path: root/src
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authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2010-04-08 09:57:37 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2010-04-08 09:57:37 -0400
commited25721e17d6798aad7b7a0cea8e5393bb840a91 (patch)
treee9741860302158a80e4339062e77fd5c7b5cc6cb /src
parentdb36e74c12b26c94ef387d66dc61858f06daa2d8 (diff)
Change query_policy to sendClient; all arguments passed to SQL predicates are variables
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 149 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/src/iflow.sml b/src/iflow.sml
index 92181d87..e49700cf 100644
--- a/src/iflow.sml
+++ b/src/iflow.sml
@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ structure Cc :> sig
val assert : t * exp * exp -> t
val query : t * exp * exp -> bool
val allPeers : t * exp -> exp list
+ val p_t : t Print.printer
end = struct
fun eq (e1, e2) = eeq (simplify e1, simplify e2)
@@ -440,50 +441,102 @@ fun allPeers (t, e) =
end) t
-fun assert (t, e1, e2) =
- let
- val r1 = lookup (t, e1)
- val r2 = lookup (t, e2)
+open Print
- fun doUn k (t', e1, e2) =
- case e2 of
- Func (f, [e]) =>
+val p_t = p_list (fn (e1, e2) => box [p_exp (simplify e1),
+ space,
+ PD.string "->",
+ space,
+ p_exp (simplify e2)])
+fun query (t, e1, e2) =
+ let
+ fun doUn e =
+ case e of
+ Func (f, [e1]) =>
if String.isPrefix "un" f then
- val f' = String.extract (f, 2, NONE)
+ val s = String.extract (f, 2, NONE)
- foldl (fn (e', t') =>
- case e' of
- Func (f'', [e'']) =>
- if f'' = f' then
- (lookup (t', e1), k e'') :: t'
- else
- t'
- | _ => t') t' (allPeers (t, e))
+ case (fn e =>
+ case e of
+ Func (f', [e']) =>
+ if f' = s then
+ SOME e'
+ else
+ | _ => NONE) (allPeers (t, e1)) of
+ NONE => e
+ | SOME e => doUn e
- t'
- | Proj (e2, f) => doUn (fn e' => k (Proj (e', f))) (t', e1, e2)
- | _ => t'
+ e
+ | _ => e
+ val e1' = doUn (lookup (t, doUn (simplify e1)))
+ val e2' = doUn (lookup (t, doUn (simplify e2)))
+ in
+ (*prefaces "CC query" [("e1", p_exp (simplify e1)),
+ ("e2", p_exp (simplify e2)),
+ ("e1'", p_exp (simplify e1')),
+ ("e2'", p_exp (simplify e2')),
+ ("t", p_t t)];*)
+ eq (e1', e2')
+ end
+fun assert (t, e1, e2) =
+ let
+ val r1 = lookup (t, e1)
+ val r2 = lookup (t, e2)
if eq (r1, r2) then
- doUn (fn x => x) (doUn (fn x => x) ((r1, r2) :: t, e1, e2), e2, e1)
+ let
+ fun doUn (t, e1, e2) =
+ case e1 of
+ Func (f, [e]) => if String.isPrefix "un" f then
+ let
+ val s = String.extract (f, 2, NONE)
+ in
+ foldl (fn (e', t) =>
+ case e' of
+ Func (f', [e']) =>
+ if f' = s then
+ assert (assert (t, e', e1), e', e2)
+ else
+ t
+ | _ => t) t (allPeers (t, e))
+ end
+ else
+ t
+ | _ => t
+ fun doProj (t, e1, e2) =
+ foldl (fn ((e1', e2'), t) =>
+ let
+ fun doOne (e, t) =
+ case e of
+ Proj (e', f) =>
+ if query (t, e1, e') then
+ assert (t, e, Proj (e2, f))
+ else
+ t
+ | _ => t
+ in
+ doOne (e1', doOne (e2', t))
+ end) t t
+ val t = (r1, r2) :: t
