diff options
9 files changed, 494 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Network/DNS/Internal.hs b/Network/DNS/Internal.hs
index 8274afe..0368bd4 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/Internal.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/Internal.hs
@@ -151,7 +151,15 @@ defaultQuery :: DNSFormat
defaultQuery = DNSFormat {
header = DNSHeader {
identifier = 0
- , flags = undefined
+ , flags = DNSFlags {
+ qOrR = QR_Query
+ , opcode = OP_STD
+ , authAnswer = False
+ , trunCation = False
+ , recDesired = True
+ , recAvailable = False
+ , rcode = NoErr
+ }
, qdCount = 0
, anCount = 0
, nsCount = 0
@@ -162,3 +170,39 @@ defaultQuery = DNSFormat {
, authority = []
, additional = []
+defaultResponse :: DNSFormat
+defaultResponse =
+ let hd = header defaultQuery
+ flg = flags hd
+ in defaultQuery {
+ header = hd {
+ flags = flg {
+ qOrR = QR_Response
+ , authAnswer = True
+ , recAvailable = True
+ }
+ }
+ }
+responseA :: Int -> Question -> IPv4 -> DNSFormat
+responseA ident q ip =
+ let hd = header defaultResponse
+ dom = qname q
+ an = ResourceRecord dom A 300 4 (RD_A ip)
+ in defaultResponse {
+ header = hd { identifier=ident, qdCount = 1, anCount = 1 }
+ , question = [q]
+ , answer = [an]
+ }
+responseAAAA :: Int -> Question -> IPv6 -> DNSFormat
+responseAAAA ident q ip =
+ let hd = header defaultResponse
+ dom = qname q
+ an = ResourceRecord dom AAAA 300 16 (RD_AAAA ip)
+ in defaultResponse {
+ header = hd { identifier=ident, qdCount = 1, anCount = 1 }
+ , question = [q]
+ , answer = [an]
+ }
diff --git a/Network/DNS/Query.hs b/Network/DNS/Query.hs
index 30c7e24..3ebd5e0 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/Query.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/Query.hs
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
-module Network.DNS.Query (composeQuery) where
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Network.DNS.Query (composeQuery, composeDNSFormat) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (unpack)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (length, split, null)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (length, null, break, drop)
import Network.DNS.StateBinary
import Network.DNS.Internal
import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Word
+import Data.IP
(+++) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(+++) = mappend
+composeDNSFormat :: DNSFormat -> BL.ByteString
+composeDNSFormat fmt = runSPut (encodeDNSFormat fmt)
composeQuery :: Int -> [Question] -> BL.ByteString
-composeQuery idt qs = runSPut (encodeQuery qry)
+composeQuery idt qs = composeDNSFormat qry
hdr = header defaultQuery
qry = defaultQuery {
@@ -26,12 +33,18 @@ composeQuery idt qs = runSPut (encodeQuery qry)
-encodeQuery :: DNSFormat -> SPut
-encodeQuery fmt = encodeHeader hdr
- +++ encodeQuestion qs
+encodeDNSFormat :: DNSFormat -> SPut
+encodeDNSFormat fmt = encodeHeader hdr
+ +++ mconcat (map encodeQuestion qs)
+ +++ mconcat (map encodeRR an)
+ +++ mconcat (map encodeRR au)
+ +++ mconcat (map encodeRR ad)
hdr = header fmt
qs = question fmt
+ an = answer fmt
+ au = authority fmt
+ ad = additional fmt
encodeHeader :: DNSHeader -> SPut
encodeHeader hdr = encodeIdentifier (identifier hdr)
@@ -48,27 +61,90 @@ encodeHeader hdr = encodeIdentifier (identifier hdr)
