diff options
4 files changed, 463 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler.sml b/src/compiler.sml
index 477c8fa4..10b2bd2f 100644
--- a/src/compiler.sml
+++ b/src/compiler.sml
@@ -401,464 +401,471 @@ fun inputCommentableLine inf =
-fun parseUrp' accLibs fname =
- if not (Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ ".urp", []) orelse Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ "/lib.urp", []))
- andalso Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ ".ur", []) then
- let
- val job = {prefix = "/",
- database = NONE,
- sources = [fname],
- exe = fname ^ ".exe",
- sql = NONE,
- debug = Settings.getDebug (),
- profile = false,
- timeout = 60,
- ffi = [],
- link = [],
- linker = NONE,
- headers = [],
- scripts = [],
- clientToServer = [],
- effectful = [],
- benignEffectful = [],
- clientOnly = [],
- serverOnly = [],
- jsFuncs = [],
- rewrites = [{pkind = Settings.Any,
- kind = Settings.Prefix,
- from = capitalize (OS.Path.file fname) ^ "/", to = "",
- hyphenate = false}],
- filterUrl = [],
- filterMime = [],
- filterRequest = [],
- filterResponse = [],
- protocol = NONE,
- dbms = NONE,
- sigFile = NONE,
- safeGets = [],
- onError = NONE,
- minHeap = 0}
- in
- institutionalizeJob job;
- {Job = job, Libs = []}
- end
- else
- let
- val pathmap = ref (!pathmap)
- val bigLibs = ref []
- fun pu filename =
- let
- val filename = OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = filename, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir ()}
- val dir = OS.Path.dir filename
- fun opener () = TextIO.openIn (OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = filename, ext = SOME "urp"})
- val inf = opener ()
- fun hasSpaceLine () =
- case inputCommentableLine inf of
- Content s => s = "debug" orelse s = "profile"
- orelse CharVector.exists (fn ch => ch = #" " orelse ch = #"\t") s orelse hasSpaceLine ()
- | EndOfFile => false
- | OnlyComment => hasSpaceLine ()
- val hasBlankLine = hasSpaceLine ()
- val inf = (TextIO.closeIn inf; opener ())
- fun pathify fname =
- if size fname > 0 andalso String.sub (fname, 0) = #"$" then
- let
- val fname' = Substring.extract (fname, 1, NONE)
- val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #"/") fname'
- in
- case M.find (!pathmap, Substring.string befor) of
- NONE => fname
- | SOME rep => rep ^ Substring.string after
- end
- else
- fname
- fun relify fname =
- let
- val fname = pathify fname
- in
- OS.Path.concat (dir, fname)
- handle OS.Path.Path => fname
- end
- fun libify path =
- (if Posix.FileSys.access (path ^ ".urp", []) then
- path
- else
- path ^ "/lib")
- handle SysErr => path
+val lastUrp = ref ""
- fun libify' path =
- (if Posix.FileSys.access (relify path ^ ".urp", []) then
- path
+fun parseUrp' accLibs fname =
+ (if !lastUrp = fname then
+ ()
+ else
+ ModDb.reset ();
+ lastUrp := fname;
+ if not (Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ ".urp", []) orelse Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ "/lib.urp", []))
+ andalso Posix.FileSys.access (fname ^ ".ur", []) then
+ let
+ val job = {prefix = "/",
+ database = NONE,
+ sources = [fname],
+ exe = fname ^ ".exe",
+ sql = NONE,
+ debug = Settings.getDebug (),
+ profile = false,
+ timeout = 60,
+ ffi = [],
+ link = [],
+ linker = NONE,
+ headers = [],
+ scripts = [],
+ clientToServer = [],
+ effectful = [],
+ benignEffectful = [],
+ clientOnly = [],
+ serverOnly = [],
+ jsFuncs = [],
+ rewrites = [{pkind = Settings.Any,
+ kind = Settings.Prefix,
+ from = capitalize (OS.Path.file fname) ^ "/", to = "",
+ hyphenate = false}],
+ filterUrl = [],
+ filterMime = [],
+ filterRequest = [],
+ filterResponse = [],
+ protocol = NONE,
+ dbms = NONE,
+ sigFile = NONE,
+ safeGets = [],
+ onError = NONE,
+ minHeap = 0}
+ in
+ institutionalizeJob job;
+ {Job = job, Libs = []}
+ end
+ else
+ let
+ val pathmap = ref (!pathmap)
+ val bigLibs = ref []
+ fun pu filename =
+ let
+ val filename = OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = filename, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir ()}
