Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* goldfishterm: Don’t hard-code std::cout/STDOUT_FILENOHEADmainGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-26
| | | | | | | Make terminal-handling code purer by requiring the user pass TERM, a termios struct, and an appropriate ostream rather than querying them from the environment. This eliminates some error-handling code and makes duplicate syscalls less likely.
* Throw errno failures with std::system_categoryGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-26
* Hide cursor during redrawsGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-26
* Add a missing std::moveGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-26
* Don’t hard-code escape sequencesGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-26
| | | | | | | Instead of hard-coding VT100-compatible escape sequences, parse the system terminfo database and read escape sequences from it. This is both more flexible (it should work well on more terminals) and more efficient (it won’t insert padding on terminals that don’t need it).
* Clean up Ninja filesGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Make a number of minor improvements to the EC’s Ninja build files. – Rewrap Ninja code to 80 characters. – Factor out more flags into common_cxxflags. – Remove the antlrdep rule (which was left over from earlier experimentation) and some spurious `-D` flags in release.ninja (which appeared when I copy-pasted this build structure from another project).
* Add script to run all testsGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-14
* EC, a terminal-based RPN calculatorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2021-12-14