decodeArCount = putInt16
encodeFlags :: DNSFlags -> SPut
-encodeFlags _ = put16 0x0100 -- xxx
-encodeQuestion :: [Question] -> SPut
-encodeQuestion qs = encodeDomain dom
- +++ putInt16 (typeToInt typ)
- +++ put16 1
+encodeFlags DNSFlags{..} = put16 word
- q = head qs
- dom = qname q
- typ = qtype q
+ word16 :: Enum a => a -> Word16
+ word16 = toEnum . fromEnum
+ set :: Word16 -> State Word16 ()
+ set byte = modify (.|. byte)
+ st :: State Word16 ()
+ st = sequence_
+ [ set (word16 rcode)
+ , when recAvailable $ set (bit 7)
+ , when recDesired $ set (bit 8)
+ , when trunCation $ set (bit 9)
+ , when authAnswer $ set (bit 10)
+ , set (word16 opcode `shiftL` 11)
+ , when (qOrR==QR_Response) $ set (bit 15)
+ ]
+ word = execState st 0
+encodeQuestion :: Question -> SPut
+encodeQuestion Question{..} =
+ encodeDomain qname
+ +++ putInt16 (typeToInt qtype)
+ +++ put16 1
+encodeRR :: ResourceRecord -> SPut
+encodeRR ResourceRecord{..} =
+ mconcat
+ [ encodeDomain rrname
+ , putInt16 (typeToInt rrtype)
+ , put16 1
+ , putInt32 rrttl
+ , putInt16 rdlen
+ , encodeRDATA rdata
+ ]
+encodeRDATA :: RDATA -> SPut
+encodeRDATA rd = case rd of
+ (RD_A ip) -> mconcat $ map putInt8 (fromIPv4 ip)
+ (RD_AAAA ip) -> mconcat $ map putInt16 (fromIPv6 ip)
+ (RD_NS dom) -> encodeDomain dom
+ (RD_CNAME dom) -> encodeDomain dom
+ (RD_PTR dom) -> encodeDomain dom
+ (RD_MX prf dom) -> mconcat [putInt16 prf, encodeDomain dom]
+ (RD_TXT txt) -> putByteString txt
+ (RD_OTH bytes) -> mconcat $ map putInt8 bytes
+ (RD_SOA d1 d2 serial refresh retry expire min') -> mconcat $
+ [ encodeDomain d1
+ , encodeDomain d2
+ , putInt32 serial
+ , putInt32 refresh
+ , putInt32 retry
+ , putInt32 expire
+ , putInt32 min'
+ ]
+ (RD_SRV prio weight port dom) -> mconcat $
+ [ putInt16 prio
+ , putInt16 weight
+ , putInt16 port
+ , encodeDomain dom
+ ]
encodeDomain :: Domain -> SPut
-encodeDomain dom = foldr ((+++) . encodeSubDomain) (put8 0) $ zip ls ss
+encodeDomain dom | BS.null dom = put8 0
+encodeDomain dom = do
+ mpos <- wsPop dom
+ cur <- gets wsPosition
+ case mpos of
+ Just pos -> encodePointer pos
+ Nothing -> wsPush dom cur >>
+ mconcat [ encodePartialDomain hd
+ , encodeDomain tl
+ ]
- ss = filter (not . BS.null) $ BS.split '.' dom
- ls = map BS.length ss
+ (hd, tl') = BS.break (=='.') dom
+ tl = if BS.null tl' then tl' else BS.drop 1 tl'
-encodeSubDomain :: (Int, Domain) -> SPut
-encodeSubDomain (len,sub) = putInt8 len
- +++ foldr ((+++) . put8) mempty ss
- where
- ss = BS.unpack sub
+encodePointer :: Int -> SPut
+encodePointer pos = let w = (pos .|. 0xc000) in putInt16 w
+encodePartialDomain :: Domain -> SPut
+encodePartialDomain sub = putInt8 (BS.length sub)
+ +++ putByteString sub
diff --git a/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs b/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
index 5919088..b3182f6 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module Network.DNS.Resolver (
-- ** Intermediate data type for resolver
, ResolvSeed, makeResolvSeed
-- ** Type and function for resolver
- , Resolver, withResolver
+ , Resolver(..), withResolver
-- ** Looking up functions
, lookup, lookupRaw
) where
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ makeAddrInfo addr = do
argument. 'withResolver' should be passed to 'forkIO'.