+ val dir = OS.Path.dir filename
+ fun opener () = TextIO.openIn (OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = filename, ext = SOME "urp"})
+ val inf = opener ()
+ fun hasSpaceLine () =
+ case inputCommentableLine inf of
+ Content s => s = "debug" orelse s = "profile"
+ orelse CharVector.exists (fn ch => ch = #" " orelse ch = #"\t") s orelse hasSpaceLine ()
+ | EndOfFile => false
+ | OnlyComment => hasSpaceLine ()
+ val hasBlankLine = hasSpaceLine ()
+ val inf = (TextIO.closeIn inf; opener ())
+ fun pathify fname =
+ if size fname > 0 andalso String.sub (fname, 0) = #"$" then
+ let
+ val fname' = Substring.extract (fname, 1, NONE)
+ val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #"/") fname'
+ in
+ case M.find (!pathmap, Substring.string befor) of
+ NONE => fname
+ | SOME rep => rep ^ Substring.string after
+ end
- path ^ "/lib")
- handle SysErr => path
+ fname
- val absDir = OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = dir, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir ()}
+ fun relify fname =
+ let
+ val fname = pathify fname
+ in
+ OS.Path.concat (dir, fname)
+ handle OS.Path.Path => fname
+ end
- fun relifyA fname =
- OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = pathify fname, relativeTo = absDir}
+ fun libify path =
+ (if Posix.FileSys.access (path ^ ".urp", []) then
+ path
+ else
+ path ^ "/lib")
+ handle SysErr => path
- fun readSources acc =
- case inputCommentableLine inf of
- Content line =>
- let
- val acc = if CharVector.all Char.isSpace line then
- acc
- else
- let
- val fname = String.implode (List.filter (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x))
- (String.explode line))
- val fname = relifyA fname
- in
- fname :: acc
- end
- in
- readSources acc
- end
- | OnlyComment => readSources acc
- | EndOfFile => rev acc
- val prefix = ref (case Settings.getUrlPrefixFull () of "/" => NONE | s => SOME s)
- val database = ref (Settings.getDbstring ())
- val exe = ref (Settings.getExe ())
- val sql = ref (Settings.getSql ())
- val debug = ref (Settings.getDebug ())
- val profile = ref false
- val timeout = ref NONE
- val ffi = ref []
- val link = ref []
- val linker = ref NONE
- val headers = ref []
- val scripts = ref []
- val clientToServer = ref []
- val effectful = ref []
- val benignEffectful = ref []
- val clientOnly = ref []
- val serverOnly = ref []
- val jsFuncs = ref []
- val rewrites = ref []
- val url = ref []
- val mime = ref []
- val request = ref []
- val response = ref []
- val libs = ref []
- val protocol = ref NONE
- val dbms = ref NONE
- val sigFile = ref (Settings.getSigFile ())
- val safeGets = ref []
- val onError = ref NONE
- val minHeap = ref 0
- fun finish sources =
- let
- val job = {
- prefix = Option.getOpt (!prefix, "/"),
- database = !database,
- exe = Option.getOpt (!exe, OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = OS.Path.base filename,
- ext = SOME "exe"}),
- sql = !sql,
- debug = !debug,
- profile = !profile,
- timeout = Option.getOpt (!timeout, 60),
- ffi = rev (!ffi),
- link = rev (!link),
- linker = !linker,
- headers = rev (!headers),
- scripts = rev (!scripts),
- clientToServer = rev (!clientToServer),
- effectful = rev (!effectful),
- benignEffectful = rev (!benignEffectful),
- clientOnly = rev (!clientOnly),
- serverOnly = rev (!serverOnly),
- jsFuncs = rev (!jsFuncs),
- rewrites = rev (!rewrites),
- filterUrl = rev (!url),
- filterMime = rev (!mime),
- filterRequest = rev (!request),
- filterResponse = rev (!response),
- sources = sources,
- protocol = !protocol,
- dbms = !dbms,
- sigFile = !sigFile,
- safeGets = rev (!safeGets),
- onError = !onError,
- minHeap = !minHeap
- }
- fun mergeO f (old, new) =
- case (old, new) of
- (NONE, _) => new
- | (_, NONE) => old
- | (SOME v1, SOME v2) => SOME (f (v1, v2))
- fun same desc = mergeO (fn (x : string, y) =>
- (if x = y then
- ()
- else
- ErrorMsg.error ("Multiple "
- ^ desc ^ " values that don't agree");
- x))
- fun merge (old : job, new : job) = {