+ val t = doUn (t, r1, r2)
+ val t = doUn (t, r2, r1)
+ val t = doProj (t, r1, r2)
+ val t = doProj (t, r2, r1)
+ in
+ t
+ end
-open Print
-fun query (t, e1, e2) =
- ((*prefaces "CC query" [("e1", p_exp (simplify e1)),
- ("e2", p_exp (simplify e2)),
- ("t", p_list (fn (e1, e2) => box [p_exp (simplify e1),
- space,
- PD.string "->",
- space,
- p_exp (simplify e2)]) t)];*)
- eq (lookup (t, e1), lookup (t, e2)))
fun rimp cc ((r1, es1), (r2, es2)) =
@@ -491,19 +544,7 @@ fun rimp cc ((r1, es1), (r2, es2)) =
(Sql r1', Sql r2') =>
r1' = r2' andalso
(case (es1, es2) of
- ([Recd xes1], [Recd xes2]) =>
- let
- val saved = save ()
- in
- if List.all (fn (f, e2) =>
- case (fn (f', e1) => if f' = f then SOME e1 else NONE) xes1 of
- NONE => true
- | SOME e1 => eq (e1, e2)) xes2 then
- true
- else
- (restore saved;
- false)
- end
+ ([e1], [e2]) => eq (e1, e2)
| _ => false)
| (Eq, Eq) =>
(case (es1, es2) of
@@ -533,6 +574,9 @@ fun rimp cc ((r1, es1), (r2, es2)) =
| Func (f, [e]) => String.isPrefix "un" f andalso matches e
| _ => false
+ (*Print.prefaces "Checking peers" [("e2", p_exp e2),
+ ("peers", Print.p_list p_exp (Cc.allPeers (cc, e2))),
+ ("db", Cc.p_t cc)];*)
List.exists matches (Cc.allPeers (cc, e2))
| _ => false)
@@ -562,7 +606,8 @@ fun imply (p1, p2) =
fun hps hyps =
case hyps of
- [] => ((*Print.preface ("Fail", p_prop (Reln g));*)
+ [] => ((*Print.prefaces "Fail" [("g", p_prop (Reln g)),
+ ("db", Cc.p_t cc)];*)
onFail ())
| ACond _ :: hyps => hps hyps
| AReln h :: hyps =>
@@ -925,13 +970,27 @@ datatype queryMode =
SomeCol of exp
| AllCols of exp
-fun queryProp env rv oe e =
+fun queryProp env rvN rv oe e =
case parse query e of
NONE => (print ("Warning: Information flow checker can't parse SQL query at "
^ ErrorMsg.spanToString (#2 e) ^ "\n");
- (Unknown, []))
+ (rvN, Var 0, Unknown, []))
| SOME r =>
+ val (rvN, count) = rv rvN
+ val (rvs, rvN) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((_, v), rvN) =>
+ let
+ val (rvN, e) = rv rvN
+ in
+ ((v, e), rvN)
+ end) rvN (#From r)
+ fun rvOf v =
+ case List.find (fn (v', _) => v' = v) rvs of
+ NONE => raise Fail "Iflow.queryProp: Bad table variable"
+ | SOME (_, e) => e
fun usedFields e =
case e of
SqConst _ => []
@@ -942,26 +1001,13 @@ fun queryProp env rv oe e =
| SqFunc (_, e) => usedFields e
| Count => []
- val allUsed = removeDups (List.mapPartial (fn SqField x => SOME x | _ => NONE) (#Select r)
- @ (case #Where r of
- NONE => []
- | SOME e => usedFields e))
val p =
- foldl (fn ((t, v), p) =>
- And (p,
- Reln (Sql t,
- [Recd (foldl (fn ((v', f), fs) =>
- if v' = v then
- (f, Proj (Proj (rv, v), f)) :: fs
- else
- fs) [] allUsed)])))
- True (#From r)
+ foldl (fn ((t, v), p) => And (p, Reln (Sql t, [rvOf v]))) True (#From r)
fun expIn e =
case e of
SqConst p => inl (Const p)
- | Field (v, f) => inl (Proj (Proj (rv, v), f))
+ | Field (v, f) => inl (Proj (rvOf v, f))
| Binop (bo, e1, e2) =>
inr (case (bo, expIn e1, expIn e2) of
(Exps f, inl e1, inl e2) => f (e1, e2)