-withResolver :: ResolvSeed -> (Resolver -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+withResolver :: ResolvSeed -> (Resolver -> IO a) -> IO a
withResolver seed func = do
let ai = addrInfo seed
sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) (addrSocketType ai) (addrProtocol ai)
diff --git a/Network/DNS/Response.hs b/Network/DNS/Response.hs
index 36f6203..abcb8ba 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/Response.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/Response.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Network.DNS.Response (responseIter, parseResponse) where
+module Network.DNS.Response (responseIter, parseResponse, runDNSFormat, runDNSFormat_) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
@@ -12,13 +12,21 @@ import Network.DNS.Internal
import Network.DNS.StateBinary
import Data.Enumerator (Enumerator, Iteratee, run_, ($$))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-responseIter :: Iteratee ByteString IO (DNSFormat, PState)
-responseIter = runSGet decodeResponse
+runDNSFormat :: BL.ByteString -> Either String (DNSFormat, PState)
+runDNSFormat bs = runSGet decodeResponse bs
-parseResponse :: Enumerator ByteString IO (a,b)
- -> Iteratee ByteString IO (a,b)
- -> IO a
+runDNSFormat_ :: BL.ByteString -> Either String DNSFormat
+runDNSFormat_ bs = fst <$> runDNSFormat bs
+responseIter :: Monad m => Iteratee ByteString m (DNSFormat, PState)
+responseIter = iterSGet decodeResponse
+parseResponse :: (Functor m, Monad m)
+ => Enumerator ByteString m (a,b)
+ -> Iteratee ByteString m (a,b)
+ -> m a
parseResponse enum iter = fst <$> run_ (enum $$ iter)
diff --git a/Network/DNS/StateBinary.hs b/Network/DNS/StateBinary.hs
index 05f8468..6898d3b 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/StateBinary.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/StateBinary.hs
@@ -1,42 +1,85 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Network.DNS.StateBinary where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Monoid
import Data.Attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Enumerator
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as AL
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (unpack)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (unpack, length)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import Data.Enumerator (Iteratee)
import Data.Int
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM (insert, lookup, empty)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M (insert, lookup, empty)
import Data.Word
import Network.DNS.Types
import Prelude hiding (lookup, take)
-type SPut = Write
+type SPut = State WState Write
+data WState = WState {
+ wsDomain :: Map Domain Int
+ , wsPosition :: Int
+initialWState :: WState
+initialWState = WState M.empty 0
+instance Monoid SPut where
+ mempty = return mempty
+ mappend a b = mconcat <$> sequence [a, b]
put8 :: Word8 -> SPut
-put8 = writeWord8
+put8 = fixedSized 1 writeWord8
put16 :: Word16 -> SPut
-put16 = writeWord16be
+put16 = fixedSized 2 writeWord16be
put32 :: Word32 -> SPut
-put32 = writeWord32be
+put32 = fixedSized 4 writeWord32be
putInt8 :: Int -> SPut
-putInt8 = writeInt8 . fromIntegral
+putInt8 = fixedSized 1 (writeInt8 . fromIntegral)
putInt16 :: Int -> SPut
-putInt16 = writeInt16be . fromIntegral
+putInt16 = fixedSized 2 (writeInt16be . fromIntegral)
putInt32 :: Int -> SPut
-putInt32 = writeInt32be . fromIntegral
+putInt32 = fixedSized 4 (writeInt32be . fromIntegral)
+putByteString :: ByteString -> SPut
+putByteString = writeSized BS.length writeByteString
+addPositionW :: Int -> State WState ()
+addPositionW n = do
+ (WState m cur) <- get
+ put $ WState m (cur+n)
+fixedSized :: Int -> (a -> Write) -> a -> SPut
+fixedSized n f a = do addPositionW n
+ return (f a)
+writeSized :: Show a => (a -> Int) -> (a -> Write) -> a -> SPut
+writeSized n f a = do addPositionW (n a)
+ return (f a)
+wsPop :: Domain -> State WState (Maybe Int)
+wsPop dom = do
+ doms <- gets wsDomain
+ return $ M.lookup dom doms
+wsPush :: Domain -> Int -> State WState ()
+wsPush dom pos = do
+ (WState m cur) <- get
+ put $ WState (M.insert dom pos m) cur
@@ -114,8 +157,11 @@ getNByteString n = lift (take n) <* addPosition n
initialState :: PState
initialState = PState IM.empty 0
-runSGet :: SGet a -> Iteratee ByteString IO (a, PState)
-runSGet parser = iterParser (runStateT parser initialState)
+iterSGet :: Monad m => SGet a -> Iteratee ByteString m (a, PState)
+iterSGet parser = iterParser (runStateT parser initialState)
+runSGet :: SGet a -> BL.ByteString -> Either String (a, PState)
+runSGet parser bs = AL.eitherResult $ AL.parse (runStateT parser initialState) bs
runSPut :: SPut -> BL.ByteString
-runSPut = toLazyByteString . fromWrite
+runSPut = toLazyByteString . fromWrite . flip evalState initialWState
diff --git a/Network/DNS/Types.hs b/Network/DNS/Types.hs
index 58832e0..ce27046 100644
--- a/Network/DNS/Types.hs
+++ b/Network/DNS/Types.hs
@@ -8,18 +8,19 @@ module Network.DNS.Types (
-- * TYPE
, TYPE (..), intToType, typeToInt, toType
-- * DNS Format
- , DNSFormat, header, question, answer, authority, additional
+ , DNSFormat (DNSFormat), header, question, answer, authority, additional
-- * DNS Header
- , DNSHeader, identifier, flags, qdCount, anCount, nsCount, arCount
+ , DNSHeader (DNSHeader), identifier, flags, qdCount, anCount, nsCount, arCount
-- * DNS Flags
- , DNSFlags, qOrR, opcode, authAnswer, trunCation, recDesired, recAvailable, rcode
+ , DNSFlags (DNSFlags), qOrR, opcode, authAnswer, trunCation, recDesired, recAvailable, rcode
-- * DNS Body
, QorR (..)