- prefix = case #prefix old of
- "/" => #prefix new
- | pold => case #prefix new of
- "/" => pold
- | pnew => (if pold = pnew then
- ()
- else
- ErrorMsg.error ("Multiple prefix values that don't agree: "
- ^ pold ^ ", " ^ pnew);
- pold),
- database = mergeO (fn (old, _) => old) (#database old, #database new),
- exe = #exe old,
- sql = #sql old,
- debug = #debug old orelse #debug new,
- profile = #profile old orelse #profile new,
- timeout = #timeout old,
- ffi = #ffi old @ #ffi new,
- link = #link old @ #link new,
- linker = mergeO (fn (_, new) => new) (#linker old, #linker new),
- headers = #headers old @ #headers new,
- scripts = #scripts old @ #scripts new,
- clientToServer = #clientToServer old @ #clientToServer new,
- effectful = #effectful old @ #effectful new,
- benignEffectful = #benignEffectful old @ #benignEffectful new,
- clientOnly = #clientOnly old @ #clientOnly new,
- serverOnly = #serverOnly old @ #serverOnly new,
- jsFuncs = #jsFuncs old @ #jsFuncs new,
- rewrites = #rewrites old @ #rewrites new,
- filterUrl = #filterUrl old @ #filterUrl new,
- filterMime = #filterMime old @ #filterMime new,
- filterRequest = #filterRequest old @ #filterRequest new,
- filterResponse = #filterResponse old @ #filterResponse new,
- sources = #sources new
- @ List.filter (fn s => List.all (fn s' => s' <> s) (#sources new))
- (#sources old),
- protocol = mergeO #2 (#protocol old, #protocol new),
- dbms = mergeO #2 (#dbms old, #dbms new),
- sigFile = mergeO #2 (#sigFile old, #sigFile new),
- safeGets = #safeGets old @ #safeGets new,
- onError = mergeO #2 (#onError old, #onError new),
- minHeap = Int.max (#minHeap old, #minHeap new)
- }
- in
- if accLibs then
- foldr (fn (job', job) => merge (job, job')) job (!libs)
- else
- job
- end
- fun parsePkind s =
- case s of
- "all" => Settings.Any
- | "url" => Settings.Url
- | "table" => Settings.Table
- | "sequence" => Settings.Sequence
- | "view" => Settings.View
- | "relation" => Settings.Relation
- | "cookie" => Settings.Cookie
- | "style" => Settings.Style
- | _ => (ErrorMsg.error "Bad path kind spec";
- Settings.Any)
- fun parseFrom s =
- if size s > 1 andalso String.sub (s, size s - 2) = #"/" andalso String.sub (s, size s - 1) = #"*" then
- (Settings.Prefix, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1))
- else
- (Settings.Exact, s)
- fun parseFkind s =
- case s of
- "url" => url
- | "mime" => mime
- | "requestHeader" => request
- | "responseHeader" => response
- | _ => (ErrorMsg.error "Bad filter kind";
- url)
- fun parsePattern s =
- if size s > 0 andalso String.sub (s, size s - 1) = #"*" then
- (Settings.Prefix, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1))
- else
- (Settings.Exact, s)
- fun read () =
- case inputCommentableLine inf of
- EndOfFile => finish []
- | OnlyComment => read ()
- | Content "" => finish (readSources [])
- | Content line =>
- let
- val (cmd, arg) = Substring.splitl (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x)) (Substring.full line)
- val cmd = Substring.string (trim cmd)
- val arg = Substring.string (trim arg)
- fun ffiS () =
- case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") arg of
- [m, x] => (m, x)
- | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func");
- ("", ""))
- fun ffiM () =
- case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"=") arg of
- [f, s] =>
- let
- val f = trimS f
- val s = trimS s
- in
- case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") f of
- [m, x] => ((m, x), s)
- | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func=func'");
- (("", ""), ""))
- end
- | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func=func'");
- (("", ""), ""))
- in
- case cmd of
- "prefix" => prefix := SOME arg
- | "database" =>
- (case !database of
- NONE => database := SOME arg
- | SOME _ => ())
- | "dbms" =>
- (case !dbms of
- NONE => dbms := SOME arg
- | SOME _ => ())
- | "sigfile" =>
- (case !sigFile of
- NONE => sigFile := SOME arg
- | SOME _ => ())
- | "exe" =>
- (case !exe of
- NONE => exe := SOME (relify arg)