@@ -985,7 +1031,7 @@ fun queryProp env rv oe e =
inl (case expIn e of
inl e => Func (f, [e])
| _ => raise Fail ("Iflow: non-expresion passed to function " ^ f))
- | Count => inl (Proj (rv, "$COUNT"))
+ | Count => inl count
val p = case #Where r of
NONE => p
@@ -994,12 +1040,14 @@ fun queryProp env rv oe e =
inr p' => And (p, p')
| _ => p
- (And (p, case oe of
+ (rvN,
+ count,
+ And (p, case oe of
SomeCol oe =>
foldl (fn (si, p) =>
val p' = case si of
- SqField (v, f) => Reln (Eq, [oe, Proj (Proj (rv, v), f)])
+ SqField (v, f) => Reln (Eq, [oe, Proj (rvOf v, f)])
| SqExp (e, f) =>
case expIn e of
inr _ => Unknown
@@ -1013,7 +1061,7 @@ fun queryProp env rv oe e =
val p' = case si of
SqField (v, f) => Reln (Eq, [Proj (Proj (oe, v), f),
- Proj (Proj (rv, v), f)])
+ Proj (rvOf v, f)])
| SqExp (e, f) =>
case expIn e of
inr p => Cond (Proj (oe, f), p)
@@ -1025,7 +1073,7 @@ fun queryProp env rv oe e =
case #Where r of
NONE => []
- | SOME e => map (fn (v, f) => Proj (Proj (rv, v), f)) (usedFields e))
+ | SOME e => map (fn (v, f) => Proj (rvOf v, f)) (usedFields e))
fun evalPat env e (pt, _) =
@@ -1118,7 +1166,7 @@ fun evalExp env (e as (_, loc), st as (nv, p, sent)) =
val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (evalExp env) st es
- (Func ("unit", []), (#1 st, p, foldl (fn (e, sent) => addSent (#2 st, e, sent)) sent es))
+ (Recd [], (#1 st, p, foldl (fn (e, sent) => addSent (#2 st, e, sent)) sent es))
else if Settings.isEffectful (m, s) andalso not (Settings.isBenignEffectful (m, s)) then
default ()
@@ -1213,7 +1261,7 @@ fun evalExp env (e as (_, loc), st as (nv, p, sent)) =
val (e, st) = evalExp env (e, st)
- (Func ("unit", []), (#1 st, p, addSent (#2 st, e, sent)))
+ (Recd [], (#1 st, p, addSent (#2 st, e, sent)))
| ESeq (e1, e2) =>
@@ -1240,13 +1288,15 @@ fun evalExp env (e as (_, loc), st as (nv, p, sent)) =
val (i, st) = evalExp env (i, st)
val r = #1 st
- val rv = #1 st + 1
- val acc = #1 st + 2
- val st' = (#1 st + 3, #2 st, #3 st)
+ val acc = #1 st + 1
+ val st' = (#1 st + 2, #2 st, #3 st)
val (b, st') = evalExp (Var acc :: Var r :: env) (b, st')
- val (qp, used) = queryProp env (Var rv) (AllCols (Var r)) q
+ val (rvN, count, qp, used) =
+ queryProp env
+ (#1 st') (fn rvN => (rvN + 1, Var rvN))
+ (AllCols (Var r)) q
val p' = And (qp, #2 st')
@@ -1254,11 +1304,11 @@ fun evalExp env (e as (_, loc), st as (nv, p, sent)) =
(#1 st + 1, #2 st, Var r)
- val out = #1 st'
+ val out = rvN
val p = Or (Reln (Eq, [Var out, i]),
And (Reln (Eq, [Var out, b]),
- And (Reln (Gt, [Proj (Var rv, "$COUNT"),
+ And (Reln (Gt, [count,
Const (Prim.Int 0)]),
@@ -1323,8 +1373,9 @@ fun check file =
(sent @ vals, pols)
- | DPolicy (PolQuery e) => (vals, #1 (queryProp [] (Lvar 0) (SomeCol (Var 0)) e) :: pols)
+ | DPolicy (PolClient e) => (vals, #3 (queryProp [] 0 (fn rvN => (rvN + 1, Lvar rvN))
+ (SomeCol (Var 0)) e) :: pols)
| _ => (vals, pols)
val () = reset ()
diff --git a/src/mono.sml b/src/mono.sml
