)),ei_abs(m_H(i,n)));
+ if ((eps * t) * t > 1)
+ m_H.block(i, n-1, nn-i, 2) /= t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vectors of isolated roots
+ for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
+ {
+ // FIXME again what's the purpose of this test ?
+ // in this algo low==0 and high==nn-1 !!
+ if (i < low || i > high)
+ {
+ m_eivec.row(i).end(nn-i) = m_H.row(i).end(nn-i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Back transformation to get eigenvectors of original matrix
+ int bRows = high-low+1;
+ for (int j = nn-1; j >= low; j--)
+ {
+ int bSize = std::min(j,high)-low+1;
+ m_eivec.col(j).block(low, bRows) = (m_eivec.block(low, low, bRows, bSize) * m_H.col(j).block(low, bSize));
+ }
diff --git a/Eigen/src/QR/QR.h b/Eigen/src/QR/QR.h
index d0121cc7a..d42153eb9 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/QR/QR.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/QR/QR.h
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ void QR<MatrixType>::_compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
m_qr(k,k) += 1.0;
// apply transformation to remaining columns
- for (int j = k+1; j < cols; j++)
+ int remainingCols = cols - k -1;
+ if (remainingCols>0)
- Scalar s = -(m_qr.col(k).end(remainingSize).transpose() * m_qr.col(j).end(remainingSize))(0,0) / m_qr(k,k);
- m_qr.col(j).end(remainingSize) += s * m_qr.col(k).end(remainingSize);
+ m_qr.corner(BottomRight, remainingSize, remainingCols) -= (1./m_qr(k,k)) * m_qr.col(k).end(remainingSize)
+ * (m_qr.col(k).end(remainingSize).transpose() * m_qr.corner(BottomRight, remainingSize, remainingCols));
m_norms[k] = -nrm;