- | SOME _ => ())
- | "sql" =>
- (case !sql of
- NONE => sql := SOME (relify arg)
- | SOME _ => ())
- | "debug" => debug := true
- | "profile" => profile := true
- | "timeout" =>
- (case !timeout of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'timeout' directive";
- timeout := SOME (valOf (Int.fromString arg)))
- | "ffi" => ffi := relify arg :: !ffi
- | "link" => let
- val arg = if size arg >= 1
- andalso String.sub (arg, 0) = #"-" then
- arg
- else
- relifyA arg
- in
- link := arg :: !link
- end
- | "linker" => linker := SOME arg
- | "include" => headers := relifyA arg :: !headers
- | "script" => scripts := arg :: !scripts
- | "clientToServer" => clientToServer := ffiS () :: !clientToServer
- | "safeGet" => safeGets := arg :: !safeGets
- | "effectful" => effectful := ffiS () :: !effectful
- | "benignEffectful" => benignEffectful := ffiS () :: !benignEffectful
- | "clientOnly" => clientOnly := ffiS () :: !clientOnly
- | "serverOnly" => serverOnly := ffiS () :: !serverOnly
- | "jsFunc" => jsFuncs := ffiM () :: !jsFuncs
- | "rewrite" =>
- let
- fun doit (pkind, from, to, hyph) =
- let
- val pkind = parsePkind pkind
- val (kind, from) = parseFrom from
- in
- rewrites := {pkind = pkind, kind = kind, from = from, to = to, hyphenate = hyph} :: !rewrites
- end
- in
- case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
- [pkind, from, to, "[-]"] => doit (pkind, from, to, true)
- | [pkind, from, "[-]"] => doit (pkind, from, "", true)
- | [pkind, from, to] => doit (pkind, from, to, false)
- | [pkind, from] => doit (pkind, from, "", false)
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'rewrite' syntax"
- end
- | "allow" =>
- (case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
- [fkind, pattern] =>
- let
- val fkind = parseFkind fkind
- val (kind, pattern) = parsePattern pattern
- in
- fkind := {action = Settings.Allow, kind = kind, pattern = pattern} :: !fkind
- end
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'allow' syntax")
- | "deny" =>
- (case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
- [fkind, pattern] =>
+ fun libify' path =
+ (if Posix.FileSys.access (relify path ^ ".urp", []) then
+ path
+ else
+ path ^ "/lib")
+ handle SysErr => path
+ val absDir = OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = dir, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir ()}
+ fun relifyA fname =
+ OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = pathify fname, relativeTo = absDir}
+ fun readSources acc =
+ case inputCommentableLine inf of
+ Content line =>
+ let
+ val acc = if CharVector.all Char.isSpace line then
+ acc
+ else
+ let
+ val fname = String.implode (List.filter (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x))
+ (String.explode line))
+ val fname = relifyA fname
+ in
+ fname :: acc
+ end
+ in
+ readSources acc
+ end
+ | OnlyComment => readSources acc
+ | EndOfFile => rev acc
+ val prefix = ref (case Settings.getUrlPrefixFull () of "/" => NONE | s => SOME s)
+ val database = ref (Settings.getDbstring ())
+ val exe = ref (Settings.getExe ())
+ val sql = ref (Settings.getSql ())
+ val debug = ref (Settings.getDebug ())
+ val profile = ref false
+ val timeout = ref NONE
+ val ffi = ref []
+ val link = ref []
+ val linker = ref NONE
+ val headers = ref []
+ val scripts = ref []
+ val clientToServer = ref []
+ val effectful = ref []
+ val benignEffectful = ref []
+ val clientOnly = ref []
+ val serverOnly = ref []
+ val jsFuncs = ref []
+ val rewrites = ref []
+ val url = ref []
+ val mime = ref []
+ val request = ref []
+ val response = ref []
+ val libs = ref []
+ val protocol = ref NONE
+ val dbms = ref NONE
+ val sigFile = ref (Settings.getSigFile ())
+ val safeGets = ref []
+ val onError = ref NONE
+ val minHeap = ref 0
+ fun finish sources =
+ let
+ val job = {
+ prefix = Option.getOpt (!prefix, "/"),
+ database = !database,
+ exe = Option.getOpt (!exe, OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = OS.Path.base filename,
+ ext = SOME "exe"}),
+ sql = !sql,
+ debug = !debug,
