diff options
6 files changed, 125 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/core.sml b/src/core.sml
index 07ab4641..78f0cce0 100644
--- a/src/core.sml
+++ b/src/core.sml
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ datatype exp' =
| ERecord of (con * exp * con) list
| EField of exp * con * { field : con, rest : con }
+ | EFold of kind
withtype exp = exp' located
diff --git a/src/core_print.sml b/src/core_print.sml
index 7242e720..b6e611f4 100644
--- a/src/core_print.sml
+++ b/src/core_print.sml
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ fun p_exp' par env (e, _) =
box [p_exp' true env e,
string ".",
p_con' true env c]
+ | EFold _ => string "fold"
and p_exp env = p_exp' false env
diff --git a/src/core_util.sml b/src/core_util.sml
index 66918863..8a174d9e 100644
--- a/src/core_util.sml
+++ b/src/core_util.sml
@@ -278,6 +278,10 @@ fun mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, exp = fe, bind} =
S.map2 (mfc ctx rest,
fn rest' =>
(EField (e', c', {field = field', rest = rest'}), loc)))))
+ | EFold k =>
+ S.map2 (mfk k,
+ fn k' =>
+ (EFold k', loc))
diff --git a/src/corify.sml b/src/corify.sml
index 893e0f2a..5dfd0db6 100644
--- a/src/corify.sml
+++ b/src/corify.sml
@@ -62,13 +62,19 @@ structure St : sig
val leave : t -> {outer : t, inner : t}
val ffi : string -> L'.con -> t
- val bindCore : t -> string -> int -> t * int
- val lookupCoreById : t -> int -> int option
- datatype core =
- Normal of int
- | Ffi of string * L'.con option
- val lookupCoreByName : t -> string -> core
+ datatype core_con =
+ CNormal of int
+ | CFfi of string
+ val bindCon : t -> string -> int -> t * int
+ val lookupConById : t -> int -> int option
+ val lookupConByName : t -> string -> core_con
+ datatype core_val =
+ ENormal of int
+ | EFfi of string * L'.con
+ val bindVal : t -> string -> int -> t * int
+ val lookupValById : t -> int -> int option
+ val lookupValByName : t -> string -> core_val
val bindStr : t -> string -> int -> t -> t
val lookupStrById : t -> int -> t
@@ -80,13 +86,16 @@ structure St : sig
end = struct
datatype flattening =
- FNormal of {core : int,
+ FNormal of {cons : int,
+ vals : int,
strs : flattening,
funs : (int * L.str)}
- | FFfi of string * L'.con
+ | FFfi of {mod : string,
+ vals : L'.con}
type t = {
- core : int,
+ cons : int,
+ vals : int,
strs : flattening,
funs : (int * L.str),
current : flattening,
@@ -94,30 +103,69 @@ type t = {
val empty = {
- core = IM.empty,
+ cons = IM.empty,
+ vals = IM.empty,
strs = IM.empty,
funs = IM.empty,
- current = FNormal { core = SM.empty, strs = SM.empty, funs = SM.empty },
+ current = FNormal { cons = SM.empty, vals = SM.empty, strs = SM.empty, funs = SM.empty },
nested = []
-datatype core =
- Normal of int
- | Ffi of string * L'.con option
+datatype core_con =
+ CNormal of int
+ | CFfi of string
+datatype core_val =
+ ENormal of int
+ | EFfi of string * L'.con
+fun bindCon {cons, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n =
+ let
+ val n' = alloc ()
+ val current =
+ case current of
+ FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi"
+ | FNormal {cons, vals, strs, funs} =>
+ FNormal {cons = SM.insert (cons, s, n'),
+ vals = vals,
+ strs = strs,
+ funs = funs}
+ in
+ ({cons = IM.insert (cons, n, n'),
+ vals = vals,
+ strs = strs,
+ funs = funs,
+ current = current,
+ nested = nested},
+ n')
+ end
+fun lookupConById ({cons, ...} : t) n = IM.find (cons, n)
+fun lookupConByName ({current, ...} : t) x =
+ case current of
+ FFfi {mod = m, ...} => CFfi m
+ | FNormal {cons, ...} =>
+ case SM.find (cons, x) of
+ NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupConByName"
+ | SOME n => CNormal n
-fun bindCore {core, strs, funs, current, nested} s n =