index 33ab5bd4..f8f57ae7 100644
--- a/src/mono.sml
+++ b/src/mono.sml
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ datatype exp' =
withtype exp = exp' located
-datatype policy = PolQuery of exp
+datatype policy = PolClient of exp
datatype decl' =
DDatatype of (string * int * (string * int * typ option) list) list
diff --git a/src/mono_print.sml b/src/mono_print.sml
index 50c4717a..76a89cc7 100644
--- a/src/mono_print.sml
+++ b/src/mono_print.sml
@@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ fun p_datatype env (x, n, cons) =
fun p_policy env pol =
case pol of
- PolQuery e => box [string "query",
- space,
- p_exp env e]
+ PolClient e => box [string "sendClient",
+ space,
+ p_exp env e]
fun p_decl env (dAll as (d, _) : decl) =
case d of
diff --git a/src/mono_reduce.sml b/src/mono_reduce.sml
index e5dd3213..bb23a21a 100644
--- a/src/mono_reduce.sml
+++ b/src/mono_reduce.sml
@@ -423,18 +423,21 @@ fun reduce file =
| ERecord xets => List.concat (map (summarize d o #2) xets)
| EField (e, _) => summarize d e
- | ECase (e, pes, _) => summarize d e @ [Unsure]
- (*let
+ | ECase (e, pes, _) =>
+ let
val lss = map (fn (p, e) => summarize (d + patBinds p) e) pes
case lss of
[] => raise Fail "Empty pattern match"
| ls :: lss =>
- if List.all (fn ls' => ls' = ls) lss then
- summarize d e @ ls
- else
- [Unsure]
- end*)
+ summarize d e
+ @ (if List.all (fn ls' => ls' = ls) lss then
+ ls
+ else if length (List.filter (not o List.null) (ls :: lss)) <= 1 then
+ valOf (List.find (not o List.null) (ls :: lss))
+ else
+ [Unsure])
+ end
| EStrcat (e1, e2) => summarize d e1 @ summarize d e2
| EError (e, _) => summarize d e @ [Unsure]
diff --git a/src/mono_shake.sml b/src/mono_shake.sml
index 358b31d2..3a681302 100644
--- a/src/mono_shake.sml
+++ b/src/mono_shake.sml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ fun shake file =
| ((DPolicy pol, _), st) =>
val e1 = case pol of
- PolQuery e1 => e1
+ PolClient e1 => e1
usedVars st e1
diff --git a/src/mono_util.sml b/src/mono_util.sml
index 094f216b..a7f27fd8 100644
--- a/src/mono_util.sml
+++ b/src/mono_util.sml
@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ fun mapfoldB {typ = fc, exp = fe, decl = fd, bind} =
and mfpol ctx pol =
case pol of
- PolQuery e =>
+ PolClient e =>
S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
- PolQuery)
+ PolClient)
and mfvi ctx (x, n, t, e, s) =
S.bind2 (mft t,
diff --git a/src/monoize.sml b/src/monoize.sml
index 073c26de..a4e6a37c 100644
--- a/src/monoize.sml
+++ b/src/monoize.sml
@@ -3744,9 +3744,9 @@ fun monoDecl (env, fm) (all as (d, loc)) =
val (e, make) =
case #1 e of
- L.EApp ((L.ECApp ((L.ECApp ((L.EFfi ("Basis", "query_policy"), _), _), _), _), _), e) =>
- (e, L'.PolQuery)
- | _ => (poly (); (e, L'.PolQuery))
+ L.EApp ((L.ECApp ((L.ECApp ((L.EFfi ("Basis", "sendClient"), _), _), _), _), _), e) =>
+ (e, L'.PolClient)
+ | _ => (poly (); (e, L'.PolClient))
val (e, fm) = monoExp (env, St.empty, fm) e