+ profile = !profile,
+ timeout = Option.getOpt (!timeout, 60),
+ ffi = rev (!ffi),
+ link = rev (!link),
+ linker = !linker,
+ headers = rev (!headers),
+ scripts = rev (!scripts),
+ clientToServer = rev (!clientToServer),
+ effectful = rev (!effectful),
+ benignEffectful = rev (!benignEffectful),
+ clientOnly = rev (!clientOnly),
+ serverOnly = rev (!serverOnly),
+ jsFuncs = rev (!jsFuncs),
+ rewrites = rev (!rewrites),
+ filterUrl = rev (!url),
+ filterMime = rev (!mime),
+ filterRequest = rev (!request),
+ filterResponse = rev (!response),
+ sources = sources,
+ protocol = !protocol,
+ dbms = !dbms,
+ sigFile = !sigFile,
+ safeGets = rev (!safeGets),
+ onError = !onError,
+ minHeap = !minHeap
+ }
+ fun mergeO f (old, new) =
+ case (old, new) of
+ (NONE, _) => new
+ | (_, NONE) => old
+ | (SOME v1, SOME v2) => SOME (f (v1, v2))
+ fun same desc = mergeO (fn (x : string, y) =>
+ (if x = y then
+ ()
+ else
+ ErrorMsg.error ("Multiple "
+ ^ desc ^ " values that don't agree");
+ x))
+ fun merge (old : job, new : job) = {
+ prefix = case #prefix old of
+ "/" => #prefix new
+ | pold => case #prefix new of
+ "/" => pold
+ | pnew => (if pold = pnew then
+ ()
+ else
+ ErrorMsg.error ("Multiple prefix values that don't agree: "
+ ^ pold ^ ", " ^ pnew);
+ pold),
+ database = mergeO (fn (old, _) => old) (#database old, #database new),
+ exe = #exe old,
+ sql = #sql old,
+ debug = #debug old orelse #debug new,
+ profile = #profile old orelse #profile new,
+ timeout = #timeout old,
+ ffi = #ffi old @ #ffi new,
+ link = #link old @ #link new,
+ linker = mergeO (fn (_, new) => new) (#linker old, #linker new),
+ headers = #headers old @ #headers new,
+ scripts = #scripts old @ #scripts new,
+ clientToServer = #clientToServer old @ #clientToServer new,
+ effectful = #effectful old @ #effectful new,
+ benignEffectful = #benignEffectful old @ #benignEffectful new,
+ clientOnly = #clientOnly old @ #clientOnly new,
+ serverOnly = #serverOnly old @ #serverOnly new,
+ jsFuncs = #jsFuncs old @ #jsFuncs new,
+ rewrites = #rewrites old @ #rewrites new,
+ filterUrl = #filterUrl old @ #filterUrl new,
+ filterMime = #filterMime old @ #filterMime new,
+ filterRequest = #filterRequest old @ #filterRequest new,
+ filterResponse = #filterResponse old @ #filterResponse new,
+ sources = #sources new
+ @ List.filter (fn s => List.all (fn s' => s' <> s) (#sources new))
+ (#sources old),
+ protocol = mergeO #2 (#protocol old, #protocol new),
+ dbms = mergeO #2 (#dbms old, #dbms new),
+ sigFile = mergeO #2 (#sigFile old, #sigFile new),
+ safeGets = #safeGets old @ #safeGets new,
+ onError = mergeO #2 (#onError old, #onError new),
+ minHeap = Int.max (#minHeap old, #minHeap new)
+ }
+ in
+ if accLibs then
+ foldr (fn (job', job) => merge (job, job')) job (!libs)
+ else
+ job
+ end
+ fun parsePkind s =
+ case s of
+ "all" => Settings.Any
+ | "url" => Settings.Url
+ | "table" => Settings.Table
+ | "sequence" => Settings.Sequence
+ | "view" => Settings.View
+ | "relation" => Settings.Relation
+ | "cookie" => Settings.Cookie
+ | "style" => Settings.Style
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error "Bad path kind spec";
+ Settings.Any)
+ fun parseFrom s =
+ if size s > 1 andalso String.sub (s, size s - 2) = #"/" andalso String.sub (s, size s - 1) = #"*" then
+ (Settings.Prefix, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1))
+ else
+ (Settings.Exact, s)
+ fun parseFkind s =
+ case s of
+ "url" => url
+ | "mime" => mime
+ | "requestHeader" => request
+ | "responseHeader" => response
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error "Bad filter kind";
+ url)
+ fun parsePattern s =
+ if size s > 0 andalso String.sub (s, size s - 1) = #"*" then
+ (Settings.Prefix, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1))
+ else
+ (Settings.Exact, s)
+ fun read () =
+ case inputCommentableLine inf of
+ EndOfFile => finish []
+ | OnlyComment => read ()
+ | Content "" => finish (readSources [])
+ | Content line =>
+ let