+fun bindVal {cons, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n =
val n' = alloc ()
val current =
case current of
FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi"
- | FNormal {core, strs, funs} =>
- FNormal {core = SM.insert (core, s, n'),
+ | FNormal {cons, vals, strs, funs} =>
+ FNormal {cons = cons,
+ vals = SM.insert (vals, s, n'),
strs = strs,
funs = funs}
- ({core = IM.insert (core, n, n'),
+ ({cons = cons,
+ vals = IM.insert (vals, n, n'),
strs = strs,
funs = funs,
current = current,
@@ -125,33 +173,40 @@ fun bindCore {core, strs, funs, current, nested} s n =
-fun lookupCoreById ({core, ...} : t) n = IM.find (core, n)
+fun lookupValById ({vals, ...} : t) n = IM.find (vals, n)
-fun lookupCoreByName ({current, ...} : t) x =
+fun lookupValByName ({current, ...} : t) x =
case current of
- FFfi (m, cmap) => Ffi (m, SM.find (cmap, x))
- | FNormal {core, ...} =>
- case SM.find (core, x) of
- NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupCoreByName"
- | SOME n => Normal n
-fun enter {core, strs, funs, current, nested} =
- {core = core,
+ FFfi {mod = m, vals, ...} =>
+ (case SM.find (vals, x) of
+ NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupValByName: no type for FFI val"
+ | SOME t => EFfi (m, t))
+ | FNormal {vals, ...} =>
+ case SM.find (vals, x) of
+ NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupValByName"
+ | SOME n => ENormal n
+fun enter {cons, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} =
+ {cons = cons,
+ vals = vals,
strs = strs,
funs = funs,
- current = FNormal {core = SM.empty,
+ current = FNormal {cons = SM.empty,
+ vals = SM.empty,
strs = SM.empty,
funs = SM.empty},
nested = current :: nested}
-fun dummy f = {core = IM.empty,
+fun dummy f = {cons = IM.empty,
+ vals = IM.empty,
strs = IM.empty,
funs = IM.empty,
current = f,
nested = []}
-fun leave {core, strs, funs, current, nested = m1 :: rest} =
- {outer = {core = core,
+fun leave {cons, vals, strs, funs, current, nested = m1 :: rest} =
+ {outer = {cons = cons,
+ vals = vals,
strs = strs,
funs = funs,
current = m1,
@@ -159,16 +214,19 @@ fun leave {core, strs, funs, current, nested = m1 :: rest} =
inner = dummy current}
| leave _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.leave"
-fun ffi m cmap = dummy (FFfi (m, cmap))
+fun ffi m vals = dummy (FFfi {mod = m, vals = vals})
-fun bindStr ({core, strs, funs, current = FNormal {core = mcore, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t)
+fun bindStr ({cons, vals, strs, funs,
+ current = FNormal {cons = mcons, vals = mvals, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t)
x n ({current = f, ...} : t) =
- {core = core,
+ {cons = cons,
+ vals = vals,
strs = IM.insert (strs, n, f),
funs = funs,
- current = FNormal {core = mcore,
- strs = SM.insert (mstrs, x, f),
- funs = mfuns},
+ current = FNormal {cons = mcons,
+ vals = mvals,
+ strs = SM.insert (mstrs, x, f),
+ funs = mfuns},
nested = nested}
| bindStr _ _ _ _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.bindStr"
@@ -183,12 +241,15 @@ fun lookupStrByName (m, {current = FNormal {strs, ...}, ...} : t) =
| SOME f => dummy f)
| lookupStrByName _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupStrByName"
-fun bindFunctor ({core, strs, funs, current = FNormal {core = mcore, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t)
+fun bindFunctor ({cons, vals, strs, funs,
+ current = FNormal {cons = mcons, vals = mvals, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t)
x n na str =
- {core = core,
+ {cons = cons,
+ vals = vals,
strs = strs,
funs = IM.insert (funs, n, (na, str)),
- current = FNormal {core = mcore,
+ current = FNormal {cons = mcons,
+ vals = mvals,
strs = mstrs,
funs = SM.insert (mfuns, x, (na, str))},
nested = nested}
@@ -223,7 +284,7 @@ fun corifyCon st (c, loc) =
