path: root/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h
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authorGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2016-06-09 17:12:03 +0200
committerGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2016-06-09 17:12:03 +0200
commit2bd59b0e0d667dcdcb6b070596a1bf023e3e88f1 (patch)
tree8d6dfc195935f21ef0bcf6565fcf1287268b5219 /Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h
parentc1f9ca925405c8fad126f327b4bdca7f983fc96e (diff)
Take advantage that T is already diagonal in the extraction of generalized complex eigenvalues.
Diffstat (limited to 'Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h b/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h
index 08caed281..9f43fd544 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/GeneralizedEigenSolver.h
@@ -327,24 +327,13 @@ GeneralizedEigenSolver<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixTyp
- // We need to extract the generalized eigenvalues of the pair of a general 2x2 block S and a triangular 2x2 block T
- // From the eigen decomposition of T = U * E * U^-1,
- // we can extract the eigenvalues of (U^-1 * S * U) / E
- // Here, we can take advantage that E = diag(T), and U = [ 1 T_01 ; 0 T_11-T_00], and U^-1 = [1 -T_11/(T_11-T_00) ; 0 1/(T_11-T_00)].
- // Then taking beta=T_00*T_11*(T_11-T_00), we can avoid any division, and alpha is the eigenvalues of A = (U^-1 * S * U) * diag(T_11,T_00) * (T_11-T_00):
- // T = [a b ; 0 c]
- // S = [e f ; g h]
- RealScalar a = m_realQZ.matrixT().coeff(i, i), b = m_realQZ.matrixT().coeff(i, i+1), c = m_realQZ.matrixT().coeff(i+1, i+1);
- RealScalar e = m_matS.coeff(i, i), f = m_matS.coeff(i, i+1), g = m_matS.coeff(i+1, i), h = m_matS.coeff(i+1, i+1);
- RealScalar d = c-a;
- RealScalar gb = g*b;
- Matrix<RealScalar,2,2> S2;
- S2 << (e*d-gb)*c, ((e*b+f*d-h*b)*d-gb*b)*a,
- g*c , (gb+h*d)*a;
- // NOTE, we could also compute the SVD of T's block during the QZ factorization so that the respective T block is guaranteed to be diagonal,
- // and then we could directly apply the formula below (while taking care of scaling S columns by T11,T00):
+ // We need to extract the generalized eigenvalues of the pair of a general 2x2 block S and a positive diagonal 2x2 block T
+ // Then taking beta=T_00*T_11, we can avoid any division, and alpha is the eigenvalues of A = (U^-1 * S * U) * diag(T_11,T_00):
+ // T = [a 0]
+ // [0 b]
+ RealScalar a = m_realQZ.matrixT().coeff(i, i), b = m_realQZ.matrixT().coeff(i+1, i+1);
+ Matrix<RealScalar,2,2> S2 = m_matS.template block<2,2>(i,i) * Matrix<Scalar,2,1>(b,a).asDiagonal();
Scalar p = Scalar(0.5) * (S2.coeff(0,0) - S2.coeff(1,1));
Scalar z = sqrt(abs(p * p + S2.coeff(1,0) * S2.coeff(0,1)));
@@ -352,7 +341,7 @@ GeneralizedEigenSolver<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixTyp
m_alphas.coeffRef(i+1) = ComplexScalar(S2.coeff(1,1) + p, -z);
m_betas.coeffRef(i) =
- m_betas.coeffRef(i+1) = a*c*d;
+ m_betas.coeffRef(i+1) = a*b;
i += 2;