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authorGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2016-08-24 13:06:34 +0200
committerGravatar Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>2016-08-24 13:06:34 +0200
commit441b7eaab2569e939928ec345a1368e33fd65d31 (patch)
parent8132a126259051f923556fd2c31b9221e2e165e7 (diff)
Add support for non trivial scalar factor in sparse selfadjoint * dense products, and enable +=/-= assignement for such products.
This changeset also improves the performance by working on column of the result at once.
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseSelfAdjointView.h b/Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseSelfAdjointView.h
index a48520c0c..d31d9babf 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseSelfAdjointView.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseSelfAdjointView.h
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ template<int Mode, typename SparseLhsType, typename DenseRhsType, typename Dense
inline void sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product(const SparseLhsType& lhs, const DenseRhsType& rhs, DenseResType& res, const AlphaType& alpha)
- // TODO use alpha
- eigen_assert(alpha==AlphaType(1) && "alpha != 1 is not implemented yet, sorry");
- typedef evaluator<SparseLhsType> LhsEval;
- typedef typename evaluator<SparseLhsType>::InnerIterator LhsIterator;
+ typedef typename internal::nested_eval<SparseLhsType,DenseRhsType::MaxColsAtCompileTime>::type SparseLhsTypeNested;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_all<SparseLhsTypeNested>::type SparseLhsTypeNestedCleaned;
+ typedef evaluator<SparseLhsTypeNestedCleaned> LhsEval;
+ typedef typename LhsEval::InnerIterator LhsIterator;
typedef typename SparseLhsType::Scalar LhsScalar;
enum {
@@ -266,39 +266,53 @@ inline void sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product(const SparseLhsType& lhs, cons
ProcessSecondHalf = !ProcessFirstHalf
- LhsEval lhsEval(lhs);
- for (Index j=0; j<lhs.outerSize(); ++j)
+ SparseLhsTypeNested lhs_nested(lhs);
+ LhsEval lhsEval(lhs_nested);
+ // work on one column at once
+ for (Index k=0; k<rhs.cols(); ++k)
- LhsIterator i(lhsEval,j);
- if (ProcessSecondHalf)
+ for (Index j=0; j<lhs.outerSize(); ++j)
- while (i && i.index()<j) ++i;
- if(i && i.index()==j)
+ LhsIterator i(lhsEval,j);
+ // handle diagonal coeff
+ if (ProcessSecondHalf)
- res.row(j) += i.value() * rhs.row(j);
- ++i;
+ while (i && i.index()<j) ++i;
+ if(i && i.index()==j)
+ {
+ res(j,k) += alpha * i.value() * rhs(j,k);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // premultiplied rhs for scatters
+ typename ScalarBinaryOpTraits<AlphaType, typename DenseRhsType::Scalar>::ReturnType rhs_j(alpha*rhs(j,k));
+ // accumulator for partial scalar product
+ typename DenseResType::Scalar res_j(0);
+ for(; (ProcessFirstHalf ? i && i.index() < j : i) ; ++i)
+ {
+ LhsScalar lhs_ij = i.value();
+ if(!LhsIsRowMajor) lhs_ij = numext::conj(lhs_ij);
+ res_j += lhs_ij * rhs(i.index(),k);
+ res(i.index(),k) += numext::conj(lhs_ij) * rhs_j;
+ }
+ res(j,k) += alpha * res_j;
+ // handle diagonal coeff
+ if (ProcessFirstHalf && i && (i.index()==j))
+ res(j,k) += alpha * i.value() * rhs(j,k);
- for(; (ProcessFirstHalf ? i && i.index() < j : i) ; ++i)
- {
- Index a = LhsIsRowMajor ? j : i.index();
- Index b = LhsIsRowMajor ? i.index() : j;
- LhsScalar v = i.value();
- res.row(a) += (v) * rhs.row(b);
- res.row(b) += numext::conj(v) * rhs.row(a);
- }
- if (ProcessFirstHalf && i && (i.index()==j))
- res.row(j) += i.value() * rhs.row(j);
template<typename LhsView, typename Rhs, int ProductType>
struct generic_product_impl<LhsView, Rhs, SparseSelfAdjointShape, DenseShape, ProductType>
+: generic_product_impl_base<LhsView, Rhs, generic_product_impl<LhsView, Rhs, SparseSelfAdjointShape, DenseShape, ProductType> >
template<typename Dest>
- static void evalTo(Dest& dst, const LhsView& lhsView, const Rhs& rhs)
+ static void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, const LhsView& lhsView, const Rhs& rhs, const typename Dest::Scalar& alpha)
typedef typename LhsView::_MatrixTypeNested Lhs;
typedef typename nested_eval<Lhs,Dynamic>::type LhsNested;
@@ -306,16 +320,16 @@ struct generic_product_impl<LhsView, Rhs, SparseSelfAdjointShape, DenseShape, Pr
LhsNested lhsNested(lhsView.matrix());
RhsNested rhsNested(rhs);
- dst.setZero();
- internal::sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product<LhsView::Mode>(lhsNested, rhsNested, dst, typename Dest::Scalar(1));
+ internal::sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product<LhsView::Mode>(lhsNested, rhsNested, dst, alpha);
template<typename Lhs, typename RhsView, int ProductType>
struct generic_product_impl<Lhs, RhsView, DenseShape, SparseSelfAdjointShape, ProductType>
+: generic_product_impl_base<Lhs, RhsView, generic_product_impl<Lhs, RhsView, DenseShape, SparseSelfAdjointShape, ProductType> >
template<typename Dest>
- static void evalTo(Dest& dst, const Lhs& lhs, const RhsView& rhsView)
+ static void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, const Lhs& lhs, const RhsView& rhsView, const typename Dest::Scalar& alpha)
typedef typename RhsView::_MatrixTypeNested Rhs;
typedef typename nested_eval<Lhs,Dynamic>::type LhsNested;
@@ -323,10 +337,9 @@ struct generic_product_impl<Lhs, RhsView, DenseShape, SparseSelfAdjointShape, Pr
LhsNested lhsNested(lhs);
RhsNested rhsNested(rhsView.matrix());
- dst.setZero();
- // transpoe everything
+ // transpose everything
Transpose<Dest> dstT(dst);
- internal::sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product<RhsView::Mode>(rhsNested.transpose(), lhsNested.transpose(), dstT, typename Dest::Scalar(1));
+ internal::sparse_selfadjoint_time_dense_product<RhsView::Mode>(rhsNested.transpose(), lhsNested.transpose(), dstT, alpha);
diff --git a/test/sparse_product.cpp b/test/sparse_product.cpp
index c518a6e55..c7c93373d 100644
--- a/test/sparse_product.cpp
+++ b/test/sparse_product.cpp
@@ -292,6 +292,10 @@ template<typename SparseMatrixType> void sparse_product()
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x=mUp.template selfadjointView<Upper>()*b, refX=refS*b);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x=mLo.template selfadjointView<Lower>()*b, refX=refS*b);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x=mS.template selfadjointView<Upper|Lower>()*b, refX=refS*b);
+ VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x.noalias()+=mUp.template selfadjointView<Upper>()*b, refX+=refS*b);
+ VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x.noalias()-=mLo.template selfadjointView<Lower>()*b, refX-=refS*b);
+ VERIFY_IS_APPROX(x.noalias()+=mS.template selfadjointView<Upper|Lower>()*b, refX+=refS*b);
// sparse selfadjointView with sparse matrices
SparseMatrixType mSres(rows,rows);