path: root/src/mono_fm.sml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mono_fm.sml')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mono_fm.sml b/src/mono_fm.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7e9e001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mono_fm.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+(* TODO: better name than "fm"? *)
+structure MonoFm : MONO_FM = struct
+open Mono
+type vr = string * int * typ * exp * string
+datatype foo_kind =
+ Attr
+ | Url
+structure IM = IntBinaryMap
+structure M = BinaryMapFn(struct
+ type ord_key = foo_kind
+ fun compare x =
+ case x of
+ (Attr, Attr) => EQUAL
+ | (Attr, _) => LESS
+ | (_, Attr) => GREATER
+ | (Url, Url) => EQUAL
+ end)
+structure TM = BinaryMapFn(struct
+ type ord_key = typ
+ val compare =
+ end)
+type t = {
+ count : int,
+ map : int,
+ listMap : int,
+ decls : vr list
+val nextPvar = ref 0
+fun empty count = {
+ count = count,
+ map = M.empty,
+ listMap = M.empty,
+ decls = []
+fun chooseNext count =
+ let
+ val n = !nextPvar
+ in
+ if count < n then
+ (count, count+1)
+ else
+ (nextPvar := n + 1;
+ (n, n+1))
+ end
+fun enter ({count, map, listMap, ...} : t) = {count = count, map = map, listMap = listMap, decls = []}
+fun freshName {count, map, listMap, decls} =
+ let
+ val (next, count) = chooseNext count
+ in
+ (next, {count = count , map = map, listMap = listMap, decls = decls})
+ end
+fun decls ({decls, ...} : t) =
+ case decls of
+ [] => []
+ | _ => [(DValRec decls, ErrorMsg.dummySpan)]
+fun lookup (t as {count, map, listMap, decls}) k n thunk =
+ let
+ val im = Option.getOpt (M.find (map, k), IM.empty)
+ in
+ case IM.find (im, n) of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val n' = count
+ val (d, {count, map, listMap, decls}) =
+ thunk count {count = count + 1,
+ map = M.insert (map, k, IM.insert (im, n, n')),
+ listMap = listMap,
+ decls = decls}
+ in
+ ({count = count,
+ map = map,
+ listMap = listMap,
+ decls = d :: decls}, n')
+ end
+ | SOME n' => (t, n')
+ end
+fun lookupList (t as {count, map, listMap, decls}) k tp thunk =
+ let
+ val tm = Option.getOpt (M.find (listMap, k), TM.empty)
+ in
+ case TM.find (tm, tp) of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val n' = count
+ val (d, {count, map, listMap, decls}) =
+ thunk count {count = count + 1,
+ map = map,
+ listMap = M.insert (listMap, k, TM.insert (tm, tp, n')),
+ decls = decls}
+ in
+ ({count = count,
+ map = map,
+ listMap = listMap,
+ decls = d :: decls}, n')
+ end
+ | SOME n' => (t, n')
+ end
+val postMonoize : t ref = ref (empty 0)