+ val (cmd, arg) = Substring.splitl (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x)) (Substring.full line)
+ val cmd = Substring.string (trim cmd)
+ val arg = Substring.string (trim arg)
+ fun ffiS () =
+ case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") arg of
+ [m, x] => (m, x)
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func");
+ ("", ""))
+ fun ffiM () =
+ case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"=") arg of
+ [f, s] =>
- val fkind = parseFkind fkind
- val (kind, pattern) = parsePattern pattern
+ val f = trimS f
+ val s = trimS s
- fkind := {action = Settings.Deny, kind = kind, pattern = pattern} :: !fkind
+ case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") f of
+ [m, x] => ((m, x), s)
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func=func'");
+ (("", ""), ""))
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'deny' syntax")
- | "library" => if accLibs then
- libs := pu (libify (relify arg)) :: !libs
- else
- bigLibs := libify' arg :: !bigLibs
- | "path" =>
- (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"=") arg of
- [n, v] => ((pathmap := M.insert (!pathmap, n, OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = v, relativeTo = dir}))
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.error (cmd ^ " argument not of the form Module.func=func'");
+ (("", ""), ""))
+ in
+ case cmd of
+ "prefix" => prefix := SOME arg
+ | "database" =>
+ (case !database of
+ NONE => database := SOME arg
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | "dbms" =>
+ (case !dbms of
+ NONE => dbms := SOME arg
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | "sigfile" =>
+ (case !sigFile of
+ NONE => sigFile := SOME arg
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | "exe" =>
+ (case !exe of
+ NONE => exe := SOME (relify arg)
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | "sql" =>
+ (case !sql of
+ NONE => sql := SOME (relify arg)
+ | SOME _ => ())
+ | "debug" => debug := true
+ | "profile" => profile := true
+ | "timeout" =>
+ (case !timeout of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'timeout' directive";
+ timeout := SOME (valOf (Int.fromString arg)))
+ | "ffi" => ffi := relify arg :: !ffi
+ | "link" => let
+ val arg = if size arg >= 1
+ andalso String.sub (arg, 0) = #"-" then
+ arg
+ else
+ relifyA arg
+ in
+ link := arg :: !link
+ end
+ | "linker" => linker := SOME arg
+ | "include" => headers := relifyA arg :: !headers
+ | "script" => scripts := arg :: !scripts
+ | "clientToServer" => clientToServer := ffiS () :: !clientToServer
+ | "safeGet" => safeGets := arg :: !safeGets
+ | "effectful" => effectful := ffiS () :: !effectful
+ | "benignEffectful" => benignEffectful := ffiS () :: !benignEffectful
+ | "clientOnly" => clientOnly := ffiS () :: !clientOnly
+ | "serverOnly" => serverOnly := ffiS () :: !serverOnly
+ | "jsFunc" => jsFuncs := ffiM () :: !jsFuncs
+ | "rewrite" =>
+ let
+ fun doit (pkind, from, to, hyph) =
+ let
+ val pkind = parsePkind pkind
+ val (kind, from) = parseFrom from
+ in
+ rewrites := {pkind = pkind, kind = kind, from = from, to = to, hyphenate = hyph} :: !rewrites
+ end
+ in
+ case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
+ [pkind, from, to, "[-]"] => doit (pkind, from, to, true)
+ | [pkind, from, "[-]"] => doit (pkind, from, "", true)
+ | [pkind, from, to] => doit (pkind, from, to, false)
+ | [pkind, from] => doit (pkind, from, "", false)
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'rewrite' syntax"
+ end
+ | "allow" =>
+ (case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
+ [fkind, pattern] =>
+ let
+ val fkind = parseFkind fkind
+ val (kind, pattern) = parsePattern pattern
+ in
+ fkind := {action = Settings.Allow, kind = kind, pattern = pattern} :: !fkind
+ end
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'allow' syntax")
+ | "deny" =>
+ (case String.tokens Char.isSpace arg of
+ [fkind, pattern] =>
+ let
+ val fkind = parseFkind fkind
+ val (kind, pattern) = parsePattern pattern
+ in
+ fkind := {action = Settings.Deny, kind = kind, pattern = pattern} :: !fkind