, OPCODE (..)
, RCODE (..)
- , ResourceRecord, rrname, rrtype, rrttl, rdlen, rdata
- , Question, qname, qtype, makeQuestion
+ , ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord), rrname, rrtype, rrttl, rdlen, rdata
+ , Question (Question), qname, qtype, makeQuestion
, RDATA (..)
+ , responseA, responseAAAA
) where
import Network.DNS.Internal
diff --git a/SimpleServer.hs b/SimpleServer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01d864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SimpleServer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
+import System.Environment
+import Debug.Trace
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.ByteString as S
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (putStrLn, filter, length)
+import System.Timeout
+import Network.BSD
+import Network.DNS hiding (lookup)
+import Network.DNS.Response
+import Network.DNS.Query
+import Network.Socket hiding (recvFrom)
+import Network.Socket.ByteString
+import Network.Socket.Enumerator
+import Data.Default
+data Conf = Conf {
+ bufSize :: Int
+ , timeOut :: Int
+ , realDNS :: HostName
+instance Default Conf where
+ def = Conf {
+ bufSize = 512
+ , timeOut = 3 * 1000 * 1000
+ , realDNS = ""
+ }
+timeout' :: String -> Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
+timeout' msg tm io = do
+ result <- timeout tm io
+ maybe (putStrLn msg) (const $ return ()) result
+ return result
+proxyRequest :: Conf -> ResolvConf -> DNSFormat -> IO (Maybe DNSFormat)
+proxyRequest Conf{..} rc req = do
+ let
+ worker Resolver{..} = do
+ let packet = mconcat . toChunks $ composeDNSFormat req
+ sendAll dnsSock packet
+ let responseEnum = enumSocket dnsBufsize dnsSock
+ parseResponse responseEnum responseIter
+ rs <- makeResolvSeed rc
+ withResolver rs $ \r -> do
+ (>>= check) <$> timeout' "proxy timeout" timeOut (worker r)
+ where
+ ident = identifier . header $ req
+ check :: DNSFormat -> Maybe DNSFormat
+ check rsp = let hdr = header rsp
+ in if identifier hdr == ident
+ then Just rsp
+ else trace "identifier not match" Nothing
+ - 先尝试本地查询,查询不到就代理到真正的dns服务器
+ --}
+handleRequest :: Conf -> ResolvConf -> DNSFormat -> IO (Maybe DNSFormat)
+handleRequest conf rc req = maybe (proxyRequest conf rc req) (trace "return A record" $ return . Just) mresponse
+ where
+ filterA = filter ((==A) . qtype)
+ mresponse = do
+ let ident = identifier . header $ req
+ q <- listToMaybe . filterA . question $ req
+ let dom = qname q
+ ip <- lookup dom hosts
+ return $ responseA ident q ip
+ hosts = [ ("", "")
+ --, ("*", "")
+ ]
+handlePacket :: Conf -> Socket -> SockAddr -> S.ByteString -> IO ()
+handlePacket conf@Conf{..} sock addr bs = case runDNSFormat_ (fromChunks [bs]) of
+ Right req -> do
+ print req
+ let rc = defaultResolvConf { resolvInfo = RCHostName realDNS }
+ mrsp <- handleRequest conf rc req
+ print mrsp
+ case mrsp of
+ Just rsp ->
+ let packet = mconcat . toChunks $ composeDNSFormat rsp
+ in timeout' "send timeout" timeOut (sendAllTo sock packet addr) >>
+ print (S.length packet) >>
+ return ()
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Left msg -> putStrLn msg
+main :: IO ()
+main = withSocketsDo $ do
+ dns <- fromMaybe (realDNS def) . listToMaybe <$> getArgs
+ let conf = def { realDNS=dns }
+ addrinfos <- getAddrInfo
+ (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]}))
+ Nothing (Just "domain")
+ addrinfo <- maybe (fail "no addr info") return (listToMaybe addrinfos)
+ sock <- socket (addrFamily addrinfo) Datagram defaultProtocol
+ bindSocket sock (addrAddress addrinfo)
+ forever $ do
+ (bs, addr) <- recvFrom sock (bufSize conf)
+ forkIO $ handlePacket conf sock addr bs