| L.CRel n => (L'.CRel n, loc)
| L.CNamed n =>
- (case St.lookupCoreById st n of
+ (case St.lookupConById st n of
NONE => (L'.CNamed n, loc)
| SOME n => (L'.CNamed n, loc))
| L.CModProj (m, ms, x) =>
@@ -231,9 +292,9 @@ fun corifyCon st (c, loc) =
val st = St.lookupStrById st m
val st = foldl St.lookupStrByName st ms
- case St.lookupCoreByName st x of
- St.Normal n => (L'.CNamed n, loc)
- | St.Ffi (m, _) => (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)
+ case St.lookupConByName st x of
+ St.CNormal n => (L'.CNamed n, loc)
+ | St.CFfi m => (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)
| L.CApp (c1, c2) => (L'.CApp (corifyCon st c1, corifyCon st c2), loc)
@@ -251,7 +312,7 @@ fun corifyExp st (e, loc) =
L.EPrim p => (L'.EPrim p, loc)
| L.ERel n => (L'.ERel n, loc)
| L.ENamed n =>
- (case St.lookupCoreById st n of
+ (case St.lookupValById st n of
NONE => (L'.ENamed n, loc)
| SOME n => (L'.ENamed n, loc))
| L.EModProj (m, ms, x) =>
@@ -259,10 +320,9 @@ fun corifyExp st (e, loc) =
val st = St.lookupStrById st m
val st = foldl St.lookupStrByName st ms
- case St.lookupCoreByName st x of
- St.Normal n => (L'.ENamed n, loc)
- | St.Ffi (_, NONE) => raise Fail "corifyExp: Unknown type for FFI expression variable"
- | St.Ffi (m, SOME t) =>
+ case St.lookupValByName st x of
+ St.ENormal n => (L'.ENamed n, loc)
+ | St.EFfi (m, t) =>
case t of
(L'.TFun (dom as (L'.TRecord (L'.CRecord (_, []), _), _), ran), _) =>
(L'.EAbs ("arg", dom, ran, (L'.EFfiApp (m, x, []), loc)), loc)
@@ -299,19 +359,19 @@ fun corifyExp st (e, loc) =
| L.ERecord xes => (L'.ERecord (map (fn (c, e, t) => (corifyCon st c, corifyExp st e, corifyCon st t)) xes), loc)
| L.EField (e1, c, {field, rest}) => (L'.EField (corifyExp st e1, corifyCon st c,
{field = corifyCon st field, rest = corifyCon st rest}), loc)
- | L.EFold _ => raise Fail "Corify EFold"
+ | L.EFold k => (L'.EFold (corifyKind k), loc)
fun corifyDecl ((d, loc : EM.span), st) =
case d of
L.DCon (x, n, k, c) =>
- val (st, n) = St.bindCore st x n
+ val (st, n) = St.bindCon st x n
([(L'.DCon (x, n, corifyKind k, corifyCon st c), loc)], st)
| L.DVal (x, n, t, e) =>
- val (st, n) = St.bindCore st x n
+ val (st, n) = St.bindVal st x n
([(L'.DVal (x, n, corifyCon st t, corifyExp st e), loc)], st)
@@ -338,7 +398,7 @@ fun corifyDecl ((d, loc : EM.span), st) =
case sgi of
L.SgiConAbs (x, n, k) =>
- val (st, n') = St.bindCore st x n
+ val (st, n') = St.bindCon st x n
((L'.DCon (x, n', corifyKind k, (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)), loc) :: ds,
@@ -346,7 +406,7 @@ fun corifyDecl ((d, loc : EM.span), st) =
| L.SgiCon (x, n, k, _) =>
- val (st, n') = St.bindCore st x n
+ val (st, n') = St.bindCon st x n
((L'.DCon (x, n', corifyKind k, (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)), loc) :: ds,
diff --git a/src/monoize.sml b/src/monoize.sml
index f8a0d96e..16c128aa 100644
--- a/src/monoize.sml
+++ b/src/monoize.sml
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ fun monoExp env (all as (e, loc)) =
| L.ERecord xes => (L'.ERecord (map (fn (x, e, t) => (monoName env x, monoExp env e, monoType env t)) xes), loc)
| L.EField (e, x, _) => (L'.EField (monoExp env e, monoName env x), loc)
+ | L.EFold _ => poly ()
fun monoDecl env (all as (d, loc)) =
diff --git a/tests/efold.lac b/tests/efold.lac
index 6f4c768c..ff595ff1 100644
--- a/tests/efold.lac
+++ b/tests/efold.lac
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ val currier : rs :: {Type} -> Cfold.currier rs =
val greenCurry : Cfold.greenCurry = currier [Cfold.greenCurryIngredients]
val redCurry : Cfold.redCurry = currier [Cfold.redCurryIngredients]
val yellowCurry : Cfold.yellowCurry = currier [Cfold.yellowCurryIngredients]
+val main = yellowCurry