+ end
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "Bad 'deny' syntax")
+ | "library" => if accLibs then
+ libs := pu (libify (relify arg)) :: !libs
+ else
+ bigLibs := libify' arg :: !bigLibs
+ | "path" =>
+ (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"=") arg of
+ [n, v] => ((pathmap := M.insert (!pathmap, n, OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = v, relativeTo = dir}))
handle OS.Path.Path => ErrorMsg.error "Invalid 'path' directory argument")
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "path argument not of the form name=value'")
- | "onError" =>
- (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") arg of
- m1 :: (fs as _ :: _) =>
- onError := SOME (m1, List.take (fs, length fs - 1), List.last fs)
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "invalid 'onError' argument")
- | "limit" =>
- (case String.fields Char.isSpace arg of
- [class, num] =>
- (case Int.fromString num of
- NONE => ErrorMsg.error ("invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'")
- | SOME n =>
- if n < 0 then
- ErrorMsg.error ("invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'")
- else
- Settings.addLimit (class, n))
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error "invalid 'limit' arguments")
- | "minHeap" =>
- (case Int.fromString arg of
- NONE => ErrorMsg.error ("invalid min heap '" ^ arg ^ "'")
- | SOME n => minHeap := n)
- | "alwaysInline" => Settings.addAlwaysInline arg
- | "noXsrfProtection" => Settings.addNoXsrfProtection arg
- | "timeFormat" => Settings.setTimeFormat arg
- | _ => ErrorMsg.error ("Unrecognized command '" ^ cmd ^ "'");
- read ()
- end
- val job = if hasBlankLine then
- read ()
- else
- finish (readSources [])
- in
- TextIO.closeIn inf;
- institutionalizeJob job;
- job
- end
- in
- {Job = pu fname, Libs = !bigLibs}
- end
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "path argument not of the form name=value'")
+ | "onError" =>
+ (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") arg of
+ m1 :: (fs as _ :: _) =>
+ onError := SOME (m1, List.take (fs, length fs - 1), List.last fs)
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "invalid 'onError' argument")
+ | "limit" =>
+ (case String.fields Char.isSpace arg of
+ [class, num] =>
+ (case Int.fromString num of
+ NONE => ErrorMsg.error ("invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'")
+ | SOME n =>
+ if n < 0 then
+ ErrorMsg.error ("invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'")
+ else
+ Settings.addLimit (class, n))
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error "invalid 'limit' arguments")
+ | "minHeap" =>
+ (case Int.fromString arg of
+ NONE => ErrorMsg.error ("invalid min heap '" ^ arg ^ "'")
+ | SOME n => minHeap := n)
+ | "alwaysInline" => Settings.addAlwaysInline arg
+ | "noXsrfProtection" => Settings.addNoXsrfProtection arg
+ | "timeFormat" => Settings.setTimeFormat arg
+ | _ => ErrorMsg.error ("Unrecognized command '" ^ cmd ^ "'");
+ read ()
+ end
+ val job = if hasBlankLine then
+ read ()
+ else
+ finish (readSources [])
+ in
+ TextIO.closeIn inf;
+ institutionalizeJob job;
+ job
+ end
+ in
+ {Job = pu fname, Libs = !bigLibs}
+ end)
fun p_job' {Job = j, Libs = _ : string list} = p_job j
diff --git a/tests/prefix.ur b/tests/prefix.ur
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22c5e3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/prefix.ur
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+fun main () : transaction page = return <xml/>
diff --git a/tests/prefix1.urp b/tests/prefix1.urp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9293f854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/prefix1.urp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+prefix /Prefix1
diff --git a/tests/prefix2.urp b/tests/prefix2.urp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fa7b5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/prefix2.urp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+prefix /Prefix2