diff --git a/TestProtocol.hs b/TestProtocol.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef00ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestProtocol.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module TestProtocol where
+import Network.DNS
+import Network.DNS.Internal
+import Network.DNS.Query
+import Network.DNS.Response
+import Data.IP
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
+import Test.HUnit hiding (Test)
+tests :: [Test]
+tests =
+ [ testGroup "Test case"
+ [ testCase "QueryA" (test_Format testQueryA)
+ , testCase "QueryAAAA" (test_Format testQueryAAAA)
+ , testCase "ResponseA" (test_Format $ testResponseA)
+ ]
+ ]
+defaultHeader :: DNSHeader
+defaultHeader = header defaultQuery
+testQueryA :: DNSFormat
+testQueryA = defaultQuery
+ { header = defaultHeader
+ { identifier = 1000
+ , qdCount = 1
+ }
+ , question = [makeQuestion "" A]
+ }
+testQueryAAAA :: DNSFormat
+testQueryAAAA = defaultQuery
+ { header = defaultHeader
+ { identifier = 1000
+ , qdCount = 1
+ }
+ , question = [makeQuestion "" AAAA]
+ }
+testResponseA :: DNSFormat
+testResponseA = DNSFormat { header = DNSHeader { identifier = 61046
+ , flags = DNSFlags { qOrR = QR_Response
+ , opcode = OP_STD
+ , authAnswer = False
+ , trunCation = False
+ , recDesired = True
+ , recAvailable = True
+ , rcode = NoErr
+ }
+ , qdCount = 1
+ , anCount = 8
+ , nsCount = 2
+ , arCount = 4
+ }
+ , question = [Question {qname = "", qtype = A}]
+ , answer = [ ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [119, 147, 15, 122]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [119, 147, 79, 106]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [183, 60, 55, 43]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [183, 60, 55, 107]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [113, 108, 7, 172]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [113, 108, 7, 174]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [113, 108, 7, 175]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 568
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [119, 147, 15, 100]
+ }
+ ]
+ , authority = [ ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = NS
+ , rrttl = 45919
+ , rdlen = 10
+ , rdata = RD_NS ""
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = NS
+ , rrttl = 45919
+ , rdlen = 10
+ , rdata = RD_NS ""
+ }
+ ]
+ , additional = [ ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 46520
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [121, 14, 73, 115]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 2890
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [222, 73, 76, 226]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 2890
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [183, 60, 3, 202]
+ }
+ , ResourceRecord { rrname = ""
+ , rrtype = A
+ , rrttl = 2890
+ , rdlen = 4
+ , rdata = RD_A $ toIPv4 [218, 30, 72, 180]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+assertEither :: (a -> String) -> Either a b -> IO ()
+assertEither f e = either (assertFailure . f) (const $ return ()) e
+test_Format :: DNSFormat -> IO ()
+test_Format fmt = do
+ assertEither id result
+ let (Right fmt') = result
+ assertEqual "fail" fmt fmt'
+ where
+ bs = composeDNSFormat fmt
+ result = runDNSFormat_ bs
+main :: IO ()
+main = defaultMain tests
diff --git a/dns.cabal b/dns.cabal
index 1069339..1d1856a 100644
--- a/dns.cabal
+++ b/dns.cabal
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Description: DNS libary. Currently only resolver side
Category: Network
Cabal-Version: >= 1.6
Build-Type: Simple
-Extra-Source-Files: Test.hs
+Extra-Source-Files: Test.hs, TestProtocol.hs
if impl(ghc >= 6.12)
GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind